ALERT T0 FACTS ANN LANDERS Dnr Ann Llndml Ive mad n9 pretty stupid advice In your column but ï¬ling that lemon srmlfaum was un 1967 to take his lhoardd nudgauflwlter on Ler 1°96 just because he couldnt ded rpmm Norm year um the dumbest thing yet Io begin WM the grand Your WymEidntlhinkuwu mamamqantumthu awn mndlamu or heavens can the but Ill be Gramhu hm changed girls dbrpm and given hu Lh donm GM that Iba aim was dumb aiixbwic was MAN DurAJudlermma may mil haw dmkcd the gMI dhpm Ind gun he mmnot no hmly dame Jule girls do aw up be his gm Way you an Ig Mwulu 11 MW uu pop um Ill ningu Th in mm Minunkwrmnmhndmy dd mm but did not the inn passion that he bkvly In In km mm yuanï¬lm he Imm nl time he sald ll wuld aka mm or separate Dur Ann Lllldtlll You do good 50b for mdmm word wur Ma an lather IM do nlmt Ms nvnndmn chlldrm ï¬lmy Mm lryinzzvln W10 to nvp monvy Hwy wwhl lnbwfl sizmhlo mun mxl time you mlvlm mmmno About mm haw vm d4 brm lamr ml um ms lint dry lmvo he kiln ho will with Mommy and my WMY Fle HM Numhfl two and ï¬rm mm and Mr when Hm mu on the Demo 11w look In Mk Iur lmrlnl hunrHMuw ISM Way In dadl will flm hml mam ll MboNnllmflnuwdo lmn lnqurnlly had Itl rwn mr mm mm Ury nmldnl Ml Jun Inky lml In gin mm nrn mm hrr 13h ml nu mflwmndlnz In mm min Mr mrwdw 11y hnl nlm IM dungmy Mm lwmre lwr muk le In Mutiny njl mw nln In lhn Hm mud mm mm Mm uh mlt vim nlmm ml nmulf Mm Illinuwl m4 hf Inqu pmvhvym Wk Illmt 1h ml mur Ie véimm llma In MIN In llan lhu mwnmn In makr In Ih mm rt mvlu Imp mtvnillu mMWedding Dm VIM bddal gm won lnlhltolacowmprmmbr wdflhwhuahoeboohnndflm hdedylerflealnuflmï¬ng length veilmmsmtmion In PM last niflfl The abbre was made at 19533145 Wagrnm lly NORMA nmMll In Hun Nlmhryww Imr nn mum WII nu wk Mm Mm ymn um Hu unm my INMOnl 13m My FIVE TIPS TOFOLLOW Its Safe ToAssume Grandpa Will Survive Knowing How To Spell Is Must For Typists unumw up may hm In WEDDING BELLS FOR THE MINI SKIRT laldy In the money vmlt Pm the Mud will you pieassrMlmry Dar Mx nce hw thn he told cookware washed Ex whila he gave ï¬nkflhwkahemm Lo wt for Inching W117 and NI helper didnt show up go along and hdp him un oad mo lumllure Now we awn m1 calo and Im the cash bootkm and gonad will Mull In mad rammmgaewaldm like you who hour uh me alert million mnqqs gum gupmfmt 6M0 GINA Dur Ann Im now and ever since Mike and untied hind In Wm so 11 as waltzcu He said shed be drawing cant We dont need drnwing cent in need somwnu who will work and due wont dnt Want Mike to think am Man L1 not skin rhasn and dml my chm sum Lhng But in amid knmm Cmndmunl to In The Dump waxm ml of in why do you mm mi hum Nothing InnEx Wu like 50111th lam id at mr qmlinmlknv ml pl how imltxfllfl mn oh C4 Home LI 100 nun old Exrmndvn new new mun home 35 mm mm In mm MuleWoumnllmyotn NOW NH MDINTIUW CWm NM Com Home In Morin II to mum vnl we hm myrxUY Hmn um hm um um midi Mn you ALWATI MIND YOU ywr In to null nm mmmu mm Nlmlrnl mm in ï¬rst hwy didnt mu 001 Am In the lidlmnry 11m HM Urn kl Mrlmk mu krw hwly ll mum mdn mnmme to plum yw zn Imk your grammar lax4 nulinn null 131 with mml Inmlml llnm VIII may Iv Inn Mm um lull um may Ml In yml Den noom you my pound or mince mmt Im may Dmdgu 91m 510i walking yuï¬m nnd In In Ihil Nm mam nllu llnvm Hu umnvu rmy 11M mm lhnl ml haw lnvulvlu will mm ml Mm mm mm Kw dqu mm m1 and It uim you no In via 707m rhï¬nd Lm month We hired in mum If By EmELLITA FOR TOMORROW le may ï¬nd yumsell up against some conï¬ning mun Hons now happy even or soma ylensnnt penanal mm mm cuuld Inspire optimum which on Lha other hand wild bu deflated by some disapth men in the canth out of plans Take all In stride how ever Mallun should bl mama WIan lmun tamarrow yaur hlxlhday your horoscope lndlcatas that uhlla you may not make much financial progress during the next five months yuu wlll you can put aalda yuur Innate love at luxurle or tlme and atru thu prnntlcnl aldu 01 your nature make llnu advance