Emcoc Counv Lervicc st lion operawn attending mo mm of Superiwr Auto San palmcal ihnlirelxpgéted send 10 representative each drum Ontario and Quebec and Awmddammm whn man being chunk lheGriLl ammmynwu mm 15 pm mm Max mm Faster In Barrie voun Macaw at smug dis WM Hmwvcr ml lm ti vim Ath The Canadian Pniiticai Youth Council sponsoring national seminar on political aducaliun be1m next Ipring The seminar be held in Oltawa wiil study ways poiliiu iauzhiflin gecondafy 90mph Mm lusmek plmded sanity la assaulting Danie mun In ï¬ne with remide one years Ilka scam and was plated on mlmdm by Nady um Fm In court PM Jul NM WE Mnrdmnmtv my mm un IE In muse opinion sho was drunk Amwdmmhgflqm limo 9919 than nursi 36m mu Wï¬ Imle rd Rime jail tcém am mm mu will be kahuna mraï¬iagu MW mi Mb you haw ban in mm with the um mm Mm Marla 5mm Plum had igtnally hem Bobmm Damn My Poi he observed flu Milk the grill manta11h slap we extW1 PHOHATION My mm Plum had originally hem pngyxm gm hm Am Yuan Ion mum amuse 1an Kmmn 11b Ill Huh dum nl itllMM ww hm Wm 1an iut In hum Takes Beer Into Restaurant Housewife Receives $18 Fine 11m Ibo may REACHING YOUTH Lack Political Teaching Sacred Executive States KIWANIS PRESIDENT MEETS FRENCH STUDENTS lhe mum the charge cl Manual um against MargaM Mudd Tnflor wal Nixan Imuso of Mull than Mqu 11 mm mm rank mum mxcnnini Kmnoth Euler wna mmnd N1 nu bul $300 canh at Import no In dle mm mm In mlm wLh Im lnddwï¬ My In flown W11 wow lack asked out to amend the me In wrmmn mull dewo counsel Moor by asked It lmicncy humus Phnlc wldvuu swung two dxildnm Tm Dmrio men charged nlh um and maxim ol Mala imw Wed gagin Magistrates mm Larry mums and wille Wayne Hockley mu chum with stealing wine vulucd over $50 Imm Barrio Metal and Salvage Ccmpany July 15 Bail had pm viome been not at $1000 cash or My Riwixnurscyuduarq with mulling police flcor was mrmth until Aug 10 was Jason Bclcskxy charng with drile while In def swam and Gmruc llcn ry Fm charged with ailing to ann lhc mmc an nocidont nnd dangerous drivlng ASSAULT lme mum MAW Wnym Why And mating mle against munch Nahum my wigulmm two from each the remaining provlnm OnIaon said In an intern day that on the whale adian studean dont have Lbs blessing of school boards to an gage In partisan pollucs Cnm menling on the situutIon In the Battle area ho aaId that can Mr Fuflnhï¬mklw mm mm Th mrllnl in Irma lry wwhm ivurn mhum ml 14 wing with Twp new elm70 mm vice last my 1mm 1mm lea Reina Sipila Nidx Ksmy uh wm Aum and 6mm WJanflBmï¬ï¬F GASDEALERS MEET IN BARBIE on mph own mgï¬L Wu orgnixed In lum mnr to acho mutull nerd relnlM lo ma hullh Ind luf vivnl 01 he Cmth vellum Iyalcm It II the In llmo In hmory IhM Candim poll nl parlch hlva came together In ann omnnluuon make mlm ma counciln new oxacullva nfllrcn include mm Smllh ol Gucth Conurvn pmhlcnl Ind Llrry chey drn mm Sod1 Cw an vlwprclidonl 12 member council ll composed Lhrcu young rcp rmnmivu Huh of the lecr nl memslve Conscrvallve New Democratic Ind Soclnl lei pmlcl Mr gs charter mem ber of 1113 Youth Council said In expected no trnuble carrying out the proposed agenda bccnusa Lhe Councu has proved the our younger wings 01 lbs anlnnul Parties can moperale fully in arms of mutual concern In suggested the young mm of the parties could point he wny to lncrcascd cooperation among lhu our rcnlnr pnrllc on 155ch like the Indian problem nnd education 110 purpose would be nimulule Cnnadlan youth Into gmlcr undmundlng Ind inter In tho paliucnl pro cess 11W EXAMle WANT ADS NIONE mam dilloru were quite avorable wiIh modd parliament at North Collegiate and tho exhtence of paï¬llcal cyms thgrc seminar present briefs with their recommendations to each of the provincial depart menu of education Discussion will also be held on the possi bility of textbook or political wucaiian in secondary schools NO TROUBLE Speaking on the luck poll lcal