Tension was at peak inst right wr an overfluw senior soltbail playoii content at Queens Park as Newmarket Plan Tire battled to 21 vic tory over Stewarts Garage to Iquara the best of seven semi ï¬nal round at one victory each The game extended to 13 in ning and required over two and hail hours to Compieie As the game proceeded into nvertime nil the attention was cussed on Dnie Pen and Butch Boyd two of the strangest pitchers in the league Boyd exhibited remarkable endurance in dcfenl as he was pitching or thg uncondday in ket he worked ulna Innings in xalukng aso victory He was forced to go the mil last nlghl as he was the only regular pitch er ovaflable for Bill Rnycrafts locals He gave up just six hits and massed the grand total of 19 strikeouts TM gave him 31 strikeouts or 11 tunings work on successive days Boyd Defeated In LongGame Roy Lams spirited Darrin Covp crow Who were surprisa winners of the 1506 Barrie In termediate wILball schedule last nigh draw first blood intbe emHinnl playofls In light lab duel Coop naned single run In line home ha of tha seventh mlï¬cienl Ia edge de lending champion ImperialBash man 21 cm lead lhe heat of iv set Lu wiLh Lhe next out lnz slated or lmrsday evening oclock at Queens Park Ted Wilson matched Imperial EasLmans breaking ball artist Laurie Wheeler pins for pitch close battle In the and Wheeler appeared ured Mb 1ny feeling he effects tough OASA win last Saturday night In Owen Wilson scatter ed live singles and claimed 10 butler hrough strikes He per mitted just mm mm to math base and only two past ha law and sack Barrio 1nwWnrd 501mm lu xuca mnunue their played munda this week wilhkzamu In both pocwca and hantam divis ions at War and MM Morrisan parks All game an slated for Pm start CoOp Produces Opening Victory In bantam Idiom Ward 0p flmles are matched with Ward Allnndmle Amhersncks in Immune round for the charm plonsï¬lip Wan head Lha ur ic 30 and could claim the hue WNW night at Smear The butddweo bum1m scrim or mmulallan honors sum hr HEM Shear wiHI Ward Civ ilnn playing Ward Barrie Veld 1m pmu dwnplanshkx lef ks another bestow In all nvtn Vnrd ON 1515 tollidc wllh Wan Barrie Sport longhl Mac Moullan Park Ward Opllmbu hold the upper hand In but ol three prawn wmlauon no uglinsl Wan Allandnla Mer rhnnu Ihry um My My day Simu Imk Following an the unlodalu plnyaf nlnndmu with names to cam and Oplimm luh ll min Spud InterWard Loop Finals Continue Hum plmnd lnlnl In mum aler Sunday altrmmn ll thl HM llry Ml Mb la For VIM Autu kuvly in An Ontario Lnlirl Rminl Mlmll lamina Mimi own In pncr wuh th mmfly xwlnml Pan hunk murmurm mama lnr hm Innhuu ho lnnv Um rm MI In Fm unenle mm In mm Irmde Hum mailm nl vay In 11w lmdu vuilnrl Fm Ella 1mith wit marztn ullh Inns In Du Alxlh ml mouth Ala 10 mm nln mtlnlul 1n Uv VIIHUL Iï¬rnlllna by ID gupu wilt Nd In Ibo Ian hnl um nhlth MUI lmr rum lo Map In an up In vupmlahto lnwl IM mnl mm In lml mldml flu 1mm wmlnl hlll mm or the win 1010 lulllvd lluwr mum to he IIIM fl flliimlln IO lbw Amlu Um IIM mu lama Mrlry Howl Mud 1m mm um 1n Malt pommlm Am Rudy mu Tourney Champs Bounce Beavers num Imame nJM Mon mma DIVISION HEIHHS Hhnmplnnlhlp rum mnsterlnl He entered the same wllh none out and the potential winning run or Stewarts park ed on third base He proceeded In strike out Ihe Aid in drama illcd effort Pegg continued hls mastery and cmmled 11 shrike outs over Iva innings including again seven ataso Nawmarket appeared an the way to evening Ihe series early when their single run in the iillh looked very large the way Boyrl and Case were flinging Norm Roberta lad oi with double After Glen Malnprlze and Ken Sturgeon went down swinging Bill Collier delivered clutch single Tilleugerilcs amides Wedncs Ay nlglgtgl Queens Park sur Stewart med back In the ninth when ynullg