Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Aug 1966, p. 5

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amusehomme Bardanmwhowum mm dimmed neatly den in 19M Oro Reeve 0mg by Nu LlFl To Macmvy numby dulrman nRIGIIA Snilh hum finance Fred Hunter Waples Horses Add To String Of Wins KciLh rained Mr Joe wresqmncr lenmh more in me third met and um oak 8m lounh mm with Intuit an 11 Mnera the home be trained anw Bmok 33151ch an nther win at in present awn ers Inhn and Kenmaul Graham of Limbay at GnuAm raco MVAIE sum Mala latter for Elmvaxe 0m Cold haber and other races in the nu during fall fair time John Wank 65 mi mn bcrs his illustrious race horse fanMy again found chande tn Paiinnal new spofljm Km mic Mr Wei ML tar training lief as mayoraer lor more $14m Well um Ks racing said Mr Vaplcs recently stating he didnt lumen he deal because nmeumu the breaks gn 03m way IlEmI WINS mm The nnhve of Coulson borA der wmmuniLy in ON and Me duvc had he snlisladion seeing where his oldest son Krlh 12 dmvo win Torontos Greenwood an nxesday nigh pro TOKTENHAM Stall Mur ray Orlwiey and Gwen iiierkiin er won the archery champion lhip at the tint day clmp at Tollenham thla season the re Iults at which were announced tr the Slmcoe County Rectum Service The county urviu jointly Iponsared the camp held in the conservation area ncar the To tcnimm mlll pond wlih tho Wo mcnl Institute at that commun ttyr There Wm 80 camper rag latcred tor the nlmulay camp at second camp to ho heid trnm ltnxuxt 11 to September Canocln chum ml was Im Mndden Paul 11 odrl and Inn dy Cnrllnn while gold nwunl ulnnm Wm Snndrn IXrnxnnta Mun Ilcmlnl ml Gany Rey noldl wan mgr12mm Tlu lrnl lmpadlm winner npvrnrnllnx Aparhu undrr lZr llll Mlllor Incllulnl Alec AMH Inn Slave Wynnyk llonnll Tbmmnn Handy Cnrllan erh Ml Dale lnul llhbdrl Ilm Mllbury Inbrrt Amiennn uh prim Murrny rnulm lnul Winners Announced At Tottenham Camp In mm II Yul rum lullpnmal lumn flr ML IERVICI Jones llodd Paris Equip 1mm Id llllldaun rm nl bulklow MullI DISCUSS CHANGES IN COUNTY SYSTEM mun nilII Dan II III LTD TONKA Ibo Boaullful Plnlo Man HAS ARRIVED AT SILVERTOP STOCK FARM RJI lhrrio 0M OWNED AND mum BERGHAMMER INDUSTRIAL FARM was puma by Mr Walia Kn Normal when he we dnv ing before shipping to Tamale With some 13 ailing horses at his Vidaria Harmur mu farm Waplu 55 mm dong with amingoflsmdltflm wood lhe WMch Ls mm Kean Aim Is mm ova Imueayoldnlgmgen 13m l1ku New Zealawd bred geld Human Tradu firm 1m than hall the season In p7 Ha nu drlen mm 1500 mm nor since 1961 ur Ill nveraza of about per season Mycarhehopmlozetup In his average or batm despite handimp having In many ill mu Ilc kind virul hm we havent been 3th ad momma Dmmmnnd 1590 sh finished seeénd in la mond Tm whim ML racial at Buffalo speedway Drivlnz at Windsor anam ther rack during he wlmx Manual and Tomato Gwen wpod and olmflqro my is best 504330 Vila 1i when he registered 111 winner Ind named puma monay $10000 Madden Brent Webb Ind Jack Crnwinrd Winner blue awlrdl wue Bridget Keogh Mumy Cruwley Loll Fleming Robert Nnnd Er lc Findlay Jnnct Thurman Mary Knmm Inn Crnwky Joan Fleming Brent Webb and Dan ny MchHum The lhllll wlnnm wm Wan Cnlnu Mnry Crmhm nur ry llnxru Sundr Km Tummy Wall Lam Smllh Hm Flu1mm Join kalnz Du km mmhm lumn Leblanc and Trw Kim The wlnnlnx lwlmmlnl nu lenm lncludul Ted Mcaoey Klm Mchllum Carl Mcrlllnnr and Joan Flaming Iud In lem min wlnnm