Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jul 1966, p. 9

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flu Wm mire um 1hr wwlwr kih Hymn um an m1an sum MMWA CF Fourymr Mymu Dink Mum mm IIHM VNN mmer July In nmvumlul wnk mm mm lullmz up In Iwr Ml MM brldm nlnmlny Imam Wsmnn mid rating regular load and Wm well kirln mm mm mml Im 014 1th by hny Iwr lnlhrra laxm Wham 30 mllm WM nl hm we NIIlLAdml thrlnu man 1m wrath by In mm at tho impimL Mr Dldcnhaku said num ber of qumdom nlnul the cm mmln lnmmd Ila sad he munmm mm mksasc of May 1W5 mun fitmd nnolhor kmmlinn hose job was mmpmmisc mule dvil whims No mom has been heard 01 um ho said WASHINGTON AP gut mlmm lu it my umum Wde mmh Mlh llwmmfl In mnm In Hm TN Fnlvml WM ll Imrl flgnwna mmual in ma Wnlmlny mrhlu 171 Mr hmlce flu in hi1 ro porl mlcaml Tuesday backed m11zmrmmtsllrlng of Spencer mm his pasta clerks Job and said more was no doubt the man had worked or Smiot espionnga agents Crime Rate Up Myrna Brighter firm at War flu Woman bound In lurk0 with Ilh lumM hr rain Ihu mlh mod ha mtlvr tantrum Ihyl in HI we Ml Ihiu IIIIMM AM ho mm bmtfl th 111nm I3 yank Mora ml min mum must win mum NORTH CHICAGO Ill MP Ahbnlt hhornlnrm ported Vodnrsdly mu new drug lrrmlng In mm mm of mm Tho Imam was sham In In Mindselm mu and mm Mun statesl0 DISTRICT WEATHER counted at mlo rl five minule year wnh mom Inn 2700 sud mm porml Report New Drug Clearing Skies Temps About Normal Friday JOHN DEFENHAKER Form Pct in ma mum fur rlmrfl AIM an M1 rflu mmlIuN Thu mmhd hm Duo Enlva Offirn Ml night 9mm Aml IM lfvlmfilui 300 am rm 121 0155 22 Eu 3412 Human it Ly CAMBRIDGE Mn AP 11n Smlihlonlnn Allrnnhyllul Ohnrrmnry dlumlnml WM nudny night remn that an axlcroid nnmal Irlrux mlghl Tawmhip aflldnls Inns Iald Hm because lhu original build lng pcrmll or Hm dwellings Is sued In 1957 all nr Inglo lnmily unlls lhn lrnnm can either Imp using the Inkl and be thrown ou ar mnovo flu sinks TORONTO CP Abou IS suburban Noth York fumillcs law the unusual problem of using nvnryhing but lho kitchen link ar being lhrnwn aul al 20 lemldnlndmd houses Discount Report Unusual Problem Ollu Mllnly mun with uunnnl hmpculuru Wlmll VIII In IIIN In lynopm durlnl Iklu with umcmnhln kmmulum If mml at AH ucllom cl II highu um om IN run Lulu Norlhrm Llh Huron fluor 1m Ilny Alllmllnn Xlllnlm leh llny Emlbury Friday monlly sunny with uunmhh lfllanfllmll Flak lllhl TORONTO Pme and mo mu yulr Olly urban Ind pet do wned on molor mm It by 1000 llHDnl per Inlllal wmk an In unwed hu begun at Genuvl In the lo znl Iubcommlllco at tho UN ante apnu commltm 11mm NATIONS Roman The United Nation publlahed Wednesday mum uendn or lhn 2m sculon the General Axsembly which open hm Sept 10 The 11 Includes many of tha hardy annuals auth dinrm amcnt Korea amrlheld MIICI rid xho cflncu nlomla ladl nl on new llem pmposcd by Rus lla Ind lLIlzd sou In In agenda ll conclusion In In lernntlonnl annmcnlm legal prlnriplu governlnu tha acllvl Lles Illlu In tho uplmllon And manual the moon and other walla bod no nld 1h asteroid will pan Km with commune away on June 16 1965 lo lb latest calculation caflmlle ector of Kitchenar who II meeting of lhe Flaunt aodntlon the Alblon llllll Ihla week Lab Slmcoa ls doomed to becoml wane alum urea than has already developed along Lake Erla