Charlie Mao Nlcnl belted triplejntu deep leftcentre alter Jim Armstrong was sale on an Inï¬eld drlbbler At this pol nt Newmarket Cow struck ï¬rst win nm in he fwrth helore Imperial qmddyflrmmm in the mm to capnaï¬w on two er rors laser Wheeler was tagged for eight base hits while man aging our For Coop Icadofl batter John Hangman doubled and drove home thc winning run win twoout single in he sevenlh Roger Lacey and Marshall Ai ken preceded him with bad to bad singles Thu lead tally came from lhrcehit thrust In the fourth as Jack Slanalmn Wilson and Clnruxe Mnehart singled with one and and lhe base filled Ram 511m Dim Shanghai homo WM sacriï¬cn fly Score by 11min InnEastman 000 010 0001 Barril CM 000 IN 10x4 met mom wu son mama fowl EVnrd at Wild Mac Morrison 700 PEEKL Whig rgflevecllustarler OMImIst CW ML Merchant NI Smear 700 Wan lead b05141ch round 14 Optmtd Chi AL Which Ward Head bushelm round HL Clvlnn CM 13 name thlmz TonIerl Ward Mr £700L MM Morrmn mm nil lmr IN mmcealvly llml in the In Innlni The hull llmdml mt ml and rnpilnllml an run or mm nil Mnl llamn Hmlnlr lNI llnnw wivh am ml ninth leinl mm lwn Imm llmln Dy mml um um mlw hm Int lrr win hm hm Ina Ilnglrl IH Kale Mludnd m4 1ny Krnmldy llm nmglwl chddcv round dad 11 mug mania Mum NM Junim While IM Mun Mania Mul mm nlnzln FMII lo ma he winnru llnn Guln mmle lnr lwnm lhph ml Ilnzwl SIM my mmrunw by Diana uhvlnl Mme llvlne Juan Mwmvl km Alï¬ryn and Itnw wilh lln ham Al homo Ruin Irv mm nl Quponl rm Aslmunl mum am pm Emu Ivy inninu Fill ml ml lmfl 1ka mummy oh Inrpï¬r and mum and Wadi Mrsday Ward at Ward Vulncsdm Ward ll Ward Aua 21 Wnrd SEMILi Chumphnnhlp HM IIANIAM DIVISION Consolation Finn SERIES Crmwlullnu Hull SEILI Ward brought in their ace sIahmnn Pegg than caught Art Marlin Jim Thompson and Pele Mc Okslwy on Me to get out at the ism Thu and came with two an In the top lha lath flame Mler Sturgeon and Collier lan ned Pegk moved aboard on sharp smgle tn right and he sped to thhd as Armstrong bobblbd the ball Ken Carksl thenrrqcketed hard shn oil midi glove to score the MK Stewarts tried desperately to turns back In their half at the lath Nick Owen grounded nu ma Buyd tanned Ron Reycratt gained tint hasa when Ms bloop er Into short left ï¬eld was dropped by Collier He stole sec nml has and the picket throw Irorn catcher Robert shot lnto centre tlcldr Rnycran sped around third base and in des perallon move headed or the plate In an extremely close play thn throw from Dan Scal Cher tthbcrLr nailed Raycralt tor the ï¬nal out In the callu lon Robert tumbled hut man aged to bdrm ban Newt 0000100000001261 m1 0000100000001201 Elmvalo Plaza Case Peg 9D and arberu Boyd and Marley Fulure Gums flmmiay Plaza at ElmvaIe ngen famL Newmarkel Stewarts Saturday Elmvale at Plan 100 Lu nghll sun Newmarkel Stewarts Future Gums Wednesday Nowmarke at Slcwarls 630 Barrie Coop ImpFawn fl wt nghll 5cm Coop inmEasunan hume GImeI Maday C001 at ImpEast Sunday ImpEaslmm at Co 09 93m man 1001 Weiincsday Clarkson at Bor 6120 SERIES Butctflvo kalhlnl Tonight Borden Clarkaon 700l mi Donia Garkson 7N TORONTO CF Eddla Shuckl dzmollnn in Vlclnrln of lha Western Hockey Lcnguc lhe Hm slap in puma of Tur unlo Maple Mn plnym uyl Punch lmlnch Mal couch nnd unrgnlAmannutr Imlnch dlsnppnlnlï¬l wllh his National Hockey Lmuuo lcflml lnllnm In In npringl Stanley Cup plnyom blnmcs cllquc wlilhln lho cam 191 Ill deficitn dlscamcd Him cllnua ol lhm or our plnym who mnlnl lmuhlo In lhn loam mm In an Inlmlrw Mon CLOUTING CLONINGER By Alan Maver Punch Plans Player Purge FIT Glme Hmvnle 12 Plaza SENIOR Bubalaevtn Icmlflnlli SERIES Butofuvtn IzmlvfInm BumIve mlbun SOFTBALL INTERMEDIATE SERIES Pu HAWKESTONE 0rillia en uiedonlnated qhe gnawing as the Slmcocslde Golf Club heid their annual Open club tournament Saturday The