Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Aug 1966, p. 5

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ANGUS SL111 Mon 1m reroku Wmedfingm hm mumly Park VIde is located uthemialxingsueahm in yiduresque sewn under all pines and cedar mid Ike Nauawnsaga River Mtha man umc Men Em the popular mm of fho dim 110 park is well supplied with playground minbent Ind eon We wen very planed with lha camfi um ukl Mr Gucrcu who command Jack lhillms Ind 3115 Will Ind other or lenderNu mull al tho kids musingn lmficaflm min In larger regiflmlau tor the lec notmm mm mm mm amn chfldrm hnvn been men on he flay2mm We HIM ths swings And did very mum said Dd lemn llwardd Angus Adm KM um spoken In an mm FRw wna with Mr thru Alien Susan Linda Ind Donn nil dnuyfinera ILxm cl tho RCAF B150 Bor ASE II 011 DEN mun Mm nonlenl Unnmm Oomlm quvlny 1mm MI be flint on dnmnlmUm at 0va Jhn NMitm Edumlnn It Swing slides and other play xmund equipment are in man use and the picnic tnbla and flair also no populu ball mafimnrdiind ax aim an on denim so gutting lllshopgsdmuddhlhobluch MORE REGISTER Some flailital pufidpded ha in day pun Adina mm was AM Hammond mud We by George Gum and the Sim we Domfly mafia Service Angus Park Gets New Improvements den Imlrmnn nl ho mum land of Tnmum Mnrvyn Mum mm tho park um mm mm than am Thu hall diamond In Inn mam And Jnygmm rquipv mm in goal nmidu hall dam 1mm ml limier lnr mmm we mm umv mum mm MAM mum minlnx mu Ibo Cmndinn mm MM mu Wt wuth In Ada him It Km mu Inlnnéid JM Mum the 93 ii unfllnmm mm play Tum Ulnl Mlllm 1M mnfly n4li INm own In WI find to in our No hle Mum and ANGUS COMMUNITY Elli Base Borden Combat Team To Demonstrate Ht CNE man no 7m 1m mum ludm ilk pk fALEI RVICI Jones nodd Paris 11 Equip Iflllll mm Ininflh ud nulldum rm outnrhn Ivan mlln mm at turn Ml gm L10 lulph Jm lrm INDUSTRIAL FARM nv Mmpluh no bl Furl Yum lqulymnl ludbn It pk MLEI RVICI Icemde plays1 bench es Adminlstrafinn the park In In diam mama bond whidl mimics Archie Duck woflh Kan Euflu Maynard West Sande Page Amen Wil son Fred Rosa and Eugene Smith Ree Gm Davis W36 POOL mscusszn new wading pool has been dimumd md Ihe Lion Cub has shown huemt Yam 20 than was wading pool there bu It was abandmed aka the caneIt uackad 69d eventually DEbrl MW bein mlde 9mm an out Ml oovmd will unh new cmdillions hive elm bed Ialked immovo oooxsmww 1941 fvrmcr maul bum and paluher who turmd his lull alien to mum mun whm lmd had Inury ludurd Wm making name or Ixan here mun wnod carving dill diarfiay of norm cl hi1 and It Ndmdn Man on Highway hem bu been ntlxadlnl tendon Four modal goose In Hm Ulllily and 1er laklnzly curvad by Mn mm Hm have been mudl ndmlred and NI many mlny Inl mil mi other link I150 hlVO beau nveu 3mm RMRTED llOlIlW we have lm carle wood mod my Mr sum uhm wan In Slmey Md Idml nld Mr film II mm In INM Mm AUM WoodCarving Skill Praised At Cookstown DC1ImnleXmlL fin luu bean be Idm llv yum mm or Ion tn on run to Danuflnn lmru 11m HIM TMM flwym man hm 52 IL IL Wm ha been m1 an WWW mun lafl lnllrmn fin ha hull ultra June lml 14 MIM WM In NIHXG Mucin mm In MAW Ind ql mm luvu lnr Vldom mm he ml mun Winn mimi ii an swinminz Militia Mr Milan and Mr Guergu both paid Ihe nvervraa dmgsmu in places with quite an undenw At dun mount day camp the children were taken by Ina be another site on the Mud Rive Ease Bowen amineth at Breanood Naming pool by Mn Noflawuaga at he mummin park Mn which might be considexed in xhe Mum Mr Guerzu sugzu Wilsqn an Donna all damn do are Susan um 091 mm chzldmn would 59 ddinlhe Iswt the community uld kins aha nlskcd am hi wk It MI in hobby for yenL Pcopla told mo Md Riva mymfl lime and Warn injured my back decided xiv lry Mn Thumpkhu MM tn Minn In York mey hm year and hm came lo Coommm two ynnu ago In junk cook um has hem pad to us uld Mr WIN mum he wan not only makan or hirmdl but Mm lor We Mnrgnm and lumily Icky nlM ymu Kathy 11 MM flvl And imp we Vuilm lo Olmka lair have mu Mr Thomliinn work In adutm In wmdm Mn and lnimdll malm mm mg ml nice quid new body pinto ml we nfl ulna liv lnz here he 51M The two 01¢ er rthun numd Gnokslmm Mu Jmlu Monkman wall hmwn 6mm r111 