We are not lamillar with tho diatrch he menllnna but ll alums develop along Lake Slmcoe wo feel that could put finger on me very Inn of what might hava been run but was talked down by Mayor Cooke ol Eanlo when tho com munluu around Lab Slmcoc watershad endeavorod lo form conaervatlon area cl tho lake Mayor Cooke felt that Ban rla and omen on tho west aldo 0M uh would ha raped lnln expendllum lhat would be of no dlracc bend to them Whln tho matter wal put to win al meellnz ln Orlllla than any pumng Ibo Bea were not armed with powm lul argumenla as wu um Mayor Ind the val went agalnst tho Lake Slmooe Conservation Araa mm would hive loaned on Another mold came within 5000 mile Ihn mm In 1931 wilth my prob lems ha nld J1me Cornell public Inlor nauon firmer offllho gag ory 3a report an 131g cgllblan pelween due Earth 1le Icamsr up an pingu duplta repeated clnlmen from most us Idenum The mafia bl llon In one In nhurvntary lpokesmln nld cry on flu eath 1m UN Agenda noowmn yon sum AREA go Iha mum Din By The funds In mulnz Into the hmhlp nlliu mm than the help an tabullta them Ind be courtwus to tho taxpayer al tha sum time Much at the money come In by mall and nearly every lunar has cum ment Ibnul the rake In ram lreanurer Richard Groh unlu that owiugto Sundny and the civla Holldny comlnx at In and of thn dismunt month three dnyl nacowfll bu allowed until lb of August so that than duh mutatlkuthozperuntdly count or payment by tho end at July may do Io MRM Magenta ROAD BEAM LOAD INNISPII NOTES Taxes CQmmenfs Hit Township OffiCes mr Jed brim abou tha alum area that has been prophesied by iaraeelnx plan ning authority LOOK FOR HILL llza negation was pl award by Reeve Joe Codaone in the iundlem Recreation committee at their recent meeting The Reeve must remember that when the aite of Centennial Park we proposed there won auggestion at getting an area with iacilitlu to develop into winter as well summer park instead oi swamp In fact Iultahle site was aufleltod which wu right in the centre at the town ahlp and on provincial high way Thin property part oi which la vacant and another to the west would make an ideal Blanca with long hills that could adapted to skiing or holnled runs Plenty of lands or parka and meek are available but this was never given considera tion then The council who lav orod the lwamp were too onxioua to dispose oi the municipalitya own hush lot to the senior gov ernment who were to contributo dollar or dollar awarding to tho populallon oi innlalil Lesa money than is now planned to want on the Caitmninl Park would have given the township and Ihelr naw Recreation Com mittee atart on playgrounda euitablojon yoarmmd we Any developm era would have been lor tha whole tawn ulup not or am communlty motlon made by Deputy Reeve Sawyer on the Inggesuon of lteeva Cochran was that the Retreatlnn Commllteo look far lulule hilly locntlon on wlIfclI to establish winter playground All we ask ls with whose mun YOUR SUMMER DRUG STORE NEEDS ul ROCK BOTTBM PRICES suor AND SAVE DIAl 7282429 moromzm FREE MINE Al Lot Jun lhlx year when Innis was asked to jnin limilar conservatlan prolect wetting he drain to this lake 1mm Ora In flutlflvgfllhnburx or ha Holland Max1h Conservation mm by turned down the ldu claiming 1h tawnshlp wauld no benefit from he davzlnpmenu