MURDER SEARCH PRESSED IN UK err mullnl In rnnlrrrnrl Frlrlny and Snlunlny 00 MI unlu rum Mlnllnhm Snulnlrh Mum Mbflll ml Hrltlxh Co lmnhln wen Immo Mm hear lng Ilurlr lrmlrr my mml lhe uhjctlhn hm llNn rrnrhml in NI ermpl In lnrnmlnla Wflllm Iowwlnl lur luhmll Itnn In Odnlml nnlllmnl puny ronlurnrl In HIMII Barrie NWVIMIM 14 mm nwt am Wham lurk Wm mmMrwiflï¬xw Aml ï¬nlunlny mum rlnw lug lmnqml Hwy wml Nunlnr Jnlln Mrhnl Vauruuvrr pm WM lho Mill ltvlrrnllnn nl ImmluV Ilurrllm lllmn Mln Il¢r Ionuun mm An NIl xunlnl prim mlnhtm HERES ONE Mm wM nvuulnq mm In du an vnl lnln llv 10ml wammw um ml my up hmmlm wllM rmlulnu lwl II mum mm lhn lull tummy Iv Iluï¬wvl In We ulmml Na Imam hand In mm ml 1an to wr mmdnlarl Kth Wklmnt In Mk unnwimh HAHKATOON CF Wultrn IAlxmll are all on Iprnllnl lrnxu wllh lhrIr nnllmml parly drwlln mmurl Iml wrek may mm llllnklnu nl hrmklnz nwny Chime United Sta lnldlimm lame on Fonnosn lay lhu unnm mainland arcs nrmy Mr and navynumber 1m under 3000m0 mcn Till nbom the 1mm ntrrngu may had in In lummcr 1964 The llnllrd sum fluted Ir mark on North Vlcl Nam he lolluw lng Frbnury TAIPEI Formnu AP Ihlnn apparently has not In rrcaxcd 11 military lama In In Inst qu yum dupile lho VIN Nam conmd and Icklnz npcaled charm that Washing mull Irqug It provolgq war West Liberals Still In Party Despite Breakaway Rumors No Increases Noted In Red Chinas Forces Wes yl defence minister KalUwa van Hnssel ï¬ght walk away from 102m Your No 159 The Hometown Daily Newspaper For Barrie and District GERMAN DEFENCE MINISTER ABRIVES He HM IIMury HI rcrnll HIM Mr Irnrum Mn lho man In uur llmu vlm umlrrshxfl Ernlflrm of Hm rnunlry nnd IM nnndn lnzrlhrr Amnmz rrwlunum nsml Hm unlcrrncn um hum rnll nu lnr lnlrmlurllun nm Ilnnnl highway mllcn eucnnn nfrmrnl nl rnrl llnrlnpmml nlurnflonnl Ir lvlslon Mor lmx Allkly nl Um leum r1 chum rlrmll mmmuully TV nrul luk In mmmlon India nml TV INIIIHH In lhu Nurllmul Tm lnvl mu lh Yulum For he llme In In nrmanll my Chlna has no more Hum 10 plumll Im clcnl lean bombtanpaMn of carrying nuclear bomb They any the Chlnue are work lnx an mlsllu but war In be Iovoml year way mklillufl Um himPeking dixputa ls depriving Chlnn man mm quality he Ownmunis tm 1mm 2mm the devblopmcnl cl nuclear bomb though lho Chlncsn hnvn only Hmlltd mean In dcllvcr In AimmbAm tnrucl The Examiner plum wth Dclcnca Mlnlslcr llcllycr after Mr Van llusscl nrflwd in Otfnum Smdny or ï¬gsewlnllormunu my 11qu Ann Landon4 1U Ntvui Inlllllfloll ll ImhD bulbsll lllllrLI Iyoml 11 um minI anenki Edllnllll TODAY Hn Hm NI val lmmy nwu HI nrwlnl nr Imw luv mm pump 11w Anwlrnn unpln WM lumw lhm will no qnlxk vlc lmy ml Hm mm IIt krmw um ulvl uh vlll mmmmld nkruvrr II no Immr Nd IlmwnImhI II lllvpnulhlm llw prollnlnnl n1le llrr he nml mun Irml UN mmmnwlr In VIM Nam mmlmlnl mlnw nl Ihq Illllul In WMuwrlml Id mhlbllunal lump ulll wwlml Mm Hm ml In my Iml um ImjwullYn In nmmlm nnw Iho uInl Ivl lho Inrmn The Irmy ha mom mm nrvlnl lnlamry aimlcs nlnlnrml dlvlllom and regular Ilvlllnru 11mm