5min slim flatware mama In mid IL own as the favored wefdns gilt lll vemï¬le minim in i0 beauty but many cl the pieces at saIld sil vex 1an am prepared to 122d ad9uble Elie that xivu mm an helm of put oicaLly ll was nut away lhus Back in expansive Vidorian days complete cable service of sterling mim have and nflnn dzd mm anywhere ram 300 590 pieces and such Kama Is macaroni sarvm M1 lempln forks were clearly des Mnad to peflmm one function nlanklully howevan the day such pretentious may flatware are gone and Maya brida may count an her nix place mace lettings Itafling along with some basic pieces to meet her dining needs on almost any mam LADIES POPULAR mu gm MM the term place we are dun aim as weddhz plums and many ind hem yum ladle cm by wad of seam man my wu mm or hard sauces Sugar hangs neednt lauKuhh In an 56hr west sullnr Sterling Silver Flatwecir Among Brides Favorite Gifts MONTREAL remmu harnedolivaed milk In QW becwingowweoenth unis quart August But he price qum bot in graccry store wall iikely mmin he same at 21 cents haugh 11 net Mde Ill go up In El wits The in =cs slum mm MM price paid lu 11mm in the pmvincc 53 55 100 290ml mdk insMad 1535 wcrcnst were aulIwrized lho Quebec Alï¬wlturai Mummyï¬mrd publc lnstilutlnm ard darm cashmdcarry custom Hm ntw spread will be ï¬21rcnts 0351 ccnu 75 tank and 3196 rmu Milk Price Up In Montreal govnrgmlplljlhuruhy wt up llnnum Thu lurm lump lothu wuiIo dclinqumw ummam nl lhg page Ilnd new qknz rmng has been plum In he country allhmm no mu MV been givtn lo rum in M1 rmnl The pm has carried mnny WM mm cluum lhnl My um mt uh hum lnaulu mmm whim and mm mm In Russia Combats Hooliganism New minlmum maximum rice laid down by Ute AME ur homedelivered milk are 2317 Lents quart 455 mu gallon 6773 ccnla or gallon and 8598 ccnl MOSCOW VtAPlec Sovicl Aï¬mn tholull £ij By ELEANOR ROSS IHYJIIDAN RETURNS mvnmons ANNouNcmml Accusoms THE BARRIE FXAMNER mmnmn lWTlNH ma PHONE HIM Main ll Dynp II In ylur FM llIn it Mdï¬vn oh mi 5M AI fruit cocktaï¬ and its handy ark serving pickles alive or hen1M udMLs When mm the sur of 1mm menu plane demlusse spoon or teaspomu beside hm holding tidbits And chapped peanuts TQNIGSZ OIL DICES Count Sn the sugar mg nub for help with shuffled coconut and diced pineapple Iavorfle curry accompaniments The place spoon unit In mo six912w glam mungls most MulLaanan bg and 1E TAILORED FOR THE nmI mm 0990009900 FORMAL RENTALS MENI BOYI ml STUDENT WIAR Dvnlop II in lhnln 72 lo U3 Prim Your mml manm lo nl nva in mu mom an mum mm mlml hmm llrnlnv alumni vau yuur muL 1m mm KNIGHTS BIG DAY T111 Earrip Examiner lnvmulons Malai COMMERCIAL PRINTING DEPT vkiuai dm and for many serving need The uild iork Elimiy mailer than the pine ark hu may Ines in modem dn imz Besides being ï¬nd auled kin Men and des is Ippropdnu or main course sud cm mic mved or burn dining ii is lundy also for servingcoid meat sliced chow and rei every meal oltlw day Slightly Izrger than teaspoon its zydï¬g alga ora9me ladd in erg Announcemems anln garb Widths AAA In Ill win MU phor mhl wmu Satin Pump In IIIuwinn and Nah hMIII 14 Dunlap SI Dunlap IOlfl FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS EXPERTLY DESIGNED BY HARRIS FLOWERS COMPETENT STAFF ynnupefluwa 1m de and Svn mm nL Yï¬ï¬Ã©tï¬ï¬aicï¬f EMAW Art Hlnil Only Canadian Florist lo win Gard In dustrlu USA Duigner of the Menu Award Im mddhlg bouquets Harris oWerS CHO The BRIDES Wampum 51005 UEIO 998 