Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jul 1966, p. 7

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few cup was lgnnr ii the lhumbsucking young Her lixyenrsold when she dldnt scold or sham him or jerk lhe thumb rum his mnulh or command him to take nut at any lime aha saw the thumb In his mum Even this molhtr avoided doing all these Ihhlnu the sun may not have bgen linorlng IL flm doubk Ian desk with yredominam shades blue and while is explained by 319111 Ken Cavanngil llghl member the Sixmoe Gmly The mother of and who luclu hh thumb bites his Maugham thrown tlntrum Ind the like often advised In iznme it Many mother has written me that she has Lamed it but that this didnt wmk Maybo Iha molhcrl eyu fail on his oiiendinz thumb every time it was in he childs mouiin flu mny have lookcd an it will worry Ind distrust liar inside mny hive been mm on ignoring ii really moan uh gills noticing the alicnding hum Ihe ha no inciing about the mailer aha lnlka in no one About It Even ihouflh Ihu her uli Iucmdcd ul ignoring ii ulna other mcmhen ha hmin or circle ni nlnlim 5d irimdl may not him inn you hm hm mmrlm 10 or mm MI nnd nuran mun llll Hp nil Mk III Mnkalayu IIArm fur Na Iri hant mm mm hm mn mn Mp In Wu brad IAIN IELFHEGARD In an do Iuccctd IK norln ll they all may be nblu he provldl lamlly dimnlu Ln wh rh lha thud gnlm In nxnrd nnd rmlly doom to Ann hlmscl of the habit Obviously lha older the chlld who Inch hlx lhumh lha harder ll or him in me hlmnel nr or anybody elm lo Mp hlm KEEP IN THE TRIM My Na hm mw MM in mu MI Im unwova rm yum An and min mm mm an mm Iain um lurk Im mum mm Mat Inn on puma mm 14 IN mum In an muy m1 ulr 0mm wm Wain Mi mlml tn dun burly ml Iv my N51 hl er rfl Mlmlnub Mk Gal Ivm bu Ilml dun In Fannt Hmm ml vmr VIva It mm wml In mm In and tn ht draw my balm In ten lIflIEh Ill am 1M ml mulan in ny yum god will or ivm In nil Hill $411 WIM nnga 94 um um and mm atm Wu at Hnwever the chancu um homer only supposed she ig pnred In gut tally didnt Per NM liflrfllfii In rm mm is GARRY nus mm Ignoring ThumbSilcking Helps Childs SelfRegard Woman Has it Pretty Face Now Has Fiqure To Match JEAN KMN BARBIE WOMAN WINS QUILT new wllh all Mr lulinxs over mnller malhcr cant Milly um her allenllon upon lungum program Idvlsrd by her tlodnr lo provide Ihls child with more Iercna atmosphere and at culllvnllnx ln hlrn mlmnr wnyul ludetd Ihe may bu ln mim need at uperl help lhnn ha dulld STRUGGLE LONG But with armher hindrance by all others removed the way may be open or him to acquire wish to honor grownup Ind resolve to ind way 01 re correction Italian in which figuring It can be very ellecdva when 1h child xtullen What rarenl can easily and wholly gnnm Ihe youngster when he flutters Even he lays nam lng when he does stutter she may bnlr felling Ind her pimp hIm by her hreah to 031am shahy hum her bro to wmt un ha geu Iha noun or word habit tpyums an he oflcn nuku mimacu or bllnh his aye In no apparent purpose One rugher writing me Inch can said her doctor had told her to ignore il but xhe Iddcd cl ll he loch Io min then More perhaps than wilh stutterinx Ihe parenll helium and uncontrolled responses Int clue add In the child dilllcuMy makes him worse ha In Ignore Il in any th ungoan ln Ilancu has long hard Ilrunxlo wflh hemll nut In the nuc cuxh Ihl han hrr allcnflon Mend nn prnvidlng ha unxnlmr with huprlul Ipolphtre 811 ll urll NEW 39 F3 mm on Win the quilt Mis Mlmda ol To tome SA Barrie who in erwed in Um Iart of quilting hmuu ml mlm Int lowly mam mu mm war sham In Illghl win