leaching in Canndlnn schools hn lald Wu cant expect young Canadians to suddenly became lnlcrcstcd 1n pomch 2L Very low school boards will even low extracurricular polillcnl mccllnx of Um Canadian Pol illclal Ynulh Council will be held In Ottawa Aug ma to set data or the seminar and ï¬nalize the agenda qwadnï¬ mm Mam IM lrn Ml ml Umb mm ml mm Hm ml IMr Dun1 Mm mm rim ml Mm Memkvfmhlrmn mguflmkfllwood vmigdaflxepmdhmvolldr Smith general manager ol Ling up deelervvmcd dim swedor Am Services butlnx ownpany mmpeta mime was owned In with mhranded dealers opened lo hluhcr July 190 mum hlnlm lu Ii lower Nov um um unchnnnd Doc 71 buley unchlmxul ta higher Oct 116m hlxlmr la un chnnxul July 13m In China commodlllu was reflected In openan lnulo an lho Winnle Grlln Exchnnxa may with oilmdl mnklnl Id VMICN Make Electronic Artiï¬cial Arm TORONTO UP The On ado Grimm mums 5c dew ummwd Wodxmday de um uumommmum no coax13mm may elbow nfflwï¬ammmmudn mm ummflu may as lhoï¬rslmdflwmh wm Mum to the may mm mm hum gm the limb EJdI mm dmlgml by the mums growcue mad d1 rcclor Colin Mdnurln bommndo Esdnwlcd cost LI 600 000 By placing on shmddu miwh with fur Hummus Mt Arm stump Susi can swing the mm In him as mouth to cal mm 11 mm In the back her dm haw 5min Ina ddnnmd arm wllh than and shoul dotstung Em Average wrigth rlca wholunlo lo mail In ono men cartons AExlm lnrgn all AInrgu 509 Amuflum AImnll ILL TORONTO CHMM mmtdhndx autoimm mummmh 00mm Way WWWWM W16Fafly5mmdm umdsayammdhryslxm Pembroke flve1alm Simona wallowithme Maamï¬ï¬mumflt Gem Wig ggnandSauhstmm Ehopidngsngcmwmin mého on feed he WWW MINH dan 31pm MONTREAL CP Agricul luro dcpqrtmcn quqlqlhqxz EMERGENCY NUMBERS Report Fires Burning In Area my ram In DrpL mplm OPI Wm or Upum um mum mum hy MM Quirk ml 101an hum nllurllu rolm nuum alum Inltll nod or mml Eu Road FARM PRICES Rou TM CORNISH PAINTS WALLPAPER msm ma but Ampln rm rum II My 10 OFF nuwx TRIM SPEIIIM SALE Bunk F0611 ya Why mufï¬n hlnt Mg VhM Mmkllm 10195 Hm ry IM Mrl Jmn lmmr ln mu our main mhwyjmm Mutiflvlk muff113 in $040 Ihlnkmm TEE mm EXAMINER THURSDAY JULY You two had Mar Inn to Hwy by Molt my cum Mhsï¬ï¬‚apomiblflwflm Cityonmmfllestnimmded BaxHes kamla Parkdebe to set up special commng Hybylooel emusown Jo explarm thepossmllily altar my Wm Am Jack Garner dmirman of busy weekend In More or tourist well Barrie residents wih Iw lower than three maim evtnu planned or tha dvlc hnlld5y SEVEN CLASSES The sgvcn classes beau In the speedboat races wIII Indudu three stock outboard hydro planes and linen Inboard power boat classes Including be Inboard hydropInncs which bavn tap sped at me than mo mIlu pu honr An admméa ï¬ne Im5de MWVWMMNQ pm od an amendment In MI cc in my nddm Io council And Wu ppmvul mm dufukl in minim Mim The Eatery Barbecue will be held Mondnylrom 07 pm On Saturday Rick Klnsnmn Canadian trampoline champion will provide lntcnnlsslun enter Inlnmout at the Barrie YM YWCA Swlm Meet to be held at Lions Poole Seven alum beau wlll pnrtlclpnle In the Han Ilemdb°ntléw sum Thixejveigtthace will be am Pd em foamin the winners of thermal races eviim no Iho muni dpnl dug pound It was mndn clear that he may day npcrnllcns lhu clly must conUnuu wllhoul my un nulhorlud interruption Coundl up rowed Inrlhnr lmndmenl lldlrmflll Her Kinsman will demonstrate div lnx and team up with Paul Ao xepmflz or dqwn not Also during Intermission the Red Cross will stage demon mum tn canoe salaly druwna proofing and reaching asslsis Milt Conway wm provide hall dmu commenury The me open in adult and children Tho race will be had on kenr gut Bay below St Vlncenl ar Kefnpcnldt Drivn fromDuck worth St tn Ndson Square will be ferch ï¬t my the reg in put Years Ibo regatta ls sponsored by 1113 1mm Barrio Chamber 01 Commerce is auctioned by the Canadian Boating Federation of which an Chamber of Commune mm hat mm heard enough about the dog pound or while