even attracted 25 men and buy an lhc Atlantic Handicap xymm was In ellect Orfllial Andy Rowe headed the field with lthwerpar law grass score 72 whfle Mike Watson another Orilllnn was six strokes hack in the mm mm slot 1n the Hun dlcap scurlng George Nlchals from Toronto carded the low net score 73 scant hallpoint ahead or 01 mm Carl Bennett Orillia Golfers Top Tournament WASAGA BEACH Driving the best race nl lds career Al Leach PM Perry won the map Carllng Summer Cham planshlp Saturday night at Wa saga Speedway leach held on to keep ahead of Tom Cuzzilla who made desperate final lap challenge Blll Watson crossed lha ï¬nish llne la third posltlon as Al Mlddlchmk managed fourth In tight race in the wire Al Tessier captured the Little Feature ahead of Don Gmch and John Binghnmi Yaum Rick Balm of Barrie exhibited saxnu spectacular driving in topping bath the second heat and sec and cansolaiian races Dnving um same car Dolly Butlers continued her damina on of the Powder Pulf entries by nosmg out Adele Conroy Watson and Leach both claimed heat victories as Part McNicalln Dang Duncan handed the cum solution run Declare Champs In Iudo Meet Regular Qadng at Wasaga Speedway continues every Sal urdqypighï¬u 850 pm Unruly Leach Captures Stock Feature Him Day wéekend The Barrie Judo resumed Ac llvily last nlght alter summer layoff with local club Iounm mcnt held at the Barrie YM YWCA Champions were declar ed in three competing division and eight wen promoted In higher he dnssjnurllqu Top man was Joe Lainx who won lhe menl division Lynda Ebuharl was has among ihe indies and Rosario Ferrari head ed the juniur divisivn Heidi Pnr motions were made lo new orange and yellow bclu in ail 1hr luxuries JUNIOR Ken Darby LADIES Kali Wood lo green June Burnett orange Lynda Eberhan and Ev Wm yellow SENiOn Danny Conlan Drlnn McGnngnn and Gary Stgwm tn yeilgvf Railing 616th compellliun or judo club in Slmcoa County will communes In September day have enough pm Ind now Ill have in In can like Ihh ynu have In at rndlcnlly Shan was only one lnyrr dfllnz lhlngn ha nhnuhnl have done Them Mo nlhrrl And Im prrpaml In lrndo Ihmn mm lho right my lnexcnnxe XIII rénmd lo Rama the olhtr Ml Ill my lhnl anybody on my hockey um hn Mnnl mmply ullh cluh rulu or ulll Iry In mm lrnuhla Ml rllhrr be mild 01 um ln he ml munMW OWEN SOUND Imperlnl Eastman moved of la big start In their ï¬rst crack at provincial sunball playoffs Sat urday night on the road they edged past Owen Sound Bay Molar Hotel 43 to Inks 10 lead in their best of Ihroe ï¬rst round series The Hotel squad who advanced to the Intermed iate AA ï¬nals last year wlll Vislt Burrle next Saturday night or the return engagemcnt Game llma Queens Park is 30 pm Barrie Laurie Wheeler pitched the campma nine inning to gain lhu victory his mates battled from behind and took advantage of arrurs The hosts drew ï¬rst blood wiLh single score In the ogenlnglyam OASA Set Lead ImperlalAEaslman jumped in rent lu stay with llflh Inning The mm nnual Canadian Snipe sailing championship this morning moved inio the big iivevrace Lraphy series with Howls Rlchards of Oakvllla still regarded as the man In heat winner oi the John Leckle Trophy for the past thrcé suc cessive years the Oakvllle ace who has Idwal Crook as new man made slrong showing in tha Sunday and Monday luneup series collecting ï¬rst Ind second In Sunday afternoons ï¬rst practice run Richards led strong contingent of Oakville crews lhrough choppy water conditions an Kempanlelt my to capture nine of the first ten placing Breaking the string was BarrIe top entry of ski per Kurt Born and cruwmun Burt Germns who earns home elKhlh Born was successful in ya lerdays second wnrmup race which was postponed mm the morning due to calm wind Richards managed the runner up post here with Ten