Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1963, p. 4

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35x um lumen lion uu am In uum II lmllv In mllrlnnu Il loan uu munIM Ilwl mm mum I1 JulVia ma Iml It Incl III III may Null Ilml Mmqu Mm pl Ina Cum Imlx mm ammo Pv Audll Mu ll mumml am pm tumml mums lllm In rm nr Im II III HI Mn 1le MI MIIwnukeo Journnh Hrllnlna rat official banking alriko will surely go down one the most uenlcul labor prolusta over Ilngml Members the Nntlmml Unlon of nnnk Emuloycus Ilruck the Trustee Snv Inga an Mnnchcslcr nnd Ill 50 lyrnnrhu last week for refusing to my mum pay miles and other xrlcvnnm In his inlurnl order nuch nltmn Ions plckcl no had to ho mounted mum Hank plckoln er Barrie Examiner Nov 1023 Testi monial banquet attended by 150 citizens held at Vairs Restaurant for Barrie Base ball Club winners at South Slmcoe lea gue title Speaker was Dr Leonard Simpson Bob Nichols of Allandaie knocked unconscious and robbed of $20 by bandit who stopped his car at llolland Landingi Annual report of Royal Victoria Hospital showed 802 patients In past year Increases in maintenance cost were $5500 repairs included $1100 for Roentgen table in Xray room and $000 in nurses residence in spite of rising cost itVll still had lowest rates in Out ario Olllcers elected President Thomas Beeerelt vicepresident Donald ltoss treasurer it Mr La secretary ii Sims peaking the Public Library ilnll Sarah Delwoller ol Kitchener don plored lower moral standarde revallln since the war Dertni Lew st son the late David Lewis ot Barrie elected on MW in Saskatchewan Cosl ol leod Doctors charge that nationalized med tctne avers the specialist at the ex enso oi the general practitioner and the slop py physlctan As conse uence doctors are sald to heleAgyipg Brl 11 qr othqr lands agd fulbblown crisis is said to he in me maklnsx More than 600 dissatisfied physicians year are reported to be emigrating to the US Canada Australia New Zeal anii anq South Nylon WlthoutOntarlo artlclpetlon the lan cannot succeed ls much ls admt led There ls also the questlon fecesavlng for the federal government or the prov lnce Onterlo wlth reported actuar lollysound scheme of its own is not llkel to ado out of the picture and leave the leld to the federal government wllh out good reasons 0n the basls of details already releas ed the federal plan l5 much more at tractive It provides more and it would be Domlnlonwlde whereas the Ontario plan would naturally be for the people of thls prnvlnce only The fienple of OhmIo cannot and would not support two inn One alter native is to scrap the ntarlo proposal mounting wave oi criticism is rising agfinsi Britains nationalized medicine ich is now in its 15th year of operat lei And feivéi students of medicine are now altering themsulves than there were 101 3° Britain today has only one doctor for every 1300 personscompared with one doctor In the United States or every 800 persons 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Undoubiedli there have been mixed ieelings abut the federal government announcement to shelve the Canada Pen sion Pianuntii the next session oi Par iiament In the final analysis however thy rime minister has been wise in de ter ng action until clear understand ing has been reached with the Ontario government Medical Plan Criticized Its Prudent To MoVe Slowly On Federal PenSion Scheme Aummua Ilrmvl mu null IIrll HUM luvrum llll um lnl mmmw mlly lumlnu ma nmmm gnaw um In mu IIIIAN lumm In II Myrnam mm IIIJIIIuI IIII Am mum muun unulnu muun Imunnu cm in In am In mm Iy Um vvn In 11 In umnn lw nm mm Winn Puhlllher The Barrie Examiner UM BANK mm OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Nawspapéu