palm um um how Mm Indus 1n mine Ir unwilm nklll II II wry Almlnl you run In that Ivy NI mt nha MM Itmnz mum Inlrrrx WM nhmm In Mr fimxullm urvtw nflry The bIrQarnM Anhfiall mm mm mad 1M0 handwml wail hamL Mn Mo nk mun Malawi Inuit Mun In mm Lm vu ROXY murmur Walt DIst Bambiiiig YIGNNIGOLM COMING WEDNESDAY EVE McOUEEN IN NEVADA SMITH MATINEI DAILY AT 100 EM HELD OVER YIGNNIGOLM one of the murders MW been added to the pioneer elblflu of South Sim MuA sewn at Rlverdulo PM hem PM in received In piaw law days no but it nu been rocaivlnl mud mention undyf said Norman Hour Hugh assist curator It the TODAY AND TUESDAY Wawm puficulady 1W dad in the pioneer lawn leo um and John Foaflnsmm 140119 at viswns he andhi hubs Paul had inst drw from 64ml Man nu ncemly wu WA 33 Borden John thsdvne musséd mm In an mam plow dd woods mm the Mid and mm pioneer fann melunenu whim Lndudaiwodm and hay mumw Mb 1h yaw asked Mn Horsburgll abut the lomdinz 01 Album Ind nded that Fletcher 0mm and mm to am pioneer nl the cowm EDISON MAW willqu twistedBi he earY lelcdwnes agd Vic1m Museum Plow Used By Alliston Pibneerl mm an mfimmvha um mt didnt za chance HILLSDAIE Mu has been Med ham or me my meet mm1uwhanslnwifldvo talk that Albefla Mrs lodd dulnnan tha lunch WARMINSTER WOMEN WAWSKER We In at Canada us make wda proud cl V1 the moth adopmd or the meeting ML 11 at Warminmr anenl mm am Madonh Town mmmlty Mrs Gerald ma hostess uni Mrs GOOD HEALTH RULES com Good beam rules will ho dimmedby Coal non Wamenl Institute It It medins Aux 10 what Mn Anderson will be hostasa Mrs 5119mm heaimmlm imam 45M An dd DISTRICT BRIEFS vamwiflbeindmrzedlhe mum and Mn Walker Mn Wang an Lug 520 fmm 1M mmnfillee DIE AT III am Va Mm Mahala Lewis Who said um yearn am my TM mady here died Saturday of approan as of 118 8er hm Tm tunivon Me also pralwd the mu sham in Ihb carving WELL RECEIVED nid Mn Thump Hm udfibiud mm hi inn urvlnu ll nld ha wu finned with the pod ceptlan liven bi work in Cook their lnwmhla mmmmu he mid when told cl Mr and Mn Mmhmnn praise well uh confirm than Mm Inning 5m Cred mm M1001 Mr 1n livid Danubeer Ind Mll ton htn Mm Mm More In dlrldcd lo me In Simeon may Im wry Lvl did WIDOW MEGA FIIKLIM AP Lndy Cum widm nl FAL ward 6mm pmmlnerl If moAln III1 and 1mm pol Idah Imluuvll lu lhair i111 ngnln hum warnunnI llfll Wm he puliflm ll hnimd and whldl lenum Inlay Indy 11mm Iml llvnl waldo Mk rye unto hrr hflnnda In ms wr We WW 21 new to FEATURE AT 700 AND 1005 PM WJ mvener vim to Inspect It so due said John and he nelan ism Burma civiained was model just be tore be War Mm at our Vulcan thaw much mm In um Mm machlnel said Mr Korma3h painting 1910 model mono graph which was donated the mlmum MM PM Camer on at Allister Asked how he and H5 hrothr er Paul likad mum John mummmw W5 like very much We were glad to move bad to Ontario was born in 1mm lot diflerent hm than mm said Paul as he markad on Ibo fiat country the mums Ho Ebed the WM Inc and mah muesuc Eoflage sham oom parlm tn Mullah trees DESTRUCTNE FIRE Jim McNaIIme 11 nl Tmnw win was wishing the Feaflmslones showed pmlcu lar interest in an eaxiy mum THE am EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUST EIAIVALE Slam We were very much 11mm with the devalopmml in and around Fvaale and Barrie uid Ron ald Macszlz who with hi wile Am and ailfly of Ni an Fans has been spending cap ant vacation in this am with much 51 man We ah MacKenLh who has been coming has for some yams whemawdmww Drivng around Simme gaun ty he noticed moéh divrlop mom utmost everywhere Bar rls has nice shopping cent and it is becoming more Lrac1ive all the time said Mr llacKcnzie spenkinl in praise ol the auracfive flares and im proved was He also Mined Improve ment Elmvnle and Mid land The family also visited 9m Bayncw Park an lake In diman aler at Hula Lake and at Lake Simone Ls mum warmer than the Niagara River said Ronald MacKenzie Jr and nlne Annam son Warren 11 and daumcr Kim aka em Med hnlhlng in local wum nm MacKentiex camped Little Ink Pant short time and also mm his cousin master nirhanison who arms opposiln lixhway as about Iix NAMED DIRELIOE YITAWA 10 Dr Saldul Iah Khan 0an wydmlugy