Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jul 1966, p. 4

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Puhllshid byéunndlan Newspapers leltod 16 Hayfield sum Barrle ammo Walla Publisher Wllaon In his enthusiasm to incmase the saie his companys motor an Evans new chairman of Ammjlcan Mayor qu said that if gaunt on mm to be able to burn In her of res with Why formanco cars his company pro vido them with what they want Mr Evans says the mmpany lnlends to lnlroduco blggcr and more power ful cnglnes to produce can that people will be proud to gel lnlo Asked In an Interview whother his new roach ties In mm min may ho sald nun would put 52191 belt on and shoul der strap ha wou dnl need nll the pads and collapslblo stocrlng wheel Mr Evan approach to tho questions of speed and 5a ety Ls nmhlng mm of amazing In act in shocking He saying In effect that our can will al most tear you out of your am It you clamp down on the gas pedal and take aim at distant point on tho highway The 1mm Mlblo driven wfll Accept hll word 91 try out the humor Iknld marlin Motor Car Executive Has Shocking Sales Approach filem hnéilllng wrong with mtr tor as such an bu In Imporun me 75 YEARS A00 IN DISTRICT narrlu Norfllcrn Advance July 30 1801 Magnlllcenl weaUIer or harvest Steamer Ulllu rum re larly between Barrie nml lenlmulnr ark Big my Polnl Blcddc light company began bulldan new englno houxu near Gnml Tnlnk rel 5th Rev ll OConnor shop of Polerohrough and armor vaflsh rlml hero mom bun Mekem at St laryn Church Frawley nml counly constable Jne Ham on brouth mmo llno alumpound has homo from fishing trip to Strawbmy ll lnml Lake Slmme Yachts owned by our vmmlnrnl local dllzena wlll ram over ray for Waller of llarrlu Cflrktl Yluh dogma Orlllle by fl mm urfui fixingAnil Slfifinifiihrfl off no Ahoy get tho chance gout Immune rlvnlry hlu In human Bard Ind nmlfonl cluln MI or Parlor took ovar pml dan of crlr cl clu wilh Anlagh necrvlnry Effort will be mulu to rllsu funds In sod mum In Queenu Park Cmnplalnl made to lawn coundllhal local mm not helnx om loyod on law nfin vorkn ll nppmn mt llama mm worn falling 0125 day mm on mm or 100 no mum conlncmr ul workm mm lnronln Heolnn Ilmlion Patron Induntry rculvnl flml shlpmcnl of machine oil and blndnr lwlnv thvnlo Iannnr hm call by mvnnnwtnu mm Emu Mwmlll clnml or mm havlng cm lwn rnllllnn INl lumber Ind 0000 min In Omo rummlun modem of onmnz MKno plum Averfa xuppy nr milk l0 onknlnwn chmn Mary 000 puumh day rum 70 panI lurnnl mm muman hmh Iv hvu mam awmlll nl Illllmam mmx Ivy lelnmng demand by Mo lwu En Th2 matrix Examinm Hu Imm awlIIHl nl lllllsdaln ulnuk IIy In The Shade or The Old Money Tree Wllaon General Managar McPherson Manuglng Editor DOWN MEMORY LANE FRIDAY mm to mua factor In control of skilled 1nd pm enl drlver partlcularl ln qulck sa Ing slluallon But ghpowe cu In the hand of nut am spell danger to himself and to others Men Uke Mr Evans surely do not have to aplfenl to the spendcrazy In mm to so cars Mast cm today are ulp pod wllh mom with more war an anyone nechf Even veh cle with light slxcyflnder motor can cruise at 60 to 75 mllcs In hour without anon Some of the big elgth can sift along at 90 to 100 miles an hour without harm to the mo or Sales eflort could well bu directed to the salety features of car the things that wlll save 11ch Ind hol to reduce the appalling tmlftc toll biggest publlc scrvlco motor cnr com ny can glvu ls to produce CM that wtl rolcct the drlver and hls passengers un or ex treme accident comlltlons Including headon crasheg rolls 3nd pluwouts Anyone can burn off mbbcr but it lakes skill on tho part of driver to avold actIdem either through his own carelessness or through the hull of oth on Do on have my second thoughts on this hr Emu lmnco tum candldalos from Crown H111 nL mmdcnl mnrkx to cnllllo them lo lvo yours mo lulllon Barrio Colleg lnla lnsUlulo llcrrynng Bond Ilml now in fashionable pastime Snolk lhlevm slole some rare dahliu mm Jud Ardanhl garden Ontario Don lIl oly convonflon held In Bards Dr nonnko town circled president Ono of llnrdon hm cdrkclm LI Imlgluon McCarthy who Inlrr hmme anmnan Amhnncndor lo the United Slal Hlmcnn County court home now Im armIan water nervlce much nrprw lalml by judldnry and lcgnl profess on John Sllphlnn