wcru My Mum Int nundl Rhodes nrlduct Kcouh Kim McClllum David Martin Ind Cue Thermon Gup wlnnm Garry neynonl Erlc Findlay Jlncue McClnln David Willa Glndya Fleming Lab Fluminl Kim McCallum Id Mlnin And Carol Thorner 11mm 00 Mle wmnm were Carl lllyh Pm Used Preservative Meat Market Fined Year his 39 winners pro duced earnings of $170964 Mx Waylon Sn mailed few daw Izo be mm mm drMm It race tech when he was 14 He knew that wn had unusual dxivina nullity bu didnt mm that he would be Thursday mini mm contmmm an illegal mm vs Morldinzor Jdl Manin mi Funkh Keogh 20 RED AWARDS Ncmy won nod nwlnil In phyicnl imam lasting They included 5mm Fleminl Mary Formal Timmy Wnlh Annlu Klpun Mnrln Maillon Mlh Dnvll Dabble Wnllh Larry Smllh Garry Thomson David Wnllm Barry Rodxm Dnvld ulllm Owen Mcrkllnur Paul Maddrn Rab ul Andtnon Paul nhndu Ann Nawllmon Wind Calm Ilnhln Thnnuvm Ind Slaphen Wynnyk Mr Don Murray Vuey also milky five at mm enable ability WRONTO OHMon Hd enbad Ind Eli News partner Abea Rushd Meal Mada Mumah Nonnan Gknem was kid that the man mu sold the Tops 1mm Hotel Ind the Muse Oven Bakery In Bellwille Mubarak Hamlu Wu cold the preservative WWW acid salt fives meat huh lookWen In Wu not in luau mm to bomb bu could Md 001th hMous Mama mu ridge wen aim mm Lo pay am fine or ma day in M1 cu resumes mafia next mu alter summ locus LONDON maxim fipuln hu lunncd Hrlllnh mimnry Mr mll mm flylnu our Ill lml lory lnrelxn om Imkumnn um 13m rfiny Sfinln whlrh not member or ATO pul Ilmllnr ban on nullllnry Ilmnfl other NATO mun In Jlnunry ROXY ling MVfizhfiwe in garden Simone com Coon OHIdnlI IMd lhnl lnlarmlnl mum Ch lulu fiplln Ill no mnu flu Anflofipnn Inh ulu om Glbullnr InHu on whth In upeth Io mm mnnlh daimd Roy Hick fipnln wlmln llvrnlur Hrll III rolnny rolunml In It mm lhu prom mm the llny llllmll mklmu Spain Bans UK Flights um Mu YMHVRI It mlmn an ml In Mlmn an IATIVMMT II III II IIVNIIAV II HI HO 7M and In FAMOUA HAVEN MR BWmONID TIIMIM TODAY and SATURDAY THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST ANTEthmSLdlWhfle rains urller In the week did Hummimhamlmed 91 more to hulp pasture and crops unambme dudsrumwuuon mm AM me clerk mm mm Vespm WW Wm WM ed by ooundl its August Mm to mun um Inlet mwm regarding mum have been lxked how we pxwosed an pay our sham said Reeve Wath Forbn member mo Waller Author stating he was con tmwd by Peter 6411 Heldman who mm with A14 Hm dim Pm CENT GRANT Council vm advised 75 per cert of wad cost or $13375 had been approved as governan gram since the project LI In Sumnldale Tawnshlp nldale mudrad to pay cl the 316115 balance and other ball dared by the remaining mum on per cams lands Mr 111mm laid he wan Invited the in than year was Interest tree He said Va ma mm to am 5T5 as per year or 10 you an the present minim wmddnt be good Mum If to bug debenhnn for mu ha Nd mun be Was Will In the matter at whedm tn Nottawasaga Mammy would he yngnz Mam or had would like to pay Ibo $15 hum tho on current uvcnues or 10 year mu requirements We want ho cwpcme And do our pm Ink neon Poibu Ibo wld we pmjed wfl mm the wall levala aqd qrevent flooding Irmnt mm per capita yen For 5000 popdnuon maid work out 375 per ymr Mr nich Inison Ibo maulonad men may be 11mm dunrm Alm flu firt Ham yam He wa in benauu PER CAPITA CHARGE no charge on mucipanua amide ol Sunnldnle in nudge on bagrdao Illd hull WP F25 TOflONN GP lnlh bo lweon the Immunfionn Nickel