Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1966, p. 4

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Davie Fulton one of the few real Con servatives in the oilidai opposition es iimates that during the last 18 months the Canadian Parliament has committed itself in new expenditures of something between 515 and $2 billion annually reports the Winnipeg Free Press Walls Publisher This rough figure representing an increase of about fifth in total spend ing covers the cost of contributory old age pensions wider university education and medicare the writer explains But many other items including the propos ed increase in noncontributory pensions must be reckoned in the bill which no one except the taxpayers will pay Even the lndlviduals payments to the contributory pension scheme are form of taxes though he wtll get them back later and certainly they are nothing but taxes inlthe case of em players Probably it will some time before the bill 15 counted in detail Parliament is plunging ahead on many fronts without regard to cost and has never paused to consider the means 01 payment That problem left to Mr Mitchell Sharp He must find the money somehow and it is already clear that he will raise taxes Mr MacEachen has Indicated ulte frankly that some tax increase wil be needed merely to support the proposed rlse ln noncontributory pensions Any medicare scheme will require far larger levy It does not follow that every dollar extraspending means an extra dollar In taxes If the gross national product gmws fast enough in physical terms it can yield extra revenues to com any The 1986 Civil Rights blll jus1 passed by the US House of Representatives faces the prospect of grave weakening now that it fate Ls in the hands 01 the Senate As it stands on the basis that halt ion better than none there are features in the hill to welcome as strengthening the rights at Negroes and taking at least small step toward eas ing some of the talk underlying the racial crises that have come to head this year in the northern US There are Itrong doubts notes The Welland Trt hunc whether even slim slice those benefits much less the hall 10a that the House approved will survive in the Senate Canadians Will Pay Mare And More Federal Taxes in the House amendments eliminated 60 per cent of existing UiS housin units viriualiy nil privateiywned ouses and small apartments imm the bills open hnusing revisions Yet even in 1L1 weakened am it could open the doors or Negroes in apartments and in housing erected in the iuiureolier the hope at steady regress toward integra Honhnqmattcr owsiow Vheihrér suifi hope would Impress those who are waglng form of revolt US HouSing Eh ffiarfiwfimittrr TM II ha Ilmml lelrh mm Unwrh Unrrnl lluk In Ilmlr In mm laulu hwy yumH ol uu QUEENS PARK COULD BE IMPROVED Publlshed by Canndlan Neivhpnpqn Limited 16 Bnyfield Street Barrio Mtherlon Mnnazlng Editor TUESDAY AUGUST 1i mg PAGE£ lrr but In Iumlml rm In Him In an nnmum numu MIL than nul UM munmlnum amount of new endltures Moreover inflation or gro in fictitious terms is great he in minister of finance who aces harps present dilemma As prices rise so does the yield federal sales taxes without any change of rate As money incomes rise the tax payer flnds himself in avhlgher income tax bracket and pa much higher rate And as the va ue of the cunency falls the government pays interest onlta debts or re aye rlndpal 1n shrunken dollars leg de aulttng the lend Even wlth large increase in the real GNP and afurther imaginary increase ln its dollar value Mr Sharp cannot hone to finance his governments vast commit ments without substantial tax increase unless of course he incum deficit of sufficient size to turn creeping inflation into gallop toward disaster Since this cannot be his intention the alternative is another resort to the average