rollml from phntournphlc lmnlnrm Frank Jnrkxnn In his cm phry our yem hu lnkcn ovrr CANT DO WIYHOUT GOLD Central lrm London You mnl gold and ll wont hndu on or hop you wnrm lml munlrr In men dune wm mum and mnplru mmdmd beruun mnnl dmdm or Gold hu lmcn um mm mhln mm of tummy nr 5000 yam and lmlny lho gold bullion market 11 Ihr rnln of International Inulnm Ihn USA Imldu the most Fnld stocks Ilr1lan Imam lhn 1mm nnd market and Smdh Afma II Hm grrnlcsd dd prmlucrr There Are nmrn way pmduflnx gold than by mlnlng It It mu hear umwn In planu fnund In paving um nnd won mndr In lho laboulnry Ilul llu ymplr who do tho hm bualnm th ll are the sump glm Other Editors Views xmamimmw Canadalnday ls MUM oi people who came or the gnuJun came 1mm many pan of the world Among the moat Wu sender have been me Icelanders who were drjvan from be lnvod homeland by enmim um volcano MM Heck Ln CANADAS STORY um Govunor GenaLl 10rd Duflerln knew Iceland and remind um Ha homelm people whose kind were covered with lava mm reiocue Wm in 05mm Tha first group cum in 1m and settled in the Muskoka district Marlo They did no enjoy lvinz mm and Revermd John Téylor MW guided In pdvmca party Manitoba When he on they might find more mum ounmhdlnu in we more me Winnipeg maul them and my chose Wluow Pom 53 1M cite or thenfirst mlmy ll bu broad my vimwhit nu vlvau The Hut Ixde la ml of 1575 and got to work 1h winter wu bitter and my bad lvw tools Ind mun Iood Never halm they built shnnflu and Wasted enough mm from bmhhnd nuke 9n turnihxro mumJ AM new new mad pmrm mm Moldy when party 02 Manda mlvzd on July me As the whom um had brwm mun am the Red River 1m Lulu Winnipeg mmed mm Iha buy 01 their new mum thaw excitedly numd ka1 whlqh mum Paradise Mower more than 1200 launder mlvod thn year 01an were mm their develwmank alumna ll wu men mm In nquu men wu plenty oi wood and llshllu to enable man no law the um may Ind known In their home hndn The leehndm named In ability to learn to speak English more quldtly dun un lemon mm any her country Alter dx muumommwmmmdmakmmm gm mm EVENT ON JULY ismIsland oi Morales was given to tha Marquis de Llumn 1706416anng am under Benlunln Chunk attacked Mg neota Ind Grand Pro mu NavlSovtln mleeu umnill mad at Saint John Nuw Bnmick by Ind kwhlurk OTTAWA REPORT OTTAWALondon ls rightly described the worlds twing lnmt my In the mldm The aim remuunu nlght club And shop an crowdcd hm Ell are jammed an thu tiny mus country road on Iummer weekends Brluin ll buying Ihrold Ioodl Ind raw material and mmuluclured goods wth more than all the processed cod which Iha um 111 Ibmnd In nddillon me wanna in U10 FarEm la underdeveloped countries In mflnulgln In alrmy Th1 conspicuous spending gives All Hr 01 Woman pron peril Bill It lane nlr on tho right Hula Island is broke tnlemBUDnnlly mlny In luppafllfll mmmry presence In aha Fur East to plum pence 1n nplylnn warumo loam Tho result nIUonal bunk ruptcy despilo Individual prou pnily Then his been mk of Another devnluallon ol lhn mil hh pound Then last we ludden dobberlnl by nuslerlly mmum wu imposed do Ilmed lo malts Ina mmry Hve wlthn lu mum Then were hlgmr uxu an alarm Ind alcohollc drink I11 clmu hlxhrr laxtl an petrol and lean monef In Ipend on brain um Icelanders Learned English Quickly II In unpm bla but nevertheless In that Camda rupomible or Brlulnl glllhl Canada no mmml lc Alan and lint handed but Ir mm In than my other touulry Ind Clnldl II the CANADA xx 19 layup lhrr you from uumhlc you cl lhl Inn Mn ulllnod And MI gm you the Ind cl hml Euhhl ll and mod my word Wmdl okrn yun Ila hlVl been ul mm In our llmo Who In IHDM lo Imam lhl mum UK Minister Wams Canada On Tariffs By PATRICK NICHOLSON BIBLE THOUGHT M1 Emu imam Aummhod nu mom clm mull lqal Olllu Dprn mom mun AMM plymml nl mun In um Mlyz Svlntllfl AMI Rummy Nn May mmL SuhmlpUnn mu Inlly by um 10 Wkly um yearly mm tor Inc mull ma um you Dnurln yur molar 1mm Ix mu my 6n Nth Cl Drillm mum yun ml mun mm yen mm lnlvmlly Avv Tmmln Mh ml Mnnlml m1 um vm Im Vlnrmlwr Anmllm mny mm mm an Aluminum In An Mhan Im um Aurhl llumu ftmllunm TM Anmlhn Im ll mlullmy rnllllul In In nu npubllullrm nu new nunbu In um um um II or MAMth Im nr nmtm Aml Mm Iml MM ruNhhzl lrmnln on hand By BOB BOWMAN largest nngiu lacinr in Brit ains dire straits This