Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1966, p. 3

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head of employment Mr MM is in charge of ml or 12 This Hire under the jur ktllrllon lhe Domininn Dc purlmrnl Cxlizcnship Imm Hzmlinn and Manpower of which on kun Mnrchnnd is he min slnr Olluwn Hulh nHicAs cover Barrie and dlslrict which lnrludcs Allisum kaslnwn Angus all of lnuis IJI klulmur Mahmhm Flns 0m Vesprn Tossomntlo lul vjaln Mcdonle and part Sun nldala lowmhlp FORT STE MARIEAmong gtheHurom was visihxl by On tario Prunier John Robarts ycserday Accompanied by Minister of Tourism and In orrnallon James Auld Lha Mr Lowe said Mkrd or 1hr nppnrlunlly In come here nlvmys lxkul name And In brnuHIul lntxllinn It is cry pmgrushc my nnlhl 0an Sounll Mr MM has hun wllh cmpluymtnt lmlnrhrs hem nlld Ill Sudbury MI us chhcw Mum umnnucr lminusly he ms cmpnyrr nlnlinns nllitcr In firmm nml AIM wt empluymrnl ofllcn Hllloll Lnkr Medical Cases In Maternity Ward With Birth Rate Down Formebmanngcr the Run rcw oflicc the aniunal Hm plnymcnt service George Lowe has started his mum us new manager of 1hr cancspnndinx ivision in the Barrie office it le announced today by mence manager of the Un employment Insurance division In he Insurance on Mn Laurence has Mn ol II The ollim Ix ndminixltrrd by he Dnmininn Department Labor at hlch Ilnn Jnhn Nicholson lhn minhlcr New Employment Service Manager Named At Barrie Grand Olo Opry Will Entertain In Barxio Sept 20 Thr Mrlh mln In llnrrln hill dvnmml In mm In Ia paul 7m um nlmnn hull In ml in Ihs mnlrrnlly unnl nl Hmnl lrlurll Hmpllnl MB he Imz uml will mulirnl rnll Ilmhrulmn lho hmlvllnl MM May In II lwlu nnrn vuuml urluulvrly Hrr Innirmliy mm In MW In Iml nlnllly or unlwrnllu mm Nauru pudupflnh mi Ilmrlw nnll ulullld Nulh er nw omlmm nu mmml ml1y ml ll umkuinl 1h Han um Ilmw nun mmnum mum In qu m4 Arumlml In Jrnulnn lwplultlrnl flu fluh MI hil lm IMKNI Wodnn Ilmn NW In amlur MIMI 1h Ihnw IHI lmo III ME Mm Han Imhlvllnl Auk Imlumln Myrna lmm nul Hm Tuwurn vmq um AM nppmlnn nunlnl ElmII mll mm mm Mum Alnmru luwwn Nu hmlv lrmll Irvl WU1 1h rluln Wm Ih ml In mm ymuh 1w lm 1th mm ln lhc rIIy nl ll Mr Inurrncc came flnrrle premier was impressed with the reconstruction being done at he ancient hismriwl silo ABOVE Mr Rubarls signs he guest book as Dr Hlid Jury University of Wcstcm Ho and 11 ha yulrs an al 10 mm nenlrnw He la native Mimim clan April 1965 mm divi ninus were wiltL Mr Laurence mid llm split WM made In hol lrr cuonlinnle mnnpomrr poll ry nnd cflorls nml he the has prawn sur xlnl Mi Lnficm no had pmlxe nr Harris nlnlinz hr has born mos happy In this rlly MANY VAHII COLOR 13 hnuxrhnldl fining rnlnr leIcminn mu number nlmnsl 7000000 mm ulth 71mm llw mly mm mm Hm nunlhrr MI hlshvr lhnn lflmfl wind In rnnlmlml um um mnnfll unh unIy him ugmrmq Hm lmspilnl vmnpurcd In July Ml yrnr 11m nullihcr v1 lull II lluvm ll In HK1 INIII mnnlhx Hm rnr HIIMKI If prr rrnl Imur lhnn hm yrur uhru Hm lulnl inr lhn Inmv pmer wnl 11 Thn numer of Milk II yrnr um IIIMVI In Jluunrr In In Frhnmry In Muir mm In Mn In May and 15 In July 11pm Inc rnrl In lnnmh up hmr mrr Inmn mm lull rnr EHOIIGH Ll Kempenfcl Kiwanis Club has decided bring Travel and Advcnnure series undo Mes lo Barrie in the fall Full color lravelogues will he prasenlcd as series six apart from kickoll Illm lo be shown early in he lall The lilms will be narrated by per sonallly who has visllcd Illa nounlry depleted in he mm Th scrlcs will be shown in Central Collegiate nudilorium The decision wasreadncd at mling the club man Mon day at the Continental Inn Wlllnrd prmidcnl nI Illa club said The series Wont dmad mm any adinlics It Will be an nddttion to the eral life narricJ Mr Kintie said his cluh may culifl lhc help of filler service slum aid in Ihe snlr of tickets Proceeds will be used for than liable work of the club Ontario and receplinnist D14 ane Whitman look on 1Ex aminur Photo Kiwanis Club To Show Series Travelogues Pllznm jnlnlnz lhe Iolh an Ial wnlk lu lhe Marlyu Shrine dlnnd nrc slnlcd lel rm Sl lloanids Church at Kllnlu Augusl 3L Tlmy Wlll pnnl by way of nnnlc llgrims will be