Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1963, p. 1

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Roberts Would Ease Bingo Law Iluula Ml Hm Unllnl mm haw hlml Mr llu lint lvm nu mu an mmmnl la cum nun mum mmnaull nml wan vet MI ml who mvmnry milk ml min ml And ll Infnmmllll Inld Iln Ilmu mm mm In Illmllllfll noon In rnrml Ammhlyl upo rlnl palm mmmlllu In lhl hum dudmllnn mm mm lullnn umnmml by all Imm qu nl Iln nmmulm ml llvo purelul um at mm apart UNITY NATIONE lMI nw Unllrd Mum ml Hun NH Unlml hlrr nnrlwd nlIvrr nmcmrnlm lunl pm ruvlu lo mum uplmnllan nnlrr mm dlulumnlln wurm naner 11mm nlnhl 11m lluuunmh llnrd he wn lnlnml to ghc ruunlnn wal cmua lo 11 pallllml prlonm Mm arrlvrd hm nllrr being lurd mm In Illnnd prllon ol Inuh Condom llmy wunlrrulrd lnr Ihrlr mm In an nllrmplul cuuv hy pnrnl mptrl In Novrmhrr SAIGON 54m VM Nnm mumA crowd DI herring Iloummll ruled In many ol rc lmrd pullllcnl whomn Iodny nmld 1mm lhnl vnrllu lup rrxml umlrr nawfvmltd mml hmlrr lhr nowmm Inn rrghnn wlll by revth TORONTO ICI Premier Hobart and Allomcy Gcmrnl Can nuld Thursday that puhllc oplnlon In Cnnndnwould lup pun Ihe can of Ihc lottery Icclfun lhe Crlmlnnl Code guvrrulng hinge rnmnl Ind drum Thvy laid nl prru enum rnce Um than Inwn nn loner are nlluncd lo the ccllnu mm Cnnudlnnu Even Io lhe Allhnugh HI prcllmlnnry hearing was Intended clarity lhn cammlxslonl terms ref conxldcrable wnlra Intense public nlcmt wal mnnilested as 45 witnesses with wldo vnrlrly backuround gnu lhelr View at Ihe cam mlulona first hearing which lllltd 13 hours wllh lme out or meals OTTAWA CP The royal commisslon on hllingunllam and blcullurallsm opened or busi Ms Thursday nmld lndicallom Um will evolve Into ll great puhllc debate on the mum ol Canfcdernllon so US Russia ReachAccord Viet Nam Govt Frees Prisoners Carole Joan Crawford 01 Jamalcn beam bright smile after being crowned Mlu Wurld In London has night Royal Hearing Opens Public Shows Interest 99 Your Na 26 Far Examiner Want Ad Tile phane PA 32414 The telephone number to call for Ike Eullneu or Editorial Dept Mum MISS WORLD TITLE GOES TO MISS JAMAICA Our Telephones 0m In ul d1 Mlflllllof In Ilmllm It mu dlunmmml mlnmu Ilmml In ch bola Illa mull Am min wilt Ital commlim Armlflum In United anlonl paw lwlnl muhlmy oi lhe Iuv Iuhkdl In um mm mm er UN Imllmu Cm ldlll Inmml for moluHon re quullnl Inlmmod nunflnlhm rim mum and mm In dlmmnmrnt Ill pied l1 VI II mum AMIIII or Iplco drnu Unurd 5ch Ind lhc so nlml nod urllrr In my VPHIII In ll nu ol oulrr mm or wnlhn observation nnjl mmmnnluuum and hi bmther Nn Dlnh Nhu died 11 revolullounry overn mcul culled Ihelr dcallu ncdo dcnlnl Iulclde Dul prlvnll mm nld Ihry WHO mnuln AM The lurmarprllunlrl found In nod henllh TMr rndrr Dr Im unnI Dun rllhlAwlna mllnnlu Ind ma Ike Vch Nam Dcmocrnllc parly In month mould In nllowrd hrhm rlccllnm wm hold hm Ind hill wtrkl mccullul Nu wlxlclgPrclldcnt Nu Dlnh lem allnrney genernll department ll obllied la aka Ictlon regard In any complaint at bunch he Iollery 1le ML Cm said It wu no the valley of department lo lake ndlon unlm camplnlnl WM mudc lhe mnlltr ll drawn In our nucnllan by flu local polka or my clllzen we mull enfnm helln he uld Cnmmmlon olflclalo had cx yeclnd to hear 20 In so make men nunday hearing HIJIEZ APPROACHEI Thuridny Iubmlnlanl zen ernlly all Into three dillertnl lwmnchu ha luuu under hyllflifl The IOmEmbLr