Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1966, p. 2

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Some cam wlfl how elv eels of Ihc dry weather be cause once It is Allde It is must djflicull to store but ha ruin came In lime to save must mld Clinmn Fagnn well knnwn Coulsnn muchAble Rumor who has hccn lnndlng winner In vegetable clnssu at 0m Orillln and Coldwnm In While It came too late or certain earlier crops pasture and late crops throughout Sim coe County have been greatly improved by vrecent ralm rurvey showed today The rain cgrly this morning was welcom Farmers around Alliston aald lhe rains wera mo Isle to do much fur early varieties pa latoes whlch suflcred cansldeh ably from lhe lung midsummer dry spell after 1an planling due spring cnld weather but the laler vnrlcfic have been helped confidently Only early potatoes ln amnunl to much were those grown on lrrlgalcd arms The majority were smaller thnn usual and the recent min warn loo lalu lo he cohN 11mm Com grown the Flo area and vnrloux other pan the coumy Wthh had shown ulxns of slarllng to will was mostly revived army wenmmdml llama summary whonll lo day mknscd mum ol Bar Iiv Grade smdenu who have born namcd Onlurio Scholan Smdrnu nre Cam merrimzm Dunnld ncnncy and John flunk Ccnunlfklllcxlnfi ndfihzlln Nnrdl Ta become an Omarlo Sdaolnr rludcnl mum achieve an nvar up 80 per ml or mom on right of his Grade Mam Mr Faiairwd sum his neighbor Irlvd nut Irrigation by Gucsls and host posed at Barrie Yacht Club for hisln fnrmal pm at the welcoming dinner held last mm or com pelilnr in the Nauonal Snip Clas racing championships be ing held In Barrie this week FRONT lefHo right Com Exlcmho nuovnllon vmrk heinz done Al lucndrmrlm ol ranch M7 Rrryal Cnnndlnn be im 71nHmr The mnn floor In nlflclnl Mid will havn minim lacedflllnx Immune Illa will In lmlnllnl all Jew HM Humth Ibo Inukllna lnrhxlinl lndiu Iaunfl Inmhlm harlu mm MM Hw tul Incmlirl will In lec ml In none Mm um It Mnylfltd Kiwanians To Hoar District Governor 11m mm HM mum Auidlnrlvun AM We xlnwmlllrl kilfhrnwfll me Mr LIIIlInlI MM lho hnnrh plan In lulu An nrilvn purl rrnlrnnlal rclduunom Ha ml nl all min forwaul MN In Ilm rmumn Iur but pmkd Announce Barrie Ontario Scholars 1mm Jan Klmm m4 than mm mm llmk him from La Rull In NH In III Mm mmn nun Im Mom hm aunt Pastures Late Craps Better After Rains Legion Plans Renovations HY MIMI Ilulrkl lieulm an humor KIWIMI will In Hmlc Monday or 1hv Inhm mm Al 10 pm It the lilyMl Mnlar ml 111 nwlm um ha ullwwl Ivy Ibo lulu umlm lln llama Munnll luh Trle DIE AHMED MY MN wmcoxym sNIpz mar commons lruck tank but ihis made long lcdinu task He said his was advised iuli iwn inches of rain icli last week and the im provement in pasture and hay is evident everywhere Where the moi were dead it lake lot iimu in mime good pasture said Mr Pagan stating such placu hilly areas with quick waier rumii still have brown 53 But other pas lums are good STILL LOOKS AHEAD Ich this years vegetable crap in his area Simcne County would be up to average Mr Pagan nu swmd promptly They have cerlalnly been retardcd at llmes and some mlghl be below aver age But it dlllicull to Judge crop Illuallon until the end 01 the growing season ma deal cln happen In lha early msun the pros pect lur hay dldnl look loo good Then lho ralns came and the In crop wax close In record The laundry Ipcll re lnrdcd the second mp and tho outlook looked dlsmnl Thcn the recent rnlns changed the nullook ngnln and many lnrmv cu havo hope 01 another good crop nller wnlchlng lhls morn lnll downlnll Things chnnze so as that It difficult to estimate crap right pow said Mr Fggnnl modme Ban