Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1966, p. 6

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Dear Ann Lnnden Plem lap telling parent My other or heir Chlldrcns sake Childrtn dnnl MM lalher who runs nrmmd and lies and moms money on girls th mom finally old L15 10 14 out was glad You cant hm lu how good la Alt1 ai ugh luauad shivering under the raven lxmuso your 01h an screaming cnch oghcr Anclvutaxt Im only 15 lml have made up my mind la and thin II ever not manltd Will nlck out somebody run llvn will for the ml nl my lllo Dml nnd mother wcrc dlvnmd when 12 My nlslers were and II ll lxvy nmh lalher An unrlc or lrlcnd or neluh bur wont do My mollm licked my dad nul He really didnt mm la mls dad and nlw mm my mother en 710 un 1r an themselves Hm is loner mm teenage bay Mwm faruhm Irwn by mum Umhl in mu mu Ilr l¢ univ Inn flmwl Klrrn hum Deu Random Theyre still pouring inLeucrs mm readers who have cmricnccd life first hand with an unfaithful mouse fiven heir philgircn have writ One exhibit wont miss vis king is lhe display winning candle which will be xiwwn in he Exhibit Hall of the Queen Elizabeth Building from Aug 19 Sept no ENTRIES The Candle Making Illsfilute mum the contest annually and this year it drew 100 on tries mm across Canada with he ix5L prize going to Mm Every year make H5110 uerything plan lo 42 and ovary year end up wandering Around Ii 10 sheep dont knvw ubwt yw but can hardly wait or the opan lng ol lhe Canadian Nanonul Exhibifion which will be officini 1y opened this year by hard Thumsun HeeL ANN LANDERS Displays Women ADMIRING SELECTION at winning candle tn ha 1966 Candle Making Contest an Pros AndCons About Unfaithful Mates By EILEEN DIXON yed with my wNiming akunk and 40 ba Ilcvo II hue in me now but Ilill check th IhlrLa or hp llkk and cxnmlno his lnpol lar mudrr mndu cant hmk lhu hub checking the Mr mxhlom nr bInmk hnir pin Once woman Irlmynd hlnu nu nowr he mmn llulmluonKnx Can ml pm uwln lnnrl ml mahhnu HRll HI print In ch mu lmnn lamina 11 HM judges Ian right Mm Joan Miller Fashion Arllsl M13 Inge Lingo at Ye Old Candlb or what she didxlle wasnt what youd call great dad but It least he was here and we were lamlly annmuoox loved my hm band but had get rid of hhn dndorl Mdm whenever he came near me broke out in hlvu and go ashma Mm divoth him his mma dis marod so we are both bellcr Helm My wile necuscd me ol having another woman for yem Whrn finally cun cued and began her to for give me xhe wna ovcrjoycd Weva had good marriage lnr our 40 yum th ht doesnt know that than never wax anulhm woman had In 1mm one lo misfit ur ler Stofmgen 16 Davis Dwnu Place West Hill Ontario or baskzt ol exquisite Easter egg candles and Mrs Dorothy Kirk Iowan Avenue anonln 0n aria fur white candle sur minded by pink wax flowers Another display want to see part callectian called anen mm at Toronlo which Sure To Please Visitors At CNE Frances Peers Willawdale or her entry at hexagonal candle in Spanish design Second prize $100 went to candle decorated with handmdded lil iu made by Verna Homlnglon 10 Kipling Avenue Isling ton Ontario Third prlne $75 went to Mrs Mendelsohn 30 Mark Avenue Ottawa Ontar lo ur ballshaped candie cov ered with deficale wild flowers Fnurlh and lillh prhes of $50 each were awarded to ML Gun ught Shdppe Mn Elsa Jen kins Canadian National Ex hibition ML Nualn Fitzger 11w rmpla le unlhlnl It wan mull limp un Anullnn mm mm hy Im lnlmllly Tun An MM my Inurhul mu 1mm whw mnna lleln hum ho mm JmurL In and Abdul Kuhulv minim luq mdpnmu mu ulenx Mm An will Am 11 Pull lluyll unlk llnwn Allin ullnnul lullllml ml ullh hmlnuu nhrmlnl IUIli Iva dune marlInKI munwmnq nlnru wllh my min hurinl work Mr MN yearn ll 11 my inn mnflmnn 0m the mnknfly unhnpplly nmuw maple divnm In an nnwvr hav locmmlrmlfil diver Mr whn wen ymma Ind rhm err both pan Mlnml he Innatlnn nlmly hrxflm llul followan Um Hm r1 drum rmplu who mm Im rmnmllnu hnvv Intrle lhal we win dlvurml Invnrlnhly wrnl on In mKM lhc lama NUUI Thry Illld lum Mn lrllrr hml Hwy munlnrd wllh lhn Hm mlmh 13AIIIANIITH lMIle rnnl Imp alrl vloun Ihen nlwn gnulnl unitJ uh Jmm mm min Amlln