nlnng monetary lines beglnnlnt wlth Jan 1967 There are lev ual other Us too lt wlll be most Important that yaqumll expendltum and avnld lpecull llon duran the that week In August and throughout Septem bcr November and December that you make no tlnnnclal com mitment during the latter two month and that you make and launch lungrange plans or ex panslonto cover at least two yearsduran September and October It you allow thl murae you ahoulrl attaln Inc results during the first threo munth or next year to bl fol lowul by nnathar prolllabll junmill cycle bogimdm on mm FOR THE umnmu In Mp ym with mlhm wnls rlml rmmirr lint wal Im In mm ml nlnnvr Mum and ma Iurmiy In mr mlM lrlllwl yumll 1M yml Inmfl mi wrvil nr InII lvm ml In mum NM nm 11 It mum abmdnzmd wmfllnsflm guyhmmcablumn 153m On lho 10h front look or flood chum to ndvanco dur lnu lhu lallcr hall Augml lhu last work in Scpkmbcr the Inn lwa weeks In October th em Dercmbcr next Feb ruary Ind Mny Drnmnllc no tan nnrl wrilm mlmy at whom lmllcs Ihuuld hnva mmkrd nurmm In number January March May InJ Juna Penannl urlnln will be undrr mmme good nspccu or lhl next 11 mnnlhs Mlh upcdllly gcncrmu unuenm xnvcrnlng mmnnw during the Inner hall Dmmber In Ftbrunry my and June trawl ln Inlo Oc labor lnlo Drcernlm Jinnr1 Aprll and Jun MM born on lhll dny will he rmluwnl ullh mn ncllc wrlnnnllly nml wmnlrl Inn an cxcrllrn Inlramnn will aim be unumnlly qlrpcnnlnhlo nml tmfl unetan In lhu lure of dlfllcully 11w um um wuu In HWIiHE llwI will Hm rnln Mun II you Me lmHrr uth dun mung lhn um um ragHal ININ mintI Huh pcmy ul er ml mm In ho mneniwr In men anamm mud my uni um anmiar invade m1 NW unwxl mm mm mm IliVImnm HM xhlrnmll MI wu mmm Hum Ihpy mm uvll ml wm In VIMNI nu Inn huh In advMa will ML INTI IT DOWN THE STARS SAY bride la the daughter nl Mr and Mn Robert James Walk of Steele St Bunl2 The hrldmooml parents Mr and Mrs Denali Blshup nsldn In Welland EMPIRE GOWN Entering tbs church an the Inn of hu lntherrtlu brlda claoga Rav James Findley oflle mad at the maninge of M15 Patricia Jean Walker lo Den nll John Bishop in Collier Street Uniud Church July The chm was decanted with lundards while smile and ydlow mums or the we mgnv imled on Empira Lina The ii Ied bodice natured round neck line md elbow iength sieeves with lace and moui Thu controlled luii ength skirt was enhanced with calhzdral train timed wiLh matching applique 011an End pearls Mn Judth Yanaky n1 Tar onm was matron honur The brldurnald Included the bride gromns ï¬stx Miss Carol mm Longing Mk usliagumlng Ilngla organza rose held the bridgs veil of silk Illusion She married wind of white vague ens diew EM Summer Nuptials At Collier United Fun of Sualhmy and Miss Con Tacoma at BanSe TIE BARR EXAMINER HIUTISDAY JULY 28 19 MI Joan Margaret Clapp daughter of Mr and Mrl Thum Henry Cllpp of Ottawa wu muted in marriage to Myron John Sponaule son at Mr and Mrs Mark onagla at nn Bnrrie yr 16 Thu high noon ceremnny took place tn St Martin Anglican Church Ottawa with Rev Thomson ofï¬ciating bridal set ting was mated with lull Itnnd nrd oi yellow aladiali white mums and pink caution with candelabra Gurdnn Johnson 01 London Al Iendnl but man nnlph Mc Ktchnlo Orlllln Md tho brldu hmlhrr Hubert mnpp Bar um lha unhm GUESTS RECEIVED Iha rccrpllnn lho Town Ind CounHK llcluumnl tho hrldal mot er received war In In nnlo mm Ihnnlmu dr uhlonnl with lunJe Mul Irtrunrlm lln comm wnl nixn qrflgklu Ottawa Wedding Of Local Interest The hvldr ooml mnlhrr lelul lller In dun nlnk lhnnlllnl ullh lnre Jnrkrl lihn tnmplrmenln hrr rmunbln wllh plnk In and comm 04 lrnlnl err the mtmlnn Um sulf wcdl Ml an wnlllni up lhrml Hauler Cnnndl Ind lhv Unll Rum mbm Imwmnmumv wu pm Mun uhnnllml hr ludlnl IIIMI qunllly FluIll All wovlmnmhl uhmud hn mumm Univml Run Co if Ill T1 I1qu Flu InnMum 00me Phano 726131 through the them the hr do the attendant lawn of yellow chm were Itle with Empire waistline and Ml length