Canadians purse though some taxes may be dlsguis aid pension or medlcare contribu ons The net financial results of higher costs so lightly accepted in Parliament are simply hlgher taxes for all Canad lans It is not easy to foresee the econ omlc results In nddlllon to the inflation ary pressure generated by governments increased toll on national resaurces how will higher state shading mostly for wel fare affect other spendlng both public and private That seems to be the last question in Parliaments mind Any pretense that government federal or provincial is op erailng on some masier plan of priorities and putting first things first has visibly collapsed the Free Press concludes against imprisonment within northern fihettoes is questionable But there can no doubt as to their reaction it the Senate curtalls that hope further or eliminates the measure oi hope the House nas provided The bill has other more sitive ea lures dcs1gncd to further cause equal rights for the Negroes but as The Tribune says it Is on the basis of 115 open housing provisions that it will be judged both by those seeking equality and those seeking to block the way to it Reading that stars eventually die 01d Sorchend said That must have been what happened to the star hitched my wagon Mafiy Human acquires reputation is being by dolng lot of explain ng When person says Im no fool the chaan are hes not thinking but won daring Nature usually evens lhlngs up rassho er Ls lnLler than bee but hrs bet or manners Paragraphically Speaking Clause Key Wilson Genaral Manager ol mh ml mlmcllm Wm 31 vumM ll lnmh In tnhnnf II nmwunme Hm lnl min Ihm Ihq unit In dry OTTAWAull is perhaps lm man nature or politician in view guest column an op poriunlly in turn the inqu on his host Parllnmenl and poli tician generally have become invorllu whipping boy far um pundits and lhere templa lion in reply In kind when In oppyziunlly ilko this urine llowmcr rem the temptation nnd canflne myself to cw am about lhe pur llamenlnry Illunuon past and prucnt Renders am sure will re call that black weekend several months ago when the Com mons was salted wllh the at ullcd Munslnger lltuallan Par llnmcnt alter month of Iqunb bllng and llmelrlllcrlng had descended to new law and ll early demise was belng pre dlclcd on all Ildns In he mlddle of thin aim had occnalon to speak in Am hcrslburg ML and rclcrrbd In the parliamentary Illunuon in then worth Sam at our editorial ml and Illlcul undlu are wringing tlr Inn and pm clnlmlnx um Parliaman In ll dznlh Ihrou Ihnl ll hu un dcmmm lmpnmblo dnmnxe Those IcnUmcnu In incl wen expmsrd publicly by lho leadKr mm the pm In oppoxlllan dlsaurwl will lhl num mrnl nml pmlidcd that lnrlln mcnl um mndn ol slurdlcr nu lhnk llma would pnwo he Cmuandrlu wrong mmml hnl hllh mlrnlnl and luau lwl lho dlulculliu mhl be Iwrrcoma nml Ihn pmrnl IM llnmrnl mull hmme cnn nlrutlho nml producllve one HA5 NTflENfiTfl $119 33mm Exumulrr llon Alln Muttdun mlnluer HINDI hull And wellre write lodul Guest Wm Millbl uufi flu Pnlinment dullll holler Job In lama LI cflllu lumen OTTAWA REPORT Auumrlml Irmnd clan mull Iml Olnu mun mom 011nm ml or myyunl min In mlly Sunday And Slalulnry llnlldnyl urmlul fillmrlpllnn rnlu dnlly Ivy cnrrlrr 30 weekly mm ymly Flnlla rn In If mull Hm 01340 yearn Onlnrln Ila your mulnr lhrnvmll III ymr Mull muhh mm 1an mum Sees Much Accomplished Since Munsinger Affair mum rlllsh mm Hm an IRA and lmlnn mm mr 0mm lYnlwully anmln TIMI rm Mmlrrn 501 MM WM Irndrr fl mexlvrr Mrmlur Um lanllllnn mu Ntwumpu hum1 NI Mwlnllum Um Im mNnn lvru nml Mull llurrml nl lrrulnlhmu The nnnvllm Im II urlllgivrly rnlllINl In II Inc lnr rrwmlrnum nl All WWI mlmlrhu In MI Inxwr rmlilhl In II IVI Awllnlrll IIlu vr rum nml nIrn llm lm ulMlflml min ENTER THE MATADOR This speech was fairly widely reported and it led to main of editorial denouncing