Tn lflllll um meler my Nu my Mum Ills nl llw mlnIl Mn Allan Xmqu Prod Lqurhlll nlllnl muqum ml rnmnllnnm Ind Ilny m1 ramlln drmrnled II lmHvldA ur In 1th Tlle mnln Inhlp wnl rm ml wllh an urnnirmrnl Irm mrl Mir muml Hmka Ivy while luvnnl cum lu lnnylu lluguuh HII CMIAI 5L Am lmhylrrlnn Chunk In lhr whim 1m Ill gull damrnled wllh nrloly luvrly hamllrrthm ml mnnllnn In Mrn Hugh man up lmnllrl wrn Itll Inyuu hul rnhu thhrn cnnunru wm Mn Hall Mm Douflhnly Mr huun Mu Adam Mr llnu Mu Juan Drnw llrkrln wen In chum Mn Llnnul Vlnntrl th Mu Mahrl JMIIInlI ll llnnlt Mn Allr MrCukhNn Blmml John Mlnldfn Med 51ml GusI Irrl um mulvtd Mru nullnwny The rlrcon llnl rnmmlllre mu In ham nl Mu lmnnnx ï¬ll rlulll Mu Jauumu MI lrllmnu um Mm minim Tun lnhlo hnslcsm were Mr Jntquru Mrl lUclInrdwn Mn Huh Mr Cnrlcr Mn OConnor Mn Kemp Klkhrll cnnunrrl wore Mn ano lnblc mnvcncrl worn Mrn Pnnrldxn Mu All mpp Mrs Monger Mn me Apron mblo cnnvcnm worn Mrs lenw Mn Hoopcr Mr anlcr anry work an0 Mn convened by Mn Immune MrL Lumnlrn llnhy lnhle Wm unler Mr Jnry Mm Ichr ll Dellcnloubn 1th cunrcnrr WM Mrs Huhlnmn Cum Me1 Mrs llodunn Carrying oug lesllvo lhcmc liny ccnlrcpkm 01 ml nnd green were placed on In dlvldunl lcn ables Tho mnln 1m IaMo whlch was presided at by Mrs Plckerlng Mm Mthnzia Mn Nu and Mn Illlchk wns nurmlvo ly ccnlrrd by nn MrlchmCM ol mlmrlllas nnd xold sprayed pads silver Chrislmu on Win the local paint of tho Iesllva de cor nl lhe Aulumn Tu and Chrislmnl haumr oponwrcd members Hunter Rcbckn Lodge No 190 mud hbld at he Odd Fellows Hull Colllcr SL mm 230 lo 530 pm Caron venen wcm Mn um Lennox and Min Mqry Redmnn wer combined bazaars and bake sales offered wldc variety of hand knlls In cluding babyscls woollen sacks mm clc handscwn apron and mrlrly of noyclly gm The women unending these luncllans sccmcd In be uught up Sn the spirit they Joined llnes shoppers scarchlnz or handicrafts In store away or that special mprnlng An almosphcrc of Christin prevailed at afternoon lens ncld wage city yeslergay HELPING HER MOTHER take tickets BI the And rewa Chumh WA Chxishnu Christmas Theme Inspires Shoppers rDECORATlNG TUE TREE in the above photo are mm the lefl Mrs CH1 Lennox wm Mn Dounhmy Mr Ken MuclAnnnn romp ad lhu cook book whlch pmvtd In popular 111an llom lluslcscsscs asslsllnl In Um dlnlnx room were Mn Pnul Mo xcr Mn Innis McClure Mrs Dnvn Steele Mri Robertson Mrs Edward Hooper Mm Doug Snrkunl Mn CM Prinale Mu John Robcman Mn Mil lnr Amos and Min Rhoda Hm Kllchcn convene wen Mn Jell Cunnlnghnm lllral Wilson lllral Chmlax Cllrlsllc Mrl Noel Cullen and hlrl Mc Kev ML Elxlo Chrlslle Mu Melvlllo Robertson and Mn McArlhur erSmilh Campbell nd Mls Dummy Lclh were xcspansimn or lhe nllmcllvely decorated lea mam Mrs Robert Walsun Mu Han ry Swan and Mrs Mnrshnll convnned lhu Dellcnlusen able Work Inbch were convened by Mrs Hey Mrs Apple ton Mrs Wnlson Mrs John Mchw Mm nlchnrdsnn In Bull Presiding the an able wen Mrs Adams Mrs Sundry Mrs 0th and Mrs Alex