Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jul 1966, p. 5

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wmu wirdm tomrmmhllon dated back MON hr First Wmd Wnr Ind radios more um by mviis they did not breathe npopuhr In home until after the First World Wm A5 mass pm dudlnu gm mdrr wny they won hrcnme popular The rnrly pmbwnr uu hml rarplmnm and lhrn Hume Innzc horns Mllan we kxwvm 10ml spew hrs INC made Um Mr ph Ilnanfmfy An amtrt In radio and EM vision wait wurk Mr Saun om um he rugrelm he could no mime flu nld ml due to missvmz para him could not he refluxM because he tell would have me MonMing The tarhone India waiving tel were in falrly popular InuslMd me in the earl 20 um am In Mm mm Ira rhnnno Mnre mm rrnlmk Id lr Snumlm he mike Ml only hmrnvrmml in had an nldIashloncd earphone lo rvpair but umoflunalcly It was Km far game and we couldnt do Mixing with ll said Bob Saunders wclllmwfi Cookan lelcvixlm And radio glam operator ho mmld hem ytars aid from Barrio Already he said the park which under the jurisdiction or the provincial department at land and forum has bendith Alliston considerably But this only the beginning he said Warden McCague was glad we the considerable allenlian given the park as well filler Simcoe County tourist attrac tion Including Saulh Simcoe Museum at Alllslon Th greatest polcnlial of lhe park Is still ahead he said when nskcd his views on the 5m Rm park development just lvm miles rum Allislun They are gomg ma an some lake alune which is cer tain to be an attraction said he Simcoe County warden with enthusiasm ALLISON sum Devel opmml ma Earl Rowe Park cant help but mean great deal In Alliswn and the entire district it was stated by Allis tonflenve George McCague Old EargPhpne Set Radios Recalled By Cookstown Man Park Development Aids Alliston Trade Bond Haven Reward Sally has been sold by Get well Beelan to Federation of Agricultural CoOperafive So COOKSIOWN sum Ionnonmw Cdumfimas MAIINEE SATURDAY 00 PRIZE BEETON COW GOING TO JAPAN NOW PLAYING 645 900 Our duMnn didn hlu In ravr Harrie at ml lml Hwy nrrw lkc ll llrn mld Mr Stum Irrn llm Um nldrsl and lhcn lhrrr ll Km 20 and Jnhn Tim Aungru Faye ll lhreo yrm III din bu also lclmslcm rmlian Imalrd on hlglway in Cookslown here It is known Queen Street Mm Saunders sum Is Imy piano Mr Sam dcra spoke about plans or flu mmrfnring and mm ol Ourul Slnel nnnmmrod by Ilrcve Innis Monkman rtccnlly and also of he lrimdly neigh borly ulmosphcra of he cum My He said he had Ms wife the mmr 6qu Harris at Harrie llid not like In leave Hank but th Ml lhry would Imam hrir xlnrc In Conkslnwn and havent mmllrd IL It II ml frimdly wynmnify he 11M The Vrmmloxnmkrd 1hr MM anniversary on July ll Tlgry crylinnrrml Al nnrrlc LMkslvwn is me Simcae Countys oldest cmmnumlln and It dIJnt move ahead or ycnra but we Ml the omiook is good haw mid Mr Saunders re ferran lo the nrw wncr imam find other kmrawynmls In addfllon to civic leaders nlhcr Allislnn pcopla have spok en in high praise of the park which is less than two miles from the towns borders in Tos syronua Townships 7th Contes smn Work is proceeding on the large new addition to the park which is expected to be ready lor opening next year for Can adas centennial July 1967 The present park which covers no acres having record scasun with the camp sites all taken up during the warm week ends of July The new scclion Much Is lo calnd across the road from the present park will involvn mare llmn we acre and will include camp site far nearly four lime the present camp silo space project the Onlarla Dcpanmcnl of Lands and For esls the park will become the nlxul largest In Canada clclies of Hokkaido Knaml Hokkaido Japan She is daugmcr of Hon Haven Signet Sally who was three limes has already been big TONIGHT SAT SUN MON NAMED T0 BOARD TORONTO CHTwo add iionnl members both iawycrs have been named in the Ontario Municipal Board increasing its membership to 14 from 12 Mu nicipal Alialra Minister Spoaner said Thursday he has approved the nppoinimcni effeciivu his fall of Rana Marlin oi llowkesoury and William Thompson or Ainx CANCEL HOLIDAY OSIIAWA iCP The separ ale school hornd decided Thurs day In cancel hoiidaya on no Man Cnihoiic holy day