and not 1rd mtmn LIFE IllDflT lwnlhamMlhhm Mr muku Div In the wind him Ihry flu nd Iowan in Itan up um erly llfiflfl ma may fit me lo lma Inr Ian lhynM mu IMMIL Int my dmfillwhl UB4 mid min ml Mild to ximmllmmvvrrlm In mnla 90 mm luauIx on again Wm rm my Hm lmupv I1 IN MI tiII My rm In no Ml Wmahfifl mm MI purlth Aimd with IN mm In ml ymr flmdulu nyllnn mrvy han In INNin mm In III mmm mmnhm nl lwdth may um lwullfli an FM ma mu you mu Innin mm The II Inn in ml your ninl lhla ll urth pm Mary MN the graft vktmy um II Nu mun Imn mm It rt nut 14 mm 71m will lwu yrfll lmfu up Ivp inn and thin pm ri an me am pkgum Toll md ltd Illkifllln Inna Ink mummyqu when she finally has reached this goal she can hope to build constructively in him and to wait patiently lar Evidence his impmvnment of course no one can hope or talullon by lust resolving and commandlng herself to ig nore ll Sh needs Io wnrk oul philosophy reason for doing so lailh that she can do ll and that It wlll brlng desirable resulu Her native lmpulscs will mud in her way and she ollnn will luvs duulm Dlher penuns will Increase mm of these douhu The child discovers that his lhumhsuck Ing naubmng habit Ipaxmx range or fluttering has been ig nored when he feels sure no body else has any concern or feelings nbout the matter Our son 11 eldest of our be has blrlhmnrk on the br go of hls nos between hLl eyes and seem very scml Uve About lL llu does well In school but has dllllcully zelllnx Alon mUI other chlldrcn both horn and school mswpnma Quzsnoys Never Ieltr his firm mark When anybody also does In your presence divert their allenuon Ask your phyllclnn lurxcry far remnvnl might bu desimhlm truly apprecinkes her prize Ticks on Lhe quilt were sold at the annual fair held in om lia ha week Ekanflner Photo PARIS Roman Jucquu Helm nnmunrcd Wainosdny ho has nlhrcd th rulxnulion number he Pam Syndlcnle of High thlnn Dmlgnrn Inl lowlnz dispula over hl1 re 1mm advnnm fashion photo lllphl In Htlm Ink Pm Intended II cnma an Indrptndrnl house after the lnur menuLhrh llnn Dlor Yvu SI Lnurrnh lernrhy and nnlrnrlngnpro lulu lormnlly lo Mm om lhu nunno ho phnnnrnphx In lhu paper HumL Th queullon ha rrleau dale nl Ikelrhu ml phnlzy mph 04 mm rrnm up ren ulnrly durlnl Ihu lnril Mun lemon Designers Dispute Fashion Release ummwwmml bant hum mu nunum anyMM In IMu 71601 II Leading Designers Endorse if The WideSkirted Silhouettea By PEGGY MKSSIN PARIS Wafflm wide sldmod silhouena came back inbu mum in NH force Wed nesday enthused by such bad inx Matters an Jeanne Lunvin 6w Lamche Jean Palou and Jacques Heim Same designer mowed wide come over slim but Pa Ml md Haim revived the full ugnga Mum Mum Mtrapezegoesunderlha Mdhmdnwmmld meldamglgorflwhabydall dressbuzi1ndfllbaslcauy the old maven that Yves 5L ngnuqtkmodupmimlfislim filial at Christianpiot in Themwmalsiflmmwu definiter lull and wally slwwnshoxmlhandmlengm Ithvhedymmgmdmwgm the long sndmmam cyakmmmwnxinabean 5mg 0711311 highwaislgd th vim wéii under Em Gmliwdtrmfwwmd Mesa the hemline with widebandsolfixmembmi myanda4flwtopolhe mmmmmwcou bye Mm $151111 HEMHNFS VARY menu and have Wei wtirmthehdiceotunedmss and leathers add Bld salve mesh and webbed limits at Hcim sequins and cm bmmies any sum alumnum 76 DUNLOP 5T EAST 1283745 THE ADVICE OF EXPERTS IS LESS COSTLY THAN THE MISTAKES 0F AMATEURS Ways To Buy Reeves °EASH flllflllflE °BUDGET °LHYAWAY All Diamondl Impacted lay me Gom Mlnouopo for Your Protodlon Pawn mod Mn mats and and due fax kimmad with cordumy helm and naming ribbed veivel boots and dear stalkers