TM wart named on this your ls par of an overall plan hick nvmwally will so good hard mrlamd county road 1mm Ptiul Comes to highway 74 about 15 miles from Slayner oomsoN sum With the flying nl he banihp delayed mm the mad mum the new mm of mmstmmd prole d0mmty md 21 from Graig hunt to Coulson L1 men to rat lic and driven havl expressed gibladim with the bum nt the mm mm the mad Ls Mrdiufaccd mm llMIway Pricel 01mm to Cw an The new improved mum whrh proceeds 111mm consid trahio mienstation ma rum pm the famous llmslm Va iey 519 headqmera Just arrived in Metz France Mrs Robert Squires 1m mimmn studim travel pon era with her son Loading Air ood entrances to Iidcroads hm been conducted and work nyw pmmvxï¬na on sodde Hm MLLSIONSmmA conten nlnl tbmrr ur mum mam tlls dated lml Lhe mar 01W adoration nmmg muutiru for Smflh Simme Mmum or Canadas ccmmninl yank Anmhrr pmli has hem kayo Lumlnnu wenr 17m lash llu I1 hasnl been decided mm uh we an going In do yd hm ml be lamafnnx mime or IM maxim ml Norman IIMmIrm Msisb IM mrntnr WA duvelwmcnl road it 10 per cent subsimwd pmij Luimcr dulrmun ol the mmm bonrd on mm Mn hm hm visiting in mm Mn Lt duo lo mum hom on August Road Banks Sodded In Craighurst Area tudy Centennial Proposals For South Simcoe Museum THORNTON WOMAN up to certain maxim it was leamad ram luau Frank Coughfln of H05 who Mail man of Simcoe County mad commium unmsmp Emma but Pom Graighursl northward with wine mad 11 mi he grew contract was for 3537000 ingf cd and bumps clim hated Residents said here had been much heavy equipment 20 ing ovrr Uri nation the mad during wndrncliom From mghway 27 I4 highway 90 Omislmm use road is nar mw momma yesgmbliqg Prmnlrplarm call or the um mw sum to he WW next Year HOLES FILLED South of Mean Mills hm Reeve Coughlin lives padding work being done as hold improved road is exped to ho answerable vulua ah ha Mn the ohm nl mmidenhle linenst Both buddinu IN locMad near the Rivndalo Park pimk um nic ark mmlm this coming Saturday My 304 01 loath nnd Students nl Rob Roy m1 bexslmllm in Mull lo begin 511 pm ROAD IRIIHOVKHHM EMIVMJ sum The hm up road Mo lmm 711an um 10 the mar the mvw m1 mm made gmd murmur Nah ppm lnlnl by mmch pou 11m Helium farmer Baxm Eiagnflmrr any Ill éICStrragmg flow oraflnun Squires and daughmr in raw the lame Miss Marjlyn Em and DISTRICT BRIEFS SCHOOL REUNION OOLIJNGWOODA mm gag VISITS SON IN FRANCE Md await the binfhol her ï¬rst gmnddï¬ld amaz which she plans to visit Eng land ramming rum hivemoo Mmlrea Aug 24 LAC Furdler 15 evidence al ready Phat it will encourage new develmment as new home and 011m construction almay have hem noticed almg the route Besidos Mr Coughlin ha cwnly mad commillcc also in elude Reeve Gordon Watson Crwnore cove Melvin nickan CoIlinRWDod Reeve Fred Bab or Jf Adjaln Deputy Reeve Douglas Holt of Tiny and War den George McCague of Alljslon mum lrarlic mm lhe nvrlh Callingwood Slayner and WW saga scam area 0m Reeve George Mucky has arm ommsitc the mad ow miles south cl Jam and Mndnnle 11cch Dalton Jer may has tam acms the mad on Modanlea 9th concession Jnhn Cavnlla In 70 uhn um 04 Hm nldul work rm he Ilullnnll Mmh Ihuul Donnn CMJM mm lhn younxul uorheru huw In ml hrml n1 lrllurn mop Mly Mr Cnvnllly rmm In Um They treat their dame and their cars tho same It ROUGH LETTUCE CUTTING AT MARSH mYWleU an wqu gamma WWI 1mm AMu MUan Mum BASE BORDEN Commis sioned lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps July la AM Crush 47 who has been stationed at the Royal Can ndlnn Armoured School hare an quartermaster sergeant being moved to the Canadian Joint Mr Training Centre Rivers Man During the Second World War LL Cnish was with the Royal Canadian Artillery in Northwest Europe Since lhcn he has served at he RCASC Schoox CFE Borden 56 Canndian Tranmort 00m may Egypt Second Ballalion Queenx Own Rifles ol Canada Falgnry Ind the GAO School He look his discharge In De camber 1945 and in May 1M1 mumbled in the RCOC and was employed at 27 Central Ordnance Depot at liagersvilla until Jan uaryi959 except for tour In Korea with 15 Canadian ininnhy Brigade Ordnancg Company saqu ï¬xedhfrw hcrE Base Ofï¬cer Going To Rivers marsh ln mo Donnnl mm lnlhrr wan lhaJnm man In Innl rxmhlu In Hm llol fund Mmh Unlorlunnlely be In unnhlo lo Imrmt Ibo let lure rrhry nml nlhrr mm nMu hu plunlnl Hm marh uu nwlnl hy hrnvy ynlm NOW SHOWING AND 00 mE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JULY 1m DUNEDIN sum Plans or Dunedhil centenniai