Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Aug 1966, p. 3

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MM Vhile llama was not Inflected pnvmr mvlre lnlrrrupllnn lnr nmvly hm hours Snlurdny nl lrrnmn rflrnllul rnm Hun lla Hnn In WmdmNNnc and mm lomlInK othrr inrn nhn hll oUnr mm mun kur lrrrnk wlnrh mum at and Mn Him un nl Un hrluhl x1 Mrk rm Idmvpnu um unit In haw an Mmlrn rnmlmr ulmh MI hum pomr pd TIM AhmlImnlnl 1mm mu hm 1le Highway Mum ynurlry mu llHlulnlr rnmlnu mrrlnmhnz Hummhmll uhln 0m Thm lerlo pnlrh mk pourr lmlnm rllrnd In lmm Vnmnn Ilnnrh In run nun null nu lnr norm Imy MIWL mrr Mm In mica mm mm mum nlhn mum wm 1m nunw W0 INK Mr Walla IIIKNYI bl 11 NM Mid Inrwmwm mrwlinnl mlmr mung hr dwlml mm wir nl lilmmlr INI wahrlr Im llw Ilmur um Iar Hmm uldl mum hm lwn Hqu iMl IIII W1 hle Inn mum mmrnlu lull vmw Ihn um and rIINhvl In my ml 104va Irmflv lmll Mr IIMNVMH IMIKI RIHMN IDENTICM yachting nulllla Identical winks wcre Had by the prolly young Power Interruption Cause Being Checked 11w In mm mm lhn poll kmlimlu milkian hnvl nmnl tbvwn lh rvnulur Mr nvmnpman It hm bml wuhm an Iumr an INHMinn wiu lrpnvlrvL Ham mra lmrmnn Anlmr anlll VIIIWVHIVII Inv IImHn ml ml walk rm In llun llSllllll IlIHIIT TflEEHOUR BLACKOUT OFFICIAL opening flu Can adian Snlpe championshlp was held at the Barrie Yacht Club Sunday under sunny skiqs The liverace series it OFFICIAL OPENING OF SNIPE RACES Vllrn puwr lmu hrnl hrro urn IN altrmnle circuit umMu Ill mryinu NW lumlv In try hr man Illuhl nuw me at Ins In know Jud hm lmmwnm hr ml TM liar hy nml illnc did nu uppmr lo my nppflnnl rrnwn why ll Ihuuld In VIIIGHT Drapery loaning Services slm above during he official oponinz On board lhnr L1 Lhcr mm are Lorraine Irfl laxNI m1 and Ihmlld hmu Mn In Rand mmlilion We loukin min Um lurllur In nm Ind oul thl cmurd ll hrmk Inld Mr Ilrrnnr Mr llrrnnrmnn lllrnlhvnrll I03 Bnyfllld GUARANTEED HO SHRINKAGE being hosted by he city or Hug firs lime Yacht club ol licinls any representativns and competitors were on hand to hear opening remarks ram NORTH OF BARBIE Wnll Dyanud Window am wearing drnpnrlos wilh DECORATOR FOLDS mm are plnnx or ronslwrlinn LIUDO VIM ILIHMI Mush knkn mumn Hrncrlvrhlfln nml lhlulnlllr in Iiil1 Trlrvuimx vmnru lwl lhrir niclu Ind mum rm vf mrr ulnlo nrtn lmmmmily lrh visiun mvicr lnlnruplnl In Drillln Inn he flriuhlmrinfl an hlu it Dwn MN vm nml um not Imqu lNlrd Incu Uw lnlInM cnnw whrn Irmnnll MI IMll mu IM nnl nquirn pnwrr mm Ill lmlcr IIM mm nlmln mm Vnubumhrnr phnl 0r md Nndmo dauflulcrs Mr and Mn John Fxlzpnlritk ol Harrie lixnmnrr lhulu Bill Form vicacommndnre and chairman of H19 rcgalla commillee Nnxt to Mr Form is Maurice MacLarcn pas cammndore who later fired the opening shot ll Dunlap 51 Awarding In Ipokusmun 45 prr crnl cl inquiriu cum lrnm American lourhl who wankd innrmallon on Iha brsl rmllv and Accommodation In nnnhrrn Onlarlu lnmlly bl lnur nun Hnglnnd an mmonlh our Cnnndn AIMpm In Sunday pick up general lnlnrmnllon nn plum In no In Onlnrio Prak minds or he ccnlre were Friday night and Salurday morning envy nlum traffic hogan al pm Sunday and mnfinurd past lhe pm clos inu lime or the min Lu year on lhe romspuml in wound there wtre parlim and 1006 peaplo Mr Reid receivm minor culs and bruises Kenneth Cmmarky 27 of North Day passenger in gheflcldcaruis in nvn with fiehd back and Internal mums Implant Tourin Rocoplluu Ccnlru Barrie rrporlcd slow er weekend than