Im llnling wllh uvrry pair THE NAME EXAMINER THURSDAY JULY 18 me LIVE WITHOUT WATER WHITEHURSE 1T 1CP1 The 10 Indian familial In White horse Vlllsge hnv been Wilh wl conununity water service slime Anni when Ihe well water was dwiaryd mm or human commaMai 7A nix ollom Youll want in sea as oniy capable pm fcssional photograph er can capture It for you In finest candid photographs mm the flurry just before the wedding lo the last whirling handful of conlclll Accessories PHOTOGRAPHY your wedding 7255494 well failed la produce thong mm and Indian agency om dlls vlr mldylng 1M pmflï¬l fly at cumming Vilma with he Whitehom municipal sysian THE WEDD Many of you girls reading this page will aoon he wdldng down iho alalo to human you lovq lo be his wife and compahion lorovar Many ihings must be done many things must be pu chased for lhi allimporianl day You no doubl know already ihe nomury routine for class wedding Bui perhaps you have not as yet exactly decided when and when you will pqrchaxo your dress your iroumlu your home furnishings and other oxionilal lion May we tugged ihal you shot lonlly wilh your friends and neighbors You will find good value and ihe service for YOU will ho unexeellod P154 Many of Ihem lllo luv mos mmollous gift items Why not drop few him around whore 1hoyll do the lions good l3 DUNlOP In MRS BRIAN ALASFAIE COOPER Noe Marga Sinchlr SEOUL South Koru WM erlA onemm Ichool wllh ona xludent started by an American womn mlulomry an sun nu hn mwn lnlo what chimed to ma Juries womenl unlv unity In the world 17 Called Ewhl Womenx Uni verslly 51 ha an enrolment at am The school was apenegl my 1335 mm th minim dlyl Koren 1m dynlsly of Y1 when Mm ery 5cm Inn the Women Missionary Sadaly the Methodist Episco Largest Wvomenéi University Grew Frbm OneBoom School dun jusl walldnx lnla store And lrylng low on You should hnvu the help of mks person who LII an export an bridal nllalrmaml who takes Konulnu lnlcrml ln your wuddlux You rcqulm And should cl mm mllnr and Illnrallom ll mmry nu nlmuld lm nln lo gel expm IdVlm on nurh thlngs as myle hund locM vtlln hridmmalds gowns mollnmlllle lo and morn drum and even the hundred Indono Lalln ol wnldlnu ullqnmlo not num Iarlly mlnlod ln uur mnmu wrll Ilm to dual wllh mnwlxxly who known he mammar tum personally and If Hood he can nlwnynï¬ol on tho leloplmno lolan rlnhl way any rmnr iency 1m and got the ulmml nl mopmllnn mm hlm Youll gut um ll Summanu IN us guarunlno If In In our mntml llml your Mg vmnrlen ul day mmplcln Almost OMmhwnlH Male Ilmzm ml Momhln Oldvlosmnm flown OGnlnzawayllrvazex OVMI Ollmx plel Jimm 9A WM Jo flux1314 02th 9111011 Evillongvh Bridal gown ham $4998 mm mm mull4m mm OREiNWOODS 0F BARRIEI tun teadungï¬nghih lo government oflicms cancu bin whn wanted to he an inmate tar lhe ergyrlcss Ml We University nov hu nine comm including Lbllexe of medicine in de puimenl and one graduate school an sunny 100m hill sida ail in northwesiern Seoul rltnlso hoax In at llchï¬l kindergarten element garyrgchool andhigh whom all at themunlike the university clrcdumlganal Chum In Unitedusgates Thalunlvemty Ionndnllon glso PAGE 07on by Jamw own uplnlo when evening courses and gin11 my sng hISeouL The Ewhn ovperaflnz baud In North America luppomd malnly by the Methodist Church In the United sum Ind un Unllad Church of Canadn lm KW $1000000 durlng Lhc 1m 10 year to build new willie TRY EXAMINFR WANT ADS PHONE muu How 10 relieve mm Mn my