Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Aug 1966, p. 10

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lull line nl naw lumilure includ hug We tables and chain LazyBay duir bookcase rugs md barpds small pool table baby shoutr some toys an new good dining mam mile in clude able duh and him aabim Many mm moles cludmx Antiques books dishu is lam tale Mnnzgo mom not mmsible or Acti deula prcpmy day ol ale VERNON AYERS Audioneqr NEONIO GP While 09 ponem 1n dbl Yl base manls contract dispute pm pare to resume negnliatinm day aller May wildcat mike lhe Ontario Labor Rela umu Bnard L1 milking lime an In Applicnkion have flu Ilrikq deplnred iilggal It also can be jnckeying or position between two antag unisLs playing or huge mm is in the light between Interna tional Mom 00 Canada and United Sledworkm at America nulunu when lncoi workers tled up Sudhury operatlon from July 14 lo last weekend the strike was clearly contrary to law It could only be legal In thi use sevan day alter conciliauon lmrd reported The board Manse upléu Tvfiin the point Ill om rial declaralinn that an 0va oust illegal mike is legal Yv aria Labor Relafions Mt pals out that this in pm the procedure when one parw to dispute wnan to prosecute the other or vlolatinl the law AUCTION SALE Saturday August 13 at pm sharp MISS ALICE JANE ACONLEY l6 SOPHIA ST BARRIE Sale of all household lumilure including many antiques Terms cash No reserve as Miss Awniey has given up her home JERRY COUGHLlN Auctioneer Walt for uh list Wed Aug miles east 11 an nth maxim Innis Special con Iignmem in xddilmn to regular pale All msigmnml azfiaks will be sold first Gas umu 17000 8111 Pmpane gas range Antique Commnde re cord player and dodn wesAern saddle Sea flea racing boat on tvxguhgd Lrai rum flmrp for JOHN MCGIH at MI 16 Connexion F105 Tnmship milns weal AND mile south mvale QR lSAUCTION SALES miles west Phelpslm Sale of 50 head Hameld call1e lull line arm mdxlmry main and me housde elfocu ism ARCHER DOLWILL Andin WOODROW McCONNEIL HIM mh of Midland and In way between llluhwlyl 77 Ind 12 the Eversz side mnd wilful cumml of N11 Mmd ll suin rnllle and dairy N1mele lndmhnx can bulk mom mu now Tmm cash no rmne AU71IONSMP Thursday September 15 nm dump lnr ERNIE IXITHIWAIIE ll In Mfulun Null vunun Timmhlp hull My ht Nun and manm omwn1 Auctith Thursday Soplcmlwr pm 9mm for ALEX SHAW ll In mnmilm WM Gwvllhnlmry mle ml Brmllml nml miles nest of hlwwny ll 504 l0 hm mzmeml and ue Guman mule rmllun lmv Ann mn nhmtry lull mm Tmm rnnh no menu he Innn nld JITIHW DUGIHJN Amlnnw mm nun sm io hurl rl Emmi ml mum mng lmm mnrlh lngy Myl Imn My Tmm mh no wrm ho hum ll whl JIJUlY YHNHIIJN Muummv VATUI lor lull lhl Sqt I2 AUCIION SALE Tummy Sflflcmhvr 20 pm im HHWAIUI MVWAELITJX Mn Mill ll ICIMVAIM Ml YA RYAN LT ml WM nl EIIMAIO ml Illflywny ll hm MUM ml undo Ilenlonl rMllfl mull ml NIIIII MII Illdam lulvullmrl Trima rnJI wm mm inm Amumr Wmlnenday Mnhrr II II um lur JOHN TIIIIIW II In can to Nollum Tv III um HymnK1 m1 uh ll 70 My and lurk MA Wm vault my valuvmml In rmlml UNI Ml rmlrr lull lln mm vhu hum mnhhmy IMIVHM mm Tmm rum gm mom 1mm mm up Armin ARCHER COLWII AIIdHMH Labor Board Stdllsj On INCO Application vlnco mind or the labor re AUCTION SALE SATURDAY 5mm AUCIION SALE ww smmmm Sathrday Aggust 13 