but do feel Um report should be mndu on he poslllon taken by count In mm am Inro lhnt every member council will luppart program um mm In llcp wllh pnwenllon cruelly to animal and will welcome any rccommondnllom lo Incllflnlu le The meet jamflyrépaï¬svored by the and Chamber of Com gnuc5ny be helgl conjunc Barrio Mayor Cookn lo dny Issued lho ollnwlng almo mcn In connection wigh recent Woman Acquitted Asaault Charge Back To ThejDrajwing Board For Barfie Centennial Park Plan Several Attractions For Barrie This Weekend Mayor Releases Pound Statement GANAIA 7768777 Ah alumina Rum won July Ball and Jana Mu Grad our and Mum and Dianne 141 Gm lvm Im mad wcro wank Grade Mt mm min 7mm Had1m mu ml Ju do Homllnil 1qu km am Dmnn Jay ml Gmdn om lulu Hominy Maxwell In twin Mm chm 70 and 7D have been mauled lam mom in Grade emu piano cxmim lions the Wmlun 0mm Don mm at Mm wan wt 3nd HIM WWI There will be two cranes In In pit arm in mamas Irum their trailers into the wa ter and back out ggnIn memï¬er and tho Ameer Po war Boat Association Hand referee wdl bu Joseph Fogsey ol Banla ENTERTAINMENT flaillimo entertainment this yearwill be provided by the Lain Boshkung Skiers pro iossinnni ski team with Ihnw called Skitacuiur 66 The show consist of eight acts including hnrdoot and trick skiing clowns two double acts and kitelying act The trnup consists oi 15 nhierni ih pit area will again he in the vicinity of the City Marina and Lnkuhoro Road The Lake shora fluid will in blocked oil from tho southern extremity of the parking lot to the extension niVcspra gt Commutation will be band led by the SlmcoeBam Emu cncy Measures Organization vaay radios will be Insul lnd on each of ha Imn crush bank tn tho area to 1mm lm mediate communications In em ofjmagenq Tho nrna will be constantly patrolled by Bnrrle police Ray ul Cunndlnn Mounted Police the Barrie detachment of the 0m ulna Prnvmclnlfollco and tho myi Powex qunqun Bruce nlgqlow In chalmun or this yéarl reznlla For each class boats there will be two beau the ï¬rst oi which begins pm Trophies wfli be awarded In each race winner and prize money at $100 per heat or lira inboard wwer beau $75 per heat at lira stock outboard and $160 for in Grand Prix will be prgenied Thu race courso will be tlr cular on and IthIrds mm In length Each race M11 caught nlthreu lppslz Thu Jnhn Ambnï¬mm Ind doclar wul be In attendance at all llmes Achieve Honors In Piano Exams Damian mind ï¬wéflvy Film flxrm namo mu the mm ammu we mm my will be $32 000 war estnnatcs Tenders $13864 and $73 on navaboen mm by om dtuwn hm said Ald Gamer WWW whim PM Pqumid 11 mm lho trendy min Mu ll Mim mur IWkrym lldmhl ML Maulxmld MM Wm 11ml Canada 11d Odd law And his law In vnrhu mplkillu WWI mo Gummy Inde Guam Invim mth DMM Mind Malibu In Add lkrrklml aAnmmmmlmmwmwdmu ltdllplonacdloxmmflnfllmln¢mvhlmm New lwly lmvmtllnlnly Human will am tho newly mud Ulla of Mummy Wm lhla pmlum ln will haw ro Mhmgmmnmmmqumuun Battle plant Mr lLmflm Mm WM Hm bush ltd Mmmhmm Irklfllld1lnlnm mmmean Mmmhmmkdummlmld Um LWmhKW Dhhlm He saii uni ï¬lial eon wesr BEND OF CANADA Lrotflqmmem Daily 10 Tampa and Miami From TorontoHamilton HAUGHTON Travel Service Ill Dunlap mu Wm WM Am cu nu mrk 17ml Arnnumnh AIR CANADA FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS CALL 0K Johnson THE NEW DC9 great for short hoEs mom had Mealed My could not hantfle the $011 Th za spent sq farhi beon or in top sou wages mnlnlstraflm cosh ml adver tising said Aid Gm How eyer mun still bolow the es 906 km ï¬xiandng In detai ed break dawn wt ism Md outta was Wed In 31 PM 992 nihmuy slbrhly of after Aida Smith said hi ex Ald Fred Smith pmposed that An Gamer meet wilh Mi Ger ry Roberts ghaixmgfl 4ng 1h mimicsaid Jane dty magmano0 ptgparq Ald Bruno Ohmaajdflwa sadmanmlnveoflym beean years utter cmhemial paxkllo said be not mam Md Gm beeamelnwaalnthulzh dyagman Bl but MacDONALD