rm mvdnu llu imp MI mm mm wnol mu hamd with winter vhuo lam In In brldq In pmpoml by Dr IL 5mm uvrnllng nn Manor don lry Mm II Hull1mm IvaMm lab lowlnl the hymn Impllnm nu brmurmml moth nlnlvd writing lawn of bin Iml mm In wmykmenfld enumbk ullh mini III and mllnfl pink umllcml The mwlion hrld nI Hun Mary Etmt InMrMl In hrhlnl pmnu MIL CHI ra ulved nlllml In mm of dumpnnc lure ml thllï¬m um anlln llmwn Icrmarm um count cl Tullman mm no tmlul hrr ralluml llnnnlul Null Kin Clly Illrndrd nu roommm mm Im of harm Hm which my um um llruu nnmrl ol Tar onlo mm nhm RE IIION 11m lyrldun anly nllundnnl In Dorolhy Dnvll of Ir mnld hnnnr hall own prnrh grnmm mvo out an xle mle will mnlrhlnl ruddlrll SM cnnlul cluxlcr whlla munu And all old Nlll The bride tamed culonlll buqu Innlrnllu Iurmund with whlln lcnlhmd tnmn Hmu nnd ntcphnnmll M4 ONO Glnn In marrluo by her In llur the bride Chou Irndlllon ll awn cl pom do Iale por Irnll ncclllne nnrl brnculcl lll cm cnhnnrcd lho bodlce th drus The lull lrnxfll Allrl It In Inll loldl lo chnpal lraln Tho own lenlurrd appllqnu nclxlum llccl Tho llnznrllp vcll al Illunlnn tulle wnl held by plll box hemldrm of mu dl lain tncrUIlcd will um pram my us me 0va Prulu My Soul Kin of Hon ven and Ihe 23rd Pnlm wm mm by Ih bnyl choIr nccom pnnlcd by orgnnm Mr chcr Thu bride daughter Mr and Mn Franklin Gmll 01 Mary SunL Tho brldczroam ha Ion oi Mr nnd Mrl Thomas arm Con Hill Drive anvnlo Miss Judith Ann Craig and David Thomas names wort un iicd in mnninxc in Trinity An glltnn Church with Archdeacon end olilcinllnz at candlelight ccrcmony mm The church was ndnmcd wllh unndard or while and yellaw lhfllla mum and cnndclcbrn Cnry Grnnt had smoked or more thnn thirty years He was Able ta stop Just like that when Ms former wlte Betty Drunke made the npditlve aug gutlnn that he would no longer want to smoke Tho suggestlun made while he wu on the lhln edge deep penetrated the dew Inner part of hl mlnd ruling pan of lhe mlnd and mmplishcd the Impossible The next dny he had no wish to make and has not maker to Hill day Since Ihln actor The power of an allllude ap proximates magic No less All authoflly than William James Igldth Our belle at he be Innan an In undertak ng In the true thing that assurel the successful Meme our vcnlure Grab hold Ihat pramisel Wont you give us some mlnd overcigarette logic Along with diet suggtstlom to hold the weight line when smoking In Ilopped rude lmplores BARNESCRAIG VOWS MindOverCigarette Logic Needed By Recent NonSmoker Crecmare Wamenl Institute member server rtlreshmenlx Tuesday afternoon It the Cree Trinity Anglican Church Scene Of Candlelight Riles By XDA JEAN KAIN BUYERS ENJOY COFFEE BREAK and Mark Imuorln In any old you mm mm nu mum lllp In Boullum palm Ihc cwulu will mm II II Ellln Ion Avmul Wul Tomato Méoygnphyjavw ll Dub ll VI IA um Mlu Shny pointed out that when she craved diuretic aha smokcd But all the while aha cnnllnilad In practlce her mental movie will harm complztely rec the habit ongs reu Dorothy Shay used the mental picturing plan to break the making habit in Ihm wenksi She claims this goalvil unlizing plan is completely dil lurtul lrom trying to exert lorca oi will For lllILen mlnutu euch morn in and each night lhl played her mental movie ller lech