Pmdscn Oakville Yacht Squadron Mrs Hammm Vchairwaman Iadies committee Barrie Yacht Club Doug Keary annual secre ary Snipe Class Intematiana Racing Assouaflun Ralph Hendersm raca commuce IIMJTIZHIVH Que lb vnvk ml under My unln Mnmlny nn lhe llvr ullu nl Hm Ml Mnnhmman Uulnulu hydm porr xvmlnl mm mm min mmul ma mm 1va nllrr IMny mm llyho vquulfl Ilrwlnpu nl lhn WHIKL Im Mn Un mm unul Aug 11 In Mum la Hm Inn Ihl Imhul nl uhhh mllu unrlll hm 11w Im ulmn vm Hm wull In dIrlplmnry IIHnn mu lhul ml Ill We 1llm mlml mmmu lmu unmu mm In mm mule nonile Qurbru Cur Work Resumes At Quebec Hydro Kppla ércfmrasr nt Warmin Knlh Turnlnfll 11 STUDENT AT WORK sler ln lllcdunle Townshlp and elsewhere showed he clients of long dry spelland eVen rocmt naim mm varle an much smaller lhan usual Frull growers said the raln should help lalcr arielicsl Inn Sliiw nl llnwcstone area we 1qu variety mum Hood arm production because favorable conditims help to how nod price lines HAWKESIONE AREA lnokcd much holler out way aflcr the recent rain Early varicfles had suffered Asked about the pasture Mr Shaw said was much better utter the ram Th1 mean much In llvatock armors Page grimllurnl represen Inflvn or North Simcoe dSCUSP sod tha importance walzr or soil malslure in crop production nnd the effect of over six wzeks dmught during midmmmu We repnrlcd whlla lhe hay crop was excellent nnd when very good all olhcr crops mm mm 20 lo 50 per cent below normal nld Mr Page chairman Oaklele JACK BELOW NORMAL In slalemcnt written More ton lnlelo help sunum Cam hid been thrcalencd nn mmo arms but was bruugh back national secretary of the 21 xociauan Harald Emu Com mndure Barrla Yadn Club and Bill Porter snipe and na lional mgaua dialnnan Ex aminer Photo imyv s¢vv rhlwrrpasl Inunl II IWHM at Can adian Tm Cl llnr at nunnor Keith turd lo tn Hammer Alho rains agony JOHNSON AVIS VI SERVICE Oerlnc Hall Siéhmihp ruIsn nml Tan Book now or Chrhlman TRAVEL SERVICE 7286525 HI Dunlap MZNT Afl IVIIFNHEE TRAVEL Canadian Dtngoons in 1930 An active Kiwanlan ho mired mm mu army in 1965 and Ls mw manager at mateoam pany Kn Barrle um BARRIELEXAMINEII Tummy Auausr 1966 Alter dedlno horse Ire making mmuback in Lhe Bar no area Panck Formve old the Kiwanis Club last night Home Through the Ages was Id amen Mr Foigrave was burnkifl Montreal 43nd him the Enyal For thousands of years min kind dependod an tho hnrse or transportation comunicallon farming agriculture and war Ian he said Painting out that the anus tors ol the hma roamed ha Rocky Mounlalns 45¢ million can 950 he mg Itha Illa mewdmcu pmhlsm an didnt occur until more 10000 years ago Alexander tha Great used horse or the firm me in 326 EC Frvin this nnw wenpon of warfare came into being lhe flying squadron Horse warfare was used up un til the latter part tbs firs World Walj he said 14yearold Barrie boy as caped injury last nlghl after the bicycle he was riding smashed into my pen dour of alcar HorSéSHre Méking Comeback Speaken Tells Kiwanis Club Young Barrie Cyclist Injured Smashes Into Open Door Of Car MORE BOGUS BILLS APPEAR mi iiaixuon 141 Sanford SL Police are canccmcd about another rash of municrxeit $20 bill spolled by Barris banks Th Rnyal Bank cl Can ada and U1 Bank of Man lrenl have reported threu plwney bill In lha last lwu d3 Serial ngnbera Emlm Ind 1E 72mm DcL 51L Reginald Nenmway llama cily police lnvesflxallnx N171an Ihat no on breed cab of garden van dIlLsm were reported during thenuht at home on Col lier and Mulcaslcr strcels in was evldené that two persons wm culpnu Consl Bob hummin is lnvestizab IDL ler Grade quhl llgh Moo In summer Resxdefifi iwmi potato mg vullpj up lha Col licr St resiiimnv