communion wm Illlinz all day today to hear analhu group at about 40 wil nesm from am Canada vmy developed nver Iuh sub mu lnnzuage culture ro lzlan education and national The ma halder wu named over JD other Ir mm all pam the world Hauleyed Carole II 20 year old men Eiflllhlpenklng cflucallan nu talcum 1ollawlqg whlclv an marrmammrr Ircl 1r crnlon opted In part Dunk run Mind lhe Sunn dlnn uuvcmmrnl nml Iho Nur rll cammlulnn rtporl whlch WASHINGTON ICP Wnl er Rnulhor Mud of flu Unlled Auw Inld Thurday nrold Dank hould have been moved from afllco hend the Cnnadlnn Senlnrm lntnmnllonnl Unlan lhrouzh he rhlcnl prncllcu code Ihe Amcrimn Ftdflfl Mon 01 Laboerongreu lump lrlgl Qrgnnlxnllnm Run vcepmldcnl lhn AFIrCIO mm prm con lmnu lhnl AFLCIO lmldrnl Gtorflc Manny had not com Illlm at the wllcy llm Franckspanking wilncxm Argued llml nhllannl unlly wlll ht endanlcmd unlcn lhe gov emmenl and EngllllIspenklnz anndlnnlld rccognlzc that Can an bo an wmummcr lhlp ol lwn nfmmllh lit and Frcnch ln cullurrl Thw agreed that lhe same language prlvllcgu Ihauld not be ex lendml In other group Alncc Ihll would crcnln Tower ol Babel Ioclcly Spokumcn lnr Indlans and Cnnadlam of Ukmlnlan Palllh and Slovak origins cxprcmd lean mm In biculurnl Ilnle wnuld dcprlvn them of certain language and education rixhll nnd Iurn them into lecondclnu clllzcm FOUR BARBIE IUDO CLUB MEMBIEBS GET BROWN BELT 1911 row mrmbm ol Ilmln ulu clm lull mm 11 cdvdinv lhl chlln tantrum Ml Ml ut bén vmw letl cum rurlnvl hroln mu we mm mm mmm dm In dlndur Mn Ind Inkyflu Um lmmn It whqu and Ma uli an to pmculd IMAM All at litmug lull and rcprencnlullvu mo Hamil nrgnnimllons favored more cxlemlve use French In Iehuols and Ihe federal elvil service But they llressed that publlc evlnlon nuulde Quebec will have to he lrnnslarmed be fore weh refnrml can be lnlro duced ellecflvely US Union Leader Says 5111 Should Have Deposed Banks lure and at ml Inches wnl he shorten girl In Ihe comm Carole also won lha $7500 pme money neuthn mnlnlnlncd Um llnnh vlalnw the min and hnd ha been up nnlde nr re moval mm olllcv lhrn mo lrdunllon and Inn Cnnmflnn In lm mnvemnnl could lmva ul lrd llwlr dlflmnm wllhaul flu need Cnnndlnn govern ment lnlcrvcnllun condemned unnlu Conducl Ill brulnl and dlclulvrln Whllt critican he Cnnndlnn uavernmnn lruumhlp now ow trnllnl nvcr llvo Cnnndlnn mnr Mime unlam lncludlnu lllo SIU llculhcr mnlntnincd lho muco mln quc would m2 have nrhcn had he AFIrCIO mndltd flu xltunllon propel through lhn ltdcrnllonl elh cal vrncflm lulu In such mall world why doc 11 Ink muth at our money In run In Mlllan Schulll medlcnl examiner lald he will recom mend lhnl Germnlnl name be placed on lhe death cmlllcnle He added Illa certificate will llsl the came dcalh as unknown Police Inld lhey thanth Ger mnln had been driving to lummcr home at Bay Beach Ont when he vnnhhed The nulomnblle was recovered from the channel week alter tho headless nnd armlm body was found Pollu said the cold mler sluwedthe dccompasllldn at the body Germalnl widow lnlcr Iden mm wallet and clothlnfl found an the lone an hat her hulbnnd June 11 mecllnl Police Commissioner Wiilinm ii Schneider snid ihuuday lime was no politive medical prooi that the torso way that oi Edward Germain but all the circumstances and Ihe med icnl record indicale that it wax hi5 body Germain 69 director the Marine Trust Company of west zm 116w dlgnpggared BUFFALO