lullwrn vhllnn Mm In In hrr mqu In In plln or lxrr mMInl ml Ml Tmnnto Iy hnsImmIl aflnir lasted six years In me assure you he Ix not xkunk He I1 line person respcdcd phyal mu Ind davolcd Inlhrr In our our children coruidclul diverts wry Ilmfl Wu Id ask myseil What would In The Inswrr mu nu loo clear Vcry IIIUI mmmrcd wilh what need In lose Tho mm ended In January Only recently he mm In me hnnldul you had he wlxdmn and KM mnIurIly Indcd You Invrd In boll had woman on he lid or yearsh In Inc had womenn school cachet or nine monlhl cl the year and summer rcplnwmnl But my wile chmlcd no in other ways She was always 100 lircd or she had headache or backache When her listen visilcd whlch was 011nm had 11m with our sun During the xummnr was lou hd In Hanan 5n she spent lwu monlh wlh hcr hur cnl uho had lake home Thu mt of mo collection will briglflen the Queen Elllabeul Executive Dlnlng Room during the Exhibition So please remember Ann you cant apply lHde rule In people llm Mans each on different swim and me batik arm The eniire cullecfion lulu 88 pieces 75 works the ar isls 10 pieces ol sculplure and lbre banks They have been executed by mm Torontos best known women autism and assembled by Anna Proulx the coordinator ol the thaw Some pieces mm the collee llon am used decor items Ula I17 gmm aid 13 viggxgfle In the flame Funds lines collection The coordinator notes mat they have been chm un because their mood color and nyla blend win he overall lhcme cl he decor cheating husband mm Snipers Bullets Upset Couples Wedding Plans With the lncrc ing affluence of our society art and sculpture Ire becoang Integral pan at decor of he avarage mom The blending of art Into the de cor mane n1 room wiu be dmmnstrated in he Home Pur nlshlng Headlines rwms and gneuu on display In the Ex hi Hall Therwodu an chosen In clugiq he woyk of 25 artists 10 BLEND WITH THEME are work of art chosen epil omize the latest trend In Mme furnishings PART OF DECOR nay MINT WHITMAN fllAMIIZD PHILADELPHIA Mll An mllnm human flu Us Minl MI Mruml Mnndny ll HIM bully rnlnl In In Il Mlm Nmmfly Audi MM nu umer um mull any varhlnq Mudm Ulmnnml hlul wk Evmll Shhw nuian lnmmu rmva nwrtlrllly IUh Om hnlmwm um um Mr In unllc Vulnllnm Hun pmhu run llyrml ullh In um ml Mule or Jam In wulnll Eh Inmml with ulllplm num T0 MAIUlY IN MIR The cnlnnomml hm bun nn nmcd mu Joanna In unlmlu mmh hnlm un rrmlln rnllngn limo lum nr MAkm Inlml Gunlahnl wllh ml pmlay lhry can ml In Mluw mm Fnr awn Um drum pmh wrllm nmhlm mnflml prmh hall m1 IHIHI In um IXIIHMI Mlh rurml nlplwulu ml II nl ullh lnnrlrmn nnm nld the Candi Maklngln niluta and Miss Mary Robert son crallswornan OTIAWA CI Dm Nch gnldrn pouch MI lanl And chrcktml hlllnryl In 0000 ycm It has lrmrllrd mm ll nnlhn Chlnn to Amrvlu la bo mme AIM on TV Ihnvlnl cmmmrclnls um um hnva rhnnxrd And homu trunnmlm nl Hm urlrul luu drpnnmrnl mn duale up morn way In ma Hm Julty szonr IHMHL In lmnklul lmll peach run rnma MI alone or perch nn Inn 01 told rrnnl lrrml Illh lunar nml rrnln Members he Harmon nm fly met or the annual rcunlan and picnic an Sunday at Camp of Two Lach near Ornfllc Ont About me xclatlves attend ed from many points In North am and Southern Ontario Mn Dcnhart was oiedod president of Ihc 10m reunion Mr and Mrs Harmon of Harris were nmonK ho guest unending the picnic FROM THE COAST IIAYRIDP AND IMRDECUE hnyrldc pnrly will be held on lha 0m luwmhlp propcrty of ellh Caldwell on Wednesday owning or member of Iho llarrlu Vcnluro cluh and gutm lnlloulng lho hayride zucsu will mum lo ho hum of Ihu pnsl mesldcnl Mrs John Wall on Clupperlon St or Mr becue pnrly Tqu dltlnl lhrm In hlnm 1le um Iho wood lnr Hm nml lhlfw lhqlrull fur Mr and Mrs hxrcolte Pnul and Terry Irrivcd In the Lily by molar ram Kclnwnn British Columbln lo visll II he home Mr null Mu Wilson Lay Sl WEST COAST WEDDING Miss Jonn Calvin daughlm ML and Mrs Calvin Downsview D11 has returned to ma duv after nxJweek hulk day on the West Coast During her vacation Miss Calvin was bridesmaid he wedding her coqsi nnkie do In Haye to Axel Kellncr 01 Vancouver The hrida and hu plrcnu Mr and Mrs de la Hay West Vancouver