lellEd 16 Bayfleld Streak Barns Omano Qarriv DOWN MEMORY LANE Emu 811th CHIEF Minuet THURSDAY NOVEMBER 186 Pull lha ml In however that Canada In born selling when lo Um Snvlc Unlun and Mn unlcllllvs fur yearn 11m Irl such agrmnnnl wnl ugncd In 1950 country Ilka Canada with Ila mea gre linnnclnl rcsourm cannot afford the economlc vxtrnvaxnncu or hunrdlnl mounle aurrlm wheat public me an the In led Stale do Thch 0m Crmmllnm will mulnuo making grr wmkeln 10P lmlda Ind cup aids the Lmnmunlu bloc IIm very Idea of hnnkm ulrsurvln alruck tho llnus London xhnsl alum of nflnlru lhnyj deserve In hnvu lhcir howlvr hnln knocked mother ll commented Milwauko Journal Jmlglng mm the shocked rmLIImu certain ungrcmncn one would hlnk nnmln md betrayed the Unlml Slnlcn In mule new whvnl den wllh Iluuln 5mm If you please showed up In bowler hnls nml plnnslrl Ell mils Ono observer kept Illa nlue Zodlnc parked nearby jusl in case lhlnuu um well ntlcky lofllcncss wms he kuyslonu of the nluppngm one observer mnnrkcd ntlcr wnlchlng the show ing inmates at Simeon County jail was 151m per diem Governor Harry Stad dart reportedi Cost to county was $8000 Guests numbered 110 in past year Corners jury gave verdict accidental death of iiarvey Ford CNit roadman in track cavein near illeatord Court of Revision cut assessment of Grand Opera House by $1250 Wellknown area farmers took over operation of Farmers Coo erative Store in Barrie Vts om was tirst local Kiwanis Daddy tor kindly care shown to boys getting special attention from club Alitston branch of the Home Bank ot Canada was one of the most pros erous at this bank outside the cities wt balance listed as 3330152 Everett branch had $112412 Angus $01M William liteKever ar rived home from trip to United States convinced that there is no place like Cuudles Magistrate Compton Jetts imposed liquor tines on two Barrie men ot $000 Potato picking is the order of the day in the VineKnock area of in nistiL Every general practitioner ln Brltaln ls pald $135 Ferpatlent for expenses such as of tee help and equlpment no matter how muchlle actually spends mu This it is said encourages many doctors to spend as little as possible on im roving their facilities and services nder the Health Service gensrai raciioner gets from the Government £285 per person who registers with him as patient and he is allowed max tmum oi300 patients He getévthe um miwmaller how often he sees the patient and even if he dogs not see him at all Doctors éskrtrhe Ho not paid for hav 1111 name on the list but rather for 52111085 actually reqdlergd They say unless this is done Britain 15 headtn or complete breakdown of its medlca servlccs already under the or the kInd of treatment bclng glven to the average patient it is evilient then that there is much more than the merits of two opposing plans There may have to be compromise or retreat Whatever ts done however must be carried out solely in the public interest At this sta the federal scheme is the best irom standpoint of the ensioner Whether it will be as good or the taxpayer and the nation as whole is question that few have ans welred apart from the insurance comp an es The federal overnment ls entitled to breather an another look at plan that will mortgage the future of citizens and create new tax problems and proceed with the federal scheme An other is to modify one or both to make them feasible How this can he done he not been indicated either by the federal goxerhmentnor the prgvince Perhaps the federal government hop es by some maglc that the grovlnclal plan will away leavlng the eld to the na tlona scheme But Ontario Premier Ro barts wlll hardly take such actlon unless he