usual WM 5116 parllcs rcprcscminu m5 people making inquirics Ontario Provincial Police said Mrs Alderdice was normbound and making elbhand lurn acres the southbound Ian when her car collided wilh another driven by Ian Peter Mid Barrie Mrs Dorothy Aldcrdice 56 at Ora Station died in Rayal Vi toria Hospital yesterday Iran anurins recnived in twocar crash early Saturday on Highway at he juntiion of the 7th Concession of Township TouristCentre Enquiries Down Bul Asphalt ls cheaper and thls reason ha been used or patching and rapairing also has been put on lop or surfacing brakcn walk Cement sidewalks and up bul ler Ald Smith said sullng or lhis reasnn his department pm fers cement for new sidewalk cnnslnwtion For roadwork dilfercnl and the Isphqll surfacing make good running Ior cars Md Smilh said road work is diHcr en ram sidewalks anyway up of dork Isn re au Job he said In regard In dawalu While some may like me unl ter looting ol such surfacing it has disadvanlage lnheaing nulp during cxlremely warm wea El Asphalt sufludng of sidewalk done mostly as repair war In cover breaks or tracks and is not general policy for Bar fle walk cnnslrucuan Ald Fred SmiUI chairman of councils public worlq commiuee ex plained today tie and town 00 Station Woman Diés From Injuries In Mishap Want Some Printing Cooked Up lOhlTflllS rm mum EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUST 15 i956 IIHOGIMMS OHIIJJIHADS OINVUICFb OIEIITTRIIHADS Md BARBIE SIDEWALKS In noel cacs he ashl CITY NEWS Asphalt Is Used For Repair Work work at 112 Emir Examimr Smith was asked about 03 pénmng sum vnriaus other places In Hills PRIZE H513 WEDDING AIIONIERY If you need some printing done bring it to us Our Commercial Printing Depi is back from vacation and raring to go Lnkr Hum coruian Hay Lake Onlnrin Lake Erie VMI nhIe winds gemrally lm than 10 knnu becoming smllh la Mulhrml In 16 limb Innixhl Ilelnslve mm and up pflhhti today mum and lhundmlmw lnninhl colon Fauna Club re lrcshmcnl bnmh was busy wilh mnny mum seeking rdugo 1mm lhc downpour Polalu rcscarch plots were in mlcd but he complm tour was not possible due la 1h min lehnr candilions also mndr it lmposslblc dcmumlrale live larlzc harvester whims and aerial and ground spraying dnm onsrnUons also wcrc cnnullrd Dcspile downpour of rain more than 400 170an growers Ind lhrir Iricnds lurncd on and applauded the beauly queen who Wm chum by panel jud gts which was re period at L59 zm resulted in damage Estimated at $3000 Selectcd Pnlalo Elnssom Queen at field day held at Allislnn asl week Eileen Smllh Waldemar will represent 0n aria potato industry cnn Iercncc in he Marilimos lalcr this week He was repurlcd in satisfactory cognition qday ORDER OF FORESTERS Members of he Canadian 0h den Foreslm will hold special meeting on Aug 25 at the True Blue Hall It may give cut slight seepage of oil at Ihe start but once it hardens is fine said McVeigh of Penelang Street who said he could see nu reason why it shouldnt be just as gnod for sidewalks as roads The fact um iL cost less money was an advantage to alpayiis Potato Queen Is Going East The considerable Improvement made to Barrie slml he re celvcd much lavarable cnmrnenl locally which pleasedd Smilll who now serving his Ollr Ierm on the Barrie council Mr McVeigh said the walk In Iront hls place was built couple years ago and was ln excellent condllinn Penelang Slrect rcsidenls conA taclcd up earcd pleased over he nuemon