Include hm mvnlry nlx Armored mnmy lwo mm nlno nnll nlrcmh Ind 17 lmder dlvhmru Mmoxl nu Iho border Ilvlnlmu Me nlnunml In Mnnchurln Ind Sinllnnz provlncrn an Chlnll lmrdtrl wllh nun JOHNSON CITY Tu AN Irmlulrnl Jolmum Inyl kerb ml nlk wuh urn Wuxluu Wulnmrrlnml uhnml up Mn cnnvlrllnn but UH ml nlhrr mum um ml In Ilrhnlml Hm nmlmlnlfll In Vlrl Nlm Tnlklni ulUl Irpollrn ml lhe nml 1mm nl llm IJLI Hamil uh muml hlu IMF mml Illh llyun umll army dlicinls striï¬mu hm also luv chm wmdu an mainland mllllnry nchl Has The U5 and Chinue Nu unnnlm Intelllzmu reporl glvn KM mum nl mnlnlnnd Chlml mm um um Chinese Nnuannlm lnlclll lance olllclnh hm my Uuy hm good network menu lin me eastern pm he maln and nccdul lnr its Russian MIG and lulmmlnes HAVE HPY NETWORK No Quick Victory Seen In Viet Nam llva day talks with Cana dlnn defence nlflclnb CP ercpholo Ho lIM ono nnu was brought down by machinegun Ira rum lha pnlrol boat and the oflwr by cnnnon lire from brie IMlryge lime Mennth Scotland Yard kept an nmundihednck watch at tho homes two men he llevcd mankindlilo gang that killed in unarmed pollccr mm Both men have vnnished The tip on he names 01 ha lwo men cums while Simpson was holding his press confer ence man was husllrd up back staircase oi Ihu Shophcrdl flush police alniiun with his lace TEL AVIV RculmlIsrucll lurccs loday shat dawn two Syrian MIG It lghlcn whlch marked groundui pntral boat on the Sea nl Galllcc nn 15ml mlmnry gpokcsmnnxnld Ho Ialxl lh uc name 50 ynnls mm lhc nhun nnd mmo under Imnll arm Ira mm Slr Joseph Simpson metro politan police commissioner who hands Scotland Yard said in dramatic call or help from everynnn in solving thu lriplo murder that has shotku Bril nln Some he must persistent criminal dont stand or Ill son at thlng and sumcllmu we get such help mm them would welcome such help now MEN VANlSll Thu lncldcnl ur Ilrr exchange ol Hm after he nalml ban run ground near Hus Syrian Hum 01 Mnum dlyc lhgfpokqsmnn Inld The Syrian nlxn shrlled ll and nnolhrr ban uhlrh came In mcuc Nn hrucll on In lruumlrd ban Mn wnundul Delncllvc lruck num ber of hnuscs In South and West London in hunting or three men on up reported to hnva mm from the underworld There long has been an un writth understanding between tha Yard and experienced crlmt nals In Eritntn against carrying AMHMNI Send LN Irrr Jam millk Md thu man myan 591 llrmnnl umwnl In II nlrlllm um luhled LONDON ANArde llce lying squads made In series or raids early Ioday alter plan by Scollnml Yards able to the underworld or help In ruck lng down the killers of three pnllccmcn Israeli Reports Downing Bed Iet UK Police Seek Assistance Of Underworld In Slayings Barrlo Onmlo Canada Monday Augqï¬ 151966 Imlslnnl thnr Secrclnry Jmnu Reynold nnld In an nmmdnx lhn lenlnlhn mntrntl nxrrcmrnl Hm win by lho alumni member of the Inter Two women who llvc ncnr Ihu 1mm and new the car drive in and lockcd Friday may be tab In Menu mumbcn Ike gang They have been glven dayundnlgh poll mud GUARD OTHERS WASHINGTON MlA ul