in bcuusa yur titer ear Cunada ha been Allin to uy Anything like much from Britlin 13 Britain buys rum In and tnku pasitivo steps to keep It this way sell wheat and raw malaria and mlnulac lured good in Britain in unar man quantities in return we admlt through on high laxill wail only dribl and drab of scotch whisky litiie Engilsh can British textiles Scottish knit twinuis and In on wmih In total about hall whnt we sell to iiritnin Briuln bought mm Camd goods wath $624000000 mm lhnn Um good which we bought lmm nrlmn In 106 Mr Jay Thu British lrade mlnlslcr Right on Douglu Jny was In Ottawa month ago and he Iva In Canadian zovcrnmcnl joys fnnl FEAWRIWWWlm wnsae BARBIE SPEEDWAY wnm MONDAY JIM PM Id MILES 05 BARRII OFF CON 0R0 HWY NOW SHOWING SHHNTY BAY 2232 llllhuv II Guuul IMINI 1mm ul omn MHzI DIilEIS Illlhuy II II Gnlhvh DONT MISS IT 3mm CONTROIJ MA mihiio3f aim at who flmlv DemSir read the mid Dr Rynnrd on the 1h nlo decllna by lha pm Whn would ha do hmwu In the Mural gum at he pllm Dou he mnln msun whyl ll ml nod look mum him and filled the quuuon why 110 they take lho plll Imlura um he wlll llnll out flu it ll becluse they cant allord to have um am He wlll find out helka hard enough and 1m enwlh he will Ind out It due to glnlanucnlly hlxh with for con eumer good Iho due to low wages Ind unner nlu In of yet cent on down turd nllure splllncu clemlnl prod um dfllll Ind cent on machlnsry And bufl ma terms family of two Adult Incl llvo children flying on low Income with medicI nd other necessity bill ilmply can not word to hm mop cul dren Algol think crlma to bring chlldren in the vow you cannot word to feed and dghu hull prayer WW Thu llmlly Illownnco dlvhlon lend mother $6 month baby bonus unLil Lhfidu lo years old and than Ihe mounk goes to When wo man has baby It cost her $150 maternity phn no or buy um um mq If they do not hnvu medlcll lmurnncc It dnhu Dz poem boak they do not hm ho pllnllnllon qu dose tn 5200 and 00 depending on file nld LII year lhl lmbllnnu was almost gm Bu Ed alna total deucn on stem 1min was only Ihoul $135000 000 Thus our twowny Inda with Brllnln was nppmxlmntcly In human Enulnuwmflihnve an handsome nverlll In of nearly In mum nllm and lhl surplus would mak her innnclally solvent In an wnrld nmr pnylnx herwnrtlme debt and mating her other obilzallons cnmcrzan 14111th LETTERSTQTHEEDITOR The reason ior thin imbai anus Canaan dlscrimimtion against British imporu Douz in Jay criticized the Canadian ovemmcnt Hugely And with good reason in its unillr con duct towards Briuin in tha mattlr oi tlriiil Ind taxes levied on British goods entering Canada Ninetyalaht per cent at Clnld iln mlnuintured good are Idmittod into Britin dutyinc he nid but 40 per ten oi British floods must ply duty when cumin into Canldlr Thin dimiminatinn is the must levers obstaclc which British exporter must ovu cqma in trying to tell to Can Idl TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72144 Box om spin pm Show mm dwk Tho mo modom 01le In Milk Talon Complm hmly InIomlannv mom This mku pn nwlul bl the and the am but you medicl expanse nay mu did 1an am and that was Inve ply blby Iluur dur the ad Gawain The Bu lnfthn confinement period He Examner mlka my uk Dr Rynargl opp ular service WMM uk Drx Rynaru can ular germ mum At honHy helluva deep In hllleast youd bu dam llnu hem um lhu birth control pllllm1c tor um mm Ithqmyoglaclor now lnhlrlh mm by mun Dent sir Saris oi ytm ago wrote letter The Bard Enmlmrugugefihfl wow maroon your Inflonnlhwwlconha o1 Ibo poor uniomtunute animals in the Ban19603 W211 yondid 5mm Pk twwvmzndflna mnsfiiinl swims TWWIH 1m Bums used by Val mlmgl my mmmmmcnon VAMVIOIUflfluuwn JHWHIIIWD Ihkflfl EINWMlmm oxm Mum Inumlml kwn Sllurdny 100 305 505 715 Ind 935 pm EREflliRY SBPIIIA PEEK NAME DOG POUND From the Man Who Made fCharade SATURDAY MATINEE 130 CHANCE TO WIN RACING HELMEI ARABESIIIIE MITINEKE DAILY A1 m1 STANIEY flflNEN PRflflUEflUN naenu and by God of ma hu mane min have Ill anlmaz can can for At the present but an Burle Examiner could find mm Amuse calm that wan mem iv sclwd MM nan bmmapouw what Tom Ind Snurday future 7M and mm AFlmonsy Player Alr Command num NOW SHOWING INS AND MOO er am mm 0M7 Youn mimesly ADULT INT

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