Polica said CITY NEWS Phone 7264311 Fur lndlnl quluy 1va All vimlnuhlp lumnmd Im Mllmln Unlvuul Rug Co Inn TM mm at rm nmalwu tolum 1mm would be sullablc carpet lorm each manhnd gave he went Into brld description of tho dfllereng breed 01 15mg Ilre mustjn registered 1er mhhrcd standard bredJ euha lroMer at pacer er both lhty are not good sgddla hor ses bmuse Ulevlna hard to ha aald Saddledbrod hams um rais ed for rlding and common man lhese are Hm 111m and inEM breedi Hal ha lype of movement usedby horse whether It be waik inv 0135mm There only on horse that truly lhornuglhtedand that 1119 medium he said halfbred horso is Ono that horse andn may he said Is that pony ls anything smaller than l4 hands ter inches and horse Is anything over that heigxt hnnd islpur tnchu are several hrécds of WW he said fileva Shetland American Shefland the Hackney pony and the Welsh pony tald police ha was attracted by bout across thtl stred and didnt see the open door of the stationary vnhlcle driven by Edith FNW Ddhson pad on John St nom 0rd 540 pm Coast Don Bulmur Damn city pollce ln vcxligaled Ilacarom Shanty Bay man was charged with ailing to yield allowing war emulsion at Anna and John street at 12 mm to relocale Lhrco Can ndian Imm warmth unlln by Aux In provide bcucr sup port or Mob Command and nailiLAa mun efficient xxMinx ndmInLlAmllnn cmmnd and annual Invnlm Na Trnmpor Cuxnpany RCASC an Mr don um 41 move to lcmuwa 1M company about 300 mochl mmly Ind unwed mvku or lho Second Canadian Infantry Brigade rem my man will mmrnlma lhu unll wldl Um handrmnerl Ind other nIrmcnll firm or mm efficiency Charged Ruben Bidwell RR Shanty Bay who cullidcd wflh an nulo operated by Charles David Edwin 53 of 153 Hdguhill Drive Cansl Bulmcr estimMcd damage at 5140 Damage was tsllmaled at $150 lnlluwlng Sunday morning ac cidcnt in Mid car drhm by Kenneth linden Thgyoiood 11 iEnasriedImo hydro m1 mi Ruan Was It Mulcaslcr No Flcld Aminflanm RCMIC unit of About 175 will also mova 1mm Harden Pal nwnwa lo pruvldo greater em clcnry In unmanlnz cm Charges pending Accord in lo CnmL Doug Jones who Investiguw at 1210 am Ilnloon now locnlul Cam Minn Form Hm Illvm In Mnnflolm wlIl bu dlvldtd be lwwn CHI Hubert Mar MnnlrnnL and CF Nnnnn mnr Humanwn In MNMALHNI Ihll unll must nl Hm MHwWrl ml Mum Inc mks mll man In Humu with the nulndtr Ilrann ml about oulcm nnd rmn 01M lo Nlnmn MIMI munh Imuuu mind mm num wllh lhI Hy In II II uh hmmr mm vnhvlnly Ilrllunillrhn Iml Immhnll ll lunvnr In mh up mu 1mm funmm um In In thI pull Imam IVIUIIIVIHIUEI wmnmn ML mm Mm lmlwvllnl II mum ummnmmvuhaMLImmm mm In mmme um WWI aimy mum Mdving Three Borden Units To Petawawa Tm pumaI um han In mutlllnIlvn may Tm hr Mm ml In mu Mlum ullmullin milk run Inn an IHHHM hurlan In huh rum mu IlvnHMy mm run1 lrpumvml Auhlnvlmnllnhul ommnva hm uuun The Dyksnn ivuhlcle hgd amp Announce New ruling Sulmlnncc Shrinks lilca No mmm elbow Min three and hail inoniiu ni administration by the county weilnre is keeping within in aiiolied budgeiand unless Venn dilions il mnxideréifly there is every iildiulinn the inure will remain within lilo gmmm WW by Gordon Mason wellnre admln islmw or dwmmty said the proceza redocumenling all application has begn proceed In and Frogres has been made Some the initial difficulties are being nvercoyna and the oyst in working wgu with only three iield wurknrs and secretary MiMIDn said he could ioresee the limewhen more administrallvg he will be necded When appliu on an made or BSSSSVHIEG field wk ers are required in make at least am home investigation and when welfare tolls lncreaso this is going in present prob lem without laggr mu Bb late the county took