lltmml munmm In lhe III Ilncs mlko wns nnnmmwl lo dny subjccl ulo 01 In pmvnl hy 354m slrikm 1431er In major nirllnfx The Auto was towed to lnbornlary when Idcnllm will search it or dust fibers hnln Anything whlch could polnt lo the men who were In lhu ve hlcla at the time the murder Sovnrnl other person whose hclp may prov lml In tho manhunt Ilsa me being Runrdul The auto was lound Sunday In garage under railway arch nenr Walerlon Station In anbeth South London about ï¬ve mile Irom the murder lccne Fingerprint expert ex nmlncdlhu vchldc min amanl by tho ml MINI Al Inlunaflrmnl AIIXIIHIWI ul Muhlnlxm WMh llthll II wmlm Lullln man In nu nllllnn wmm The other man whose home in Northwest London was also uldcd has not been seen since Friday WATCH CLUBS Besides wslmg men at lhclr homes palica 3150 put the club they lrcqucnlcd and he hnmu their friends and associate under observation ed man at Shepherds Bush since Friday helping with tho lnvcsiigalion Thi mnn mid he sold the ulo concerned in tho killing or £15 only lhme hnun before the shooting shielded He gave statement cluncoming tho names to delec Hes pcarnd He was said to have left home hurriedly Smurdny um dny after three detecting were gunned dawn in London street Vnflxln minute detectives mldcd house In West Londnn H39 two menjag djsay Reach Agreement In Air Strike lhe lunurr millnl nrmmd rm ll lnr Im nmullu Mm mum Iua In lholr ml 0w mllnl MINI AM cxkf ï¬lmtlum onlan nlvl Hm Irmmlnu canml mm um damn lmflnm In bout ha 150 mllrb owl duty at lhe Indium la wnlrnl the mml nl mm Inn noon rushul In Hm PM In Imo mm Nu lulurlol mu man Tum ol Hm tnnlrncl agree ment worn hm mm pendlnu lho vote but lnlormn uumnlu plum Iha lnlnl lhmyrnr cost at lame WJWJXX ur Ilmul right wr cm yenr Top mechnnln new mnluy 1151 ml lmr Mm dun beneï¬ts that mm um total in Imuntl an mth tailed Ilu mm nlllll mrmummlum of un Ilmlnrullnx mu rmylmllml Il wu nn llnnl unlll glam Iu lhu Ilrlkm who mi 10ny provlmxl umnunt neiollllu In ha WhHo Home CLEVELAND Man New In lurnli mltml lwhm lmhlml ï¬umlny night nmly 30m Icmmlnl urnnu Ian 1mm In Um 541 Cleve lnmll Municipal Slmlmm Unlon pruldcn Iloy Slcxulllcr snld mccllnna lho slrlkm around he US would be called Icon In 1x7an lo clplnln the mm of ma agreement and Inks me lo mum and the mm now 10 H1 mh any The Hum vm hulkI Inc about hall In hnur 11m MUM ml In lrnllrr hath IIDIIF CHICAGO AP Ciub swinging police were bum bardcd with cum bullies and rock in they clasth Sunday night wiih hundreds oi whilu protesting marches by civil rigth supportcn lens 16 persons were injured and ur resled Five ni the injured were police Thu oulbmks lolluwcd hm lepamlu paradox earlier by mm 1000 civil right advo cates prnuslnu Illegcd criminallon by real um ï¬rms nnllannl Aumlnllon MuchInA bu AFLCIO would be helll possibly and hopelully tumor Ono march was held on the northwest alda and two wllhln black Mnrqunlla Park an expanse of ms and piny grwnd whm whltns spurred Beatles Almost Mobhed In 115 of while onlookers displa White