and in stead for Catholic churches in hold special Ichool masses early on the days The student observed rix holy dnyl inst lcrm wilh days all FIND INDIAN SKULL TORONTO CWThe skull oi on lndian ho may have died in the idle 17001 was iaund Thursday by children digging in the bank at Iho umber River in anonioa west end FALLS FROM APARTMENT TORONTO CPD Iirandon Flemming oi Toronlo nan killed Thursday when he leii boost to our tourist bark and the large new addition increasu In potential considerably said Robert Doner anurancemln who said he had heard much favorable comment Joe Sand Ihoe mnrchlnl Il sn agreed it should mean grual deal to Allislan did 0mm Iltfruiir=l $51 Ff51rrwrrxuiirrff gs Grand Champinn Hulslcln fe male at the Royal Winlzr Fair Toronto and three times AllCanndian Jones Budd Parts Equip 725M W999 FEB Ulrd Bulldoun Ilrh In Conllutlon Supplch WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF mlln south Hunt on Hwy LTD Ralph lonu llm 500 out tumult llnu of Ford hm Eqnlpmznl tndun halm Ill INDUSTRIAL FARM alto Eupllnlnl loinfies MAY HAVE 10 SELL SOUTIMM England MP The financinl pasiflon of the Cu nard Llne so snrious that all its passenger xhlpsIncluding ha Quctn Mnry nnd Queen Elizabethmay have be sold In lwo yem This man wnx dtliverrd lo crew at lhe Inm ous llne In In nwrlcmr from Sir mil Smallpiece Cunnrdl chnlrmnn Tammi 11 1mm bridge across the Mississippi 1ch Thyrydgx and dim in SALES SERVICE JOINS COUNCIL onAWA cm Three pnintmenu and ch reappoint mcnla lo the Canada Council were Announced by State Sec retary Judy LaMarsh Thursday The new members include Dr Jlmes Alexander Corry prin cipal of Queenl Unlvcrsily in Klngslon IRON WORKER KILLED EAST ST LOUIS Ma AP An Irgmfiorhf Jos IGIEQXI eight sloté from an apartment mndow lcdga when screen glvn wny TOTIENHAM Stat Fol lowing the taking over al the Tottenhlm pond by the Noma wuagn Conservation Authnrity on July and tnvutment of an other 0000 In property large camp site am and new and better Include are planned It was disclosed by Reeve Fred Mutant lnnhrlrlxe EngllndSir Eric MacFayden a7 pioneer In the rubber indmry and LiberaI member or me BriUsh Parlia ment In 192324 shunon Cunn Everett Crosby 70 whn managed the llnging career 01 his brother He Id be understood lhal tree will be planted new camping Iran cream and more lvflmmingulacfliuu pmylded Belore the conservation auth ority took over the village ap mled he pnnd with consider able financing rum ubllc nub Icrlplion Bu with greager Nevr York Delmora Schwartz 52 major American poet professor Mlerary editor and trifle MunlreIJWilham Earle Col lison vicepresident of the Que bec and Ontario Trumanalien Co and farmer president of the Dominion Marine Assocla loll Monroe 7071 the comervalIoII authority is anticipated that de men will specqgg Hp at very hippy mm the prospects nld Reeve Mac Lun when asked how he and his council tell about It GEVDNERAI npvnnomam Reeve MacLean also spoke will enthusiasm about prospect or Totlenhnm to benefit from file general development of this part the province he refer red to the good power faciillies Plan ImprovmentS At Tottenham Pond by CANADIAN PRESS DEATHS nnlural an and olhcr Idvnn lagu reeve ha ts chairman Ill council committees He com mended he diam or colleagues and mentioned in partludar lhe worknlCounclllorLconard Abernathy an the roads and bridges cnmmiltee and Cam tiller Ralph Hanan of the pro perly commluee allied retired farmer Councillor Abernelhy is Iormor reeve oi Tecumsch township with com sidernhla municipal axpcricuce Councillor llalton is younger member of council who also has been an enthusiastic booster of Tattenham and the area We have had good ampera llan in our ellorls to help To tenham development all we can snld Reeve hlackan pulsing his colleague and also the clerk Dannld Fleck well an residenu generally uchon CLASSIFIED Paul Ngmnan Isllarper IEBHNIDULIJR PAHAVISION BROAD LO0M Tourists LARGE STOCK OF REMNANYS 0N HAND Roy Lem 14 HR SERVICE EXAMINER spacmusr IN wmmwau unmome Got yen For Chinese Food Cull RESTAURANT Dunlap mm UNIVERSAL nus co or BARRIE 7282414 UNIVERSAL RUG OF BARRIE THE DUNN ST Mull HEALTHFULLY AIR CONDITION ED dont can they Pay 65 Cnlllur 716IJI OF FINE gum 