Awofu 5500mm AUCTION SALE AUCIION SALE MKIION SALE fish rmr 1W0 farm WeaLher conditions in our ma are expected to clear lonizhl Sunny weather is forecast Io start the weekend or on Sauna day Temperaunu will remain on tha cool aide MIMI board or formal dec laration la the er Wu un lawiul Later It agreed to an application by the employees comma or an lnddinile ad journmenl nco dot formal board summon that the alrih is 1119311 can take the next steprkung the board or per prpseglgtg die iter 911 11 um film he ggmtgi 1m penalty on convicllnn II 5100 or In individual Ind each day of an illegal nrik um um separate dlenceSo in Ihis use the bin could run up to $2300 person In practica nmnerwa illegal suike declarations are named but Iew get to the pmeculion sum The board gives permis slon lo prosecule 1m readily than it issues Ihe declaréfiop From many xlnndpoinl the illegal strike declaration has some uses It will be ac cepted In mm in tivil suit or damages mulling from strike though it may nu weigh heavily in the verdiu It is con sidered usdul in persuading ll legnl smkers to get hack to Unionsand companle In he event of an illegal locumcan he asststd $1000 day but lha unlon is not named IS parly tn the Inca Ipplicallon Only 35 individuals are named In llfix use But in the even 4i telling pennlsinn prosecute Mn could bring charge against all 16000 striker on the basla of the sample PROSECUTIONS RARE 147w recorded at Exam Iner omce last nighl was 54 de zrcu The amperatura 1015 am was 50 degrees TORONTO cm rmcuu mad at mu am EDT It on laundl prosmlmn on magistrate or violation oi the Labor Mafionu Acl Synnpsls Tanlghl find clearing skies devtloplnfl across most at Ontarin hhzh pm aura cell movu eastward across 10 province It will be coal nigh evmhhera and Iypltal blanket weather may ha Ian pnled throughout the vacallon lands Sunshine on Salurdny huw er Ihould lhe week up lawny lo linerslnn Laku SL Cu Erie Lake Huron Nlagm Lake On tano Southern Georgian Ely Hullburton Windsor London Humillon Toronto Clur and too lonlxhl sunny Saturday Winds near 15 becoming Ham 0th IDNDON CF Britain polidrnl punile leave par liumtmnry ring why or be IMod Aummer ml aim 115 week in round that hfll It the Labor xovernmenl lemd and IDmWhM bownl lrlmo Mlflllhl Wllmn per llmnl In hll me of Ictlvity upon main mlvmlly hm allow diverllnf dull Mm vmmn IHH In m4 lnfiinlrwnll uljwmmrnl nn upbeat mm lht 0M Wlbnn Inn dynamch he mvrrnmmln nh lrndmz Wrtlnmlny nllhl wn 11va wilh mnrnlnl IHM mule Mum lhnl phWM nm Mn lull upondlnl mm abroml than rnrnl rmhhnfl mmlmlcr lhnl Lulmr lulled lo ml mm lha muniryl 0mm llInm IAIMI dflrmflnatlnn lo Mk lmlnin Nrmmnlc mnlAlw In won Human rnrrm¥l1 mnlnvflnl mmlh mu lumln memnl pnliry Ihll mm nynwlwlndnu mm mull rlullnn Murh ll Ihrn mm majority IE mom mm 1lvluw nm dayi whry In IAIIHI ml Du mlorlrm pal1y Hunky hmllul mm mnv Inn IlmI llm Mom Wmhl filulmhulinu Ilnlnlmy hm Ixu Ind Inrnnm unan Unuulh Mullnl lAIlnvnmt unvkr drum IMN Jlflmnl llve Hum mm Ilmv ur 1h day link firm mum IMI ulrupd rum May lhlmlfll YuM 11w Nunp 1mm um umlay laugh lo leu Ami Inmmu Niki Hm Funk lrmdm mm lmu mm minhtvr mm lh unv unmrnl miy In July In Ixl mm wuvmnnnl lulu Imvm ml mnml mn 0pm 01 mulinn Vllnnnn mum nmm mum ydmml luluI Imh Intor rhm IMKNI IMITV IN IIIMIHIAV AREA