Ca Canada and lbs Unkad fltdumkcn nl Amcdu cm Wm 5W Thurme In lmv union mmrtnliva to pod mmn to an rim 10000 mun the am Sullry walkarl their July ml wan lam ntd by 1300 mmim cl lmal 6200 rm Guam plug WHIan Dickie dud Ontario lnhar Mumrl mndHMlon 0mm 5an mm prom nu bun mudn ml union mm an Munlnl lo SuIbmy to lorm ho mummup ol my Minna ll 1M no alabmalo Mmmy man USW di Mnr reluml oommonl on In141qu Al the mMUnl NE NW WI Pastuxes Need More Moisture Vespra To Help New Lowell Dam lNCO And Union Talks Suspended MADE MCMTICI RANTIAGO MI Mimi rm Imhgu lurvl been Mufti with mmbr um In xuan and Mt Imam In hudln rm urmtIIl Inwhupnumdnunwunno fin In IN MI DISTRICT NEWS dimlflm laid lu wm be ackmwledged mu banks coundl also laced Room Forbes and Mhem should be Vespm repmenmlm to the Geoman Bay Regional econ omic mum to be held It the Mama Inn Barrio Wlbnndm mm in an Iron And corn cm ware Immved but more Mn 11 needed to bring the map upto avgme soon dkappeamd human are hoping for Anah msn raw with the um deal dim nld Ron Ild MacKenzla when spoken to an 1mm farm hon Reeve Forbes presided die meeting and also present Dawn Rem Weninflux Dob Ion Ind Coundllm Maul HI nls can Donn Ind Leo Cav mum The council dedded to take advantage cl In alm Moran ardtlvbt 01 me ea lqrped count museum muhoop 5n Mid 51 auflwmzedho get the Mm no and 0991 backpymdl ankcharduonnidm wwld Iurn up when ha twa EhSp moves into its pmpoaed now 9me GOING 10 MIDKUMI REDHURHI Staff Mem berl cl Jamth Wo mens Instihle plan vial to Spflnzwala Park here on Ml Themtmnthulllle dents Township mud Wukd ho leave wn 3114 mm hen whom 230 sldm basket picnic they plan visit no IM Simone doubly Museum hen MEET AT VARY VASEY Mm Joe will bu mum um Vuey Womens mum modni on August when Mn Morden mind will be in dune Mn Wnlur Banmn and Mn Bad Jones an mm the lunch DISTRICT BRIEFS OAKLEY Carley Wmnl Institute will Md next media on Aul 10 when they wdl dim tho mom suc mdul marriage depends on two books the Mk book Ind cash BUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE mm WSW NOW PLAYING 1100 Ind mo to or all M11 pmflng Ibo ONE owner of lhe property hm no advised If they will tell and at what price No decision was taken an the Ichool proposal Thu bulldlnzk ustd or Iter nu and library or the community RESTAUEANT PERMIT INNlSFIL NOTES Gary Alexmhiim repart ed to tnwmhlp council on can of revamping the old school Len0y lo convert ii Into in hall The estimate would he be tween 37000 and £9000 without taking into account the cost at purchlslnz the building from the wheel board Some members of Cauncll had Inflated that perhapl Illa old Ichool could be converted Into Ln hall Mr Ala advised flu the bulldan would not maka In good hull Is new one would and um dlllerence In con mlzht be com arable The utlrpntg lug had venlor new In hall wa firth imwlthqqnha 13nd The nid EA zaruga on he rant Iiraet nl Leiroy to ba converted intu In Itaiinnrtyia restaurant Building inspector Griiilth reported that two con tractor had purchnl ed the building and taken permit to nvarhaul tila structure to non vert it Work is to tart roan ngprqvui or Council was air POND AT PARK The Caniennial Park pond which in been under construc tion or Acoupia oi weeks is progressing invorabiy accord ing to Gary Alex oiiicinl pian ner Ho mid Council that um work wax probably ilnii com leizd No bulldozer are work Enz every day and no diiiimii iins urn being