former my ldanu ol Barr FAMILY REUNION Golden Peaches Native Of China LION WANDERS OUT OF BOUNDS rrmrlncldcnl produoed lull scaleAlarm Police were bmught in with New In kill Ihe lign Hwy had In KREIELD Wes Ger many Routers ally grown male mm sprang out 01 kt mer feeding time Sunday and hid In the ladies lavamry Evinwfini VlhuiIonxwwras subdued with water hose an returned loAhispuge No one war haulin Wry the lime PEOPLE AND PLACES Phona Efleen Dixon And Coulm 7264531 unis Mr and Mrs nquIiim Burton Avenue Mr and 6mm nmi inmiiy and cousin Min Pnirlcla Icilnm of Banana Ixrln It the city an Sniuniny allowed an cxicndcd holiday Thu lmvcllm Wm luau nl Mu Gilbcril moiher Mn iinwcn oi Granvliia Mr Bowen nrcnmnanlcd her mum 1min when ihry visited Oshn where lhey were enlcrinim by Mr nnd Mn Vernon Donn TO WED IN FALLS Mr Em Mu mil Scoll Mc IClulea or Niagarafqlls Ontar 10 have nnnuunccd the engage munt thelr dnuxhlcr Muriel Eleanor to shun erhncl Jnhns non of Mr and Mn William Johns Barrie Thu wed ding will lake plan in Dmm mond Hill Presbyterian Church Niagara Fall on Sept ll 330 pm GUESTS FRO ALBERTA Drug Addicts Can Be Helped Says Social Worker think Misl Vernon uld In an Interview 11 social work ers and other pmfmlonm could reach peopia In lhelr prob lem sltuauoru in lamlly when thl person wllh Ills probun L1 ailumd it would be big slop forward In helping to prevenl addlcflon Mr and Mr and lnmlly hm relumed In Canada alter upending our years in France where Mr new by mud with the Royal Cine dlan Air Farce In Melx pry sent the Couple are visiting the hqme of Mrs Rcmpyljnr All will work In recrea tion and in education must work together to help penple with pwblmu eel the probiem of pr cotiu ha been semalionahned lo the point where weve been Ignoring the cause Carole Shownd eldest daugh lcr of Mn and Mrs Ruben Sheppard nl Banle to Stephen Ernest Reynolds mm of Mr and Mrs Elllolt Reynold Barrle Firs Baptlsl Church will form Iho setting or mar my on Aug 27 It pm RETURN FROM FRANCE So soy Jay Vernon of the Calgary Childrens Md depart men who conducted grow ther apy classes with addch Illa Mercer Retormnlory or women in Toronto She said the mm in Alberta Is recognidon that experts in begin mu gruntg gm phyll In Ihe dulings Ind with addids found their sense values In everything was oll killer Many soclnl premium make life difficult for ham In the hecllc pace of noeler today lot 01 people In lost And look lng or way to find them selves Drugs look llke the solu tion Mos drug addlcls have not had stable family life Their whole lives need relocuslng CALGARY OP loclll worker could mach peapla in their problem situations It would be 1111 flop forward In helping to mum drug midi Lion VALUES DISTORIED her Linthind icxpefience with addlm sh said mud Ihey were umally lnlewgenl people they had lo be to play me narcotics game because its so risky They not oniy had to worry about lhc law rut Ibout untrustworthy ped ara FREE ummwnmnrs Huh Fmdtf WlMxll drawn uxuuu ym ml 1n ymr dry cleaning mly for ll ltrm ml nu mum um have In be dune Jul all Hi loday 7285531 She his purulent In lhe Royal Family Prlnm Marx ml her aunt wed common hu lnrmnr Aniany Arm Friend are saying but khan ma prlnccs docs glveurlous consldcrnuon In mnrflnxu the may purn lho dwindllnl band hlrnpel royally The princess In or third year at Bencnden School in Kent anxiously nwalllng re wiLs 01 her fin major xnm mallons Siockholm newspaper nyl she ll being consldmd Mute brlde or SwodLnl Prince Carl Gustav 20 The chdbh myn palace qulclly bmshrd It Anoihcr Ilgn of approaching adulthood mm the princes has been given her own mile on he third floor Burklnl hum Pnlare Bu dont we why they hnva been applied In jolly girl who 16 ln lhe axlenl cl making hzr wear clnlhcs that would suit woman of lo Tlm age 01 16 lur member of lhe lloynl Family who ls lourlh ln line nuccesslan to the throne brings lhe first hur dcns ol r9an rcsponxiblllly She has just taken her level Examsequivalent In high Ichool graduation GETS OWN SUITE know all ma argumenu In nvar ol roya dressing being dignified and restrained and agrcu wim them Mm Ed wards says LONDON AP