Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jul 1966, p. 11

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Three Tied For Tournament Lead fml Prank Mm Kitch mer and Johnny Hem1d Markham may share first pun with ML pmvod Wedmsday that good call tun only or com day They lmko par In the first mum at he mm mm Wy being played at Mmdami md 3011 and Guilty Gd Iranlumen rain loll nm Ihu day but didnt mm to MIN murum leadm Mm Nomnn GolfllMen al 54 Pm Spun Wfller SJndy Kaufnxhn given his aching Inn arm an lllnnlng acid lest and moved that has Angcle Dodger can win witlmll him Tha Dodgers an within whisker at the Nation League lead After Konlax long qst Michan ordeal of ma sea Qqh hulhallytha matchles south paw has lthuw on are two nmre mikeout standard Ind nydeclslon Aud Jlm Eunnlng ol Phila ddphin Phllllu know Just how Sandy eds IBunnlnx and 1mm gnu way to relic pllchers um brilliant lHnnlng due Wednes day night and tho Dodlua lmo medlamly pushed over In un med run1n the 12th lot vldury that stretched their win nlng stylus to 11x Ind them one In gum in lane Pittsburgh Pirates in th race The Pirate climbed back lulu the top spot with vii lory nver Sun Rmdseo Ghnu dropping the Glmu Into second place Knulux whose arthritic pitch Pgrtuguese Star Makes Hit With Tans In England mm W3 wumwoldngmml sun The lithe sur lmm humm Hque gm most talked seems cumin awer ol H000 offer Lh mimssnwn In the mum mentfs lopseomj Barnum mgwfgmlwg gg pnly mud mm by Salu m7 pm EMo of ma priu GEIHIANS on row flglélcerdnuor and Twila TORONTO lCPISoven nadljngd magma you Jnrk Kay lomnto Md Gcrry Imulx 41 St Hum QM wrm tho only Miler hudom Bad mwndm Kauqu Brilliant But Eeiieier Gets Victory George Kmxlvun nnd hrs to Dahlia truth Tomi wrm um in imfihflnn 11m Mm hwnnn Kmvhm 1mm mu on he nim mm Cumdam whom an 1h MW dmmknddv Bld mo gland mxt mth an mnuul 71 do 11 B4 lira Town 11wnlw wmt Hal 011m ha pinyan 0M ImllnlllAI gulftr rmm hm fimij hymn By DLICK cguqn Ila In arm becnt painlully In named Alter his last smi uuang speculation lhql he wouldmdu starting um for tha first time this yearover powered hu Phillie except lnr mm mmwnhy Nah Allen Ha yielded but NO and finned breaking one of his own records and moving up on theall uma mlkeaut HI 10ml Meant was the 2167 or his career moving hlm past telly Grove lain 10m leaders 11 mm Strikeout in position among the lifetime the ninth inning was his man Ida xenon martini the am mum yeu hehnd ruched um pllteIII But although Koulu also Imam thq Hrs laugh to lacadthmedmmahp Wsmydnrmhu modem 0mm there L1 nobody whflnméflngdistaneodihn mam mnmmmwwu 10th hlAmnjox Iengur ludhu burned run lVeflie to ifs13 lulled In at victory Phll Run whu llched he nth gamed hi lh victory Vulbfik JOHNSON BROKE TIE Nellher wal Running in volved In the decision despite dithefleldngaim West Gunmy Ind ha teen Ixamkxibydmewmsm mmmmmm mam Mhmvam MN wealth sum xv mmemmmuuy manlmwmmnr mmmmmmuw day Wmabeatm Wmflmmyhdxir Br Enz mfimfixmmmmyg in mhielfii an 1m in than was 51me ya gm nuisu with 106 Ind mfldn orrnnlzn said here were down may mm or unlnlmllm Mly mm the mm of tho FWD out Ihkh 0W mopbymuddmllhnim Ikb nm wan was Lu mu plum with one muqur 71 Amha 91¢ mm 9911 WM Him Norm Km Duncan Gm Mm Jr Alvis 11mm Jon Um nil TM ml 14th Mm the own mnl may lhaflddufllbomhmdlofln on mg Ind 15 the Vlfhll 11an whu pllche¢j Idle LUMBIJRR 91W Malina Jim Davenport San Fran dacol usually nflck lleldlng thud baseman committed two error tn ha ninth helping the 1er looted