402m Yur I75 1mm 1mm 5mm Forolzh mm mm Gruka ha mum television mum lumen ml and Japan Minx salelhleo Jammn omen minhtry lwklxmn Iald sumxuny mum Nine Mme mlvemxymdum In dmkw CAME lodunr wm In prlaon any undor Inmlu IMI ler law mm mm Wm bu in In wlury munc mm Inknnllciy mm dmriu 01 lrlnl 031 AP Na nrithh will r3111 Io row UH Mlch mm the United RM to Faultn1 1mm AIer Mllwny why ml yaw drank Alum myï¬h palr wan lnr MUM axe53 OIIAWA CPIWith Il soamh with thc drug Uniido mink him was Named ini him deformities in 1951 mi 1062 indkzaim that the lroubie haw been the way it was an by Wm P°imdm With rabbit say that when lb drug was mm by kmvmu Won it had no nbsuvablc efltd on he ymmg 1M mlmlmslcmd orally he Mommich showed up In the offspdng PERSONALITIES IN THE NEWS DNIIJV JIHINWN mum lhlmmn 2le Our ml rmmwvurnry HsIm Hm when Irglulalma lJIZM ha nllrll lhluy flJ Ellflu will II nIUrvI NHL nlul lrlrrllnl Hull ner Jmnu mo wrlwivl mum pmpmnl vim bdni eérly ymzerl Propose Russian Japan Hookup Taking Drug Orally May Cause Deformity Report Rowers fltHalfWay Point Canadian Jailed In Rhodesia The Hometown Daily Newspaper For Barriaand District LATE NEWS SMALL PONY BORN AT SHANTY BAY Mal dmnge ow In he Mm mu wmï¬ pm same the lwkonmfldy pub llCMkln of flu Amerch A90 dnflm or he Advmm ol Fax Sawin and Dam hry the Jnrkson Mm Bar Humor Maine Md II Wucst Smchltm in Ipstglgne log Cancu Ile day at the rasIdcnoe of Mr and MN IL Grmmmd Shanty Bay The mm ï¬lly Ml Anny llmvllnl um Mrvwlxy lur Ihnl nn IIMn MI IM lmlllnu TNII Ilyluhuu lullurl vnil nlle while Ilrslrlrnl 1va mwilm lad In Auguu meu IIHMIM lil Immmpr III Iwn In Wall DWIGHT HLVENIIIMFI 213 me we Nmmhcm were Drs In Axtlmd dmxtor bl halogiml mm KIM dcwlm mm and which lhc drpartnxm mummy who Inked at he Solme Poun daflon ol warm ml Mum flm Ln $111 Amunln Tom DL which was quoï¬d in report In Mullen Tribune mtmmuk medial pd lmtbfl in he Unkm Sinus unylnx the mumimmm cluhl stunqu lrplqad mm or Illmlml calm the ddmnlflos rmlnd In manm wilh llmlkknnï¬n In mm In the any man thmduxersame mallmnaliom and nbwrmalilics in hu mp pyltostmg he dmz on OTTAWA CMFur rrnch lnl pullty dclmlu unlmllnu Lllwrnls mu Hwy mrmm lur mnlnr NMHIMM In 510le m1 mnqlh nnd hm In Do Illvnl lndlnm nlnndy nu Irndln shut uvrr MIL fun xlnmonln lmlu Um umulh he wrlfnro Mn and Amrrl um tunlrnl of flu Cnnndlml rcnnomy mcnmh mjcds lmolvmg tha lldumldn 1n mean nwnlhs but man an analva and Mo ogktAupodod that they 1m nrxl 1on and tomr WORKED IN SOUTH Liberals Prepare For Major Meet K1qu on page Examiner Photo wan named Emma See IllliflllllNf MVKMINII lrrnltlrnl Sukarno mmin NIH llml mu II wimo 1thth llulhnrzln Inn ntvl rlvrl uMr 1n Nmy Imug In erral Sdmlo 1M Ln nu mylwm ncmnxl llnlflyllfl mil In an ThI lnmzunrnmrnt ho Irll break In the National Fulm hm ServchI Ilnnrl cur nuoyur comm um Irler lmnkr DInlrl Johmon Inhl In Quebec Ml an emchcncy Iclv Ilon at tho Quebtc rglnlnnm might in clllul I1 lhl Inlay 0M mm wnI no unlul loan ThI counlcrpropoul Incluch vahlnn hr urmnlh tmwhluflnMwboum Jim yur wuk In Hm mm yrar Tho mli cnl employool who Inchd kinhon Ind humanle holy ml Inn ordnllu now IV Ilu 1m mm week 1120 mm pmmnl by Hm nvcmnwnl Immlrd Inly Mnmlly vmvkln lm no week In Irmul Arum III mmIIM lmnlrr Jnhmn III NEW YORK Amth mwmmmm lmmmxuumnta mmhflnmmdaymg 1va boy In last week Bmddynndairwnu anme lateHal thy uh gm only minimal do nib on ï¬rm Gnllndmw 11 yeamld Nezm Md mum ball on mum barge npokmnmn or lyn dLstrn nflmKyl olllce mid 7111sz mm has pnlnwr in the ow York sum Anursurvcfly pm llwasmt hmnm polka mammh PoucoComnmmcrIluwaxd WM mlgwbdmvr llktlflmd lbs med K09 in air trial Gallasbaw Ls summed ulna duvm Dean also um In the Now York amt dun In June ll MONTREAL CP N110 llnlan or llrlklnx non