Princess Anne daughter the Queen became 15 today and among her birthday prmenls was some ad vlcc on hnw to dress erlu columnist Anna Ed wnrd In The Sunday Express she neednt look like granny Tha forthcoming marriage or Miss Catharina Undnux numb hll been announced by her nannu Mr and Mn Stanley Lhcumb cl flame Mm Llscnmb will marry Princess Annes Wardrobe Would Suit Woman Of 40 SHOP YOUR CLOSET FIRST FOR BACKTOSCHOOI CLOTHES ITS SO EASY TO DRIVEIN 103 BAYFlElD STREET THE BARR ESMMINER TUESDAY ANGUS 18 19 lwmumrs T0 WED IN SEPTEMBER 72055317HDELIVEE Mnny elderly people Itquln thu Irelan lhey burden lo Iacicly bccnum locinly docs not yol realize mu many them want In be umul and producllve Mlal Anderson Iflyl Pcanle who busy lhmuelvu with Just the family or Job and have no nuulde lnlcmt uow aide more qulppy They would retain their ability to mnlm new Hand nnd ncqunlnlancu alherwln lhcy will dcvtlnp gradual sense or Lmlmlon and lhrlr loncllnm wlll becomu exam algd Ind lnlcmmed This means joining clubs and underlaking volunch Helen Anderson mid on visit hgro mm New York Active mm enxlly nnd becoma less lnncly than Ihm whose Hm have al wnya been very circumspect Ihl lnyg VANCOUVER CmTo tn Iuy gramin nldcr youve lot to work at ll an In editor go Amcrlcln Journal of Nun Cnlnrnnls Edwards says that judging by what the princes wean on dulyhipster slacks eyecatching sweaters and sometimes Beltle cupshe has he right Idea nl teenage fashion strungAJoncn now Lord Snow don But she adds On larmal oc casinm aha wears xlolld hat An Interest In Life Keeps Aging Busy Pieter Fun 01 Barrie Inn of Mr and Mn Jacob Emu or Toma Onurlo WW Angilcan Churcn Banle will form the mum for the Inn xIage an SepL It pm Whom by SmMLSIudla CLEANERS 7285531 We mun fivemtan day plan wilh smaller meal each slulng They look award lo the mud and also find that My llctp murh bellcr all mum Governments didnt do cnough or flu elderly Thorn ought ba guaranteed income abovc lhe subsistence level And Ips dnl houflng which wwld Vida Indepmdence In 1ch prpuclgd environman In impractical to haw fixed reuremrnl ago Miss An denon Inys becausa poapl who renrh lhclr flank of pro ducflvily Inle oux In be lowcd In use It whlln lhosa who ranch curly could min earlier Prapir nutrition wan key In enjnymem III or th our lile expectancy munh longer nuw lhnn ever below and while wa may plan Ir mute ucurlty wa dunl nnli pale lllness lnlury or dlsublll lea and he rablenu that ol ow Iy uencer wlll be extremely generoue toward ero atlve and Intellectual pursulte on Wednesday also over travel outdoor Interests and personal ralutlonahlpa Male the mark at good deyl FOR THE BIRTHDAY ll tomorrow ls our birthday your horoscope dlcatea that while at present you may he somewhat discouraged at your reemlng lack of progress monetary Interests It would well to call on your Inherent ahlllty to bounce hack tn the wake of dtsnppotntmentl Thls you can do it you wlll keep ln mlnd the tact that planetury especte for the balance at 1966 fionflee nothing in the way at portent gain but do promlsu great deal wlthln the next two yearsll you plan well ahead And you have some ex cellent aspects worklng tor you along thlr llne September and October when your lntultlnn tmeglnatlon and alertness In apetLtng opportunltlee should die at peak will be excellent months tn whlchto map out plans or local expansion and these plans should cover pa rlod of at least two yeera Prop erly launched and carrled out they should brlng gratltying rIsults within the first three months at 1957 to he followed by an even more profitable threemonth cycle hcglnnlng on June child born on that day wrlt be extremely versatile could excel in medlclno chemlstry toachlng the law or tn the dra matic field as actor wrlter My birthday wish for 1h princess that whoever Id vking her will let her hava be head mm more wish they forget the matronly royal com vanllnm and molherly lulu The hand bag she tanlo is more suited long busncsx woman or so EXTRELLIIA 191 TOMORROW THE STARS SAY TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mam

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