Ode Barrlu lraveller Mrs Wlnnla Wayland Bradlord 51 war to have salled lor the Brit lsh 1512 In June aboard the Carmania however her passage was cancelled and her booking transferred to another liner some two weeks later Mn Wayland ï¬nally sailed from Mnnlmluaboard Grgek PEOPLE AND PLACES mumwu er Arcadia Sh plans to visit relaflm In SouLhern England and travel extensively Holidayerl who travelled by 111 mm England In Canada ran law no mags whatsasver Mn 11mm Fallon who vlsihng in the city Unvdled by 291 Bellnsï¬ Ire unuua lulu land with not minimumshohnzumol her bmfllerimlaw and alien Mr and Mn Viomr Padlow Glen Court Barrie M11 Pol wn visiting Canada for me ï¬rst time and plan to spend ï¬lm weeks hare before mum to Irelamt Holldayers who booked their paséage well In id vance to avoid the rush 1n the holiday season have hadltll9 £0339 the strikers mam nu lhn anln nau ulue wu vlauuu uvm Many Bameites planning ho the conun ent had their sailing date changed while othem 13n ning to travel in the Unlted States by air have can held up indefinitely Anolhu nir mullet from lmd Roland Fox Damon ar rlved in Canada on My Roland Inc at the home of mt mm mm visiting lriend in me Immuflm Ins weekmd ad mum malle um km for the grace of God could ham been patient Mad vis raw In realm haw close we are to the edge And few nl us know what It was um kw us from going the deep end My parents vmra dwnroea My mother ignored me Sha heaped all her law and mec llon on my brother was not pumin lo have thought of my own or pair ol shoes cl my wn My sister ran rough hoq over me and all my pou BESSIDHL Mother had way of maan me feel guilty and nupld ll ever pcrwn cmdidm or mental Mlnflnn was Eu 0th escaped know now It was ha kindness of mm hurlcd tench mi tome mnderfully wisa rlmds that and my xanily My plea to your reader this Be that am person each day shawl Imull Und nu la xornmna nur you You dont know IM mile or kind word or In act of amid1 mum will do or some mll arable soul It may keep hlm lrnm giving uplurky Me mar Yau Thank you or re mlnding that n11 nccd love And mlnnw Too often we form mam at word of mmxrrt Ind amazement casu mlhlmz but can enrich the In Iha person you lean mer mi EXPERIENCE Dur Ann hndmx In hehnjl Shipping Strflge Causes Upset In Travel Plans AM foolish husbmh want In apolole In all ha hmmwirm in Armrlcn ml to think that 5an hcuuso nmrm had dxshwnmor vlmum Iweepcr nnd wnnlm rmrr IhM ha rnuld lit nrnund hull Ihn day drinkinl Miler vmra divnrogfi ANN LANDERS Small Kindness Enriches The Giver his and Mrs Ros Kennedy Sanlnrd SI Wmle in Canada he plans visit to the west coast remminx mmugh San Francisco Lo Angela the sum 01 hm the Everglades In Florida Illd up the com to Washington and New York City He will return to Exfland in September In con unue his studies on mm ship at UleSamhunmn Unlverv city to commie his dochrate In biology um um rs Neill Robertson and son Allan at Penetang Street spent the weekend In Londm ML whzra Lley visited Mu Cora Forislal and her Inniher EirBrwin eagerly of Brvwn resenuy palienb It St Joseph Homim Kn Minion Holide 1n IM ciw in MN Helen Dlxnn cl Dorval Quebec Sbehnguestallhehomeof her Inn Ind dwgflerdnlaw Mr And Mm GrahamL Dixon of deehil Drive BIRTHDAX SHOWERS Friar In her mar raga on July 15 Mix mill Jamel was gum honor seven social eventn with lhe neighbor and lovkinl at daytime TV Due to minus illness