WEATHER UK Politicians Get Summer Rest Narlfiem Grnrglnn Bay Sunny Cool On Saturday Kama Southern White RIvnr Timuami Cochrane North any Sudbury Sunny Saturday Norlhmly winds 10 lo 15 becom in light tnnIKhL work It may have mlnar mun as swapping piece ll Illa bgrgalning Labia evufli dmpping of tuck amacuon is usually condition la the final conlrnct settlement Norlhlm White River Wash em James Bay Sunny today warmer Saturday Wind FOREII Temperature Low truism hln Sllnrdly Windsor 51 71 St Thomas 51 7a undun 75 Kitchenzr so 75 Winxhnm 50 75 Hamilton 52 75 SI Cnlhnrines light Eatllon Saul 519 Mar Klpuakuinu whlla Rivtr Moment Tlmmim Mutiny amanu KM Labor MP1 hu mum In llllllflh mm the Iho vow nnlml unldfiufi Menu upenm 1n party mum In June as many ll who wilhhtld xup ml In Conmwns volu on In WI control lhln Jerry lewfis Ind Janet Leigh Are rammi two some in Three Dn Couch new Columhh Pic tures release in colon Aha mer in the Jerry Lewis producflon Ire Mnry Ann Mabley Gil Golan Leslie Parrish Ind Jlmes Best making his men bow in comedy mic Three 0n Coudn is now pllying It um Imperial Meme wrecked hLI mtlnnnl plan or gmnmlnn UNIGNK 1le Mum nm Mlll prrlonl In Clnlulnl rhlllnn lnlxar lnrtl mu mrmlmrl lllmr unlonl Hwy mufixdy Mu rmnplunmll Ill Iv Ivy 10 um um Wov Alway mm mum my pump but with Ill ml mm TOLTON 60M FlLlOWé WHO THINK THE WORD WIS TM 10 OF COMOLI MIHTG HAVE HARD TIME COIlICflNG EMI RT IMPERIAL Equipment MASSEY FERGUSON 72M miecuysawigid Innislii Pubiic School Board met on Wednesday evening to brim their busineunp to date Among the mailers or decision VII the sdecfivnnf unv urchi tact to handie the two Iddition of six mm wulh amen put pou room for whichienmiva apporvoi ha been received mm human and iii Dawn menl at Education 5w NEW was Mimi and had been shown modern Ldqbl being built acres western Ontario to Ic cormmdale wholo Iownships Ind village They had also been given talk by their hosll on the advisability many in Lheir room so lhey could be quiliiy transferred to on room in ordzr lhat pupils could be provided wilh educational films which come either on screen or from Educational Television This could be hand led by the additional Genaral Pumose roam buz would mean ramming classu there llson who W141 anlral Truslu John Langman sug geslcd that the Pcnlland Baker and Palson firm had built the present howls to which um additions were to be made they should be engaged to carry an as they knew the layout of lamina left for the new portlnns James Cordlnglcy died Royal Vicioria Hospital Bar tie on Sunday July 31 1966 Born in Francis Saskatchewan in 1911 he moved lo narihern Onlnrin with his parcnls at an early age member the Uni led Church he was also mem ber the Masonic Order Gol den Rule Lodge Noi 409 AF and AM Gravenhml Mr Cardin ley Joined the Canadian National Railway in 1940 workan It lint in Northern Onlurln and the past 14 yarn in Burrim In 1919 he was married to Mary Gould cl Schnmbem who survlm him Also surviving Ire his mower 1115 Cordinycy and Iislcr Ruth 1M Jamey both cl Damion and siskr Con fiance mm IL Hay lwa Rmeral services were held from Jenmll Funeral Home Bar ne Aug with Inlcrmm at St Paull Cannery Coulson llill luv Waller Lee Mlislun conducted the service The pall bearen were lwa hrs cousins Graydan Young Hrnndnrd