my Ppllynnnn optimism and sup zestng was inol to think that anything worthwhile could come out of the present Parllav ment We havent heard much recently irom the political DUIF dits but think any objectivo Observer must conned tllnt it 27th Parliament has come long way and accomplished great deal since the Munsinxer divenlan urn lhat it perform ance linen um am an and comparison with that of any other Parliament In my own depanmcnt lwa major leglxla Iva measurestho helllh re sources fund and the Canada Asshlnnco Planhave been up proved and birdmedical care Insuranceb wdl on the wry Than think are three at lhu most important cm to come balm Parliament in ro cent yam and despliu lhe odd partisan flnrcup membtrl on all sides til the limxse npA proacth hum in responsible and qumlrycilvu wpy NEONIVJA fun building up belwun me and mum nvrr mllk Ontario Agrimfluru Mlnlxttr Sluwm lays 01mm lhould lncmuu nmnldy pay ment to Ontdo producer bl milk or manufacture lulernl mum Gmno my 5mm lryina um um Luna nu mm pr mm on 4er maul dm llmh Mr Strum Ind Fre mlrr num hnm xlvtn really only am perllnrm Irmmm to why Mme no nlnrin hmdd mmdc my new In WIIO fllVllSIDIZEDT nun ll mm In mlxxidy pamwnl Iha balance zlnmnlwmdd mm In be on Mr limnul IMO 1wa any pm In men anmln mmum Onllrln mllk whirl And Onlnrlo Ihnuhlnl perm In Multllu cvn munm In ha ll KM romp uy In lnrnm mnva huMiflK ml lilinnl Mill mlm Nul mlnmw musl VHV win In MM UM Ilifo Awn Nm Innl QUEEN PARK Irrllun Onluln milk prov deu my Illry ranl mwnln yummy an mu hr In Uni Inr lhrlr milk Imuwv1vlr nl lml KM are nmnlmmlc WWW wlm puma mman lu ln Hun llunru by up ml mun IF nml Hum Iln ll mum mm In nan In um Ihrm ml 1711mm nirl ILal Mun myva mm In mm Imam in why udnldy mm Mm m1 Mulor changes In Ihu Dunk Try To Make Issue Over Milk Question II DON OflEAflN mum m1 A4 nnMa Act have been brnught iarwurd and discussed and imporlanl legisinilon in many licid prom esscd In addition there havn bean debates of very high quality on such thing capi tal punishmch and ihe war in Viol Nnm and tom lwn dmn cammillens have been work morning noon and night going nver ha governmcnll npcnding plan with linMoolh comb and examining inch imparlnn mailers drug costs highway saieiy and the crius and con iravcrsics swirling around in publicly ow In ad Canadian Brygdcnsilnz Corp wwumnnumg I1 ol transconllnanul railway wwid begin wthin an and be unnamed kn years 51 John Macdwaldl eminent was famed to resign man alter that owing lo cam paign finds mum ml the governmm under Alexander Mackenzie inherited We depression Money was Lllfllculg ohm117w bylmv eoflheraflwnyhadbeen built In y¢nln Enemy Ind WWW wuuu and the federaljpwcrnmem mm the meat he Arrived II AW16WQ his vigk wu 1m mess He wui mnlhmbyslrlmmbmglumdvmdwed he draws lbw Ihe sallydammed dream One of me mm had am reading 0aman Terml Separation and 10rd Dul lerln would not drive under until me word was changed In WEN We uvul wuaua Marigold covlsu BrkLsh comm During his vial lard bulletin havelied llama great deal Mme provimemdmsyewyknprcssed Alumina MILLn vamomr be watdxed two lumen standing on springboa humiedhwlhemnkolnlxeeufeotmefihehwndfidllhc mlwmwunqtmwmmummwmen While in pmlm Ihe zoVermrgeneral wax careful la meal 131 ha sided with British him in the railway dis pute but um he returned to Guam he had liner quarrel with Prime mm Mackenzie did not do any good and the Pacific swim of he railway did not berm until 1880 when Sir John Minimum was back Wen Wm EVENTS 7N AUGUST IA lbwPort Royal NW Smile surrendered to upedhhm mm Naw 1150 Major maria Lawrence began building For Immu ne mm naar New BmwickNova Sada bmder 1771 American ddcaud British Battle at Benningum 1TH New Bnmrizk wanted mnflvva South with mom Carleton the first zwernor my Yukw deal District formed 1m M35 dmm dmaled moo livm 10 m1 Dieu WMILW Camrl Ind Arthur