nique Practlce dryruns visualize in your mlndl eye youmll zolnl through the do routine without cigarette Do Ih step by non martin wlth Ihe tint thing you do morning and carry on through your routine leelul your tcll not Imoklng In your mind eye talk on the tolephont driva the car get up lrom meal nf without cigarettet thinks thln ha dld not turn to exam eatlnl as substitute satlslncllqnt Mam FILM morn arena whilo the Simone Caunty Boa Ercedm Innual sale was In promu Seen hora MR AND MRS DAVID THOMAS BARNESV Kodachromï¬ II mm The key il in train your mind to believe it in entirely parsihie lhen giciure yourleii going head upplly Giva the order lo your mind while you are drilling oii lo Ileep Tomorrow will no wioh to smoke The allow ing morning compiolely reiux ed piciure yourreii going through your roulina without making ii there il magic way to Map smoking ihil it it 29000000 yacht marina ll pllnned or 1th wuth can re sort It would be the blunt In Britain Ind Include hellcopler par Hercln llas plan The Inner part of tho mind4 lhe so called subconscious mlnd cannot dlmnxulah between an munl experlence and one that Is vlvldly lmaglncd You have thll God glven builtin luc ceu mzchanlsm lo Icrve yum Thin Imarinl process was ioi lowed or three waekl While driving an the ailernonn hi the 21 day suddenly out at the blue Aha decldud In put out in cigarette lhl had jun lighied and that wal it For more than year Ihu hm had no desire to CLANIRTON ST tram lellJre Mln Cllvertu wllkinson Mn Stan Rnynl nm Mn John Knappell Ex amlncr photo MARINA PMNNED Engund CH mm Box sum mm CONDITION TREATMENT hr In IM dry brill luir In mwlenl lood upodllly ommandm for bnlr luth In Icld nmfln Mmlmc Irm mcnl Mon Wmmrnla Mr lulu on mm Illmmr Immmlm lhlo in M4 MI We but In lull Inlr lANOlEC Irma hum relM mt mm Mmlnn mu mud born on diy wlll bc highly IMUHIW bul mly have tendency Io Ilrlko buck unwnrrunlrfly he Allmm ulranl la hll prlde For than in the promnlonl the next uven menu nor duiinu with uieniim Ind technician and you happcn In In in ihe tnlertninmeni or othtr mini lleldl wllil um ducm Ind min For nii haw em in In exctlirnt period for will min wilh mhm Buxlnen well ill praimionni pnrmmixlpl wouid prawn Iomormw In your blrthdly your 111nm Imulllon and torn xlm mum enahln you to mold condition to null yauml duh In the coman monIm but In lure lo use tvtry poulble re laurce and do not permit minor obuuclu may you from your null Personal relntlomhlpl would be mulually harmonlaul during the next you win l0 clnl and romanflc lnlemu pm tlculnrly nlmulnllng You may uperleuco mm omullc mm dnrinz Much but will My mm dumlon Good planetary Influence oomlnuo UM eve poulhle pommlly la dle ay your re lourcelnlnen Ingenuity Ind madve IhllHy Productlon thould be It peak performnm now influcnm lam mum and mummy nlw lo dal llfnlu FOR THE BIRTHDAY Ipnm mm EXAMNER munsmv novnmah FOR TOMORROW Commluloncr Booth wan gum of honor and pmented olden ban Gwyneth Wilton and Terry anL Servlcu Itm wen nlw awarded to Sherm The rown 1m Alcona Bench Pnck nlermlned Ihelr moulerl fly Hallowem Party at Lukelnndl Hull Brown Owl Boom Ind Tawny Owl anh provlded apple and warm mallow on tiny and much himfly VIII produced In flu weird witch clown and Hyp Iln wem through