Cowun Tea convenm Included Mu Schlnht Mrs Norman Daugher fred Smith Bazaar and tea Ewan oh Susan Spenczr Susans mother Mn Don Spencer who nccmuryheasurer at M153 M517 Rednm eonven Past Noble Grand Mrs Galloway Noble Grand and The next meollng wlll be held Nov 20 and wlll be vlsll he Ontarlo llospltnl Punk Inna In enlarlaln ho pallcnu soclnl evenlnz Mufti ï¬rfstow thanked Mr and Mrs Pratt for tho dcmun ration uvuumuruwu lha mnklnz of floral centrepr ms or Christmas Inslmcllau wen glvcn In he making 01 ribbon carnage nnd roses and cnndlcslrom beeswax Each member mlvcd help In Ihe mnkngo yibbon mse Member of Banlo Jaycelle met at ho hum ol Mr War ren Trlmble Ollnwu CrescenL last evening Mrs Bah Hooper wns cohastcss Mrs Dana Moorhouxe intro duced the speakers Mr and Mn Gnrnat mu of Ihe Hobby Sh nu gufsl dgmonslraud Iaycettes Meeting Features Hobbies convene yulcriaf nï¬emoon Examiner Photos 7nd Rim In ia mug Phono IA Hm Ollcn on IIJI Ilamm um son wmn EVES BEAUTY er the bum The was put the Chrlsknu them which laminated the decor It the annual event wnnmx ï¬hlncurs $100 PERMANENTS lbwm bu 550 In Nevin day 011m no prob llem because the luck unit alqu In new home GREAT VARIETY typical mlx match mup In walnut 0mm hyonellnn Include dresser unlmbuo cup boards boobhelvu deskun lty unite Inmlm Ind chin lugm bunilu Museum gift shop rich In ornament and other new mics all chosen wlih In eye in their intrinsic merit and lb Usjlc appeal Fina umililre of thin type often call or aw wallchosen accessories decorallvo Item can be picked up or few dollars trait bmlrs outmflheway shop and Vacs qu centm Mealuremenu of All unit In mrdlnnted no um they form pleasing arrangements whether on llne them up vertically nr zomontally Ingmagwxvjrf mms cc an be Used with at without shallow wood hues Ema usually mulled for named room but no on shed pnrquel floor or Ilml ll surface unlen uln helm wanted PA 89288 KAY1 By ELEANOR R08 its new mp furniture mlxIndmnlch II more vern tlla more pleulnn Illn ever and boom to Illa bud at qu la thavlmna will rm Ilrlcled ace Many ï¬rm of ler coard naled maps of 15 place or more The lumnm can he uned up single wall unit Stacked ale slumuwnll ll lives room mrdulrnbla bumIn look It can bu dlvlded accent notes 1mm levers Siuflgh wooa cnwinu lap MixAndIi41atchFumifure Ideal ForReStrlcted Space sums mm $l 00 Bunion SI PA 10 Stan Pencocl Prop BARBER SHOP Ilium and Korean dllhu Ind Powll Mexican HWY 27 12 was 549ng or 400 un Indlan plum 1nd African srulplun ma we gas flu Ind usule remnaby prlcedjrhey qhow the colleen Inra syn nun plauunl to gether But lheymusl bu dls playsd wllh can olherwln he Inlfechnlll bu Itchy FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE PARK ERNIEEXAMINER THURSDAY NOVEMBER 6H lmm 1939 In 1951 the weluht Fmma III nation In Canadn increased 1mm Cami ln ï¬tment of the national worlds 1th Incomafwm 210 per cean lurln country mma Hui cth Eton III1m Cumin hu bemmo tho yogld 1th mum mum PA 39288 53 xix