can do so gracefully and without pol ltlgnlfiamnge yjuchf retreat CANAPAS GRAIN MARKETS looln lhanmlm lllh newlnl mkhM needle and boot pul ML uoml lalloulau ll lp InnN mam IIUIWI their pmnu cm Im nnl In Mar people do thllnu lhnl Um nr July or who nlhur erer hula In whrn Hwy uugM lu have mod hnl llmkup mm mm mm or lhcm In In llw Inc maybe new ylnr Mr nxonllu nr wlmlerrr Inlrr v1 llmv mler and nlw In do ll Illen lhry Iva Married nlmul mum lymplumlilc pnlnlul bark nw had plln Imlm lull druly lculo Mn rxlrrmr ul mml hour III drmmnu lllmu In In nullnnu Am doclur mly In mmy Inlllmu vnnidou muse lho pain In cur but mmclo Ilmln nnun luullm Hvlnz mm 11ml Some lnul In posluru lmslnln lrauhlu In mum tnuld ml all guilt lot at ulhrr mulbllillcl MI prr an mu limo um lnrtxnlng nu would lncludn lho ml ll Iwcr cnnl my lhnl ll lunl mo my in nlndar nlmul My hunch ll llml hell llml nulhln mlounly wronu but hell Iv Inmo ulller clwcklnl on yuur invml hrallh and leurn quilu in Almul you yuur emollunnl mnknup ynnr Mood prrumo Illd olhtr mull lads OVIICMU Ullllllll NOTTINGHAM England Cl F4lucullun uulhnrfllu hm In uurrlvd lbw ywnqum Int lmln lhamulm lllh newlnl nay mu only runy buck Dnln and even winn ll do here are olhcr ulgm lruqucn urlnnllon burning unsuflon pun lor amt blood In tho urlnr and on In Inch um he menu you no donur lha morn rn ldly can rule In lroublc nmr not II become chronic Kldncy Ir ccHum nre pmno ln bbcumn chmnlc By JOSEPH MOLNER MD In like uklng How an be good cook nr How should bring up chlldrenl or llow due man decide when to give ln to his wile and when lo nruue wllh her Ynu more or less have In learn you Ilonx Lots ol thlngs that all If perfectly uhvlousu We know need doctor or we know that uvcn though we cut our thumb It Isnt rent dtsnster nn In between declslnn am the trau bluomu one So for today acsstan letl talk about Just one lhlnxthnt paln 1n the buck ll kidney lroublfl Probably not For reason do not know back pain has been npprm printed by he nmnlcnr ox pcrls sign kldncy Imuble ll wcra kldney rau blc lhm ll ml wmu lhlnz Um wlll run In course II nwny The wontr you real ll the easier and bullr Dear Dr Molnerx im exper iencing pain in he middle of my back below thu walaiiine Friends tell me itl kidney trou ble this In imectlnn tin will run it course and 10 away or is it one H1050 things um lhouid hava prnmpl allmiion Specifically how does person determine whn ache and pninl are serious enough aignai to consult doctoriC You have asked difficufl question Knowing when to con xull doclor cant be dolor mined by Implo so min TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Low Back Pain Not Often Serious Sign SLIGHT IMPBTIENCE AMONG THE PASSENGERS Rome he mun vrwmlmnl new nwmlml on Hm numn lmul nlda Inllll hmlnl DN nm llmunhu mm lhnl Hwy hm hm Inst ol Me In lhe ham Th can he MUIVIUOIII IIII urnnllnfl Ihan lhnl burn lumlwr on live mew mml llxlno pfrllnmvn uuu would look 11mm mu Mn llh Ev Apps he uvmrr Md nlnr Mm um In Irfllgm ml hung at Turanlo Yuri vlnw out at In Hum new NDI memhorl II clmnre In wrnk lle mnmnl qullu nr lml dkl phuw lhll wum mmllo hllmel Ind wlll In man rcclnn with Thu hlnl nun mtmbufi you Elwinn lulu hu lunl good advance nnllm and In Imam ul 00d mus nm Mon X1717 niuarlml lmwcrmr Hull II 1th Thu Sudbury LIMIII II ullly mm Ahnrput mm In the house and mnku well wuh the wordsIlium II no ballcr Ipcakcr In my puny Nm AHIIJTY The NDP mn ml mm mm Frmnnn of Part wllllm In lluelr mmnd lrunl ruw ml huldu lender DanId ManMmhl nII Inna in he north ml Mr menn didnt rhnnco to bruk hll mIMflI Il lhu Imlun nu Ihe Important than II In mavan Mr quh up from the mond row lo one 01 um tun lhrce polluting Mr Sophl made ovldtnl In lhc