wonderful In ties In an ï¬lm In wIn Ihl prize Previous lo the party hlJlnka Captain Emel enrolled recruit Dlana Calder Barbara Colplm Debbie Gibeon and Dayle Mc Arlhur Brownie win to be worn on their girl guide uni form were presented to Debbie by her mother and lormer Taw ny Owl and to Barbara by her former Brown Owl Mn Gra cey FIRST BARRIE COMPANY Thm hum budge were turned recently when Karen Peacock Shhlay WHUIml Ind Mnry nne Loweth charm of Hullawaen party or the company and fluent Comm Ilonere Gmay Commissioner Kllxaur Tawny Owl Glbsm and 54th relnllom Icarelary Mal 5th man enrolmexilx Inclu ded Btuhm Ley and Marilyn Ind Sandra Elam ALCONA EACH Th tor rm the Anna bazaar Ind bake gala scheduled for Nov 16 Each puck Ind company wlll bn mmulble or III awn bn znu lablhwhlle the LA will look Inel both the unable Ind baked and wurller an tendered her rulmnï¬on lemury mar many an 01 IarvIce And will regmd by Mn Ellen Lay FIB mmnm comm nywmm mnrm CENT 91533 Mn TnE Bofllwn human Mn meetlnl of the Cen lnl 01mm Mu Amclmon mg fluldm ï¬lopncilron 0c 13 The group to which It be lonu will recalvu flvo cent on nvary leg My um Aiming Mn Mon wu eluted In new LA muum duo the resignation Mn Bun who novan lu Arthnr THE STARS SAY to II MI Nunï¬rioc News 0i Kenipenielt Division Of The Girl Guides Of Canada Plrmll lnlnnnll and mm In llml hr MIMI par la If THE HOUSE OF BRIDES By mmlu flu Inlul ol PA MN mi Mn Chnppcl of Bell Ewart wan weekend we at he home of her brokherInInw and liller Mr and Mn Frank Chuwel Eccln Street gm 3le ww Recent presenmlnns at elghlh Barrie pack Included golden ban lo Carol Lumldcn and Susan Vlllllml and golden hand In Debbie 5mm Also earned ï¬ll all wen we dancer prollclency bndfu by Deborah Trash and Ad enne Taylor In MI season of enrolment he ther Banla Pack was no em Han and Brown Owl Graccy enm led tween Diane Cockran Karen Gunninghnm Wanda Bur bldue and Heather Hammand special mmlng E19111 PACK Nï¬u new bmwnlu vm wel comed Into the ynck They wen Dlnne Baldock Debra CouIlzr Kathy Emnu Carol Jonu Deb McGowan Nancy Jung Moon Lou Pudden sundrn Slgvenoon Ind Sum Swan Four new lem were 11w In vented In medal mamany Sylvia Moore the Elm Jan ln Gordy ol the Furl Dim Pudden tbs Gnome and En ldock meflglqm Naw mell Wllnwrllht Judy Davin Rhanda Fleming Ind Judy Pir lmmer The pravloul week the puck eh ed vim and talk with he ev Roney who notiï¬ed the Mr 01 the annual All chur made to ba held at pm on Nov 17 St Guel Church nrunnrmnm mm Mm Ellll Vick Ken nedy Kmn McKIu and June Mgrllth Browï¬ Owl Mmin and Twin qwl Wailllliolnedykh gm brow nluta welcomrfl mamaI And young 1mm and brother In III mgeunglan Oct dul lirvlt ll pravbded by lhm mnlnrt amh nllmu Very comlvmbln ml Ihl docIII quu flu 1mm nl bat bul ll mum to mil mulled mmlmlnbll vlnl Hal muro mdfly qucd lo 5W mm £41 mllul num Ilflp ANNIVIMAM 7995 ML mm CLARKS CHESTERFIELD BED 34 BAYFIELD ST llenordlnnry vnlue double dmlcr duntr chul oohu bed hllh mdc Imoou vmllml wlul nuoloc mmlrucllon wllh no Eprlnl mnlth 11ml VIM Alone ull ordinarily lnr 11000 aim lllmu Ind In Illrudln pllr nl dmur llmpl an flu ï¬ï¬‚flfcfl 229 5Plocoy Moflom BEDROOM SUITE great snvlng lo on Sum cousins of 80 dresser WM beau ul mirror largo drawer chest and bookme bed Smoolh op mnllrcu Ind