WenTinn derblrd Wildcat mryl Temp esn Barracuda Marauder Power wk These the cm drive Hm are they Could thcy be Inlet yes then why argy than Ralph Nadur 1n Unsale my Speed wnl Imang lha In npcn up thl can of worms Now lnvcsllgnflom 1n Wuhan lan In New York and other Links are nlerung mobile 84 Hon to flu humSn hum In the family New Snlcly but should reach wide ludlcnce or xlrikcs WM tbs Issue hot makes an nuuwmuva and tunvlncinfl cm and mun ngcs nlxa In be enlerulnlnz Its approach fresh and larlhright and Anecdotes and lnlcrvewx mnka 1L1 palm and brighttn ll Panes Changed Separation Td Reparation Plan AT THE LIBRARY What do can med in make lhem anlcri The Iuihnrl qunln ca llama on llsi spanwrcd by ileprcsenlnlivo Francis Mc Cnnn in he Musnchuselh Lea tslaium The list include such sensible uqulremcnu pnddcd dashboard with recessed knobL rulinpslblc caring column mil hnrncssu in both iron and um many at lho Inn boil now uscd give Hills prulentlnni dlsiorilonlreo wind hiclo balnnu lo achicvn slnhil liy disc brnkrs iirm suspension and Air inlan nrnr lho lup cl car in Mold carbon monoxide iumrn These questions beginnlng lo gnaw he Chadian can sclcnce as they Iluady have amused widespread concern In Inc United State Snlety Last an Important nddlllon in nu voice being raised against the num Industry Author OCanncu Prolcssnr of Law at the Unl vgsny of Illinois Ind hi medal the law at mm mm author Mym Ls pmfesxlon Journalist and fictionwriter eir joint effort ureluuy qolmd my lam am nlnenva rendabli ImiéfimenIM 1e aulumobile manufmurm 1r lndilference to public wel 112 marrir Examiuvr COMMERCIAL PRINIING XIIlush Colwnbia 5me the thjflanclm 16 MYFIELD 51 LETTERHEADS POSTERS OOFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS OWEDDING STATIONERY INVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS OBILLHEADS PROGRAMS Safety 0f Todays Cars Discussed By Authors PRINTING BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR By Bob Bonnn The authors roundly blame the nutomoblle mnkm lor their lnilw urn to Install enler leaturu They refuse to nccepl the auto executives reply that stylan sells can but ulnty doesnt nndthat poor drlvlng L1 the maln cause of necldenur Nut enoughnblcctlva research has been done to prove or disprove either these assertioth At any me mlny accident are due to faulty can rather than had drlvlng The authors believ thnt the government nhuuld reg ulate against dangcrmu design it does against lmpure drug and tor the same reasons Already Gcncrnl lllolor ls be In hit her ll hurls hi the yockelbook One hundred and 1ny lulu have been lllcd in Illa court ngulml lhnl company lur allegedly unsafe dcslgn Corvair models between 1960 and 1961 Two lcaluru ln the Cor valr ol Lhoau year are comirlA erod dangerous The englnu wan ln Um rear and willl lhe nu ponslon syslcm rmploycd llu vahlcle was unslnble easily over turned Ind nol alwnyx controll ablo under normal drlvinx cir cumslnnm Secondly the alteh lnx box Julle out beyond lha lrunl whccl suspenslon and In colllrlon could be jammed hack word as much Iuo chl lm pullnz lhe driver thdlrll ullnsl ON or ncgllgcnco luv bcxun lo come In wllh dnmaxrs mnzlng upward lrom $70000 Moro surh dcclsinns mlth yt tnnvlncc he cnmpanlts lhul un nln cnrnnra unprulllublr In our tank and rocm power under our Mods shapely dath drape lhclr only cunlouu aver sleek chnull and purr nbuul lhn Loy nl mouon In husky one ardly candnclva lo rnrclul driv hm nmu lo lhlnk ll could ll bu th wrllen OConncll and Mym In dwelllm on nuth dinr llnu dcudl are Iikrwlse pulllnl our lmllndlvn Ilnnm MunMullc the advertiser make halt Isle Hch lo mu mus prlmflln an 1cm hrld led tmoflom Announcm hlnra out he blatant name of tho In duury products ml liner GUMMED LABELS OBUSINESS CARDS DRAW TICKEIS EROCHURES 7266537

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