given their side walk since surfacing road was 100 per cent machine operation while or sidewalks much of he work was manual OMAN HILLS RNVHDIH KOCHUR FS MARINE FORECAST OOFHVH DRAW lltKElS CCIIIIQUFS OBUSINFSS CARDS MTAIAMWUFB IUMMICI LABELS Mimi lodny nerd he mm message God and xuid nnm mauled in he Him In much evrr In In llme Mom and Jnnhun when hing Wm going well the The pastor comparcd lhl an plcnly wlih another age do cnbtd in Dnutcronomy which told of the departing message Must to his people Atlrr reiming to line tact that many say this nntlcnt writing has no thing to tin with today and in imievanl la the times he as started The mango applic today as much ll dld in H1 days at Jnshua nwn loo mm xald Ilorlom is lite wny nl men Who needs God nm IKaln LI th great mlritual danxrr tuc ing man In this space Ind ninmlc llflc so many wondrous nthlevemcnllt Thrnngh lhe Bible we gel to knnw Gods vnluts and his slan dard judgmenls laid the paslnr stating this was mew in In any lasung freedom or mankindn In In wards of an ancient nrnnhcl by word lamp unto my feet and light uno my mm he said The symbol n1 lha onnn BI ble is challenge to shallow thinking of loday he said Cl im his cnngrcgnlinn hal as Chrinians it is heir duly and rcsponsibihly In hold 0th ha awed bank as the one have or the wnrld In no brilln Wilhnul the Bible he said the world was In Krnve hunter going back In mcdicvallimss LIGHT rn PATH SIAIIONIIKY Chrislian minister can say no nation can remain democraiic long withnnl the open Bible said Rev David Proctor at icr Sirccl United Church here ycsicrday ic de pinrcd move in lake lhe Bibe and religious inslrucllon out of the provincial schoois Mr Evan is currently active on the selective commiiiee on conservation authorities or which he is chairman He said recently he was glad In see Simone County among those benciilting from the provinclal other parties particulain the NcwDemocraLs also will prob ably contest district tidings here but If the gcncral rule of past records means anylhing hey are not as itrong here as in cer tain other parts of the province The NDPs have some hope of doing better vamnmmm slot Currently Simcoe cnunty rid lngs are all represented on the government side of the House with Arthur Evans MPP the Slmcoe Centre member Lloyd Lethalby MPP East Simcoe representative and Rev Downer MPP the bulletin Simcoe member Mr Evans auc cecqed the late George John stnn at Mincsing as Simcoe Centre representative Whelher Premier John Ro baru decides to call aprovim chi elcclion this coming lull next spring or later Conserva ve organizations are ready In Simone County riding and Ihere general almnsphere of con fidcncc 0n the other hand 01 lnwera Robert Thompsonl Liberal opposilinn are hoping Electorate wlll ch it Is lime Jar change alter 23 years or Congcrvative rule Bible Lessons In Schools Upheld By Barrie Pastor srmcon COUNTY By szum cunnAN COfiSériidtiVéSI Ready For Next Election The sermon was the third of series an the symbols of Ike churrh The open Bible symbnl found on he Grea Seal is here to emphaliw Ihe an the Bible is not for private Inter prclalion hul open In all In read and interpret and npply the Irth at its wards Our free dnm our very demnanc way of life is due lo hi1 principk he slrcssed The othcr symhols he mzmianed Wm the Cross and hevmnmuniun able people look lhe credit hum selm inslead giving credit to God he said emphasizmg that here is great need for