son of nylon ma annul ly lane was worn by M1 Vlc mm Ann Stmfleflurx fur Iver gain In Paladdi Mullen lh dress was lashioned with fitted bodice with scallode mddine and lilyth slams The Ml lensh skin of ha mm calmed draped ovaskirt ending In chapel ualn Scallops of Granuliy Ina trimmed he the gown liara ol seed pearls held the brides ï¬ngertip Vail ol ik ï¬llusion fled mm and cam tinm lashion her bouquet 11v aflunmn ceremony took dam in Collie Street United Gulch Barrie with Rev David Produr olï¬dAUng The bride wan given In mar riaze hv her uncle Mr CE lord Man in Ibo dunner ol Mu Domlhy Stunning IL 11 Strand The tnidclrnom ma Inn at Mr Ind Mn Wu Mid human The matron honor Mr Collier United Scene Of Rites Hy ELEANOR Boss thcnlly nu Inxplred nrlhl mrhnz lot new attack will water colors mlxtd delcrxcnl Into poster pnlnl Thu mull Ipcclnrum Hut on nrdlnary pnptr were textures and died pre Vlnunly possiblc only wuh oils on tanvm Hm was wmdhlnn to make any dnhblcr look nl 1mm Ilka proa medium my ll EflfllLLlTA F0 TOMORROW unny mould mm mm equvymn emulully ll you curb rnmï¬onnlkm nml unneumry hukrrmg during the unly mnmin hnun nnnflnry In fllwnwx In pm wlll umuulally hmrllflnl Inmlnu lrmcl mlllmr punuth and Rump mlellra warmly EASY ON THE BUDGET In TIIF BIRTHDAY ll lmmrmw ll your Way your humcm Mica mu qu wur mirth vmxrm may ham been It oomnmlng nimlqhu rlurinu um pm cnuplu cl mu Hm in camwllm with your Job at hmlnm pm No eflm rm Ilvnllrl prth HM mull dur lnn um lnllor cl anlwr rmnm mtrmln llmt mm Hm Murme In mly Drrmnhflr and In Imury inn RM ion nu llrvl ha um Auzun Anti lnldï¬vï¬mlrrNuvm In mind Id ha llm lnr lmmP luy lnlmrlll th mndmling chow lnr In Indlrlhvl In odniwr lml III hmmlnnl THE STARS SAY run rvullun lhliM lhl lilrl Inn wrnlu Minn her In an all mellm mmrll lhk IIMV mnlallu leth Ilwudllnn lvr mwlhrr ll mmllu NMI wl unnnvlnl pmudr Hilly rwmlmr demy AMI Iml Jun Fur mud r4 llw lmflvtmhll Mr wruvlml Ivlnllvmhim ml Rowm lry pnmm Mu nnrm In tmlul In N41 lrlrllun In rlvm rrrlu 1n vnld Drrrmlwr Ind flumllvmll nut Ami mihl lwm nl Hm lav mm Ra an uwllunl alurnlm Mugnu nr mmklln Art World In Lather Over Soapy Paint Work ME AND MRS PATRICK MICKS CONFETTI SHOWERS NEWLYjWEDS $94ng WEDDINGS Brian shalfernf Guebh 115121 of me bride She wore gown ol yellow pew do mie and lace with matching yellvw headdress and caxried bouqud What mo Kenneth Sloulcnburx of SLIM attended mi man The usher was arold Slantent ol RECEPTION AT BAYSHORE me brides nmLhcr received her guests he Hayime Mn nr Hotel Her ensemble gold sill knit was ommlomcnwd with while accessoï¬t and carnage yellow roses Assflsting th bridegroomb mother dzose pink flower prinhd cm gown with whit ha and corsagq 1m ngses For he trip to Nor thern Ontario the bride wore yellow dress and We acces series 1m newlywuxb will make their ham at Uwoa Msu attended rdcï¬Toromn magma Halls Canare Ham man Kltdmcr mid GunIm lo hundlt lMxpleVI and clean When the Mllst was rrndy la wuh thn hmshcs Ihoy wrm already mlnrnml wxlh dem xcnt 1110 word wand nnd noon Ralph who had ncm before ad brush ln hxmd More out dnlng nn rnluynbln Job nf sun day pnlnllng More Important lhoy um laming mcwm nhoul lrchnlque bccnusn lhcy Ml no lnhlhlllom nhout hnn dllnx the Itufl so would be nrllsls xct tinned rmliso my mm wllhoul Ihu expcme pmlrs Ilnnnl malcrlul nnd parnphrr nulln Jun add one purl drlcr am In lwn part lrmntm mmrllmu called poshr nnlnl his gun Ihn palm mum erl hlllty nml body lxcnum llw dr lrrnrnl am