nnlchlng box nprlng SAVE 7000 Low nrlml lor Iho plan 0° 9Pc Modom flEDROOM GROUP Hmm Eileen Dixon or Audrey Cannon EOPLE AND PLACES BEDROOM SUITES Clarks Contin he Their Big VIMIWIUB Member me Eml Ven ture Club and merged mem ber Mlsm Cnm yn Pilgrim Eleanor Taylor And Heathn ND mmch Winner 01 the Bun1a Dupli cake Brldze Club weekly man were Pal Turner and Equ Ir vine EastWen Mr and Mn Jlm Dewar wan an NorthSouth nggucuzranmaa huslncsl conferencl In Hamille this week GIFTS WITH CHARM AND VARIETY Something Ihe xlrll oi all ages will love to have Ihe Poodle Boll Coven the 01 bottle me and make over am when ï¬lled with bath all ha Kmen Pyjam Bug In knmed with mohair ynm and knitting woruedz the mohair throw an mm pun luxury ll you would PAW nmc ruihlm Mo nnn rmpny CUSHIONS Our Integration 3an is now In full swing there are bargains throughout the stove We are hnppy to offor you these savings to help us celebrate thls Integration ANGLEM ANNOYED SOUTHAMPTON CF Hampshire angler are annoyed became lacal Iulhorlkles have Iowmd the water level or the river Avon They claim that am mm the bank In more beavlly on the water and warn all lllh Elan attended the presentation The Glrl Who Cams Supper at the OKeele Cenlre After the perlormance the Bar Venturlsu were entertained the Lenlde residence of Min Ellie Kantamer and former Enr r19 Venture Club member Mlu Barbre Goadwlnr Min Sharon Hey II former member the club jnined the party to re new ncqunlntunce Dmnm like the leaflet with these three dell Ilmply send lump ed Iell addressed envelope to the Needlecratr Department The Enrrlre Examiner re qugsflng ï¬lly WIth 7harm llViNG ROOM GROUP Incluch 2plcco Chcalcrilcld Sulio wilh nir lonm cushlam good grade nylon upholsicring in wide choice oi slmdcs mnrprnol nrborilo lisp tables willl mniclilng calico labia ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICE 00 Modern 4Solllr CHESTERFIELD Sulio with moulded back This lovely mile in covered in high rmlo nylon in the pupulnr dnrk brown shndc cry pleasing appearance and bull or long wcnr mmm 217 Vaï¬zly leaflet number 12 Features carin cVuslIlorwd luxury sola and 1503 thalr In the popular chocolato shade RgLLARS 8900 5Pc 2Pc Modem QHESTERFIELD SUITE HOME FURNISHINGS llYING ROOM SUITES good when you Ihap Clark Vinyl vlmllc lop walnul IIIMd Icfn Ilunly mmuucuom good uNlInn nl colon yellow blue lnnurlno Ivnry lur uqu and 11mm Iqurn and nylon lhnpï¬l Anlvmm 429 lynlll ll Mrl ï¬nk and Mn Cecil Dunamm will Instruct and mm onstrata an the Course on De nem which lhey mended the Leadership Training School hard lq Barrie The Novemberu meeting Crown Hill Womenl Inslllulo will he held at the home or Mrs Edward Suuon Nav 15 com menclnl at pm The Topic will he Citizenship and Education Mn Norman Each District President wll be The mm ban will Whal ldu to further my education Aflivlufimn extended All ladle In Ihe community to attend his meeting BRIDGE DIBMANTLED MERTHYR TYDFIL Wall cmOne of the warldx oldesl 1m brldm bull over In river Tall In 1813 has been dis mantled It wlll be rebnlll else where as memorlal to Hi Ruth Wales tron Industry HASSOCKS Crown Hill WI To Meet Nov 13 1395 unlu This illustrated model can be Mded to desired 13mm Dunlap PA H881 BOOTS NORMAN SHOES PA 82843 UBLEENS