encountered Don Really rendered an Account or 31705 or dragllne work on lha ditch mud in drain Ilia park IALVABING The val of any material from the township dump pro hlblled and discussion was slvan the matter appointing re ponsiblo person to comrnc or the prlvfleze Councillor Burton reported that nearby resident had offered lo police lha dump TODAY Thru SAT SHHNTY BAY 33 us pocgoua DAFFY memes Reports on Costs Converting School llllhuy II II Guhrlo By TUESDAY TO FRIDAY whenvemployees are away In return or the nlvnzlnz priva Iem AUTflQRlZE SIGNS pnzu wlll be told from no on so much page lhlxmal er was brought to tha Incu Hon Council when number asked lhn lakeahare moda Llon Maury be sent copied ol mlnum of cauncll meetings regularly Cluk Grok Isked lhll urvlce whlch mlght lead to mmy nquem wax to lug 1m WEI declde due at least bylaw coplea mould ha charted tar and coyy nl Illa mlnutas would be dlsplayed on board at the township office or anyone who desired rend lhem passed to authorize sign In tha lakeside park such no parklng Apeed llmlu and other reguln fiom The lpeed to he Ilmll ed to ten miles per hnur Ap paranlly up to the present he flgn hid no backing of Illa aw NQI FREE Cégles bylaw sonic of bio cggtgln Iggy live Then us many films when the minute do not tell the nory behlnd the motion nld Colman Gibbins motion instructed the clerk to write Mn Brown lec retnry oi the Aiconn Beach A14 eaciatlon in reply to letter which mentioned the concern of tint noun at some too tnxfey ere about the increased tax evy this year The motion was won tied by the reeve ioiiowx The clerk be instructed to write Mre Brown and advise the ex tra services provided on re quut were responsible the mill rete levy on which the general rule was let would not exceed thnt oi 12 yeeruxo Al to their enquiry nbont Itth and education costs may en quiry on this Ihouid be made to the minister oi educntlon re nrdlnl the property owner who are required to ply Ichool taxes Aim the letter ehouid point out that the Council are at present instituting en niiiclei plan and toning byiew which The suggestion re mulling minutes was Id In Ibeylnca HIGHER TAX Belwun Ink ud Orlllll Box Ollln 9mm Pm Mon modun Dylvnln Milk 00 Term flww mm ll dulk xhould take care of the plannlnl problem townshipwide COMPLAINTV Sheppard owner he prlvale hospital Pains wkk and home at mine Point came personally to talk about her Iaxe whlch aha me were exorbitant She got nothing butsympathy Council mam her also hava higher taxes Lflesnvlng equipment is to Installed at strategic places and anyone whn damage or mnve this equlpmcnt may lncul In at up to $150 Respira tors are alsn placedln clamg of local beach nsoclatlam that purchase them and keep com petent person ready to apply them ll needed Parklng bylaw was altered to allow change la parking at the 12th llne bylaw settlnl up the olllclal communlly wk Ira at lollcndal to be known Sheppards Park and the com mlllea to operate ml was ac cepted wllh Illa addlllon ol Cnuncillorsjodd and Glbblns lha bylaw whlch accepted Illa proposal the lownshlp School Board or slxroom extensions and general purpose room at Warnlca Sunnyhrao schools was formally passed WHEAT CROP Councillor Allan Todd whn ls taking lrlp across lha west writes lram Saskatoon that the wheat crop should be the bla zes that has ever been pnr duced In Western Canada

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