lhlckcnlnx lerlIl lnlnlbng ullh Um mlxllm mnku hlxhly lklllrll nrl lrrh nluuu nullxlrnly my to lirr 111 new leIum tlimlnnlu lho usunl rlumup mahltml at an pnlnllnu Then ms nu mmy paint mm nnlvnll lur penllm ur tlmulrnl Mnnrrn In Mm mm In MNM lulu mm In willnulth tun Im prrmnnrnlly llrlIIINL HAS TO MARTE 11m Mum mmmlml llutlln Spoon Ind kllrllrn ulnull tun Ilnublo pllu Mulllu llnl an llna lur mulnu lhl palnl and drlrrnml mu IlN tr um papv An tlnuMu nlrllo llvahlll hurl Apmm or mum in MI tnnln lnlnntlnx tutInn rflrrll an mun will Ill rmwa doli Hl lnuvhn MI Uer IIIIHEI tun In nully wntlml nllrr nlnl Wcll hm umul man In my on IMI mw ml HINIHI mm SALE 01 SUMMER SHIIES WALKWHI SHOES Dunlap Fma by rmm 14 Yde and vfhfle mums domed Crwm Hill United mm Mm Min Ella misc Drury daughter of Mr and Mrs Hnr did Drury of Crown Hill Imam the bride Jack ail ford Hesse son Mr and Mrs Hillard Dem 01 Guthrie 11w aflemoon wedding was comiudzed Rev Allison Vows EXChanged At Crown Hill Haynes Mm Namm Tuck of Crown mu presided at the organ and unmarried due snlbist Dan Lennon ol Barrie he saw lhe Weddixw Prmr and 11 Lords kw Shepherd GOWN 0F FEM DE SOE The bride wnscscurtod In the altar and givm in marriage by her father For this special mm meat at chose floor 11mm gown of man de soie with Ohm tflly lace appliqucs me bodice of the dress camrcd milky scooped neckline and mg petal polnl sleeves lrmlmd with tiny mums flw laamui skifl of lhq gun map to ohm 1m hridea bouï¬am veil ol Mlle was held by headdress 01 me pelals urbeddcd with tiny pearls Her bouquet was while sham daisles and yellow Sweclhcan roses and she car tied lace hurlikcrdï¬tl belong ing to her zramlzthr BRIDAL THEME Carrying Ihroum the theme ol 1h bride the humAdam wore floor length mm sauipeau with flowing trains held by bow at Lhe back at we dresses They wore henddressu lashioncd large rpse nl muxpcnu wivht Ens Inï¬im to mm mm mmmur mm mm ilk1m nl min wlrblua lulum mun mm mm dulqu by Mar do LI mm hM Irmnnl flunth or yak run Hmm mnt mllnr and Mimi th Mm lmunnm 11w Ml hmrnNhM lrm lrru hawth WW Im IN Mu lt Mun twa Ihc Mlly Iwrr waillllnc llv mm In Mwylu MW of wt 5mm wmd rulm up Mwimu BUDGET PLAN Sound you va oil paymwll only 0v many mum AmM Id win Il who lval omumplion high and olhv lly haulh Cull oduyl STANDOUT IIHJ synod MEANING OIL paymonnunllwmfy ME AND MRS JACK BESSIE SHRJEHNT co LTD In FL IlaII MI 11 2M mm Their bouquets were white and yellowmwus Mrs Morley Caan 0r flha the matron honor was attired Sn pale green The brida maids Miss Edna Beau ol Cathie sister the bride gmom Min Gwen Cooper and Mia Man Drug of Hill lhe brides sister wore yel luw gwwu 77m flower girl Miss Jean Canpsallrol Alum Elgin viqre WW flow Ienglh pew sole accented wilh green sash wih large bow and train ntlhe back Richard Junker at Barrie cwsin the bride was ring bearer The groomsman was Morley Campbcu Drink The brideo brother Bill Drury of Crown Hi1 Russell Hesse mum of the bridegroom and Donald mu cf Sobrlgm wen the ushers GUESTS RECEIVED TM brides molhcr received her guesLs nl Guthrie Community Hnll For this occasion she won dress and Jacket ensemble 01 beige lane wiUI pelallcd ha in groan lanes and matching amen acccxsmics Her norsage was yellaw roses Ls In receiving the bridegrooms mum paswl llowmd geonwue dress with while nmcswrlcs Her cor sage was pink IDSEL lhe brides travelling ensem blu was 11 turquoise fluwcred dug with matchlng dmm While accessories and corsage yellow rams cmlclod her