lrnmwlrd It 11 nullevlllc Oshawa anon In llnmillnn Guelph and Inn tln In Illxdnlv on lhc mmklm nrvnlo and will he Julncd hy vlhm on lhn way xlgnms wiKl be nullevillr sh In llnmillnn Guolp In In Hudnlv on nrvnto and wil hy when on he pllnrlmnue lwuiuh llcv Pn mil thnlic and Wn lhc Aflflll way It mu ll 11mm In mi and In mm vr Imin ln llm rimle an 04 Iran MAS AT llAlllll ha mm Fllday Hm 3mm Pilgrimage To Shrine To Include Anglicans pllnrlmnfle mu lmIudu mom CV Pnl KrHy Ho thnlic nnll Ilrv MMlln Ike Angluan church way It Mu nulnlnwl lmwd tnrivh he mm and In Mlcr leul rny Imin ln hrmmu wilh rinrmlu an mumInn lcan ll In yla rvrnlnfl Frlday mm swim Ilium lnr lhnw Jnimnu MNka nnly and lhrm IHll KINle urnln Iml In Mnhnr In Iy ncllve wuiuu tml Winnipflu HIM HI lny Hm hiKhrr ln 1mm pmI wr Nuv mm mm lewr Orl In hlLhrr In WIth ln llIA INL PRICES THEJMRRIE EXM NEH TUESDAY AUGUST IS 66 Ontario Premier John Robaru yesterday concluded riveday Minx trip in me Pcmrbomgh are with tour Fort Selma Mane 41mm thoHumns at Midland Mr Robarlu accompanied by James Auld minisler of tmrrism and Normatinn and an aide Ernie Jacksun was dressai 1n shorts and sports shirt Ha made it quite clear he was hull daying and not on official busi ness Also on the Ner tour of me munold Indian site were Mr RaharLl son Tim and Mr Aulds son Jamie and Mr Jack mns son George Phomgraphers swarmed around the premier on his arrival but he dodged questions until the tour was completed N0 ELECTION He flatly denied Illa he had chmplalai an election as rum and recently by National Damo cralic Party members Rumor had it that Mr R04 hart was about call an elm lion but decided against it be cause at the arm crisis Then is no truth in that statement whatsoever said the premium We had an election nnly three years ago when here is need or another Ill be ihc first to inioml the press he added Mn Robarls said he was ex remer impressed with the work being done at Fan Sainte Marie When Lhe remmtruction is completed the site will rank wiLh Canadas best am simply delighted The workmanship duign and execu tion is very imputsswc and am exrcmely happy with the progress that has been made Mr Hobart said conducting the our was Dr Wilfrid Jury honorary cura tor of the museum of Indian archeology and pioneer life at University of Western Onlario Also on hand wcm Mrs Elsie Modem Jury and Cran mnn drairman of he lluronia Historical Dovelopmon Council which administers the site on he llall ol the government Univer shy nl Vcslmn Ontario and the Socielyfiof Jesus CDNDUCI TOUR Universlly of Wmcrn Dn earin was mmisdnncd by the zovnmmonl to reconstruct Furl Sainte Maria in lhe spring 1904 Mr Hobart officiated at ha opening Relaxed Premier Visits Fort Site Near Midland WI ipcdn 01k man Mount 5L Innis in Modnnlu Township on me Saturday nighl Moun Louis lncalcd hut of we nn he way lhc Shrine Alrnnncmcnu have bnn mmlc llrllow nuw mm mm Mon Innis to he Shrinr Hung Inlflylrllvtlkd side mad and lrnlls Thu rxlrn lnumvcn Irma wxll he nllcml up ax rm nrMInn rrrcnl dmcrm llnn Ska Innncb ll WM slnled Trnmlmnminn Ill be provid 4d or Nurse wishlnu In jnin flu mnnh for me Wrokrnd hiking Ihw Wurkm mm Tumnln ln Sl Inmm mulllurium hm In lhIrrio CnnlMl may he mmlu at lhn Harrie mimy nr quIhn HEh SCIIMI nlnlllnp mm For Mum Mm mnml mn unlll he MkHum at In Snlunlny num mind my mmlr Mlh Hev Cnvtlru Vllwrin Harbour hulrrn mllu II Wnl Mr nrvl Iny with lhr uml Um lnu dunruling nn 1h Mnnar lrry rnane Inr lhv Ilny Amval Ill Hrndlunl II weird Armxntl up pm Tho uhwlvdo run pi 1mm lrnvini wanIn In ruwr 21 qu hm any mh Ma uhhmxm In om an on mule hwmlmn mu Ihr huull Hal mm 11 lmmn slal rd at II In lrlvlny Smilrm In ml hry um In llnnio or III mm mm CITY HERTZ 7266474 TRUCK 43 Em Rood RENT Phone Original constructivn was In 1819 The site was burned to the ground 10 years later COMPLETION Scheduled mmpletion of the work Is one yéar from now me policy has been In get it done as quicklyu best possible wilhnm setfing inlélinz date explained Dr Jury There war 141000 visitor from 56 countries at no site inst year During May and June lhis year 1707 elunen lary school puplls from Ontario