celebration are being advanced and com millee chairman luvs been uk ed in have progress reparb ready im general meeting called for September 11 at this 1antnwasagu township commun Ry Plans already formulated ln elude parade and varicly of other cuterlainmenl 1n keel mg with he masinn and var ious special activrlies also have been discussed Acllve nn lhe parade cnmmir tea are Orville Young Mr And Mrs Tam Ynumz Carl Abbe and Mn Marjorie Neuronal while the Sunday activities mm millw indude Mama McLeod Gordon loan and Ami THORNTON MEMORY Entertainment beinK alum cd by Mr Eall Rnwbolhnm Mn Waller Vcnlhernll Mn Clayton Johnston Mn Morril Hawkins Mm Slnden let condiflons the Nahum saga mm have improved the pmhom mining the WM flood is being taken up by he ma Wum Romum Com mmlmivm the mmm mrl wnh Allishm and FA muril mwcsminlim mnfly hm Mimm ys nud mm In mm the Walt mm wwblo pollulim MN Ilisnxw ed Tom at Intla and dim km mm were made and ma wnm hm lm mnmmcrd pale mrmmiryz NOW SHOWING SHHNTY BAY 323 Dunedin Makes Centennial Plans mm PM dmmd nu mm tr wrll waln or dtlnk Inl It WM mlul Barber Recalls Day Of 20Cent Haircut Nottawasaga Water Better BAXTER 15mm Whlle DISTRICT NEWS llllhwn II II Hulhllt mam£um ed ha nu medically all his lile He Ieamd flu ha bem Irade 1m gen mum at Cudwater and worked aim 99mm dauam Iilu ch he barbsed at during the awning when lint started barber ing formyself the Queens Hum be sad dir emnx attempt lbs which one of ha pdliae vil lagel Med The lab Mn Johnny Suwalt awarded an hotel as K19 time Laur he mu uve howl him self and his aim Mrs Malï¬n My new oflerrie IBM him The booth commiuu Include Elton Smver Mrs Keith mm on Earl Rnwbolham and Maur Ice Melhml and catering com mittee il composed him land Arnold Mn Orvllle Young Mn Alford Chamberl Mn Bruce Taylor Mn SewanWil son Mm Donald McLeod Mrs Motley Scribcr and Mr and Wilmol Chipch Mn Narvnl Wealhernll Mn Melville CMIHEF Mnl Charla Prenllce Mlsl Ann Arnold Mn Gordon Websler Mrl Lloyd Rowbolhnm Mr and Mm Mer Vyn Johnslonllr and Mrs Jo epll Melhernl Keilh llnlchlnson rim Leighton and Bruce Tay or Bzmanwmmneel Plnmollnn and publicity com miuu made up Mn Wi liam Bumnr Mn Bnyc Mrs Russell Rowbolham Mn Marley Royal Min Eldeen nul My Carl Abbey Mn NeuMeuwrax ma Sham timer commie wlll be tori ed linen 1M Mme nlvor nt Mlhlm km Inn be Noumnn W021i mmminx at the posed new Em Tomep Park at the and flu Ivy mud on lhe Notlnvmnuu River when dean up work blind dam 1m puk was Mendy levdfled Me an wort hm hem paw ed by he ma mmuL appmval ME ted mmnhl mlrd WP 11 pm nnUcipnle than ha any difï¬culty kl The walu flnrw halt mmwa ml min dun lo lurk cl MiM mm ea hasdzall Mr Jul QM iregï¬rdfrnmd Mvo Boarm River 1qu lhrrl Ind 0rl In om opom pm ml mm It dusk The mod modm Dyin In noth 00 Toronlo Complm hmlly InhmlmmM neuncalled hm he was cm lilo five JannelLs who played Uh Ivy earn His cousin Human was ï¬lemiocher and Ebwood caught for him Bart and Lyell Jenna played in the out ï¬eld along with Vernon himself Occasionally Vemon would take turn on the mud Besides baseball he 3150 play ed hockey for ivy and Thom rem Wehave pretty team in Thornum right id Mr giving due Vereditcéroosxdl Herb nan and mbémmg club whufll have been leaders mum most nf um Scum Simooe mean sea When ï¬rst came Thom hm they still had gravel road All belore highway 21 became mm mm ofuavel said ML JmnetL Them were all kinds ham and busy mound mainf mmmaImWAm wane BARBIE SPEEDWAY WHEN MUNDHY ME TIME EM ME IJVI MILES 0F BARRIE OFF CON 0R0 HWY ll in talking wther ol the dun mmmmmmmm WillaI Drivers flREflflRY SIIPHIA PEEK lllREN Merv Win From the Man Who Made Charade STARTS TOMORROW Tlll FRIDAY II In Swlfvm Cnlrlqlml VIII llnMlll Ck Sludl DONT MISS IT JEAN HONOR sum SEBERG BLACKMAN GAHRISON ARABESIIIIE £551tommttoflomen MAle DAILY AT IM STANLEY HBNEN PRflnUmlnii bid on pay 33 month rent of LM shun mm My board Wu other per week TEN CENT SHAVES In order to show in wide dil letme in 0031 since that time Mr Jmnw added mm be well to poIM out just ceived 10 cents or shaves and 20 cents for mum at three daughu Mrs John Joan McGean of Imdon om recently returned run Germany where her husband served in the ROM Donna and Verna Thurman umuuu mcvuu ADULT INT FAMOUS PLAYERS AIR CONDITIONED TREAT Mn andAMrs 1W lava Fuluu ll 705 And p111 NIGIIILY FROM PM Dam on Our sun In the Terrm Room Lonny Now awenu nu Mr uloul Ioundl ul Meet Your Friend when he Atflon IIJ QUEENS llflTEL NOW SHOWING GOGO THE SYNDICATES BARRIE