llains and Larry Nowell of Oakvillu pluc lng third cheer mm to Eddie Comm laugh old hauler rem Scallle and the Jeers fell In light heavy weight champion vaelorru Defending Champion Richards Shows Strength In Warmups BuL It wan Torre who headed homo to urooklm today wflh hls world in lnlncl nflnr winning umnlmow 15mm dubinn owr 40yearold Conan In the La Vega Convention Conlm Mondfny ni Ancient Eddie wn the uni mnnlnl lawnHe but 71 underdog nnd mosl of tho mudJ was announced as 4300 but appeared lo he more like moothough ho had won the championship In lire dressing room inter Cation was the picturu db ï¬ction and lruslrallon the ini ler characteristic lhai hns btcn hi life oi Almost no ywu in the mm mm won Um light mid Collon knw won lho light Theres no doubt in my mind about it Certainly Id like In lizhl him nxnln 11 ha will givo mo lho chancg nlng ofllrlnh disagreed with Cotton owr lha outcome 11d Hve ann Morgan had ll 70 fl and julnm Hon Amos and Min Idrovich hm ll 6M1 nnd MM mpodlvcly Ammlnlad Im Imml draw to on IR FIGHT And mm guarnnlw hy In Um lnrgru mm mm wnn avrr Irml mm from um pnmumnl mm Mu MIN Halon IN Maria and Don MnLchmnkn Harry Mnrkm of NM Yulk wnx on hand nllrr Torr HM In Mmllum Squaw Garden Dm rhnmplnn Dirk Tiï¬er lnr Jnml Ulla TM 101 adviser Mm Young ml In lnlerufll lml Mn INth Inlrr Torres eered Despite Victory TVHIONIY 1an Mr mm nme an um lmmu wlnnrr II Ilrllllh Enflm 0mm 1m uni My uh lu unl lrllllnl Iml m1 Hm MI rnmIKh rmurHllnn DWI lvr Arlho In Carwllnn lurk ml Hrhl 7th llu Ildmlrn um ulmnl 1mm In munm Hm Umnn In Klwlnn Innmn Hill In all lnlflllhw Aha IMI lwn In me nv Wm Hu Im hm yrm In mumI Val ut mml ll NW 7mnlml lmlluHWl MUM hm Ihulwl Mal Ihum Mer In llwlIlh hiiu mmm mm mm In lh mm mm nl Mm Hw ml Krn 1w ny Arnalmr MMnlk Unlvu IM Mr It In Ina Inwnlv In Mn In mm In Humqu wmuvnl mum and um mm um dnnl III lam U1er McCredie Raps Meet Shortage By BOB MYERS LAS VEGAS New AmThe rally Hrlan lllcCann was sale all an error and he advanced to second has on Randy Laceys sacriï¬ce hunt Dan McFadden added to die lineup or OASl compclillon lmm Clarksan Ho lelI followed with single and Arnie Neal delivered another single sending homa bath men This gnva Barrio 31 lead as QIP had pulled even In the Owen Sound clad main single run in the seventh mask 50er home run mrnwing error allowed ha hosts to square ha mm setting 9119 signs nr the vyingan tally In the Imper Eastman ninth Jim Burke moved aboard throughan crrnr He stole sec and base and came home with the big run when Brian Hanel stroked alngle The lhird tuneup race which rcqulred course change in mIdslream due to sudden wind shm was won by Oakvilles Bent Paulsen who has Kathy Ellis as crew Hahn and Eric Sacys another Oakville entry ollqwcd Poulsen to the ï¬nish lhla in that order st night the championships have attracted 19 snipe crews including ten from tho Oakviiia Yacht Squadron Chasing the title or the host Barrie club along with Earn an two other crews the lather daughter combination of Bill and Iiiison Porter Dave and Joan Senly No bones have come mm London Oni Fanshawe Biong with single entries from four Nova Scoun clubsi Theynre Halifax Armdale Rockingham North Sydney and Bras DOr Cape Breton Tw were scheduled or why and two man Wednesday with the filth and final run slated for Thursday morning Barring posible postzmmmiis due lo weather cnndiuons nice time on Kempcnloii Bay are 1030 am and 230 pm Chargin ol Oaldnnd Calif for Eddlo to box not Olson in 0119 know lald the huslq Puma Illcan American peo 719 gm he underdog Am 13nd haw 511311 aicnn NOV 1i Tmms dings were rm hurl bv ha partisan Couon ludi woe bale and lclevlsion meiqu were beannounced today In mid Uniun hlnndny un wilcd development program almcd at allorlnx Unilcd Stnlu mange in boxlnz by the 1m olymnlcl