have haen panlally disabled sinw December 1965 My wile went lo work In help support the Iamily We have live chil dren our in school and one pmwhooler tried to keep house This is what my life was like my 15 when thank God was able lo go back to work gogug and HW and not them all to schooL Then dressed the ouryear nld or play Ind put him in lhn back yard lnadcd lbe Elisha In he dish washer loaded the Wuh ing machine with clothes mm to yIck up the house and made the bedx Next vacuumed Ind dusknd unloaded the dish washer And look tha clothes out memachhle ma By um um the kids were due or lunch so ï¬xed sand wiches and snup The kids came home saw thcm lunch pm the fouryurcld in bod or his nap clcnnnd up the kitchen ï¬nishnd he houseclcaninx not Ihe founynarold up Look him ulnmz while did the grocery marketing Ind other household mandm pm Alnrlml Ripper and Ml Iho lnble At 530 not Anlo the cur lo gel Mommy at work She Illdll risk What did yml do All day She knew be cause she had done It or sev nrn ytm every hmhand lmd Io harp Mme or but one wwk b1 would never nxnln lake nbom what no llle Aha has my God blm all housewives cv crywllcn ll Clryllll our l1 lloumwlvm cv ormeo will blow you lnr your Mm But hnvu quelllon nub Why didnt you back In your nh um earlier ll wmld havc hmn analr4 wouldnt ifasrwc drew mum them zqqdbmyqfl mlsceuancm shuwer wu given by the brldan mm Gnrlidd Wilson Ill Peneung 91 Battle bathroom Ind bedroom Ihuwer Wu xlvm by Miss Gnrloy Griflihh and Mn Banhm Ferguson of Owen SL Barrie at which the guests were member Johnson St School null nflscellanemn shower was given by Mrs Marmot Jamun and Mrs Mary Ford Hm la ters home on Boys 81 Barrle miscellaneom shvwer wns given by Mn Herb Hndmn ol Bradford at whim the zuesu were Iriends and neer of lb bride nrd groom VA kitchen 17th was Elven by Mn Marie Mason RR Barrle On July 10 1h brides mother Mrs Burden Jenncï¬ Bradford entertained at Rousseau en or he bride Thu bridegroom panama and Mn Harold Courts Brad ord will emertain the wedding party liter rehearsal this even ML Jenndt win marry Ron ald Lloyd Cow on SMAle July 16 at oclock 1n Bradlnrd 111in mm Mr Ind Mrs IL Pndï¬ald ol Buyï¬em are enieminlng guests from New Brunswick Their dauzfler Mu Van Duk and Inmily of Oromoclo are va cationing in Barrie and will be inedlali In me me by NEW muwswxcn 951E911 FROM CA1qu Mrs Arthur Napkin and chil dren Mary Marlanne and Paul Granada Hills California are spending the rummer mum in the oily They are guests ol Mrsl Hupldns hroUIerlnlaw and sister Mrl and Mn Fina ol Parkdale Crescent and Mn Eula Priest Mather Mu napkin 10 WED AMERY Unlled Gumll Mark dala wlll form the mung or Lha mnrrlage at Miss WillaMae Lyon Barrie and James Pcr clvnl Arnold The brideelcct is the daughter Mn and Mn Lloyd Lyons of Markdale The bridegroom In be is the run Mm IL Donnell and the late Mr Percivnl Arnoldl The wedding will take place on Aug It 130 pm MB Grncc Porteoua en crlalned bullet ruppcr and bridge party last evnnlng her ruidcnce on Cook St Among Ihe gucsï¬ in Mrs HelenDix on Darval Quebec trailer ulp to tho Eastern seaboard was included in the hnlIdny plan Mn and Mrs II Wflson and nmlly Lay Thu nun1e lamlly chimed la lha city on Wednesday nllcr aging in Provincclown Cape MARITIMES HOLE VISIT CAPE 90D Mr Ind Mn Sid Money And Mr and Mm Ken Dame and daughter all nl Ill Barrie will leave Saturday momlng