Christians today ranage themselves to the God her lalhm mum of Isl1mm Mr Lclhcrby Mhn has ser ved on the select commiflre studying consumer credit car ed the riding under prnstml member oi the Ontario Legislalure since he won by cleciion on Febmary 195 lol iowing me deal at the late Dr John McPhce Lloyd Lethar by Goldwater insurance man and one lime newspapnrmnn has won Ens Simcne contests our llmes Leslie Frnsl Lindsay lawyer was serving his fifth year as Ontario premier when Mr Leiherby was first elected and he remained as head of he government during two mnre riding successes on the active rcpreseniaiive Ior Cold water alive Tecumsalh Tawn ship Mr Evans has lived ln lhe Bradford area must ol his lifel large canservalion pm just in the southern purl Simcoe County in Was Gwilllm bury Involves 500 acres land east at lllghway No ll an Con cesslan 10 Backing up at Scan lon Creek make an artificial lake large undertaking nl conicrvation lmportance HAS WON FOUR The Nouawésaga Vailcy Auth nrily which has projects going or planned New Lowell um mg Tonerham Edcnvale and Mono is one 36 In the pro vince His commillee has rc ceivrd some so mm which are being sl assistance program or canser vatinn hnrily pr Wnlclmd TVI Took In Shlppnd pncknun Noun Hm Indo7 and llm pnpufl Took cab Ono wny or unnlhav nll nl hum Invole Inlnnhonl nmpnny communlcuuonn Invvlcol and In men of Onlnlln nnd Qnohnc th mnnnl mu Iumvlllno oncn you Ilnp lo Hunk nbnul ll how mucholwhnlwe dodopnndsoulolsphuno am And lnlaphonn service coum lncludu elo lyno mlcwwnvn nyllemu Ilw lmnsmlnlon ul pholos buulnsu dnln pmcllcnlly wuy Hnd Inlounnllon lllnl has 10 on ham we plan lo another Communlufions Suwm an lnlngml pm ID Cnnadlm My olllis Thats how often you used Bell How many of these did you use today mu Ball Canada lee here has been election lnlk In Tornnln allowing new paper report hat Premier no barls was considering spring general electinn this was termed as pure speculaflon by spokesman In the premlcrs ob lice Representative of Londrm North riding Premier Rnbarlx lawyer was minislcr edu catinn before he was chosen In nuanced Mr le With lhe Liberals and NDPI lhings are diners and new candidates might be possible In sum cases The cllnincs will ha made at pany cnnvenllons yet 10 be called The Liberals Simcoe East will have Io have new candidate slnre Mc Gnrvey nonstandardbearer in the Scplembcr 25 1963 valing has since loll the riding and now living Chalham For Iuncs ware nnl good lot lha Liberals lhennnd their leader at lhe lime Jnlm Winlurrncyer was bealen in hls own Kitchen er riding ED SPECULATION Rev Downer Ihs member for DunerinSlmcae probabe is best known or the three county members having been Speaker of We begislatun nnd qnpr Commissioner lhn Conservatives in all three rld lugs would stand pat on lhclr present members to carry lhem lo success again but In each case convcnliun would he cal led according In lradillon and It would be open for nomlnalinns so olhcrs could contest the nom inalians lhny wished But spokesmen In the know are gone erally agreed lhcse three mm would he the almost certain choice again NW CANDIDATES Premier Jnhn Robarla In ha Inst prnvlncial clecliun East Simon Includes 0m Ind Me dome lawnshipx and extends rum Mldland l0 Orillia required pmperly cxcellenl income IST MORTGAGE $15000 The Rink Enmlnu BOX 10 for invcsmenl well lucaled in mmlion good

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