cosume After wedding trip to nor thern Ontunm Ottawa and tha St Lawrence Um cmmln will lay up rcsldcmn In Bu nnu Honored guests at ho wed ding were the brides grandpar ents an Drury and Mr and Mrs William Edgcnnn ol W11 Hill Oulnfovm xumls allmlcd mm In Angelos Cal St Cath nrlnm Orillla Moum Elain Mid land ToroMa Walkman crhnnmgh and Barrie 13 Monnglt uld Nu lrillm Divlslnm Dmnrlmfnl nf NMlonnl Ilcnllh and Milan 011m speaking rï¬fnlly In Wmdwr nlaï¬u mid am the first Itinvlplo of good nntrilim In grglrvy rand nod Spcnkmz group My lnhuum my 1rme fruit Ian vrzvlnhws he aalxl Cum mrnt has mumHy lmm made In Hm Um prrmn Mmrwhl tleviw In men Man In ml mm mum Htl mlnyzhn mum Ivnp lnrhmo Wuh awmullln Mlml rmlinw mimx mh mm planning In no luwmihlr Nutritionist Favors Salads Iln urn ml In My llml mud Ml nvmlmk uw mmr Mo 11 Ilu min In mlmll may he dde lorAtlmM who will In put on whim DL Mend um Inlvl lhcy dumlhl he Might nl cm ymr anl IINF Mmhm rnnqmr Miml and Norma NWqu nrrw mnkn hm pmhlrln nvnllnhln Hummm In rmlm ylrlf nml Invlml in gnaw mdulm Hum urr mtmam Mm mmm DOWN Thu mm Amnlrlm MI Ilxqumux lra mum and nlmm mm your than by 5mm 5mm MB AND MRS JIM Hayes vrm photographed at the cepllon whidi Solhwed Ihdr wedding in mam United Church The bride the form er Ethel Poole the daun lcr Mr and Mmllmne GENEVA AmDr Fe be mud tiny jggggmg doctor Mm runs hospital in Philippines and oocaslmaflly has tn ad pasca sign 1kgle so Dr 1mm ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬d Ls um lundsomc now president Ho hart And William ï¬nllh co mimic minim Minna Doctor Sold His Possession5 To Maintain Childrens Hospital Join Your Neighbours ut W©©kW©TH9S Tim BARBIE EXMIINER FRIDAY JULY 15 1966 Shop with Ease Say Charge It Please ww your lelulbfl tmm 0mm n4 phi your CrMII lul III umo lay mu 711 Illllll Value Puckd DOWNTOWN BARRIE Poole ol Mldbuzst flle bridr mom the an Mr and Mn Hnyes of Danie 111 m1 will make their home In Emu on rewm hnqeymogn It On mm Photo bycy new than honors as the Elm beU VBladnweM Marga Hodand gm Del Mundo that award Sunday nllunoonz he ï¬rst lee he and the 66 pound doctor had seen each other since the Second World WAr About 600 members nl he Medial Wmns International Associaï¬on mm 31 countries SUMMER Monlhly Plymonll Henxy Faelz shown signing the regisizr flowing their lourneyed hy bus from Roebu er when they are holding their biennial eminence to see Dr Del Mundo their presi dent rccdve the award The Maui presentation was made only nlew yade com where Elizabeth Madmen In 1m received undiwl de gree She was he ï¬rst Ameri can wuman doctor marriage on Jub Mul calm Summen cm ducted Ihu evening ceremony in Wcsimlnsler Yresbyterhn Church 1h brld is the lur mcr nobcrlin Cranium daughler Mrs Ann Gur diner Barrie and the lulu William Gardiner lhe brida tmom is the son Mr And Mrs George Henry Fact oi Early in the Second World War leland Ihcn young bmlnessman was lnlcrned by lha Japanese in the Philippines He wamed 156 pounds when he was taken inln mody and three years am month and lhrce day lalcr he came out of inwrnmem at 91 pounds GEORGE Barrie mmm wedding trip the couple win make their home in Iha city Photo law prer CENTRE OF ELECTROLYSIS UNWANTED HAIR SAFELY REMOVED FREE CONSULTATION For Appclnlmenf Cnll BEZZANT NURSERY FLORIST BEZZANTS HEADQUARTERS FOR SEED PLANT FOOD POTS AND CONTAINERS Jnhnmn St 1260241 Tho McLARMEY Min 51le Coxhem Evéiytï¬lu For 111 Gard Fm Gnnl SI Wilma Bldg I95 7180380 SuiII Up To 295 15 mu