Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jul 1966, p. 10

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Mrnfn rim Yuk rmrzmwm Illlllvuruh Ian Fundm Mlan my llnulinn nl llnrlmull 4N gm Anulu mu momma1 rlnnlll IDIII alarm In mm It 11 ml llumlhy OTmlo and Hum mu cm nlu mu Inmllrnnl lAmla NO 520 000 lull 000 III IM 71 WnMmm Wmlrlhlri CD lllllu llvl Mdnrwr fly MI khmmrr lmlry II and TM 10 MlWnnp um nml ml AllMm Imburn no mo ooz 34 Fun mommano sm NM Mlhkrlxen 55 PM to my Pam an nu Mm my um erMnM rm and Hulkr lghTlmrtennn 17 Al on Ticats Post fisComeback Victories mfluback any Gahlq Jbame Lem mixing and threw 36mg mm me mm qua when fumble helped Bobby my more wowd touch Fm cm was lady for flu flammdm End Herman Har rison stfllmdn panmly mm ligament in his knee and could be lost lor three weeks if mm at Auuwl mu um Iumuuz thmmwsiv Enyl pushed hack In his own Iveyard lne with hlrd Md bl firth to 11m Tm mind Marked on jam rib ande the lcalue event next iamwizz Gdiora lmmlnme pedom nm mmhadaund Lhroe lauda sorted Dr ml by Bill unscy hm in ma irsl quar and me Kn the lhint Mm mmhm um Argon 35 yards Gaun Ind hem mm mum more twoyani touch lam Don Sum landed gel goal and Hamilm wan amt sfwuldfl 31m mm was an or Eastern mlctmm figm 99 In Hm flan mulwfi Il hllflflon lune 101 both mm played an McMahon stud 971827 wm ova Ill Arlir MW in ymnml My llnlrmm NVIlnyrr on um Irllxnn Inmlnn ndnnnl ank Llln nu I1luao llw Yolk M0 DIDMl II Mull II 000 1lllnd 5L llamllltm lllcrkcr my Lal kn Mam71H in mmmvmI Au MMIMMII inunnm Kmqu lmlrr Dulrympl In mm mm III In ml mlmm lnllmg Ill llMlm ml ihufigcigu qme can as tnum 0013an 9mg gt pm llama In Frnncincn THE CANADIAN PRES 15nd gehoflule Ahgéflm ulIndrlphin Inull umurhnind mum J1 Mmiu in ca BASEBALL RECORD PM Wjilei 74 Wu Tmrmln fllthmlmd Wright lul llml ll Ram ml Hulk ll AM Mgr Mull 10 3M mu UH Kline ml 16 WWI Ill nAlkml IN llmlgm III Wu Vulnnunn HW IMMH MWMI Nun lllu Nl II WNW 9N Gluchll ll lnrl human mullll IMI Ind Muriln folnmhm Hm hum Knnl 1H Slthlrr 11 lmy 57 0me nml Halley Nllnn Tnlbol W7D MIN llmnnl mu MRIMINI ill NYnlthnnlmn Prlennu Min My WWOIDONH lloflnn mommaHI anh INK Slmk 1m and Run Snnllnzo 07 lxmlmu OAIMH mSlumun Mr Mnlmn am llynn llllI KC inxur llthrxvr llvfllufl WlWMI 70 llllllmnn 100 911 101 II ODonnghue m7 Krllcy mum I17 ml Crnndlll mm Mrmny my ml lllmry lllll JHMIMIIII HalApnvlclo am7 ll llnlllnlon 3M Illllml Oil 000 04 II IImII Oil 000 04 II lllllM I701 001 ultimo Dclmll Clcvrllnd Cnllfarnln Minnean Chicano Nrw York Kunuu Clly Wmhlngton Icahn NEW ank 51 69 19 Kunuu Clly 43 55 11H Wmhlnglon 59 11H Ionian MInnrlMl 00le Ngv York mm 001 ll Nash won Kim 0nuln nmmur lflle In 1930 IIan year belore Cownn wu barn and was up at lhe mm but annn bare dawn Ind won 15 um 17 On the plr mn nynrd lmh Kellen lead all in tha annual Ontario amnleur championshlp Wedncsdny and lhe biggest xur prlse beside the fact didnl rain will Junk Nashl victory ovet Gany Iowan Nash lhreeAum Ontario nmnleur winner mm London wasnt expcclcd to repeal hls 1965 victory over Iowan but he Myenrold velcnn to ho pacn ail the my or Cowan ha Willlngdon Cupper from Kim ell lhe 1965 Amateur Iavarcd Cownn was ollmlnalcd by Nuh in ha in round The mipl wu Iha urno Wednesday Gable throw tour mm paw two no Taylor mm and anin John Viiums mama Hires and Dave Mann yard singh Bil mum got two convert and an Inward fiddlgoal or the on and BCl other palm came on two may touches as Toronlo gambled keep pas sssion lhe ball TigerIm got 51 yard thmn mm Gamay Henley and mymi tmdkiown from Frlfllyl Iva lnwlvwl Al Alllmnll 1N llrmll Knnuu in lulllmfllr ermaknu IN Nww Ynlk ll lhluxn KN Mm ll Wuhhnnn 1m ONTARIO AMATEUR lum In Calgary In high Ted Wood of the Calmy Stmpedm un 10 yard Wow r9 5ixy°ur