motor hnllduy to ho Marl limm Mr and Mrs llama will vlsil rclnllm ln rccmood No Va Smlinl Mn and Mn Nancy will vlsil ho mnerl brolhcr lnlaw and sister lllr ml Mm Preslun Wand of Straumuna Prim Illward Island LAWN ROWLING 3mm lmly mm bwlm held lhclr annual Gall Day twmnmrnl on chmuhy with luv local rlnu helm wlnnml PM My Valr Drlln 95m cur 1mg Mrs Ellis wm lhrm Rome winnm Mu Hu and Panama Mu Maude 9mm and Mn Alma Mc ledtn were two sum winner Other links nrllvlpallnz wen mm TMten am Orlnwille Mm AM Sum iuncheon was held In hon or 01 Mrs Mildred Maxrm by members he evening and nlghl nursing stall at the Ray al Victoria Hospital at ha Continental Inn ymlerday By MARGARET N555 NEW YORK CF Short skim certaan hav high 1mm legs Hosiery cosmetic Designers Have Field Day As Hosiery Runs The Gamut Miss Linda Marin dmah Mn And Mm Marshall Ordnrd Dr Bar rlo has gradualzd mm ht Mnrlo Dopammfl nl Health Nunlnu Ashram Cere Ton mm xrndum ullmded Codrmkm Ithic MIMI Ind nnrrle North Collegian PLlu Manila ha unwed Mon at lhn Hosvilnl Ski hlldrrn anrmlo bealnnlnl In Smlrmbtr BARRIEEXAMINER FRIDAY JULY 1M GRADUATES NURSE HONORED AT LUNCHEON Mrs Martin will join the tlafl of the new Regional School nf Nursing an Aug Sh has been night supervisor at Ray al Victoria Hospital for up pmxlmllely 15 years chest of silver was prnsenlcd to he and shoe ï¬rm are having my day refill mu For modcsly lugs now 31mm up to becom mz docking light For beauty mm and Imion an nomad to swath knees For be young 1003i dunes are 0a and romyd in In Mt uhion editor here or the all fashion showings wad as Ide Mm new Kn whole yapgc aocessorics uln the claim We can expect lo 566 pale kg ayed lo matdl the costume legs tenured lrgs nnd minim Icy my the Na lionrd Aswduinn Husiory Manuï¬adumg mummy wmu ma debut Xasl nprlng carries over Into Brian Yan my fun Comp LI To qtyIm 311er owonmANum AN WlEGINS FUHS Ann ALIA nuc Lu Ilmllnn tall my Imam mm an In tanninin IWJAHINO mmuunn zumnma Hlnlel Elrlflll Fun who mnu Ind It lufl Ml llmle mm mm Tamnlo UNITE VOLUNTEERS Teen user from 90 Red Cross and allled 3°qu have been Invited lake part in Canadian Ccnlennhl contu QHCL guest at honor shown Ibovn centre by Mn Clm lraves right Miss Helen Shanahnn lull formerly administrator at Rays Viclaria Hospital was among lhu mum Examiner Photo UNITED T10 NY AmThe thchnsiovak dele gnUun lo the United Nation denied Thursday night US charges that in ï¬rst Iecrclnry Zdenek Fisk once plotted to bug the US mm dcpflrtmen The male department said ch nesday that Fish and JM Op ulrny wnrkcd lo get slum de purlmcnl nmployce to plant In elicclmnic dropping de co all Newly important will be navy green and he rid plum shades llanu lnlroduca lngly uschla and shockingly citrus For evening nylon Jew clilLs provide glitter ln told and xllver tones Thclr flle cm In blacksilver or whilegold swculcr knll meldl In llwre are the maimed stock lnea to contrast or mauh your costumel BEAI THE moms NuScrvlce Clunm Free Molhproofing um nu man zlnud Ind mm oilrr you or um um Nu Service Cleaners CHARGES DENIED IHIHI 5T 111141 Willi this rmwwemd lumrmry wellhea mvu had In tow yuan lhq blustery winter long foxMen SUT lhh Lmt rain to last louver and as much you may luauco thlnk about it old Man Wmler will make NA Ippuraneo rm MI schedule and it Just Isnt 00 early to make Imngemem or those new aluminum mm and mm mm Ammm WMEER friendly maan