and New York stakes were con ducted on educalional lourx ll the three studenu who were admiiled the summer semes ter of the University ol Guelph in April 1906 were taken inlo account the figures would he changed in read 21 sludanis writing 118 papers ol which 1171 were successful making an av erage of 906 per cent ELMVALE sum With IE studcnls writing 103 papers they averaged 892 per cent in the grade exnminalions or Elm vale District High Schnol it was shown by resqu announced day in 14 student who lnok quiicient papers lo earn the On lario secondary school honor graduation diploma 12 were successful It is hyped that as the result of an appeal on more may he added to lhis list First class honors were obiuin ed in 14 papers This number would have been substantially Increased If he hm university student mentioned had wrillen the examination Lake Huron GcarEiBn Bay Vllriahlb ind 11 la la knnu becoming northwest 11 to knots hi1 nllcmmn Thunder slnrms elgdlnx Ihix morning It Is calculacd that an slu dcnl has sufficient marks to be awnrdcd an Ontarin svhnlnrship Oorflrmalimu at drum is awaflgd mi rcsuila have been communiralnd he students or their parents Um mining Saturday Scplzmhcr hey have mm Sl Mnryl Church nflvr brcaklnsl Elmvale School Students Score High Averages minim Me Mhululcd In ar rive he cnlranco la the Sir Marie pm Marine Weather Smokes and lwisled xtcd ruins an all that remain nl large barn on the name propéfly of Charles Lucas just mum of strand about seven miles ram Barrie City limits ollnwinz in of underlermincd origin yulcrdayallprnmn Bolh the In Township and Essa Tuwnship lilc brlgadLs respondtd to emergency calls but flames made rapid head way hrwgh he wuodm and SAULT STE MARIE Onl lCPIThe crash r1 an RCM CllIIJ hclichficr in Michigan man 50th of hm Sunday klllrd mmy crnflmnn Icandnnl Couhlru Palmnmlle Qua 1an iniund our nllwr mm An imArmkmmn nwa suld the muse mm under invrsligminn The hrllmmr was one of flluhl lhm hmdul fur Ihr St Hlllxrl bim ncxlr Mnnhczll mm niwrs MIMI Damage $10000 In Stroud Fire Imp hnx xlcrhy will he hold on Labnr Day 5an by Ihc Barrie hranuh cf Iho Royal Canadian Legiun rm Anne St hill M1 children years are lnylcd In pallicipalc Airman Killed In Copter Crash Legion Plans Soap Box Derby Saturday Aug and an Ann 27 the Legion branch hall Collier Slrlfl Bmlo lunch GILLMOURI Imll Ihopplng le Bunch WIOLI Mann STROUD DISTRICT BARN DESTROYED BY FIRE sheet mela mudure and fire men conccniraled their main diam on keeping the blur mm spreading Marty buildings The Lucas residence is aboul 200 on awe irpmnlhe barn It height ames gave an intense heat and could be seen or quite dislante rmsz soon gathered and much ed the firefighting HORSES SAFE The barn ordinarily is used or slabling our middle horses but me animals were an pasture and were lhu not endangcrcd my and gum cmi were destroy as well as mower and mm equipment Four saddles were rescued mm he burning building but were badly damaged The hrcmzn made quick Icsmnsc and did what lhcy mu said Jon Incas mu the mmcr First eshrmtes he damage placed it at dune to 510000 KEPT HACK Ve did what we could bu lhe flamls had made sud hunt way It wax impassibln for us save sald Deputy Chin Gungo Young of he Innism Fire Dcparlmtnl The lnensc ham krpl hrrmcn and vlvlunlrm bark rum lrying urlhcr mov Essa Chltl Pan Cunnlnuhnm hmughl the Hun ruck Dvur from Thornlnn and he was gm Lumpnninl lly Fircmrn Inn Ilnhsnn Dun irlhmu mm lelcr Sllpgrr hr brlyulc Fuomrn waldmg lnr flym rm hm Ililh miuhl have spread ln he hum nr nlhor hmlvllnlu mmu he wmmlhm altrncb ha scene um law lrmn ILIrar llul nl um um haters viewed er fire from High way 11 All Grade lé Graduates with an average of 80 In our Grade 18 subjects Appllcanu Wm 75 or bellrr are eHgthe at number Icholnrship 080 In $1180 Waterloo University College WATERLOO LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS ranging In value from $2880 to $6540 to For Inlemuvlnm min And Inplluilnn lomu or 1mm llllNllV nu CI nulnm um um Klllllon mu Imuhm lummu lnlvrnlu Wunlnn nIIllu Am Sclum Bullnm Fuulvy ol ofleu

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