Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Aug 1966, p. 9

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Mr Iml Mn llnn 1ka um mu Tnmnln IWM lnz wer WWI Ihv lnrmrll mum Mn mum ml an mum mun llv VACAmNEns Mr and Mrl Ralph SkilUng on MeMn Downey Rally NY and Mr and Mrs Jam Dawney of Alblon NY spent law day with lhclr cousins Mr and Mrs Thumn Marshall and Ingmar Connalulnlluns nm oxlrndM lo erhnel Stone Ian Mr and Mn Jnmrs Slnne Mm Iumsslully pnsml hl midum exlmlnnllonl nl flu Canadian scbool nl Hubamlnz IN HOSPITAL Mr and Mn Omr firlkhy and Juno leh My mum Nlmnlml lflndnn mn Mrkrml mm of Mr nml Mn Innlnfl nml olhtr nInlivrl Mlun Nnnry nnxl Inlny Camp MI Torunla wen lhn wrrkml nl lhrlr hnmo hrrn llnrry low Tawnhv ultlb rnlu Mn nml Mn mm for Hm urrknnrh Mr nml Mn llnr ry fiprlnu Gull haw hem hA Hun um mum Hul qu work Mr and Mn nu III fork Tnvnnln IIlcrl Inllvrl our wrkrwl Mm JAM Slnlfl Tnnmla rnl mupln at day mm ml Mn llunlulH Ind Irnrurvl lvlrmlxhlpl In th am Mr Iml ln firm and Hulldnn lnnrulrr pm Vlllllul lhr Mllfl wmnll and InJnhn Wu Wm Alba1 Vllhnll look pm July 30 The brideloho remvcd many lowly um ne fruhmenll wcro mm allow cd7y Ipdal gcuogclhcr Ir INI Mn HUN WhHlvy uprnl llv mkmi Wllh Illfrl plvrtlll Mr Iml Mu Vsllrr up Mn 1er9 Ilnyrr ha lunml Illrr vlIllnl Hay and Mn Dnn mm mm 3i wmlmhémhin mm Mu Mum Mu llnd Miss been Ipendlng two week vacation with he parent Mr and Mn Stan Mr and Mn Jnhn Hayes Vlnnclko 11L spent wcck Mlh rclnllm 1n the cam mgnxly IIoIAiivur Ind frlcnrifnflaer ed In Johnl Unlkd Gmrdl merrily by vino SImVVCan Madal Wlmsch waging If Ml um le erlnn TM lMulu mu urrkrm mum wllnlh humrrI ILL nyn 1mm nml Mm Vlmnm llrll ham purchnud ho vmprxly Imr 5km Ihu Mn Gwrie Ttrry VISITOHH Mr and Mn Forgumn hm Ion Io visit wilh rnlnllvzs at Ottawa Mn Allcn let on Thursday lo span three week relnllvu In Regina Mr and Mn Ernla Scott are upendan Ihc week hlUI Mend Sault Ste Marie Mr Ind Mrs Mulcom McGlnnl spun ha weekend with ML mud Mu Lloyd Fleming London TOWER BRIDETOHE The many Mun nl Frank Townes ill be wrry l0 nnrl ha 11 pallcnl In lrnclnng Gmrml Hamllnl nlm Mrn Gnrry Man nlnx who wnl pnllcnl Scnr bomulh Grnrrnl nml Mm VIlHnm llrll How adage All work and no pl maku Jack dull bayl Well all work and no tun make Jlll tired glrl who yells at her kldl wonder why rest doesnt slap her lram balm Md and wlshe sh could Ila down and sleep or Iver How long slnca youve hired Inmeonc lo come in and take cm at the klds for an ulter naon so you could ya lo mavie Medlcally lhare an lhlngs to look lor Low blood sugar llulty nunluau anemia chronic lulecllon underactive thyroid or adrenal zlandl Bu alter thorough checkup show nolhlng calculated to make you so Lind then when Can we Ialrly descrlbe your oblam urnply that the fun In gone out or We lot let It happen to ourselves and It can cause more mlscry than many real physlcnl ailrnenls doubt very much whether Inyane malo or lemnle ever went through llle without haw ling It least on hanl attack It sounds to me like what an astute physician labeled ha tired hnusaan syndrome It Is nothing new and Its nut Hm ted to housewives Inlllon hows nnulhlx wrong no no one Item to understand my wings Even lranqnfllzm only make me man firm and de mand wish could lie down and Ale at Whats cult or me la clean the house or am make decisions yell ha chlldren constantly and eel close lunar oyernolhlng Den Dr Molnar am 34 and lha mother live chlldren EXA haunlon walks with mo ram mnmlng llll night All wan to do ls sleep but even llml dqesllt dlsyel lha lnllgug By JOSEPH MOLNER MD T0 GOOD HEALTH oesnt disfil tho Inllgue II gel MCflflhlily dlfll By MRS Dose Sheet Fun Is Best Medication NEWS OF ELMVHLE TERRY Mn Manning II mend lnx we wrdu with rehllm In Inndon Mr Ind Mn John Corhnn And Amlly Ind Mn Grant Cnmllhm Ivy were Sundly gutIll Mr and Mn Mlu Shnmn Hmlrll Hum man It How Tqro lo Ipchl ha hnlldny uvkrnd with Mr And Mn Mull nowl llumnlrvl In Zrmln lelu Ilmululnn Lynn Dufllu llnmln Ilrlubuun haul Mnulml NMan llndur and LIle Sun Irn 1mm Hrnmy Imw Lain Mann Sundly