done to the north Ind us Blnh This concém of munldanUel gar sparana gheir gnu ncmdV MM would been the mum of gradually improving the lake and IL development and flopping Ill polluuan log STORE HOURS Cnmluu AI LII LADY CLHIHIJL LIMMITS NAME BRAND BLACK WHITE FILM 610 I20 H7 hum at Me Nd ASPIRIN PW OFFICE sea3 59 BRISTAMIN tOTIDN mm mm In lam Nu FOR 69 2mm anr Amr 80km Ina For In rolM Bayer 100s SHOP EARLY AND 1W0 DISAPPIJINTMENT 59 l29 II MIMI llll Dalton was from one lnnim lil aid Hamill who have ni wnyl taken an aciiva imam in communin diam llo wn laid Ia mi in Si Pauin Cemetery um from me church which his inmin have attended and worked in or mnny yuan Old laldlen never die they Duly inda away in layinn nmong vetamu Thin we brought home in un lut week when we altended the funeral ol Dalton Lennnx veteran of lhe Pint Wnr Dalian Inc twin laminar wa wen lem yeln Ago in motnr Incident We heard uory of war day when Dalton and an older broth enlistai loam DArcy It home in work on the nun with his lather having been refined by the Inny on that gruundl However liter year DArcy npplled to the Department of Na iionnl Deiencn in be allowed to take his broiherl place ln the army and let him came home to the arm ihi request was refuted Gaman Ill mu AI Lu Mu Mm United Stmud putting oh plly Dlngemun le lhl plly wan wrltten by the bound iris of the Junior and prtnury dash and helmdirected by fidfiybfinfam be Indédlu Iva vex the prone lpednl Iltenllon The director th Vnullonubool Mrs John Marquis We dn not with any too much it might be considered adm tlllng but anyone has 5pm hour on Friday avenlnx com mencing at pm they 31mm sea the ellnrt this commun ity Bahia Sdml made ill from the area not Imus laxfly otuwvona churdl who hive been upendan the morning ham the last twa weeks en jnying thu lludy the Blble 11 play portrays Biflinal his tory It the lec 01 Christ BHYLCIIEEM BMW smznn predate anathrr park nroperty me they get though spending the 1500 new lelllldefm tho Centennial project PLAY BYV STUDENTS mi Menu In Vlcauvm EIMnSchoalq plenty gl ICE CREAM BRICKS 01 11 AlpJun mm mn WHL van 19 all Pa Damn SIMCGE SHOPPING PLAZA FREE PARKING WILSONS CANS OF POP WM BORDENS WESTOATI CIGARETTES 14 PER CARTON SHOP SAVE BlRITE leIO Fur Cunomor $345 49l CAM DI MM lIlNa SATURDAY JULY 30 AM PNL SUNDAY JULY ll AM PM MONDAY AUGUST AM PM ynnd mi Iméfiétifiafi Eha 11 31mm mmmfl JULY OTMWAV CH1h laden mullas Axum GovtDiscontinues BuildingIncentive srfltlgfijflusrs Um Pl VItau KLEENEX 100 and 30 Calculated on Minimum Monthly Balance No MlnlmumDaposlt Interest Aecruas mm Data of Initial Daposlt KOIEX mun mu INTEREST PER ANNUM ON YOUR DEPOSIT ACCOUNT PERSONAL mun HUI oi Opari Personal Deposit Account at 69c 85 Dunlop Street East Barria Phone 7288495 l29 mm ColorGuaranmd VCOIPPIIO 4907 Mr hlomi DI Illh In p1 manv $277 Prcmllng WILKINSON STAINLESS BLADE AHM COMPLETE DISCOUNT CAMERA DEPT ENOS FRUIT SALT whmmdmm mdlwamaidmfor dzmmcdudngunwlna mm la main purpose eosthemdusinm extrmmiy 5mm in stabiliz in emphyan In the by Mung large pardon cl house mum to winter mgnz Imildefq have ham at law Ma dae Mm 0kt will It 2mm ferflamagluum gamutW mums IrmEoéufifim INSELI KPHl ch 39° FILM MR SUN My fiina Cown II lTIPS 79c Includad 19I 41

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