prdwr lho UnImeLy Niagara Falls Visitors Note District Development awn and gem office or the Dominion Bureau cl su lsuc has been named axocu livo ditndor or Canada the International Asociafim or Sr clul tholoy Washington DISTRICT NEWS Edward Sm Prom 30 We Mhylllfl mnmlmlluwm harm in mum Will WI ill MI EESKFGDANQVAMABJWEW newspaper displayed by Mr 11mm The main nory Md about In on May m1 which dmroyed About an new g4th the ham Al It must have been some lire remarked file MoNaulh Imhdummdvmmtwn Mails me 14 stores including 1101 shop Ind harness shop was levelled In addiflm no the OW hall Miken and Sons mm and number bonnet Mr W5 said he antic pated the regisifled visitors In th mum mld be Average hid mains about 1000 or he swam Al the firstd the wnk than were some 750 legislated visitors at the current season when asked about vkflnn to Mug Falls to use the color lul am Mr MacKmlie conccd ed Lhu wan wondeflu muc tlon We live here and we ap prcclxlu It too he said but itknioewgetuwaynmm WWW Ponds riv er 3nd Lakes ads neat dd BEHION sum Armin menu are being made by the Dem limlnllturll 57de or the annual mum nanr and also aim adiviUea Entry onrm or emuu Ar availahfie rpm the madam Mn Harold 11 summer thaw will be Md on August 17 and assisting will be him Sally Mrs Wrist Mn Nara Nodwell Mn FLFaflcr nrgd Mr flHWamnA Plans at the district 10 mnvauim whldl be held has In October The pruilduu Mn Edgar Ritchie and Mm ALil Reynolds are the mnvenm Ind they win be by Mr Mm Gnv James McKay Mn Hinton Mn IL Watson Mn WI Mn Georgina King Mrs Beeton Plans Flower Show my Further mangunem likely will be mudo Mn Sometuber medlng mm in be hdd Mme Mr and Mn Jame McKay RH BM 11 mde puulnx um IMP nnr Ihyllll Diner um aim ll Gwrgmav Km Mrs Eudmnn and Mn 700 900 has sum 59295 OOLMNGWOOD Sllfh Collinxwooda plan to lmiu centennial films at midnight member 31 and keqa it going Canadas 100th hm Year ave hem lurng mention The ldeahu noelved Weiable commem Omanfly Donald Mam daginnan has been mung dmwin and skews of pm posed talus far suitable otmd for mob untenan Mama The WWCemm nhl committee hasnflered $25 fm the hen design Wm should be mate1 MM yrelemfly steel and should not be 1mm dand shouid have mhlmum height din led it Wu specified Themed rule profidethn lulu eanbelntbelormof Séek DeSigns At Collingwood For Centennial Flame Stand EDENVALE Stall Good progress is being made in the hridge lmpmvemant work over the Nottawmga Rlver on ma way 26 hmgh here Cur rean ualfic ls limilad to one lane aver tmrparary bridch pla ced over the comma 51mm which being widened And re surfaced hafhc um have been al feouve in regulating ha Lrltfic whidl mminum heavy Gonza dnn is only great at busy 11mm residents at the area Ia Bridge Projéct Is Advanced At Edenvale 1mm Mum ms to school have an sumo record mthanfipuoentJmfi ingeoolficiakalmornher Mmdeade My oelm Mad wigs 19 per cent Ontanos Tom and TUESDAY SHHNTY BAY 233 Draining pronam EASE INDIANS STUDY sgoux Mnnosys om pm We lrl lalnlng 1h World Pumlora of fin llru lull lung olor Ihowlng of BATMAN fifisi mm mng BOX OFFICE OPE A1 pm SHOW START AT DUEK THE MDhl MODERN DRIVEJN NORTH OF TORONTO EJFAMILY JEWEIS FOUR BIG DAYS SAT TO TUES ONLY SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT filth ll Gulhdl PS MW Immslunm mm Wm Mum lreehand niches not to seal or main scaled drawing All damn lmned become My gwmd ca tumlzl mime ma 10 serves flu mm to make Iner ugm go suit page at mm In Mon to flu in We there In second prize dfliandthlrdol 51011 mm the winner will appear pemanefilfiy an mm at tho ham we stand it was dated Rue rum said anyone internat ed may take part in menu lest wifll no age limit Deslm ma he sun to Collhlgwnod Centennial Committee Box 30 montagwood FEAR1 ND THUG QUEBEC CPDTM ncw Ur ion Nationals juice mm JeanJacques Bertrand rdused ms mrvlces of bodyguud Wfll h5 qredecessg Glands Wagner had one havent had my threats mm tha un derwch yet laid ML Bah lund Belqu HIrrh Ill 0d menus JACKPOT $22000 53mm Logicunhar Evnry Monday 800 pm 14 HIGH ST Abe NuSlrvlu Clnrim RCAF ASSOC 441 WING Admission $0 BINGO

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