Power signs another VWIIILE MEMBERS of crowd IN CHICAGO Marchers Bombard ClubSWinging PoliCe NW Tu Alï¬ Mn Tmrmu Del Va Vnwurl lo lay MM nmul week wlth In mqu Mud mm In Mm Iaaln mm In Inlloml t4 Ihu Mic demo Minim in mm In mhywhlhiiw dim91m Im mum imlmnhdd lude momma TOKYO atomJan ulmml IM 1H nrmlvrmry Al ml In second World In lmlny wilh novernmmqmwmi mmnrlnl erkv ml mo mm lllmt uyrn NEW DELHI Mli Prime Mlan Gandhi why In lulu lmlnmkmo Day mm that In Mk magma mol 11 annlu nlpvehunnt la mum lmxmlnm In 1mm lhnn gum In her mum buslond Bulk arriving at Mnrquetla Par ware greeted by how Ind profanities bar rage of bem boules came mm the crowd Severn ururk lho bus and one smashed window hownrlnz the police with glass by an American Nlll parly rally baited pollen with chnnu nigger lover and mm autumnbfle occupled by Ne rhccked ï¬nancinl mm and found lumlp mull ul at $3 build the min in Mo Murryan hu panel to the arm mlnhltr rnly you can Import wnltnnclun Imm CIlllornln Ihp all KM my up hm lhcn or crnll why do hnvn lo pay 20 lur Ihll loluy Onlnrln lurnlpr MIL OHclHy Mhtl Begins Second Week With Heart Pump The market manner old Mr hot dry wcnlher hld crud lhc print lumlm hlghrr The prlcn wm do In what lhu mm mm lur It be Inld Ross Thatchor To Meet Sharp It wlL be MrL ORcll lyl wny ol protesting lnflm uon Mn Oflcilly had to pay 20 far the nmlp Skln Ich market Why would pay $120 bl1 one lucrlor lumlp TORONN 0P By the 11m nl Ihe week Prlmu MlnA mar Pcauon 0le will have mnlvcd llvwound turnip SENDS TURNIP T0 PEARSON Development Important Gandhi Japan Observes Anniversary man gesture ha expresses views in passing dvfl rights marchers in Gage Park awn MINA Imnlor nan Tder In med Mm LATE NEWS No Morn Than Al Charlulla MG Negro mnwn alml lo death and Iron mhcr Noxrnon mu wmlmlcd In In mldcnfln ma Mike said honour lllrro ap parcnlly wm no rnclnl om lamn crowd at nlmu 300 ynum pmom Jmmnul 1m nlrrncrllun In prnlnmlnnnllyNrnm mm In Anxrlu 1va new Koch bankI and garbage Claudy with Mm Low to night 60 degrees ngh hles day 75 degrees For complelo nummary please gum la page 12 Phllndel phin launched litslum mm or lhm local oflltlnls of he Slur den Nruwlolcn Co onllnnllng Commlllta on warmnls churn lng lhrm wlm possmlnn of ex plmlrcs and mmplrury Raleigh N11 about 30 Ne we were Jccmi In ten Ion gripped Ku Klux Klan rally as luvnml Ipenkm billde mmunlsl pnrly or crcnllnu nnlmnslly among whllu and Negmcs mm wn no v10 lmre wurrnn ssutd ol lowlnx lhe quwlnnlnu our other person nmslcd Saturday polic 1n 10 Fur Copy 12 Page aw ere our Detroit Ne me were Jccrod lension rlnt during three day inter mlllenl vlnlcnce pleudul nut gully In recorder court hearing was to ba scheduled lam7 olfcs madn scum nmsls returned to Use bus wen taunted once more and he ucgne rgpealgd 1151 MEET T0 PLAN CMl Izhu Icadm unnounccd they would meet tonight lo dis cuss plans or the next demon lrallon The alien naked mm thu nl nhabouca went Aboard the bus and left flu IKE1 on snulhwest sldl Sunday AP VLephotw SEE PAGE TWO