II In Cal Hull HIM Thu mllonnl balm mxnmll us hm developed In rcallnic prnxrnm my plan In prrpnrc ha UVS Imrrl lhnrnuxhly Undnr ho prnxrnm MU box Ml Irnm lo Itnl wllh lnlrr mm min hoxhuzln whim mnrc llnma ll nuplmslmlm mks ol tlunl mm Mu nl ltml ANTI nnllnm lurlmz ha renmlmlrr nl mm and 1211 Thu plan wnl nnnouncM hy rxccullm dircclur Col Dnnnld Noun ml the US on nnly one gold mnlnl ha 1964 Tokyo Olympics cvmpnml to II In Hm Cal Hull MM MU Prepares To Aid Boxing Thu dual mrm ulll Ivrxln Prl day mm Tnmnln hrn us um lulu on Cnnmllnn mum NEW YORK AmThu Amn LUMVBIJRR For Homily Kampal on luvch Ind quil lly Imml Mm pwd I¢l all In now lhvmm Nail 10 OFF ON CASH AND CARRY 1H 32 TEE BAN EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUST 16 1966 OllAWA CPD Canadas htghest tennis hanon or buy mudunder went west Monday in match that provided the climax to three day of town ment play at the Canadian Class junior tennis champiow ship nohm Elliot I1 of Vnncauvcr lack the crown onesided victory over Stephan Vezlna 18 of Montreal 63 Ell Easy going Elliot described by one tournament ofï¬cials as perfect gentleman an the courts opened commanding edge midway through the sched uled mm then took it Westerner Wins Top Tennis Title hues 52L to one 0n the ï¬nal rally he returned high ball with hard spika drive to win Earlier Monday Andrea Mar lb starry myenmld Mon real girl tucked away her third consecutive title in girls 18 andundcr single Then she de tided not to mules the Can dian Open junior tennis than pinnships and went home FELT SICK Hillelms are in Malian at Quecnl Park narrow night and face mm win situation my trall Ridvmnd Hill 10 in the bendthree Provincial Wo mens Softball Union Juvenile elimination after heartbreak ing 10 on the mad 1114 return game of the accordvrmnd ser ies is slated or 630 p111 um prpccdinz the 03 Iznlar play ninth inning permitted the hosts la win the game 1342 Hill mm wen bulen dcspila out hitting their hosts 15 and held lng large lead nfler fun We innings ermwe Hllkxests comma an even damn allvwing Ridh mand Hm do the gap may Hillcrests Drop Close Decision tournnï¬enl spokesman sald HONDA RICHMOND HILL Barrie However emu made De dil At Richmond Hill an gling hm Iml mnny mu or uqu m1 mum nunm mnlun hnu mum um by in Ink mums llll mnt ym mummrnu m1 your unma lnlfltr FL mm or plum 7177 SIMCOE SALES SERVICE ROYAL RESERVE 1mm AND mmnw mm 65 Comer SI 72 New mm mo 5mm New NM va IBM trail 90 llnndl WMM YIImpImI GUM llll Wlmm IW GO WIIH THE WINNER l0 OFF ON AL TWIN CYLINDER MODELS WW DURING THE 70 DISCOUNT SALE WE WILL BE OPEN TILL PM SALE MIDSUMMER MODEL Earhys owllawme the lhg Open openi The boy Wandunder chum plnnship match was the ï¬nal quln declfled In lhe Clgsed Some 250 players remcsenl ing eight countries today enter the sncond day of the week ong open play or lilies Tournament olflclah originally thought only sh countries would be repnesenlgd nnolly who was listed among the Us enuams has her lmme in Caracas Ven much and Maxinn Win 18 of The Hague Netherlands nub mmed an entry via his amen Hurry Win Ottawa manager at Royal Dutch Airlines NM 00 battled bad with nine In the middk inning sva bï¬xekiEvE 7a ihcém Wick ated hammered lewd homo lranlmg 1241 going into the tag me nigh mn Hovwver aggs HI ï¬rst halter in he bottom of the ninth came around In score as its basunan Mary Jane Wm com mitted an error yo and Myrna bat mad wal evenly distributed among nine players DianeBaflh beued triple and singled twice as lead ofl baucr Colleen Jennell man aged three singles Melanie Wigglan triple mdsingle wï¬iie WasY Bénda Gundry Janet Harris and Patricia Wait 41 giggled Agn AGray singled Endxiiiwm bana Whig ug auack 56m by innings Barrle 153 101 00142 13 12 Rich Hill 100 111 20113 LIST SALE PRICE $1779 $07500 $02795 $23795 7203577