Gary Cowan Eliminated In First Round Of Play Illflllllwfll Lu Whflnh 47 HM MK 075 69 lm Murlnl Mm nu 17v Wm Ill ml 04 Jnhmnn Eu wr Ellrrl 41le lllllfr Wm 19 ml Hm wk Dnl Cflnlnn ll ml lllto nonnlnn and Clinton mm flochHpnlrln Han Tnlumblll W010 910 ll RM not MUIWDOIHll Jltklonvlfll O7 51 Am numln 170 EV Syrnmsu an 65 375 NW Toledo 000002100 511mm 001mm Moore nnmln NI worm1 msmpqng 000000201 ml Rudolph IND Oltnn 1n Ind Amos Mnxllo 99 Up nhnw and Cnnnhmro llll thhIlohlmon lnlumbul on RallyIn 750 000 II lxpr Am Mm vlrn Nllll Col Swlum RorhMuan Tomnln 000001006 II hvllll 010 lWJDll Curus 75 nnd Fernurxdgz nlnnd MI llillur and In lhu mnmlnx mulch defeated Bob nnrlhwld Hnmlllnn on the 23rd halt longclst malchyl ghc dny Nlck Wrslock 01 Im Crtdil mom lwn slop closer lo hlx sewnth nmnlwl Iillo winning hls um two mnlchu In ho tournament at lha Summit Gol and Country Club GOT THERE IN TWO mile rcad1cd green In two When Nash xcnl his first pull up for sure put the pressure was on Comm whose mm pull hit the back of ha mp and WNW nut Nash won he mulch up In the lemma round anh ellmlnaled by Emma Slokgs Nissan mu OnL Nash played or par belting against Cowanx chfinces gel ling birdla and prolonging tho deL 1w10€5amw W965 and addoduwa mm gm fixerCats aiso earned single and saler touch Léback E5310 Day hit Evamhm on 25mm pass 5MP ridde PW NI $13an opened sowing quiddy Mm Tod Wm took Wt muzzl Art ngexj 5mm convened Tad1 fllmn Inchnnvllln nl lullnln IKMIIIT ll Tnlnlu fiyyncmu at ulumlm lUcluwml ll annnln from ha openmg kick of to huh wuchdown Calglry ms leading the Hmlllon Tiler cm 21 to 20 an Grlnnr lwfimn mnml nnrnowlkl llrm Anll mm Col Swlum maich VSlukcs nnrlhwlck 2rd pole lilo llloswp won lhu playall par an lhe Aswan holel nulh ha nnd Illll hnd lomIool pulls or pnm Mossopl pull curled umund lho cup nnd lcll nllcr heallnllng mlnulc Ecll mm In Iatlunale Ills pull flung Illa cupbul mytd nut mu drlcaled 1m nmmur winner may 00013 01 Brampton Had Inhthu nomlngz other the awning lvm muml wm Inn Thomas London Ont Km Dnlz Scnfnrlh 0nL Doug Hubertan Trenton and mm llunur cl Chnlhnm Doug Musscp 1966 Onlarlo Open wlnncr ram Taxonm won both his matchcs Ho chcnlnd Rlchard Guy Bowmanvilln and In Iha mnrninz lhcn clim Innmd nm Hell of Brnnflurd an lhu mm hula ln hornflrrnoon Vcslack eliminated Jim Dw land of Toronto and In mnrnlng mulch and dclcaled David Cooper of Port Credit and In lho allcrnoon Cooper defeated David Wilson of Cary tom OnL nndl lnlhc first round field of GI slnrlcrs was pared lo 18 am he opening round match plny llcnvy my clouds hung over um lounw mcnt mas the day but min hold of unlil the Ins pnlr was an ha final halo ha aller Iumn mund adders lumble by Harml wns Daw Homing sit up mardn that led to Evanms quxhdwn andCalgary Led 1M Woods Juggler Samarium klckoll but mm and 9313 1me 00mm and added field 8011 Argo Hons game was played before 23102 am The CalgazyHmmllon gams dlvw 16103 end of tho Mulrd quarter but Hamilton came hick in fine final mg to gglq hs vlc wry bifwiiwhhm Total Prim mey $5040 310204040 Oullmnl lrlm Manny hum 37000 M2000 lnhnanl lrlm Manny min at 010000 00000 Grand lrlx Iflm Mmmy heat at 010000 10000 Mock Hydro 200 Grand II1x 0000 one hm 2110 nl In Inboard 216 Stock llytlro lnlmnl 0000 pot hm SWM Inlmnl D304040 Shirk dro Oullmn $7000 per hm C01 lnlmnl szrrzmmn Sunday July 31 SUMMER REGATTA St Vlnum Pnrk RACE SCHEDULE Entry Foo $l00 TO THE BARRIE mm wéa Mi On Iman 700 baseball ha loll untnudled to police Itself unless Canales 1n lervencd Congress has slaycd sllml said the court And there fore as should lha stale Orillia NAME mm LONDON MWllany MRI yrNka British dock wrkm hm hum mm mm the Clash flayMan lxmdm wild bums No it Ana toved Erava mim be routad ram Atlanta and