NY AF man narlly decomposed torso Iound In shipping channel Se has been ldcnllfled by pole and medical examiner as that wealthy banker wha disappeared mm hen more than Iaur year ago Police Find Torso Blrlll Onnrlo Cnnadn Frldy Novaiglhor 196 HERES ONE Home Victorious In lection 1m allét anunamfi SaultV Blast Kills Worker hlu Vetnull wan ritd In Inlhlnclary rmleun howl woman alike worker wm menu Thursday nlxhl nutr bring Irappcd or may lhnn hm how she wns Judy Ver Mlll 214 who mamd wllh only body mntufiom nml ahmlnnl cvcn lhanuh Ibo Mu plnnrd un drr Infa More than 50 men who warkml lhrnuxh the night moving mbblu from lho bale mcnl cluner nwny lnrga Hom concrclo In rcmnve the body which wm ound behind huxe slab mncreln Eh had callnnud Into the bane mL The mncrclo Ilnb hm to be propped up In prevent 1mm mllnpnng an ho rmun r1 rubble and ranch the floor the ham was IJDLd Ia Ymuvu baumcnl Nine alher pmonn We juryd fin explonlon wrecked var the buudlnz SAULI STE MARIE DnL CWThe body of 0mm wnrkcr flabcn Fern 31 wn lnken tom the Mile hardware non early lqdny about hour nflcg MM JUDY VERNELU 24 or Saul Sle Marlo Onl carried on stretcher nfler bclng rescued mm the rubble Ihrcenlorey hardware slur deslmymi Thursday by an explualan was truvpedwflhnnothcre threeatom lcdlon tnnlaln In npanmcnl wn nInliv My undnmaucd by me expla Ilan Analhcr man who sol on ul Ihn hulldlng unfnluml was 29 yenMId Marty Gehlrn painl Mlumnn mm Toronto who wnl lnlklnz In nlorcn owner Adol Ehu Snadunl III the lime he Inst Nlck nuxyrn nn olllco em plane the More Jnmzx Such llardwaro lellul mid hn wux Imlnu at desk 1n the rear vi to whnn all Luddcn Ibo mp came dawn on Mr Dugyu said he pushul pm ho mo of hlm nnd urnmblcd oul lo lately lhmuah Imull hale Ho wna unhun Cuuxe ol the blast was my cry levelled he lwwlorcy rear Mellon al the two lcvcl brlck bulldlngvnml blew oul the front lcnvlnz 7er ol lha lrnme Alandlnz lnl Three alher persons were ndmmcdlo hospllal five peeIons wen lreated released APARTMENTS SAFE pluyee Robert Fern 31 The search or Fern ha been hnlh 2d lempornrily because cl dan Her In rescue workers Al least clzht persons were known In lured In Ihe blast believed caured by nalural 135 CE ernpholob also and and momIo ucm tom um muode um mu hr 1m departmenl ul 1mm Ind luau were hum In Mrth udlm ul lbs Inn atth In rm rum ml Il Km liq In Wm manila 0mm CM Funny Mlnhlu Mdmlm Adln Indmlry mlnhln today durum Inuymt wmmmn mum lhl lhu UJI Comm hu mared 7mm amnion Dual flu UH Army mould lllhdmr llnnnclllly run Mwlawmm oi Can Mlun Ccrlbou ll humpm Mme OTTAWA Cm mm Cum hm Imln nppulnled uno Inry nl pr medal Culrmanl mnmillu nu rule and wouduru £50m Mun on nnnmm Mr fly nullvu hllmul luullllvll mmwllrm ML LllI MI Midland mm mum nllh mm than yvau exper km In luvunmrm Admlnlnlrallnn TWEIICI 0M ICP March plane lmlny Ipoflnl In mm am you who hm Imn mmlnn nlnce noon Tlxumlay In drmly wooded nron mt lhll mumuully lullu nth Kingdun Tho pllul It My luxury Iluahu oi Twml was wnlklnn nm flu wood wlh luo hunkrm CHICAGO lM Five Cnnndlnn Imus mlmlntd kilo lwrn lhrmuluqul nmrndny They are unnhlc In loud or unlaml mum Im nun cl plcknllnu vy Scnfnrm Inlerxmllunnl Unlnn demonstrat Inn nxnlml In Canadian xuvzrnmcnl lnnlmhlp mr Ava nmmlmo unlom Report Nine Forest FimBuming In annual xcpnrnusm was rnjcclcd Iolullun lu Que bccl demand for Enalcr lm dom and coopcrnllan and un dcmnndlng by Englhh Cnnn dlmu