In all home building and reno vation requlrommls Hive the Allandall representatlva all on youNoW llmnyukelmlouweeluuaflwindummmatom nude and have your home In warm Ind Wk this wider uflhmwu MAUANDALELUMBER MING mm this rmjyumf my olunfmry wag 20W BAMI CHUNG POW HOLY TOPVALUE BATMAN WI cant BEAT the prices and medab at LM FOOD MARKET Strawberries whfl lhey last qls for 9100 or or alrlunoIWJS LWlanm11hpkg 39c Jud and Blue Bum heel thin weekl nature juicy laud Steak 69 Beefbuxger pattles reg We in It just lbs for 50 0mm Oil 33 01 payRex $L19 rawm reg we now 4mm Home hmer uwnens Lake vanage of even ï¬rmer Iavmzs by quantity myan on freezer plan Visit the Food Muket this week Brentwood It Hwy 00 Ecmomy Ind quality go hand in hand What plumAble way In do bushess his is the lmpresslm your mom will haw ll you are presently laklng Advanlan of tha unflces oflered by the Barrle Answermz Service ll real Uma uver and Alter lmuu assuming lhat evary call and inquiry will be given promm obllging servlce and subsequently real valuable asset lo any organizauon mi only mm the pulnt cl view at customer satisfaction but that days could be ar less hectic ONE all 726N645 the BAlllllE ANSWERING SERVICE will nsmre ALL of ynur calls being handled ln lhu wu unul mu and receiving pmmpt reliabie and eiï¬cience service can always depend on hix when you drive up to Pauls EA Servica Station 62 Ema Road Barrier Pauls has supply of aulu parts and complain line at top quality Liresr Theres Also licemed mechanic on duty every day Pauls Service Station is great example of lhe inc modern service offered by BJL and the high calibre periurmance lhcy require or their represent Prive up to PAULS ILA SEflViCE STA 1on and G0 with Shes lovely shes engaged she has her hair done regularly at RUBYS BEAUTY SALON 01 course Yes you can be gor geously rinsed even wear your best smile ionbut your hair doesnt come up to lho resi at your appearance you might well throw ha whole picture out the window The leaiure people notice ï¬rsi is your hairdo and his Li hardest mason to keep it aleek healthy looking and allmtively sol The sun might do wonders for the rest of you but your hair doesnt tan it just dries breaks and bleaches THEN viral you need is wonder working oil lreaimgnl rum Rubyr Beamy Salon Ruby My ll your hairdo isnt becoming to you you Md bl coming to us 12 Dunlop SL East WHAT WOULD YOU DO If you were drivin mernly along your way In your InvorIIe campsite or private retreat It the lake whm widen Bang wring breaks or tire blows because onunbahncod wheels causing mess on ï¬re or Una gal Lina Ith Well youd probably want to drag your In lha nearest clitl and push It over BUT In more pracIical wlmion would be In vIsil PIIILIOTT RICHARDSON SPRING SERVICE 150 Vcspu St in Barrie beInreyou stall your trip Have mm springs coils and wheel Alignment checked and then be Assured OI SMOUIII SAILING III the way SUMMER ilAS BEEN THE 091 POPULAR season or wedding or quite 11w yam so it would be reasonable to assume that here are many anniversaries being cclcbrnlcd In about now and what nicer way in spend memonblo waning than Io dine out It In RIVER GARDEN RESTAURANT Hwy ll manly Bayl The lovely pidurcsque sellan can only add to llu ex cellence of the meal and he menu ls so varied youd expect to ï¬nd Iuoh tempting dlshm only at very expuwiva big cily tnurnnls Exotic xmlomk In big mum Phncrhmxse