Many malan thnl he would bu hindllnl much 0m Illnrk by lhe Llhcrnh And hll Tum lhn Illck will tul mt whom lhEEo Ziaem cnKiE In aid llunerlnx lnqulre hmuuhlha publlc Ichool Iylv Lm By DON DHEARN NEONTO The oppooillon has nood llnoup In Ihls new House did not hlve too much lme to show up at this short union bul Hum was enough to Indian Il probably will mnko lhlnzl lnlmsllnm The barn hon raw has Fnrquhur Ollvur lender flanked by Elmer Sopha of Sud bury nnd Arthur mum of El In North easily correct It Slnce mm of have these minor annoyan ces Its really no bad Idem to usa them as um 1m medl cal uaminallnn None Ill nnlesl mm Just eat too much and get In or ea such food lo he ex duslnn rusonnhle nmnunt of rash 1qu and vegetables NQTE 10 5x To Ind Mr Ollvu an old hand and when wnnll lo he can ha very cucclivc Deu Dr Molner What do Ieledous ellecta can consump lion of too much canned goods hale on 19 bogflEDBEM QUEENS PARK Imdhm mly um oi mud Expect Opposition To Show Strength Fireman numa le lunlfl Ilnrllnl Aw pvlule cu lumm whu mmld my wlta hmu 11w dcwulmenl Mull lulus no hmu lnr Um VIN TMI mm hu lawn prulnlul In the Fulmil Cmnlnulllullunl fummlulrm In Anmlun Newpap Iublhhm Amclm llon name Imllvlrlurl mm mm IAM fivpmlnmlnlnn lllaclnlm jun ldrllnn Imr Ilu wrhlllel math ledml lllm WAR INIFJINAL Furyml Um uvlcullure dr unquean wire yu an Inlmml him Imluém willan mum lhnn 100 llqwlmml ken lhtmuhmn lhg runny Nnuml an Irkmlnnll am lhu dcpnllmrnl ol nlrkullurr HI mrelnry Orvlllo human uml lhc AnnHum Ttlclilnmo nml Trlturnph Company which dh lrflmlu lhe uvcmmcnl Hle WWII clllxtnl lAhL cvnlnmh In com Ylnlnl llml In uvrrnnwnl nerv te and he mnnurr In Mulch II II hnmllrd lhmulh In uxcluvlvn wlru arranwnrnl vlolm lmm pmvllhml the Fnlrrll Cmn munkllllmu MI and llw duo mm lmm ol ll commu filo ncllun wnn lllrd In Dmrm Court MondaK Prlvnta Alrlcultlulnl Ill In New CErpmnllon whlrh npcrnlrl mullet who urvlu an or Now Yr Cigy WASHINGTON AP ltd onl conn Injundlun II belnl tough lo hall mu mlrkcl wlrn nervlm uHrrrd by he U5 urlwllun dopmmuu Ilnco my nicy were hcioéi one day llld Iodny Just part lhn mob whom are seldom heard from nniprncllcnllyfiever consulted Them Irarl num or ol the new PC who huvo cnlcrcd the hous Iron expoplnyan Some of mini Eirtnlunlly will Irdvo tnblnll rank Ind inlo the ml Iun lids poll Ila flu or many them Duty ml In the ham or lhl Hm llmo tho Iulum mus hnva looked dllmll Seek To Halt Market Wire By THE CANADIAN PRESS 1st Explore Meri wclhor Lewis nnd William Clark um sighted the Paci lic Ocean at the mouth of the Columbia River Nnvlflm The last spike vi the CI nadian Pacliic Railway main line in ihe Pacific coast was driven in Craigrliachie 50 78 years ago laday In ms An agmcmeni with British Co lumbia in ma had guaran teed railway within in years The slow progress of the work caused diiiicuiiiu with British Columbia and threats of secession imrn Confederation minm first confluent of Cnnadlan mom to Mn United Nation forces In qugg nrrivgd Pusan TODAY IN HISTORY IIan It will we ever again an one man hold he position prhm minirier hf Cnnlda for long as iifnckemie King it seems very unlikely lint his Commun weaiih record of 22 years in um oiiice will ever he bro ken Perhaps he would never have ham nbi in nchievr that record In an unhrnkcn sinch he suffered two interruptions One was In insignificantly ahan and very turbulent period when Arthur Meighen replaced him in 1926 but then haeninyed lira tranquillity of being leader of the opposiiion during ihr five year oi Ihe Benneit gimrr In the United sum the con slilullon has been amended 10 prevent any man standing or lhlrd fouryear arm presi dent apparently In recognition or he mental