and Dr Hone Elkcrlon Paigram Ilsa Mm Em Stewart Betinn Gould ol Drillia Bruce Edey and Alvin Bowen Burrie INNISPII NOTES OBSOLESCENCE Trustee 7D Really asked why with the knowledge lheyr JAMES conmNGy Architects Selected For School Additions Now you can Ilnuev on he phone In you do over your second cup of come at bunkmn lunch ordlnnuouny olhnv me all day Supdayl Wo cillfllfisimlong Dlslanca BM unlm anlll Calllnylmc By Compllllhl how you Im llldly Bundm OBITUARIES sunday breakfast long disrahce bargain rime long distance com lm all day wndayl had coming changes in edu caunn the Beard ghouid con linue build damDom which 9r alugdy becgnlnlflnbaplel ii cit mil msideradhn mould be given pew1 Hie mm and but plan possible INSPECTOR DARK Inmedm ii iii Madden who wan present wu Isimd Kim was man mail the Deput ment olumy proposal which showid influence their Ihinkinz He stated that nothing oiiidnl ya hand but Ihai he could make enquiries 0n unanime motion by Trustee Lnnmnln Ind Lennnx It was agreed thatlhe firm Penuand Baker Ind Polsnn be engaged to handle 12 building of Ike two addition at Wamica and Smupybrag was which $374000 naming the genera pmposa rooms with stage and Ike lurnlihlnu nquircd It was agreed that lender should be called lnr won posible xmdzucAmxms mscusszn The Board ddezales who vix lted the now scth dwwhere nund some which an adopting klndergartcn room and told the ether member how the are operated Kindergarten pu pits are brought in every other day three day one week and two the next with dfllerent area accommodated the other days 50 that the teacher oc wpled daily and the time does not become tnn long for the mall pupils There was com Born In Mincsing May 11 1389 He was the son of mm Len nox and Jusephina Loere He moved to Palnswlck 60 year ago He Mod the 1011115 in Cal ed In Tommy ind by his WU Dormhy Vaughnn sans Jack and Mlan Paimidk and Gmdon Ollnvm 3mm Mn Mildred Cook Mnxville 1nd Mn Glndyl Chnnller Toronto lmhcr 10 Tormln and pm deacascd by brulhcr my nn WILLIAM DALTON LENNOX Mineral services were held July 22 lrom Jnnneu Funeral Hume Barrie for Villlam Dal lon Lennnx liq dled Ill After the war he armed unlil ha retired in 1954 He married Dorothy Vaughan in November 1911 Slnce his rrliremmt he resid i0 in Royal Victérhr Hospital any lengthy fling Burxal was HI St Pauls Cem elery Innlslil with Rev Hal dcnby go in ma galy in August 1914 WM wounded at Vimy Ridge April 1917 and dischurcd Mnrdg 1le Pallhcnrm were nrald Vaughan chrno Vaughan WIIA linm Vnughnn Roy Lennon Bur lnn Carr Nonnan Nlchol DIKWMAIKU vnnumn mun mu Wu mu mmvnul run we omu IN inmul Vn mu my nu um um om Gmicabooz Vnu get up to 10 mlnum or lho mlco Just five lhen nvury lwo mlnulrn lor the cost jun oneon nll slnlloMo unllon calll bnlwnon polnls Ffififivfi In In vIwI In mm that Innislil Ihpuld be naming kindcmnen dusts moxlchildren are ready mun formal learning More nix yearn id and wnuld probably belbeh for In chum than at hnme Impednr Maddem is to come the Impedor for Ihe dlstrlcl where the staggered program being used In ascertain his ol lhe duirnbflity the ark hit out for the nimmer whiis the monk am closed it in most cam beinghandled ntisllctor ily Administrator Funk Keil reported to the Board that some painting contact were still to be done mi paving