twice and regain lhe league lead by twovparcenl use palm ulx hit 11 urikeaut per ormmne He was in tha club house whan Lou Johnsons pinch bl single scored the win hing rununlnut unava Dnmld Knawlesjn the 12m Elsewhere nu Caldb null and New York MeLI con tinued to toll ma Cardinals dawning Atlanta Braves or their nlnlh victory in the last 10 gums and the Met edging Houston Aslroa or 106 mark over their last momm mu Reds battered Chicago Cubs uz In the other NI game Bill Mazeroskl singled one run In and Many Motl deliv ered the other with Incrmca fly alter Davenport throw wildly on Donn Clendenona bun lingla and than hobbled Jlm Pllflaronlx sacrifice hunt hII hnme town new flag hall um funeral services were held today 0r prnfesslnnal goiter Tully Lem 82 and his wile Betty 90 They were klch with two other person Sunday in am In crash ul prlvale plane on Educ course near Munster Among ha 11 pallbearers were fellow prn Ken Venturl of San Francisco and Tommy Ja cobs chairman of the Profes nlanal GoIler Association tour nament committee Eight Roman Catholic priests were to alter mass at SL Eliza Bethl Church Burial was to Inflow Holy Sepulthre Manu aaleum in nearby Hayward Hundreds person filed past lhn two dosed comm Wednes day In San Leandra Lem5s hometown adjacent to Oakland The city council ordzmi all flags hall stall unfll alter the burial Funeral Service For Tony Lama OAKLAND cm AP As PWOOD 38 624 SALE ENDS AUG 3h 14 16x4x8 wxmxa 38x4x8 Ax4x8 x4x8 54 x4x SANDED FIR PLYWOOD FREE DELIVERY SHEATHING FACTORY GRADE SANDED PLYWOOD ANY QUANTITY THE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JULY ll WAWA GP Pour nm of the lap Ivenl In Com nnnwgallh 1111211100411 Ilka tamed Queenl Prlu Malay England will he trylnz In mid to hair Murals ngxt week at the Dominion of Cnnadl Rifle elation mltchu nearby Cannaught Ranges Heading the 115i ll Dick Hampton 01 Mllslon Onl who wnn the coveted nwnrd earlier this month Thu burly redhead veteran 13 tips In the Com monweallh champlomhlps won about $700 In prize money HIGH with he Quecnl Prize He was I110 101 Canadian win the event In nearly cen4 tury competition Jolnlng Humpmn who to tired mm the my few yzan ago and now securi Uea salesman Ln Taranlo will be De Burke of Oakville 0n winner the Queens Prize ml Gunpar West 01 Van wuver It 1960 winner an Norm Beckett of Ancasler 0111 who took tho event In 1961 About 600 marksman mm urns the country no expemd to compete In the two major classes of lame bore compel uanlhu service rifle and service rim evans Tho sn events are mu only to acuvn servicemen They will use the 762rmm FN rifle called the ClAl by the delenca department About 250 unm mcn an expected in compels Among competilan in ha SR events in which shooter use mu No rifle with ha minch or 76me barrel will be about 20 women dozen or Americans 16 Erltish cadet and um 17 member British team that hat again the Canadian Bisiay DORA MATCHES GOOD ONE SID Spruce Hampton Heads List For Meet BEAVER UMBER 755 119 MADFORD 630 332 379 514 DEPENDABLE VALUE AND SERVICI II xNxfl 58 Sun ml H1 659 786 352 405 548 Top 19111 flu SR zvenli will qualily or Cmdnl cam at Bhlgy next Immer Women havo Ippennd in the match or many yea Ind couple have qualified or Can ndnl Billey tum Fannie shooter gained Added mm In mammen two yam no when llyeamid widow rum Cali lary Jean McKeevu won ans of the tough individual matches and headed ha Hat qunlilierl or Malay The large bore mntchel hem Sunday Ind the SE matchu Monday The SR matches