mullcnl hMlenl wmkcn ln gram who hnvn clad mnlutt Vmposnl by lh government was dunlnu cumprnmlu tmmlcr prawn mly lodny mm Ixumptigéu1ai lUllT MMMLW Trlv Ml Mmp 1mm MI Mary nklll mm mm hr nm and Ilralmlh mun at 5rva arm umlmn the qrfll Min nail mm mm mjuml 71399 WrIvMPy Impbse Curbs 0n Teenage NY Sniper 1M Harlin 0mm 10hr miwl in uplwnlon Inn and 041k ll IM Innl mud rink nll€rl walm runnllr IMMN P41er Fvvwlfll Quebec Hospital Negotiators Prepare CounterProposal Shrimp Boats Aid In Sea Rescue smlo duom amen mundayJqu 23 ms Magda wuww diunhi whrt 250 Farmers Storm Legislative Buildings c0 UN CllTTROPs CHARGE IH RE A1 atwe Wangs main door and milled through mrridm in sealm of he mung mom They d1dntfbdllbn few kingpin misns vmidm over by K0150 Mu lands endlonsla Mr and ab lendaed by two other cabinet mimicHm Minister My Darwin and mum Minister IL Simth The tanner Included 60 who drove motors ahmsk 100 mile mm Woodstock others rivcd In mm Wednadnry The meetlng with Mr Robaru and Mr Sluwart was the ML rnlmtim of pmincelwide dan onslmlhns by molar driving lam About 000 111mm wok the fairways Mondzy and 200 mitied at leock to bind the to Toronto qty Mimiclad the drive which ends in mi leg tslatum bulkimg in warm drlulc dimly More pm Mowingu moatlnz Mr abuts mod that OFU rqrmcnlalhca had agreed in attend meeting with Mara Am MW Grqegg lslcr Wilson 111 In Wmhlngton today and high polillcnl nulhor mes snld ho would neck Iron vlasimmnmw 10 EM whmkmbeJï¬MOX wobblan und Ilérllnxrduxlnz the next to nine mnnlhl lha vropmnl would hnvu to In ndglllnrjn 0900000 nhyur The chcInllan Ink wu 1r Idbqlfllt Wilmn was reported canfldenl such breathing Ipnu would provide the llme his Labor xov ailment mch Iar xu cmh mo mnw Tum MrNAlL ku It In hi lwnh and mm mm ml MinnI mum1 lM radm 10h Mo hum III didnt nuk huhmy 11W when In luv ham gumm uvl run 8M IMF ml an nmivrs ruining MrNaVl unmhlnl Ml an lwmni an lln kink in MilV FROM ILS AUTHORITIES LONDON AHPdma Min Ann 111an FA Nunl mannedn IS minl Dunnfl DIIIdflI IMMMIIH Mathll ll rv mung1 mer mmH hml Wilson Seeks Pound Support mKLtnm um The Examiner TODAY lick cf the Ontario Milk Mar kellng Road and the 0mm Federation Agrimllum will also attend wll lop Imr at ew hour In Ollawn or mm with Prime Minitr Peanon helm returning Saturday In llme or the EnglandWest Germany we cer World Cup ï¬nal lllon wm lull lmldrnl Juhnson nnd Pennon how Iha British gnvtmmcnk plum lawn 1m $300000000 on ovmtn Ipundlnl mnlnly lhmuuh duhum wLI Nut Hun nndln Wul Gnmnny lnlurmul Iourm um gram of dcflallon to pull Britain out Ike red The cconomlc uLxIJ in pllcullom on nrluhl role in the world and he Vic Nam war will domlnnu Wilsonu anc dny conlcrenc wllh Presldenl Johnsan 10 OUTLINE PLAN llh tho Cnnmllnn Inadrr Wilson MN wIIl llll cm ll Hhululnn lmluprmltnu mm nml lho mnmnnwmllh prime mlnlnlm catdmnca in lmdnn In September Wllmn Icnvu at 30 0150 Em nugd rllay hume lem In Ky am VM Nun It ml mmm In Mom yum day ma ï¬lm In my on In uni aflm DETROIT AP Soc 0M Street the No Polk publhhcr dined ories or own In the Uniï¬ed smug made may put WM showing Secondis unmioomnm Andifitisntconfllsimkaui enough macwr Polhsaysm mad Third um mmutwnh mm mmnmnmJflh Luann But Main L1 5th mmhmvuflh IL Folk and Ca 2ND IS FIRST FIRST IS LAST Barrie Council chambers were rlrtuafly turned into cow 1MM3 wu Ontario Hu mane Society manager and Inspector Tom Hughes who last week trlggcred explosive controversy by condemning the Barrie municipal dog pound ï¬lthy and dumldntod and seizing animals housed there let three hour of be de bate lncludlng insults hurled one another well llr llughea the aldermcn de cided agalusl proceeding wth In earller proposal to charga the humane mler nlllcer with lresplsslng Instead they