re turned to their horn of tha tax 13 seasons However It had hoped that the lull struggle would force baseball to calm promise and giva the city an expansion club The dedslon reversed MH waukea murtl verdict that the National League and DI Bram were guilty at viaIaUng the stalel antitrust law With it went An April order that the Brave must return to MHA wnukeo males 1967 expansion team were provided the clty UM Branwn LI FoHeue prom fixed within In hnur anu thu ruling that he would carry lhu casn to the US Suprema The justices added that mu could hardly upch to try to govern business that spam continent Wisconsins Supreme Court rend Into 1821 US Suprema Cour gecman an intent that The lloJ Wisconsin Supreme Court mung Wednesday um awarded the Braves lo Manta left the prospect return baseball to Milwaukee at least distant if not forever doubtlul The Wisconsin court said spe dflcnlly that baseball is mum opon and gravely wounded Ml waukea by deserving the city but ruled the man remained finmune to antitrust prosem on But ha uld It would be at last early fall berm lha court would declde whether it would hear Lha can And even ll it does ha agreed baseball might already be in Ihe 1967 season helma any final decision LI made MADISON Wis MIDWis consin turned tower the us Supreme Conn today In 1L5 bid to bring baseball to bay on an antinut charge aflnr losing the battle In iLx awn court HOPED FOR TEAM mum Emmi munson mm ma Court Backs Bréves Move To Atlanta Fuluxo Gun mum Stewart New xarkct 8001 Sqtundmy mm It Elnmlo Lu lehll Hem Hm Onllla 1x46 HM 2nd Hm 100 230 130 115 SOFTBALL INTERMEDIATE Faun Gama SENIOR mnaon 330 Ml 815 2145 wémwmm Em Muster Rad Wing two Mmader 71 and 52 lawn lawman Go lumbm JeLs Waheaday night whilse New Mud Jim db Symon hid Ind mdmmd Bravaedgui Build Rm 21 PRESS Mm mmm mu Wm wMmemmmmmm mmmmm wm AmmMmMmmmmm mmhspatdur By THE CANADIAN hat wa ar an Mmalhml havu um In mi damw QMquwlbmm an aunt uuvm mp nose on alluding irst no last night at Queens Par when filly whipped hm place Orilfln Mus points six ahead of Stewarts Garage and We Palace Hotel fled or seem pm with mint each damn tar Mustangs Mismhlflzmhmw may this seam Orilual on Viday cam my in the sebum mains Slam Gab 59 Mustang got In on Hmlmrfimwmmm mwbwnfiedlnlbofimtlmiw Only mid comm could stop Harrie Plaza from wlmlna the flame and District Senior Softball mama pumanL Elma pace sewers sine me start MW WNW Leafs Drop fTo Fourth Place With ThirdStraight Defeat DOWN 01111113 81 Plaza Edges GioSér=f To Clinchingf First Keep it all Io yowsoIJ such good Oh PA hos mom loyal Hands van my elm Ontario alo Mon who know who good ole shook he cant be Fooled Noomdobbondvooofldmhmmm Labatts IPA with anybody they always come back to abanl IPA Its such good alo Neirer split Lelt 4mm Jad C120 pildwdamfimfmhum mlh vim lmhMud Hm Onlllgs Oobum was elledlve email but was the victim ti Mr specKali the uggmh qndgizih Innings Plaza didne get on he now sheet uuli the outfit Lnrvng when walk doubles by Frad Ham and Wayne 11de mi Onllia mulled In two glvePlnh n3 undr 1ead But Plaza MW Wayne Rust 511 was in control the ml of the way After giving up lvm M15 in the Im mint Ma gmd live over he has eight BillMgmnmhhbl Hole 11 Gal ll HAW Mn can culle no um SIMCOE SIDE Golf Club Opcl IDn Vol Hemml my Plan muld hath plus unpmd weehmd Slewml 511 mu meet mm InNmeaflm lid Sm May in and Bkmah will dash Eknvgle Wfll Ind Ehnvale willhave houvdn in kpquphnmm um um Mmgshizmt am am In seventh 1mm Thq loaded the base v2th M0 at but Russall muck out Wood row in and mo kudnl league Mn halter n3 Wm Rust cad pichd Ill 1mm lbr le Not one Orillh but mul ggadgmn than 00 mnfl vsm agwmf mm EMBLEM Vlflll AND FOR

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