ovér each ai the 33 municipalities had in awn wellaramillcer For smal ler municipalities it was usual ly the clerk mummmn muses the county councfl Iluwever Mr Mann emphusl zod the present has been able to carry on vary well so far Hugh Johnslnn who was Orillla wean olficer or some ten years before his county ap polntmcnt has been doing the investigating at tho north end In county while Gordon Tucker has mad we Wan ML 11mm my form Innis wallnm 0mm or 10 years below his nppnlmmenl gdlafe administrator bnushénehltdland are Barrie Heldmnn Roland Dob son 100k alter this area and 5154 Colyggwood and dishct With the figure varying rum nrnund the 400 mark the pre sent staff has been able to carry on In emergencies assis lance can be given in advanco oi home Investigation when need is shown LdrgerStqflllaced BY Cduntv Welfare HCTIFED ENII FRUIT SALT flaw167 flDflBN MACLEHNS LISTEBINE TONI MIAMI 0TIPS SCHICK BLADES DUNLOI SUPER STAINLESS STEEL SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK HAIR DRESSING 54 39¢ VALUE FREE DELIVERY Whflewdfara nfliclals are aware theyxare lundllng lax pnycrs money they have re pomlblmy to that those flu need an taken care at re qnlred by the Ontario Wellm Assktanca Act The provincial mumAunt para no per mm of the dlrect wdlure nuisance and varying amwnu or other sarvlccs such as nursing and so forth This varies from 50 per cent Ha Mano had mm 1600 mWaL are which woubd mean abaut 325 lumfllu1hlswu quite law years 550 when there was considerahla unemployment and helm pensions and allowances were sn utenswe Insofar as ndmlnlslrallvé costs are concerned the government payn 50 per unto The money oi course mu comu torn the tan payers but Que considerable gov ernment assklancq take Ihh part of tha burden of properly taxeso Wllh employment xenonany high through the county the wellare assistance has not been heavy when compared to tha nverall huxden hr the 32 mun icipalities when it was adminis lercdviepantdy Persons receiving unemploy mun insurance mum eligible for wellnre Rules vary for pm xlonen depending on dllferenl aspen but when lhu penslon in adequate such applicant an nae eugible Mosl new pllcatlons reach the county are departmenl at Barrie by lelephane and then field worker sent around to lnvesugnte Person In this via lnkyoflen mks personal appu cnlious Some write and ask or assisIamo and when this den liald worker calls Admmlslminn by the cmme aim has eliminated an old prao Ute one munlcgpallty Sending wellnre In mlun In another Slncc the welfare lystcm the name necmnry dying ha pro Rogullr Gonlll Super Athune pm the lawn of 91 HOME PERMANENT HAIR SPRAY SANITARY PROTECTION REG $115 LAXATIVE 16 014150 VALUE 11 14 $115 REG 5195 TOOTH PAST 31c ANTISEPTIC 14 OZ 96c VALUE $135 VALUE OZ REG 15 OZ $195 VALUE FREE WIIH l0 anlly Slu mpball report once out lined tho mlnlmum supplies which were requide to be pro vidéd person in need The reg ulnllon concerning this aspect have been changed through the years and mlnlmum arid um imums are now ouLuncd accord ing 10 needs and conditions wnr depresiinn vhdous reguln lion have been allowed through maven The Slmcoe County bung charity and welfare for talled $770061 of which $344000 was nr general wellnre $40000 or hospitalizaunn and $300 or special hnme care MOVING RECIPIENTS Mason sa found no agiminlsirnlive diiiicuilie oven moving weiinra inmiiies so far since administraiian will now countywide Where they move in from nuisidu they him In be treated an merit as required hyreggiaiions Nu mistake with Steak marizmmmmwin MOI We VALUE 4m $119 s239 $123 $167 s149 $113 7260206 83° 77C

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