jbt at Crawtord school was promised for this coming week plaster lnx lot at Mroy 56100 was ltili waiting promised handl ing Ind it mighthave to In to anoiher truduman thin should have time to dry and harden as it has to be painted Some additions to toilet lacili ties are possible with ha pry ent facilities at Amy school and the Board authorized the mmillee In get this done alter looking over tha situation Small Bradley basins which are in use at some at the new schools may be adopted to to rave space These have soap dispensers at tached saving an additional in stallatiun wpmc Pnoagrssma SUNNYBRAE PROPERTY Although the caretaker are paid during the mmmer mnnlhs the Board commented on the glow slat of dams work in mm schools and insirudcd tha Adminislrnlar to check on and have the work not under way CLEANING BEHIND The rile ol Ihe prupefly on his subdivision whlch under optinn mm Dwight Nelson hax bean reduced by me planner and the Board ouch In agree to the lines on me proposed ylan providinx adjustment wmfid be made However alter discussing the five feet difference along Boll Canada LONDON 11 MRI EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST one side wax decided um lhe plln should be adjusted to gigs Board the am they Optimr on mm Afipnécmnn If the anneu Md Ire appreciative HI ovarnlghl rain our war garden Ind flww lhl as quickly will hlva done consldmble good H106 lhe wide area over which this gentle rain hu Milan JILL sucgzssru Edgar fiampsonl tale ol hometh furnishings and came was Hal success lax Wodnzs day allunoon T11 household Well um HOLIDAYS ARE OVER FOR many pwpla and theft still gully rancmberlng how they renewed old lamin Whal recdveammlllokengiflmasammulu Express your gratitude me la no nicer rating and diflerem ideas in all price ranges Khan at WEBB JEWELLERY SPORE Ba Rd and as Bayfield St They have very lovely cups and saucers In dwrm the most amidiou hostess Grim figurines candle holders will plaques and lust so many her gift mggesllom such as their new exclllng lall Jewelluy keyed at coordinaung or contrasting with new fall lash ions For gilt that will be received will delight and lung duemishaj shop where locum is inesL was mwmmnv ll YOURE IN THE mm WHIP 31 6m mmrn IN WI flunly wash MIN ml Hunwk your lvmlmmlm MonI lur Mun mu ml plrmnlnu Mir Innin Ihp Mnin laundry NI Imwlayu run nun Mu All Ib Mlvanlnm ma mumNI mu Imp mm In ymlr mlumnllrb Mum ll lnil hwllIlMHnK MINI Mid hm hunlvul with Walt Illminl ml 1mm flllinn nlrr umldhllnl fier lhnmlman laundry Mvw mm my mum mm mm nutMug he Ianl In Inhf ml 1M INIIHWWI in mm MI Ar mm munmum llmn llm nmmumully M011 My in Ahmad all 771 0m Ml Hw llh2an man llm turf WILLIAM mur nnmnunr mm ummé 1an and mu and lug mug IIVWMI uuuuulng mm WINE BRIDE Tn LA MAM dune are you might jnsl be U19 lhe bride Well flue Barrie FABRIC SHOP 16 kvllier zeal Hut you like shot while out of your busy sdmdulc and V1L their mminery palm their Fall Hau have arrived and us me Hummus and flnuennz than ever many In rich vrlvfl and salbu 30 do yourself justice hold wr hand high Iva ulczanlly of mm in new chantnu acctn1 your mm mm the Fabric Shop Perhaps that dnumlcr ls busy lumishinx an wamnem my not Lake her In the Drapery Studio in the Fabric mop hue they cal flammade drgpqigs anq merg naym WWWWH mmwuwu