voted to In tlvor of Mnyor IL 15 Cookes recommendation to Instruct city solicitor Rowe write stronglyword ad letter to the president at the Ontario Society for the Preventtan at Cruelty to An null to the effect ttnt this mail recognizes the work at the 0mm SPCA and the in tent at the SPCA Act BACK PRINCIPLE We rapport the principle prevention crueny tn Inim Ill but wa will neither talents Mr condone any Ibusa the SPCA Act or my other Ict wnfle thclr halmctml urry out their duuu In this munlc by Thin mu mom time In lime dnyl the mle Ind come up or dllmadun In city council Mundny wuncfl vot ed to hbla the public work committee report to In chgrxeunlulnxtï¬r mama Council uninlmously um the do pound be duhml open lmmrdlutaly Hm do control ufllcer carry on his normal duuu And In study ha mud to improve malhods ol extermlmlbon dlxened Ind unwnnlcd lnlmnls Council Ilsa agreed um cllyl Lyngtmlyx Hm pound he bmuxhl ugh dnln Aflcr Md R0 lnled out Hunt the proton by IW road no Hmrnu Ihould blo rflcucd the City 01 Im Bolero talking longlh dress anr Cooke will Np some rcmmdblllly for he Ink Information to the public to far But an new nvul nvcrylhlng knaw It nut mallet of hurt prlda quxulml In newnuper Illarlnl WalncldI but mnfler of clly busineu Mmur Owke raid the pout blllllv court cue ï¬rman on nlo the prurnl dlmA mlllu In nur xlIymdu upm Ham to uhIl we Irn mlnf to do Mml the ummhnrim Intermpllom 017 ml who hu lhrulmd In ulxo mm in my KOCH21 RIGHT UP 10 DATE Running to mllom nl lhu 5mm Ml ha mnynr lined Mr HUM mflfls vxén Mn Am mimic Ill um may Ia Ma In hla ynflflkuï¬ni jll hum Na Ho Ill 111311 to luwxy Backs Proposal By Mayor 0f PrbteSt Actin On Pound Nol Mmï¬ThIn Clearinz with mnahle tem mes wiï¬ldéyio We umry on 13 me Cépy Pngu necemrie to conï¬ned Inlm II when them msombh ground or belleving theylhnve been canflned wlilzaut nec essarymd water Ind New 1an or more than 15 consec 2y one nnentranca Moahflldhuxwhuetheteism anlma if than roasmable ground for believing flu HNIIE or neglected and my take possession of In nnimll ll there reason able ground for believing It helng illrented or neglected for the purpose of having It cxamlned by veterlnlry ml However Mr Hum was unable lo obtain any evidence that my of flu Inlmll the Barrie Dog Pound wre Ill lruted or neglected Ilremd the mayor N0 OBJECTIONS Ila Hid nobody objected In Mr Hughes mung Dr Fisher at the Barrie Veleflmry Hol pflal in Hill lulmll shelter Nu whom be new In ha good judge greed dun wu lot to be desired In the haulekecplnx but Dr Fisher did no In wm Mr mlth ml the build lnz wu dfllplduted or um Wu Ilmulubla ln hum In Imals or um It wamt worth Um mnbdl to bun it dawn he Id Hum coon uld Mr Hugh Ind no Inuwrlly ta Idze the Inlmlll human the pound on lbs mum in he didnt like he premiul nor did he hm the nulhorlly Io amounts to the um the pound vm co emned or unit Dr Fisher denm my 1mg nllqr 43 Mun This no anger rlghl under ha SPCA Act Our ml lcilor Idvhed me um this lmpm aplnlon II um Iny perm going where they hm no right In to lrespaucr 1nd any person Mm with rlch to no any pzm cxmdl Ml rlxht be mmu impHer llred Mr Cook do not really are mm the extrnvagmt hnuungc ot the SPCA Inspector but when hr Interrupts the dIytodn upmtton ot tho city lhln It in Um to call Int Ind he doelnl ltnp thcn there obviously anty cnu kind nt Iangulxe he undcntmdx It chum tmpm would mnku Mm tumor or MI unwnr ï¬lled Ictlou the mayor Ifl In dlnclomro of lnlormlllnn quuuon he vnlue Ivrmll Hum hul flu do not null mnltrr Ian II the rlUunl of ha ulï¬ Following um muml Id lrm Iin arm in In in mm loll Ihnuld be duflrd Ind muly how Ilrvnl ll dnuld bu QUESTION VALUE Mmlmllu In Mr hit 699M Mid K1 It 1M in may lromlor quen an MP Wlwpixu HI ud lo mm mm thnhlmlhw