conclude Saturday with thc Governor Genuall match Cmdlln oqulvnlult of tha Queenl Prue tn which the winner ll clrrlod tram the range on the shoulder of hla compellth tomuslc provided by the hand the Governor Genernll Footzuardx Precedlng lhn Inn born matches are lha nnunnll Imzll bore champlomhip in which about 200 Ihnoierl ieek Us In the pistol sporting rifle Ind match rm ovenu The mall barn event at unden way Friday And an Icheduled to conduda Monday about noon All event us hold an the de lencu deputmentl mm mllea West Ottawa PflClIER ML EALTBIORE AP Bald mnm Orlolcn phoed nuns Wafly am an Iha ed list and mailed mfg 30me an 995 732 410 463 Solon Flr 865 11m 1062 By HAL DOCK Anode Pm Sports Wflkr All the sweet talk Ln We world wont ham Until they are trusted mm mm Wanda Anselm wnt show any aflec flu hr Washingtons Valen Mwmammh mw bu gave Fred Vadmum gaudy my hit émmgw I33 homer Md We Wed nesday mm In five vhbped Wm wlewww Valentines Hitting Sparks Washington We Need Boom HUNT00W T0 cousmucnow 47 NEW CARS MUST Ell NI lb 01 of Mirth II IIIl III II Dnnrflqldl ur roulrnrunn lhalr nr bul III mid IN pn lpml Wh An MI PI nlllr no rm DI Tu Manda In In lul lnur Dlunfltldl mu In ml Mullufly udch mm my mml IIII 41 NH In lull vmm vavl Nnn In lhnl hm lhm bvm Iul allnvd MI luv mu llrMI oilflu 11 IM Iul hur dIrIIIl nIIIhwl To Funnan Hug Is is the last day of the Counlllown 731 Budmd romylm um um Vlvvmllh Mumnhllu lhrnlln mm runIn nu Tpln mmm Tum wry mmlvl In mm rm lnrlldlnl um ml In lmvl leI In lnwlm muh Nun nnu mvnu Tlndoml om hm um 1n nm Mu Illmin II kw Ind my wnmllblm nllndn Inhm III Infllldl Slack has never been holler Dangerfield Motors unnaman moms OPEN AUG lat 52th DAYS LEFT 0e dawned Minnesota Twins opium Whim Sax blankm Dan Tims 50 Baltimore mules debated Cleveland In diam 741 and Kamain Anh lsfim NM Boston Red Sox llZ nouns Gum YANKS Baoby mamdm and Joe Pepim walloped two run Mums and Horace Clam dmve in two runs with tripls as the Yankeesdowned the NM agath Jim Res Fred Talbot wcm the gimme or his ninth viewy Jam swam ptmhed hu lamb dim the 683m and double and mm 19 for the White 50 Tan Mcoaw had 61119 Mugdnwng in one Tommie Ages We mm mm wining bases loaded Wank Rohirsm hammarad Ms hanger we cm Orioles as Dave McNaAly won his 10th Junkie Larry Haney and vet wan bub Aparidn had hom JUANS HURT SAN FRANCISCO MP Juan Mafidml the 163mm whqu Sign Emma imbany will miss his next arm on the mom because of an ln lured middle finger on his pinh ing hand Scheddled SIM Friday at Manta he was in Jumd when car door accidm tally Amt on he min BARRII Door In wind um Ilul lluhlr Ilwrl Iml lllhul Mid huh Ind IIMIIML nullldc mlmu UniI lhll nut Ml lmnl lll HM lynrrnmrnh tunml Inmllr vi1 llmllu Imu Ill AIM rm lvflllllrllhlll mu NI HIIIZ I966 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE Immedian Dolivory ma earlier De kandafl his 0111111 In the Indiana Kansas my used alnxltil and bases empty home5 WI Luke Hershberger and Jim Go ger to humble the Red Sal me NaSh won his mm dad 51m gémdna dhamplm VanniIi Mme their defeated Wmld soccer players Wednesday Seven fans carried homo BUENOS mm mean2 mm maf In mln 5min Ah nude powers depltflzxz dun an leaders at naleJl Football Fedsam who slapped sevens mules cu Armnline players and and winner them the may could be out ol the next Cu in 1970 2294 RELEASE EIGHT EDMONTON CF Eskimo um WesLtm Football Oarlemme hm five 115m mum Soccer Players Welcomed Home HMIII

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