was recommended MmHowe nn pug Quo bcc Ynulh Mlnlslcr Paul lulu Lnjnlo HIM n11 rovinm nwl hlzgcr mm flu lnx dollar meme chnnllnz Ioclnl Decision 0n caribou Remains From Vancouver lo Quebec Clly he nulmomy Quebec provlnw was muchdlscuxsui Iubjnd Thursday nlxhl Midland Man Appointed To Commiltee Andrew Labor re ceived 3752 votes Arthur Don nldsun Sqotllsh anlonalist 501 Ian Smith Independent Conservative 79 William Rush on the TV comic who ran as an Independent 45 and Rich nrd W011 Indepnndent 23 Tue Conserva we margin oi 9328 compared with 12743 In the 1959 general clcdinn when Tury chum was eicclcd with 16156 vein in limeway Search Plane Spots Missing Youth Bu DouglasHomes blg vlw Iory was seen psycholog lcnl counter the Tory loss In Lutan The myeamld prime minis lcr who gave up his six noblu lllle to run In the Kinross Penhshlra district polled 10147 votes to 819 or hl nearest rlvnl Liberal Alnslnlr Duncan Mlllnrr welllikcd armor the area There were seven enn dldnles In tho race cuqn nugmon Continue To Picket Canadian Ships PERTIL Scotland Remus Slr Alec DouglasAHome loday won the Khlms and West Fcnhshjre parliamentary by elcctlun paving he way or his entry In the House cl Commons as prime mlnister The owner peer won by majority ol 9328 votes and It was hoped that the whopping margin although 3000 votes less than the Conscrvallve win In 1959 would taketh sting out of bad Conservative deient 1n nnalher bytIecuon at Luton England Thursday Labor won the Lulon seat In race that Included Liberal cnxidldote tho obviously look away some of the Conservative support Results ha byeledion were announced today Voting was Thursday By THE CANADIAN PRESS Quebec Demands Larger Tax Cut Able To Enter Housexs PM Conservatives Lose Luton NEWS BRIEFS NM MurnThmh Per Copaye Page Intermittent ratn today and night Cloudy Saturday Low to night 48 High tomorrow For lull summary mm to page two Local Weather llo snld Quebec inslxla on raising II own money lur ll own purposes rulth lhnn mnlrlbullnl lam lo federal pool forrcdlslrlhullonwilh Indy Cnnadinn viewpolnl not sclllm one The mnln soclnl needs hr day He In Ilclds Ilka mclal wal lnro nnd cducnuun whlch lho conxlilulion provlnm prlmarfly rcsponllblu Inr needy won such mm mean less rcvumc for nnd npcndlnl by the federal guvcm mum Mn Gram hudbecn awak ened by herJouryenrald son Turn and she ran to arouse hur alher our children Erian David Way and Michael1 and fled wilh lhcm nolgh DH Mrs Grant said she grabch lhrcemunlh old Chnrlcne mm her or name llckcd up the bnsabaard Iownrd the baby Slmcoc firemen whn laugh In dnlhc 1amin was luckylnrhc in wnl return to London or the clash with Harold Wilson lnborite that will come will the opening of Ihe new Parlia ment Tuesday SIMCOE UP baby glrl was annlchcd from death by her mother Thursday as lire do strayed the home here 01 Mrs Gloria Grant and her six chil dren nll under to years of age The Inmin was lull homeless race Labor candidate MncKenzle polled 1006 and mum Nationalist Donaldson Leburns recent death Inn the act vacant DIslribulldn of seals In the 83am House of Commons now becomes Conservatives and allies 1159 Labor 2551 Llherals Indo pefldent vacant WNW vnwul The Hearold prime mlnls Ier was member the House or lords unlu he renounced his lillels to succeed Harold Mac ll an Simcoe Mother Saves Daughter From House Fire

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