difiudtupullinx u1 fortwin heard IW IheA Ind Food Market Hwy 90 Brenthxl AngusMrZahalan mthloadnhmkmqu umingdrmnpricmmmhxmmmmwlmwmdnr with union he 0m BarM Marniy lurk Sink nelb0mmummaamcnmmmmmgg An muzwcnlb0mrirlmlhwnnmkdxu alhMflnmaflmnlhvfimmlflnWa Hahn may amalgam many Doc Adam Ind th lama allnnvunllb gunman om ltd uhlla qmrlidu last dont be Wm imp May movaydnylfll 10pm3nhrm¢ilfll mdDont mummmmmmlamulun mm mu ryuuulnnxnlupnxwm lmnnxuummnwflnm llvhnyhnmummnlevay pnflmymrmkhtwmwdnuunflknmflmcrdnmnad Mmmmmmdmnmmflymlmmdmn mwwmmmmemmmmm mil rnfliy ruln nymph clum0rflnwhmumldlmp llymnmlham ulhmultl Mahmudinlay ml dim11m In my mhlnx mmmmmn1mudsmnmmmm ynur lumfly uh mm inla mum and Ridmnlm swing mmvmaumnmmmwmmu mummmwow 41mm mun xrrmmr LUMBER Fm Rd 1M Analm III D0 NEED mi with low Mun Hum mm mm Thm mm lm MUII Wood mm Iwn MiniJ Ilml mmlmllln MM MIN Illmdiw mnukmml lilo 1110 MH mull lurk mum hi my two mmniu mmllmv ml Ilwn flout In tho mw Mnmllfl duer vinyl mvrrilll nuhnm ymlr Mum mm mo 14 VII llwIml all BMW MJANDALH LUMIHJl mr hum Mmmmmt mum Ml ml WWW GIFT OF MONEY IATIJA FOR Am nlvmnly MM an want put ll hm mnwumm Ar hm WIHMM INT FURNITURE MART min In mm rkw Muir lowly ndgimal nu luvth IIlhVrMII trifling mmme rimn In rmn bnm ml mm flu mm mm Laird mu plmly undo all llvrly nw Impail An nil pamlini NH Inmh Irlth NV luarmlrr In INHnl Mntl Ilml mauflmu lifl Mu for Full VNIIIMIIV mv INNHHVI I4 lulmrl NI II lastly INN HAD COMPANY DROP BY unexpectedly over the makend and just More supper time too Well you my km if youve been caught in this medicament by the Lime you flush amend to prepare meal and definite the ad that you say Rs Mr it Pan leave you manned uuun lime time go mi ALTHOUGH OUR SUMMER ISNT OVER WP BY any means these cool must days weve had this wzck remind us Mum coming and that groan bring up Ihe subjtd nl the WH dme of Fall Houseclams If youve an aide hmne chances are you may plan on wading and refinishing hardmod Hm paincing and maybe evm mmddling room and for every one there are wall and ceilings Io be scrubbed rim cleaned yum Hun uuuns you even mink thou starting you tall MARTINS RENT ALL CENTRE mey have the tools and Wmtu lake the minisable backmuining wk out of cleaning and re novating sud as Sprayers sanders Ski saws polishcrs dc etc And Mmins also have com lele Mvgardcn power equipment It ywvebcm going nropnd humming nnmrmnnn WWW alm aumvvcll Evemhinz for ywrsell and your home in fabrics is amen lmm the FABRIC SHOP will Mp m1 Mun Intdm In WM mlh II he mm duinml In um your mm ml In put every Ind nl IIMMu me In mi ml all wilhln wr llldflfl AHANIMU 9m lfnlunnx he lwnulilul prflinislm nnvlmanh In you require chIdnmuscd costly llZrruTkx 1mm MARTINS RENT ALL Dmhp St hmd film 5mm mind mu delight and lang in am mamas JEWERV goods whlch contained some 01¢ temps and uhtna was least for those who attend farm sales these doye hoptng In obtain an antique lamp with painted shade brought over $40 though probably cost less than qua ter that emonnt when pnrchu ed The Holstein cattle sold welL WWW um Iu Run London lawyer has been appoimed to ourqnm Commuwealth learn which will observe vom rzxialration next monthvan the island at Mamr flu in we Indian Ocean JOINS TEAM 10an On cmc yhy buy Rent

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