mm Their headplecu war In vha lame shade of ydlaw and Wï¬ï¬‚ 91m My Following Illa ceremony re ceptlan was held at River Gar vkn resoammt lbe bfldea mther was cured In null at lake men silk shunning Al cenled with printed uk 10 In yellow wnu matchlng hat Yelluw accessurlu and cor aage at yellow mu complement ed hgr emgmhle £hey curled Mqueu 701 While Ira Fall was best man The usher Included Ron Vrnncm nl Toronto and Bill And Allan Walker of Battle the hrldel brownl balsa linen sun was mm by the bridegrooml mother Ear ha and accessories in brawn one were accented with cor Iaga of pink Swedfm mesa Leaving In ï¬le wedding Jour ney the bride changed to lull of Royal blue with while new nodes GUESTS RECEIVED Thécouple will make their ncw harm It 69 Gurnqu $1 In Tor an glude andsw 1693 Ll mended tmm Samln Barrie Orlflln Hamilton Tor onln London Kingston Brock vflle and Montreal and mm Quebec Guatwm also present ram Nova Scolln and 1mm Rocheller New York and Tampa Florida ï¬rm with jacket Ind whit Ic Her mm wn The couple will reside in Brock villa on return ram ha honey moon Shop Wilh Ease Just Say Charge It Please Mm bounty mu nardm la yew horn WHI lultnloul Salln Ron Enchunvi In flu but oddl charm Va both acctloll lll palmpool loolAnllqmgold Camilla or Lwhpw Mm 25x45 Bath Towel 299M 595 1027 land Town 199 or 395Ir I2XI2 Face Cloth 99¢ IIXI8 Fingertip Towel 99¢ 94on Wuxmioud SATIN ROSE mm Woolworfhsi Satin Rose REVERSIBLE FOR DECORATINGMAGIC TORONTO CWWhen thelr husbands take all unvflying business trip or weekend jaunt several Toronlo women go alongoften pilots Ono unmple Mn Wal lacu Denny wilt of the vice president of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Cu 01 anda Edith am known urns Canada and at aixpum lar south as Mexico Next year she plum fly to South America with her husband Anoiher alrborne wile Peggy Mnchan retired psy chxlaubl and mother of four who look up flying last yur Along with her husband Dr John Multan You cauld my allowed my husband up We Brian Mageepreldcnt real estalu ï¬rm and wife Elaine look up flying Iozelhun We zven soloed lha same day but hen gone ahead me now Acdompany Mates 011 Flying Trips rvAwom who Irylnz tn catch up to her husband Mn GemKn Kali Her husband TOWELSBY MR AND MRS DENNIS BISHOP Downlown Barrio use plain In his enxlneedng business and her son Ron 22 so his llunca three year no Phnlo by Lu com studio 111w Ih bunny lpllnddvmd goon Ivy in hit your balk le vow ocqoon bunny Jul IuI dulgn ol Kulplmd mm Io Illlzk vlnu dumbn1 Com In Hill ywndyvd lolhlou mlomm 25x47 llmh Town 399 or 795 I630 Ilau Towel 299or595pr2 I3Xl Farr Clot1 99¢ IXS llnucrtln Towel 119 raoivamwi Ilia nlldu on Ihu nu slop on In Red iSHOES RED CARPET WALKWEL SHOES 5mm mm 14 53 Dunlop Bnrrlo 7232397 OHAWA CWSucness budhr ioma people My mlda in Canadle Nune pmmouan may mean ï¬h happiness or the ioner i1 mu Mm lo work with nlheu the magazine says his own creative Impulse brlllllnl Immplhhment become depressed when M12 to let olhm carry outhls lde Samoan who has execul gigIve may by nple Thzn heres the happyQ lucky type who liku tnw In crowd His new auntie duties mAy isolnlajlm unto logably The article also menflnh dependency need which bin pamper peopk who have way Lried to plans superman Resenflul of lh=dependencyM theh own new subordlnllb may avoid rejm nvercunkpl mm diam The expat counsel do 61 nmlnallon your moflvu when pmmotlnn II In the ailing Do you Sun want ha alalux or 210 you really want the new duum wtu you all be you In the néw lab or will It mean complain personality change 1g Ge mud radical change in Be havior the room at the top ma not be worth the eflorL WARSAW incuiemSenaur Sydnvy Smith chairman oi Canadian parliamentary galion visiting Pniand was fe ceived heady by Pruideil Edwud Onhab Smiih Ind the other Cnnudian nariinmeniar inn also m2 Forzign Minister Adam Rapth Tuesday Getting Ahead May Bring Unhappiness nzcswnn av PRESIDEM