Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jul 1966, p. 14

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With the exception at Northern White itiver nnd Ottawa reg ions the Toronto Weather lice iorecust is the same tor the entire pmvince Georgina Bay will share sunny day with 17 ciher districts Little change in temperature for today and Saturday with light winds tmm the northeast Comtortahle tern pcraturu in the mid705 an forecast for 43hour period For the Barrie area low at 50 degrees ls forecast or night with high larnnrmw at degrees The Barrie Examm trs ghermomnlcr regislered law last night of 55 degrees with OTTAWA CWTrade Minis er Winters repealed Thursday there Would be no loss of Cana dinn flour min to Cubn de lpile docisinns by 115 owned flour mills here 1m lo Md for any Ihe contracts lnvolvnd cplyinx lo Dnuxlns yew Dcmncralic Pnrly loader DISTRICT WEATHER be said Cnna Ian our nu would hcncfil mm the dud lious taken by the US owned mllls They are able to handle the orders He said he hm spoken lo Wherry Prtsldcnl of the Quaker OaLs Co of Cnnada 1111 and been nssurcd lhnl Canndinn based company had ncxivcd no dimlhc on he mailer Mr thrry had told lhc min lslcr he was nrllnx In lhcbcsl lnlmsls at his company And hesidu he didnt need the hull Hts Mr Mums mid he hnd ln ormrd Mr Wharry he unuld hum taken dillcnnl view at the allulr his drclsion had cclcd lhc rnnlrnrl Winters Clears Flour Question mm will not he mid PLEASANT cundilions exist nver virtually all of Canada according tn the Torunlo wea that office flaw of cool air Flanlx mm all In Mn pm pl nu slul mm mill In MhmilnlhK MM an IIImnmn Mun dune MN pun mim dune dmm pun min mm Tho Umled Run luv Pleasant Sunny Skies Cover Most Ontario SHOW SPY DEVICE TORONTO CF Forecast Issued by the weamer office at 530 Lake St Clair Lake Eric Lake Hunm Magara Lake On larlu Huliburlon Killnloé Gear gjnn Bay Alzomn Suult Slc Marie southern White River Timegami Windsor Londnn Torontn Hamilla Sudbury Nnrlh Bay Sunny with little change In Icmperalnrc Ioday and Saturday Wmds northeast 15 becoming light tonight the temperature It mm rash tug at 66 dams1 Synoplhi It will be pleasant sunny day with ltmpernlures generally in the comfortable mid705 Lmle change is ex pecled during the next 43 hours Mr Diclcnbnkcr made clear at pm conlcrnncc he would exvctl Amulan rclalln than lo allow In North Viol Nam rarried out iL1 lhmlsm Northern White River Coch rune Mostly sunny today and Saturday lltlle warmer Wind light CALGARY CP Opposl lion Leader Diclmbakar said Thursday Canadian nnvoy Chos lvr Ronnan should g0 lo Hana immedinlcly In an eflorl lo head off Noth Viclnamese lhreau In lemme Iplurtd American pl ols The very IUMCSHOH or pub lic trials And excculions Amorlcnn nirmw could bring disastrous conscqucnus not only In Non Virl Nam but ml lb world Mr Running 72 rallied dub iumnl has been In llanni lwke lhis yam ln mm with North Vietnam5e leadm coming down lrorn northern Quebec Into Ontario yielding In expected mid7a temper atm range large area of Dief Proposes Banning Return Ollawa region Mainly sunny mm AP mmihomi mle rhlrm Ihn nutm IIIIM IN Ml Ilul luv nmmunm Tlvhmnnk hm ulipkmplx pm Imam ul 3ka Inr qunnun no and cooltoday and Saulrday Light winds except nnrlhwest erly 15 ml analnoon Fortust tempertum Low overnlght high 5mm Windsor 78 st Thomas London Kitchener Mount Form Winghnm Hamilton 55 7B 55 78 55 78 51 75 SI Catha 57 75 Toronto 60 7B Pclcrburough 50 73 Kingston 7B Trenton to 55 78 Kitlalue 7B Musknka 18 North Hay 45 75 Sudbury 50 7tt Button 45 7a Saul Ste one 7R Kapuskasing 45 75 White River htoosonce oo Timmins ea amemw haich as first in North has been signed with Aluminum Co ol Canada here It eliminates wages ram laud on an hourly basis and mu all workers on what union npokumnn called an an nual salary Lloyd Fell Internallonal rep reunlalive or he United 5ch workm of America HELD laid the new plan ensure emplnyus wukly wage equal In 00 um ha old hourly wagc He did not disclose cuan wage rates Unions Inchl In he agree mcnl are Local Unlltd Sctlworkerl Amnrlcn nml Local 51 International Associa Hon Mnchinlnll nnd Am Ipnu nrkrn CLC thunderstorm activity cqvm Alberta Saskatchewan and part Manitoba CF Wire pholo Ovrrllme will still he paid on Um mm In out at hnun week Mr Irll sald hm unions har gnininx loanthr or llnglu mnlrntl um nlm uniqua in Canndiun lnhor nrnnllnllom Momhx nl nrzollnllnn Mn lnln lhu MW mnhnrl Mulch mvidrn wnnc lncrrnm Inn mm 11 mm In 51 ml nn hour our luoycnr perind rtlmndlve In May In Vacuum nml ullnre luur wm Illa no gnllnlnl Sign Unique Work Contract WHONTO