and physical but dcn lmpnspd by the responsibil ities high olflce ludny on Hummus NEVER But while mortar tenure at high oiiice appear to be proh obia in our federal field it is interesting to no the record for durability as provincial pre mier now being set up in Cm ado No premiers now in at iice hold th record for their province third will soon achieve record iourth rec ord holder is acilvu in his am and term In tho federal Parlil merit and iiith recordholder in llvinx In retirement our tawa in higatst year the present Saalal Credit prcmler Alberta is enjoying his 2m year In that nfllce He already has oulalrlppcjl the firevloux A1 berla record which was the year premlenhlp on John Edward Brawnlee Mr Manning 15 Inc unlor provincial premier In Canasta ludayr OTTAWAWhen Sir Anthony Eden wu Frimm Minister or Brilélnphewld me in can vemtlon al Gavcrnmenl House her hut lhe nrlin ol high pn lidcal olflce nowadays must limit In durauon No man he tell could hold down the own of prime mlnmer nor Indeed on the top poxWHO In the cabinet for morn Inn Iva year without nerinusly Impair In hll hullh The most durable prhvlnclll prtmler Canaan has known was George Murray who held that olflce In Novn Stella In 2625 yang mm 196 1m OTTAWA REPORT Sécond lo Premler Mannlnl Of Up To $500 In The BARRIE EXAMINER Mail Subscription Contest Slx Monlhl Ono an 1m Vun SI Monlhl On Your Two Ynn PATRICK NICHOISON Head Of Government Faces Great Strain HERE ARI THE POINTS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION OR RENEWAL WILL EARN FOR ME SCHEDULE OF POINTS NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS MRS ANNE BOWERS Rlprlnnllng Shlnly Bny Phono PA 683 WINNER THROW OFF OR BY MAIL THROW OFF OR BY MAIL Ill be tulllng on you soon Could Be With YOUR Help RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS corner Newfoundlandl Joey Emallwnndwhu In Mr mu year office Ix premier He in the first premier of thallprov Inca since Newloundland en tered Confedernllon so must boast the record or it Brltlu Cnlumhlae Hon ennek is our third senlor provincial premier Heil In bl 12m year In office and there seem to be nurream why he should not hold am until Feb re 1965 up which date he will surpass the present 80 record of year and all month held by Hon Mc Ewe premier from 1903 to 15 12 Cl Dnnglas now nationll leader of New Damocralle Pnrly and member the Hausa of Gammon for Ma sec ond pcrlod bnasu the record Saskatchewans mast durahlc provincial pmnler He held lhll olllce or 17 year and threl months up to November 1961 when he reslxned la reenter lhn federal Ilcld Premiers Mania and Ben nett both Saclnl Credilen head the governments of the only two provinces which have ever elected their party to power in each province that party has retained power ever since lint elected thus permitting that party to boast uniquely lint no Social Cred government hu ever been turned out at mice by Canadian voters The other living recordholder Ix Hon John Bracken who WI premier of Manllaba from to 194 when he also resigned lo enter ldfllll pollllca leader or the Progressive Con iervauvcs 11 Average ienuru oi the premiership has been our year in Quebec PEI and New Bnmswick live year in Oninria and Nova Scam III year in iiilniiohl Ind Saskat chewan seven year In Ai horin and ICE Ihree yurl in Briilsh Columbia GI Ind ll dull Ilvn unto yun Jor will the will meuurn um ye mete wllhn ll mu be mumad in you lulu lnke ma uuéglory o1 God and flu gooci of other without lacking ulfixh mums 15pm be Investment we call Mk BIBLE THOUGHT Tha SpendJng ougsglve log 10000 polntl 15000 polnll 50000 polnll 5000 polnn l0000 pulm 20000 painl

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