momlnx Rev Dr ltrrla conducted me la 01 llva mvlcex in St Johnl Unlt ed Guurch durlng whle St Andrews cangmgallnn hu lolncd or warship Solulst wu Jne Bmwn who rendered Iwo benulllul numbcrl urompl rd by Mrs Rutherford 11 orgn Dr Perrle lanes or1 holldny and Rev Dl Mlllu cl Sl Johnn will conduct lhu next live Sunday morning sor vlces in St Andmwl and the Unlle congrezlllon will join for wonhlp SHOWER FOR BRIDETOME Mlu Vivlln chobl who mmilgn lo John chldmon wlll ukn plus an Aug WM unit of honor Frldny night In St Johnl Ichoql roam when llrxc numhn of frlrmb gnu cml Thu couple wm mlp Icnls or mlny glm Auhllng wnm shell mum Elnlnr Jnnes Phyllis Urnnu Imy hilinxtnn An Phyllil Ed wardl Mr and Mn John Arther Mr Ind Mn Crnddork In an lrlp la Mlnlwulln lslmd Ind nlhpr pointy lrnmoml In Gun Hn HM blah lllrhnnl Marhull Mn Mnmll IMMII CM lnth llnrlmr HUI1n Why and John Haudrn Tu Owl In mmy Klm lilllmn Illvhnnl Lung OHNII Ml Valuyk MFAPF nan Magnum Traviurdflrl Hmme mum THY IIXHII ION WANT ADS ZIH Michael Stone Toranw rpm the weekmd with MI pnnnu Mr Ind Mn June Stone Cnuzmulluons to Mr Ind Mn Ros Albert Wilhall nee Carol Madll who were mm fled Snlnnhy afternoon In St Johns Unlted Church IDIl ROOM runmau mum Dlel mm INILM muny llrlrn llelw Imam nmm lmmnlnl Krmlo wrn Drnnry lllnmnl Liner vrmn lnllr Darlmu Mnoney 311nm Murphy and Dnnnhl finw Mmolrtl lo Grade Kvh Dullin lfmhulnllo rarh II Knun anlrll Hamlin MMer and an finwdrn JlNIOIl 100 linuln mul mm mm mm ler Harm Iquydllugrmn anlrr Public School tparl 55 No II Hun Nata In Mn The ray dont return alter series cobalt treatmenu but potent arm therapy and name Illerclfects Ara usuuL Report this to ynur doctor but you will unquestionably have to allnw lime or henllng Many times protruding na val return to normal by itseii but there is no harm in taping It ilrmiy tn Ipeed the process Rather than bottle up pra icr flat object such as win any hail dollar To prevent irritatian first win its akin where the tape will ba attached with tinctura benmin Let it dry heiore applying the tapet Change every three or our our days it tho akin becomes irritated chnnxa Ihe an to at tape an it is attach at dlflafii plnce Den Dr Molnar Mi baby three month old hu protrud Ing navel My sister recom mended taping an Inverted hm fle up over but otherl my llltle do at sheer fun aken In moderation can be on of this most important medl clnel known can do Ullan that no drug can accomplish Tryu and let ma know Haw long since you and your husband have managed lo an on vacnllun Irln even fur low days without the children Con ulniy you love them but oven Ihort lepnraunn mm them Iuddenly much morn lovable II havesoma children know Nearly all of can do two or three time morn work without exhaustion ravtded nlluw some time at creation Ind 10 same thing wa rally want Nobody dcnles that man need vacation from his job thl woman also needs an cccaslonul vacation ram hm or an tho plug or do whnlmr yo lee Ike Idohig BHXTER reééntl or mflsa Aboard lie we WM um Mr and Mrs DowMn and lamin went Iwo week via lllng their parean at SinLfluII and Bnlcarm Soak and renew ed acquaintance with relqua xInd dud Mum flu prov Gmrdl will be closed nk Holly duflnl Auxusz while Ravl Mr Milwy on holiday Thornton and Cookslmm will hold unlon ervlcu for Hum charges am Sunday In each church Other homes recently told are those belonging In Mr Ind Mrs Jury Ind Mr and Mrs umn mfivnzswm Waterway lo the St lawmwe Seaway and palm mum Mr and Mrs Cari Jory Ind lnmlly rammed an the wukmd mm two week holiday with her paraALI 1n Whlrdprz ML and Mn Ken Johann and family have movrd to their new home in Midland Welcome to the disarm mended la the Rom family SharAy Ely Mho have punhued the Johnson DAILY CROSSWOBD extruded to Mr Ind Mrs 3mm and Oonnle In the lad den passing of Mrs Brownl father Mr Reldaeld Burn Sympaihy Also extended Mn Steve hzryk and lamfly In the deth ol MI eryk Four Nolrump sound very much though purine has only onetrnck mindha like dlamunds He probably has seven to the AQJ or some Ilm flar holding and the chic ques Ilon