caps Roger Vlvm stuck to oorloise shell which was emplon Ln Widelbuckles refine the 110w couture shoe which launched the mm musuml medium ever Wand in Iowwear Shoes were made enhraly ailvbr sheet motal wtked In overland cuLouL in small cir Mr or oblmg disks 1m umqu mow bnx mmlaln fox and raccoon Lanvin rcvlved Ihe hmhln squirm and gave it gemmn shawl collar silver fox daisié 511w maill or We ulpearl buckluhe mm seam PARIS APLThu Hum Dior lowemd lb boom the moat an nu today 11 de signa Man Bum startled with 9ame hem mfafluidwinta noun med his collactml wimmmrflsweflrinlwod mu droppad to call Mn 19m over mm 5r iiuses poimon one side This maul ran ehde adi mp evening my my 000W dress 606m idmmufly gut hisln 9138me Eh35 Inrm Jackeu won with con trading mum nmwmn mam um ing of he guard everything ex cept the flashy But there wen Britiix Swan bells and scarlet uni new me name again JULY 18 AUG 13 BQQVQS ANNUAL JEWELLERS 431a mined Ontario rasp berriu and 131 ourranLn ll not than nows the lime to try 61d tangy tastq Hume aconmr and again in variations and 0qu mum INCLUDES NANNY LOOK me Hyde Park Bohan picktd up my capes flu gem larfger Lhan 311 lenzth Lg at Machome Immuté University Ralph suggest Ihi recipe for emanating new Jam than sum to please JULY JAM 9m 81W md conam shun pm box 72 mp water mp raspberries mp sugar Wash and sum red mum Onnh dimly add water eover Ind cook until Currants soil about mimics Drain mush moist Jelly bag Combine drained wrrant juice and my berries Bring burl and boil uncovered for l0 mimn Pour lnw hot sterilized jars Cool sllgbdy and seal Yields Nov you me about in km lorés ever year if Libulil Mix Raspberries With Red Currants For Tangy Iam nu loin this éeasqm moved Slashlindhum iaEnung de rqu 700000 mesql gimm FARM WflECKS FOREST ilNCl 90 cries eminsy aKdimlause mm on entire audizme WW 9m pm Man has ling MmsL Haun necked gowns flew in mle simulates lo the ground skim lhe body Ilxe mood is supremely do Sleeves 11 Important Bohan hated the tap II shoulder and did an infinitely varied swry in ahshlnl the sleeve catching again at Sn tuyah 1h flan11ml manna or 371 deep flashad medieval He has wondmflll pastel mm or evedng Tender Musing shades are treated in has me with Mic neck ling himasl auger necked pofledlm cafled m1 Ommmmmfiddydmhhheahhmu olwomm mmmwhavammnadedtor lymfilzrnudaymrMuImdrfeetmfinedloanar mwspambdfindnsaleamfiumdmuywurinka pm mlwean Mm Ind mavde Ms qumdy bring mayMable empflwumsu nllm many mountain Result Stmlnedposflhmmdpulmu fllafiludmmgingahdammd pdvic organser ngvimmmdwdmwmmm ammo Mylamrmxfivo gammde ves mwufinfluhmlepelvicngjm Hawnwwwmmtmnhlwuhnfiddleauhaw mderui itisflxdrblmbehuflmedwidluwlfimu mm painlul axmm and irregular Wu andan baclmdm bodyggdxmlumtho uausemazmtmhrnyolumm lluhubemdun mmudbyllwlwnutmmsympimhnvemlmly disappeared In case afla use when mm inmmyzdymdumgndfidammuxmmdb WOMEN AND POSTURE NEW You AmWomens Wfi My NEW bridal gown will be undi tiann while lane with lnng deem high neckline 1110 how to mark Lne natural 1me fin and facenaming Spanizh manuila ending In aweeplnz mam resident daughwr will he artled Ans to Patrick Nugenl Whoa she will wear has been toy Feral Lucls bfidesmaids um wmm Home MM Lyn don Johnsons was smtary Elizabeh Cavemen said than is nothing in my lmde journal or mwsp minding Worn ens WenHWuidn muddy acmte About the weddina bridal The ushiou ind Mwspapef has been harm tom coverng Ihe wedding because at in to am rcpofl on the gown or White House Denies Report

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