Isak done lo turn couldnt begin in explain Ill uull an un mmu youll Just hnve to no out In In imulel niver Garden Restaurant yourselll Mr Bob Ayrus will we ihul your meal will he most fitting or my occasion COMPANYS COMING AND IIIEIIES SO MUCH TO BE DONE Ill be that rug uni lumllnn upholslrry could use shampoolng Too big lob um limo year Not at all youu Imd lhe lot at cleaning mm and upholslcry much faster miur Ind morn economical when you ran professional lype equlpmem Imm MARTINS RENT ALL CENTRE 431 Dunlap 54 Now when ha lob done and your guests have nrrlvcd youll no doubt wnnl Io cnlcmln on lhd patio but Inmo nlghls mosqmloa make It nlmnd Immsoible so 111 MARTINS RENT AIL CENTRE7150380 nnd enrlulm about lhclr terrific mmqu may mm In med of somolhinz ynud seldom use why buy RENT 11 FROM MARTINS car MAKE TRIP DOWN TOWN and he nnIy ml mm larlabla casual nhoca ou own any In real mm beetm you werdcd the garden in mm L151 week mud no darned hm lo wear clam Ilium Well my advice an nnywny NIT make ynur flru lion lhe WALKWEI KIIDH HTOIIF I56 Duniop llhty wont mind wur old shoes and walk nut am on your way In In urauï¬vo pair impoflcd Minn nanth lhoyve than wllh small Huck mr him mm mm very my run hm gm mm um um dresay oh but below you lmvl hm mi lho gay lun lmb in art my two pain mmyro lncxpcmivc and mm plclcly wnshablc laol one far Hahn And one pair 1m or lunl Make ynur hmdyl onlmtar homlqumen um WALKWEL SHOE SMILE Thm Ilnrlws lummrr day All Mmkrlul nml ware all mnklnu up lot of am And lmh nlr IIUT the Mn Iry ml your ukfn There nu renl mlrnmlnm Inluuon In pnadm Ind cmm mmpluinn In Ill Mather but ym mm min Illa Iona Ind mmlilim your kin Ono WI la la balm nr IlmMr regularly mm MillMd mm Allan wilh your llmnlc mu It umth um dry wkin nverupnwl In um mi wlnvl Ind hrlu ym mln nnlural IHn all which hnnl wnlN luu wndm away Jud mm mm MEAN VATHIl OIDITIOA nlhTINLTIVF HnLING Inr nrnrimu Hth ynuvl wilh lmmn Iuminhlnv mm WILLIAM MK FUIINITUIU MAIIT Dm lnp il In your prelrunco Mmlrm DnnIHunr Ihe urr popular nnlenwm or perhaps meh or llnhnn lrnvincxnl lell her lmmluu lhnl wt mil your mode living run Ivlmlnn Ihl 11ml lmml nnmu ln1mul1 William Iuruiluro nlw hm mnny nlrrrxtinl uul Illflrvml mm Mun nnnhins lo make Mmunrr mun IIHM morn fun Wm Illrnrllu mm muM YOU In It mm donmly ml udrlully lmmluu and rarvvu lewd mm Wmmn Iml Fumlluro Mml m3 CALL win uh In kminl th flu hm lrmhlinn mumy ununymnul Mm Ihmr lnrï¬ lhn IAHIHC NIHI Mull Hiran annular PIVIINV 1PIlflly Lam plinll in Imrly damunm lhAl th INTI In Nrfllv lumnlnl Inll III lmlfll drmund WI Hm rar Paidm lllmll IMn Ihmwuhu Nama ltd rhwlun wlayIIN 1sz Almer FHLWI ll Munm Spun yum In dulm ul lehl hi hi lwnullml Math lull nrlmmninn um Myths mu mm All Imwm mme lrnm hdmL ho mm mmlI ivy hmmm HUI llmlll ml lludulal To link wlr IN ovrry hum flmu nll uur IIMM Inwm rrruuliu ml lellnrry Wm lhe Ilmd ll lVIHan THE TMIUG MIOI Unllim II ml Nan vlufln mm rdnlkm mm ynur vwalim ml ymud Mk9 ln lxkn nn In mlr hamm Al momrnm rodUm Von mum ml mm wrnns nmnum an nm yml ufll Hm In many MmIn and ML mm Wu In rm vmru Fnr 1mm lel Maqm low um lovflIM Ive wn nunHum or mull Mum lvnm olalmralt TyIL In Mle damn rtflu In tun Mmmmln lnlmy In wme ml rulrr MWIMM my mm per Innal me ï¬n lmrllny rum MW plum ml lm nmurm errly mum nu hum namu rm ml mm ï¬rmmu uullANI Ind IvaMIlulVy dwplayd In wab newly mumle IHIO way 7W IGIIN MANmnm he know