ll be retolved ll how muny am he hll It therean heat to bid our notmmp in view th Im mediate jump shm thus show lng inkeml ln slam our no trump mun ha ragarded Blackwood calHor um even You have lhe allowing llgnd bothside vulnenbla 01083 HKQOS DK4GA2 Your parlner hid Onama mm to which you nsnond Two Spldes Partner bids Three dll mond Ind you rupond Three Henna Paanar than bids Four Diamondx What would you bid now Your righthand op onenl bid 01 Diamondywhlc you double Partner remand 0n lhaarl What would you bid now After two parse your thI hand oppancnt hid One Club which you dnubie Partner rev ponds Na Hearts which he orener passes Whnt would you now You open 0n Spldo to which partner respond Na No lrnmp When you bid Three Hearts pnrlner respond Three Nolrump What would you bid nowl Mn And Mn Moore Id Sham Downing my 10mm ILClay ILNovlru mConlmon 1Yolky 13011 Min llMnI nlcknum in Mar ll Dawn 11 11mm uh Hum 711001 umun 21x llJnmrltnl amvmumu now nlcknum NinthXIII fllllar If llann It 1111mnpxm 914 olAbrhm nl IIJllclpllnl of Hoch II hnm II Mlnl av mm Jan Amman lulu ll mm of wmm mm Nil0 nmnm Av1km UThhl ulryll 45 on By MM DOWNINB SWY the WM mmmanhl Ill Inu wall mm nmIl Heres 11an nomethlng you can put In this empty arm when you uko It out SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS HOLLY 35012531 mm CONTRACT BRIDGE nrmnn mm 15014 In ml ll ilmnuu Amman ldmlu dllnl lellnllh 111mm mum Ink mkno 33 Ml 111 llwdhh hula 4111 In 10 Amm mun By JAYBECKER 15 hip 29 11le nlekmml Arlhlln pnmt By MR8 PRATT Mr and Mn Jack Taylor Susan and Debbie have return ed from trip to the west While there they called on Rev and Mrs Lionel Raw and mended tha Calgary Stampede Mr and Mn Jame Penny xpenl lhelr holldaya wllh Mr and Mn Howard Penny Mr and Mn Howard Fanny an hzlr hofldam vLIHcd In Grand Band Hamilton Kitchen mmplellng wflh week In lodge in Hunuvflle in Recent visnm wlm Mr and Mn John Kell and Mrs Gord on Whip were Mr and Mrs Cdrbéilon Mk May um Cal xnry and Miss Mom McGlll Barrie Mu Wilfred Wallnn Beth and Jim Sluva Laka Alberta Mn Walton and Mlchncl Godrey Toronto were with Mr and Mn Ward Godlrey last week 00 Marion to Mr Ind Mn arvyn Wall an birth dauzhur It Raya1 VIA Hospital Communaqu ho Mrand 117le Mlddel who were married recently in Barrie Six new home are being bull an the 1th line was hlghway IL welcome all the new ac wpanu to he district Mr and Mrs Huskln and Jim anjoyed trip through nor thern ammo and United 5mm WY our nnlrump L1 merely in vlmlnna in lhl sequence Illd partner L1 free to pass It rum in nnlrump and has noth ln Io do with Blackwood In with her cousin Shirley Poole at NeMon Roblmon mnuzhno suit has yet been upon trump partner Lhowl three ace by responding live spades you Md seven diu mnnds or seven nnlrumpkl he shows two ace by responding five dlfnwndg you 17g Three dubs When his hand Ippured In the Erldgo World mnuzlne panel of expem votqd to respond this way 22 or three clubs 16 or our hear or our notrump DEMO Qpndgs 0bvloully those who lavared lhrea club cuchld or our notrump were mm allmmlnd ad nun Ihm who Invoer our mm which wan only hint alamtry dm teem um farmer hurtwn are dam oaks very promklnlv and or um reason this writer lmred lheeclnbl or tour noLrumy Four nolrumu Twafva tricks mly bu than partner hn um um hand even thuugh ha combined highcard paint count cannot poulny come In points The jump to two no um Three helm You dunt have qulle In Value or Jum to our and ynu have Ian mun strength for men raise tn two hemEL Three 1515 Ahoy 11M In IDDII pupil palm ST PAULS 350mm yum Nun mumu mum Law Maul WmmAccuwm eowEr Acton Mmuxov mens mmer WMER AFTER STEATFORDS 57 PERFORMANCE NAMLET W11 svmnhnx WlWHm mum mum RM ElmMmmm WWI mm uuuun MA NH mau nuvuuw null may mm IMP van cm AM wu cuganou nmsuawmuarr mswgnomvnuwn nuunous 73$ Exam nub jF 200m or H6 azimon 56 hm vow mu an ANSWIHD IV ASKND nuunous TIL BARRE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST 196 Emma vLAv Down AYFfliD mulakl min rwufim v0 mi AH UN bmmMS rxuuw

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