1mm 13 mum mm AT MI MATINEES DAILY AT 200 PM Ads tum rxszns ru um III nixmi uu Imm Mulml IVlllun Cnundl 14mm Mum lo hum Du mu 41M llnwlly um Hmmu Munro Iunll mm Am Dunnyum Ia mo Ilr lamy uvml 113m Hr 67 la urn ommvl nlen Iledlln om Gnl TheIn nmuu 11mm 510 15cltme mum New 1th Spam nqu 830 Ihmny Camrlny nAmnIul nan Innmm 64ch Cm mum WIUI In mun 100 at the considerable recent mm 05 Shawn in Toucnham which he loch now Is on the verge of real development He 531d he would like to give due credit to the many who have worked so hard 10 make it llDI rum 10an hllnrhln Psummer snmm I1 mm on um Lbnpmn Klnnrau IldOuaoofl Unum whII film cl Conlruu taum mum Lav Lucy xnuxlu Dum zsnu nu tun 3m Leann For mum kcmnm hum masIn Hell ueum cu mnnn Mm 144m Grunn Show wma In 30 whlch loo lcr the mlnuA trallon sworn water llghl and garbage collection reeve he ls chairman and flu other members are Ralph Tompson and Llonel Stone Sanitary sewers were Installed 12 year ago and um debentures nuw arc man than half paid or 5v In gm In addition to um mind and diflerent village crunnIzBUons Reeve MneLoan also znve pai llculnr credit the Totlcnham Pplplgc Um Commlsslnn The mum and wmmlsslan are eluded for two year urms every other year TODAY AND SATURDAY gave mayhem was pleased FOR THE DIST BUY IN THE CIIY Cull JOHN FRANKS Feature 700 gnrl 915 p111 ZBUFFALO FRANKIE lBUFFALO FTDRDNTO llHAMILION Dun Nolan 71 SATURDAY TELEVISION PROGRAMS RATIIIUMY JULY FRIDAY JULY 15 EVENING JULY 18 MORNING AND AFTERNOON Lmumwl lllnmumh mm fllvllly IllthIll 11 mm mm oNu mm mm nonnl nnd mo tun WI nml IATwlln In sum llnlv ml numlu DJIrllc IlVoln 1411er yumI new luv kw Nlumlu Ilunlr Mu 14m Mun Wm mm 1200 thnlot mm avmulnl xy Klnl IA ukm vnnhnm an Hum mu mm Amfinnrm In millrival lWlld ma Wm lGomrr Usuc Ll kcmnon Huneuu llIlnbby nm 00 lTov cu tTm Ind lorry lmllan mu Monn 11 iClnldlln Oven Gull Qultl um um rom lallmul llIIlhlu lrumlnlmh £an hm Dunn Ilnnk lCnonu cmlmun tPlu Duh Show iénmmi 6Pooph mm En rummun 130 IClmn Runlmurk tmld va Wm Hummer ammu uwna wna Wm 50 llHln From Untll rh Undem ncnumcl ll Nun llFunlly null ininoney wm THE BARlllE EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY 15 lm Today Through Sat SHflNTY BAY $52335 By M115 ALLEN Mr and Mrs William Pallun Mnnlrul spent the weekend with Mrs Pattons parents Mr and Mrs Willlam Bull Mr and Mrs wanton McGlnnis Grand Vailcy were also visllm at the 3511 home Dell Reynolds Wyevale spent Thursday with his cousin Mrs 5ng mm Mi rand Mr Jack Barnes and son Preston Miss Jean neumcown MMVWOMPIOII mum OI ON THE SAME snow Walt Disnéy Presents THE TEENAGE IN COLOR BOX OFFICE OPENS AT EM SHOW STARTS AT DUSK THE MOST MODERN DRIVEIN NORTH OF TORONTO Thu ll EV NG rump humid by Idlu mm It In ml Hul 10 luvlm TIM III MI my bmm ulllll nunm 71M Linn HAROLD FORSTER CO The greatest comedy oivall time LUIS CBOSSLAND 11111 11 II Gulhrle BLAKE mm Wrnmnl Dunn llunmn Inn in wuum WWII mmlmnu IlJn um lunM rub nu mumy May may um mm Alluwnn ma le LT Ian urhflnr rum 45uumny MIIM Arnuun um nun 54m Mqu Tm mun 7mm rum Mn Tlu rm In Lo hmnuk lnlUlmd mm sun luv 10mm Santr ly mend rum undnhlldl vlllwlryc l0 Hum lllunl fluch anmu mm Hum Inn hm sum mm mm 31 mm mm Chum mnnnl LTnnll nunn IInL lnwlnl mum ma Tour 1130 ZTonllhl Shaw nlom 111 PM melvhll Slow Tm In Murder by Comm Tunnluh nLm nu Hlollowlnl Mwm Ammu tMr Huber Hmomm Bremen llmucnn luncllnn 1000 ZMln Fran UNCLE xsenumanul Allnl cwuno m1 shuxlu IIlallywood Pmuv uMuv unmn IMD lSpallilhl 1100 llhzy Km ur mum T0 lulu non Curtis Woo TheGreatRace nmla cm Barnes and friend Toronto Mb Debbie Hanson Preston Mr and Mrs Melbourne Barnes Séaynm were weekend guns with Mr and Mrs Barnes Mrs Russel McElwaln Miss Agnes Hopklns spent 1h wak end will Mrso Sam Mlen and attended the Orange celebrallon in Shelburna and vlslwd Mrso Allens cousins at Badjem and Potts Cameras TRY EXAMan WANT ADS PHONE mam ALSO Slalom TVI HIFll ROCOleWO boll lino nolmlon Iho Iowa prim In town THE BETTER PIANO E0 PIANOS Bclween Enrrle Ind Orlllll FOR FUN IN THE SUN 11s Evmnvnz FOR 66 AVAILABLE NOW AT Shuly Buy mam ADVANCE TV VACUUM SERVICE Nll Mulclllel 72M NEW USED TV SET IS YOUR SPORT HAVEN 70 Dunk 71M Just call

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