WP erm hawmn Tvmmm Inlnlnlrd Thude hy Allmnoy Om rrnl Mlhnr Wilhm ahmlnr rl mums Irtal AM pronuul ulll lravc nu vmi on 15month our Ike wav Im In mm mnHnw ma AL mlurn Ml Lawmm MHAIIM law yrr uld In an knlrrflrw Thur xlny will pmwe mm lrnl RM rmmmlrn implr nwflinu um um prnmun by NH humle mmmnw mm wll mvm lnml dlvrumddu nudnb mm nu hllnwwy mu Numlnnml litl dwirv 01 llw muflnn by Law mm at mm lnrwla Mr 1mm um he Alxu HI Mlnblllh hnw many 7m mmtnn no mwlul Choose Head For Legal Aid lv MIN IIIIIIT lMTF Mr and Mn Jrn lmi wim Immg hum ml rm MIVI lhu MIMI valhrr nml lanuly Mr Imrl Mu lnlm lrmk Illlnn IIII lul llvv Mndirml lnlrr Im mmlvrulnr um an nub Dr 71n nn Sunlay mm In In IIIHIrIIlHN lnM Dmll III 54va ll lIMlIln In mt hrvl Iumrmr Nuunwl Ulhrr myva mlnilrll hav Iwu mum nummr ndvin In rnll la lo ht md Ant KINGSTON CH labor SUNNIDALE CBS SUDEURY CPlA man was stabbed Thursday at the Inter national Nickel Cal mlne nenrby Levack men about 200 mm smging wildcat walk out attempted to slop one em yloyze from driving away from lha mine properly Police laid Elion Turcmie 19 oi Axiida was in air condilinn in hMpllfll Thursday night with stab wound in he chesli Police have charged Reginaid Lavcrgne 31 Chclmsiord wiih wounding He is to appear in court today Abonl 100 workers from the mlnes 2000 fool me walked off their Job Thursday morn ing claiming they were being treated unlath by manage By MR8 DWIGHT NELSON WOMEN IN OFFICE It In Interesting to read that over one month ago In Edln burgh Scntland lhe Presbyter Ian general assembly nulhurized the appolnlment of women eld era on the lame terms men Thll decision follows 34 year sludy and debate an the sub jectr On June 12 following his new ruling St Andrews Church in Arthur in the Bruce PeninA rule elected woman tn he of ice at elder Mrs Norman Mc Innis ls the first woman elder In Canada In lhe Presbyterian Church The general assembly continues its sludics on the them logical problems of ndmitllng women to the mlnislry DiSturbanCe At Mine Results In Stabbing AUCTION Tha arena board is asking for donations of iurnilure live stock grain household and arm equipment or white clo phants On Sept public auction oi ihese donaiinns will be held in the arena The pm needs will awards financing its upkeep Donalinns may be given to the board members who are Les Smurlhwaile Mer vin Ayrcs Mrs Todd Neilly Villiflm Gibbins Gtr hccn Wlte iii Jackson and George Burton CREDIT LOANS surfing August lhe local Credit Unlon announces policy change In lhat applicanls or Inn will be rcqulred to main mm share balance of least Iva per cent ol lhnir personal loans On July rausscau an were given by the mothers or two bridcsmbc Mary nix and Jean Spence Both girl were guests of honor at community showerl On July 10 In lhe nbscnce ol Rev Hall 110 Is holi dayan at mum Port Sew em Mayor Les Cooke Ilnnle occule the pulpit nl lhe Pros hymlnn Church and dclivncd In Address ram he luymnnn pcinl View on he Biblical me Come unln me all ye lhat labor lormrr Innislil minkuh Miss Bclh Huddlcslnn Snulh Amtrer has anhcd llama la uwnd ycnra mlmmh winl hcr parents Mr and Mrs Im lluddlmnn firth has sLnul Inr riglh years modirnl va linnnry wilh World nndln MI alanary Ftllmuhlp lnrmpomlld Erundorl She plans In nnllnue hrr work In 1967 In South Amtr 1n lmxr mnryou have won Al unrk Inr lwn wrckA In Ihe ul lnxo and Man lllxhwny ll They are bringing up 0dan Ihu plnn Ihl hlxlmny uhkh hnve nurr hem thnnntd ulnru 1W0 when WM bum hy he lnmwr Kmcmmrn nl uhlch on Drnry rmm lllll wnl IIntlcr Tm work nl hm lmy II In turd all nrw hulki Ian rrmrnmre nll IvuiMImu 1mm Frnnrlln Comm lo lnln ulrk 0N FURLOUGII MD HUMHY Mr and Mn Dan Win and Inmlly nu nllrmllnn Hw nl guy filnmmle hln uni Mr and Mr filmy nml mm mm July or nlllnrnlm and Vlmmnrr uhrm lhry ulll vlnil lhn lurmrrn nldrr Mrl Ilvnl thnn Mn mu Mrl MInn Twirl Im IMle My mm mm lnnlslll Hrlxl my or we uckl lrlp In Smknltmn lor all ullll Mm TNHI Inmlly IWI Sm ON HP For unlor dollvory lo your home or office all our drtvlllion dept 7266539 51hr fliurriv Examiuvr HOME DELIVERY NEWS or mom ll MAYHEM IT ment OthersIbined them Hm PuKePPd Pollen raid tha drlvgr grabbed hunting huh and stubhzd Tuxcone He then drove off through ha own at Iavack finally surrendering provin clnl polka detachment 1n Dowl flux Township about two miles nway Police said mm 100 men lumed iire has into an em pioycee car as he was at tempting in leave me mine area The crowd Valsn kicked in the car door and jumped on me hood mas KNIFE 15ny Sodcnuprosident or Lo cal H500 United Steelwgrkcn of Amerlcl CLC mm the walk Current to visit Mg Jack All ongnl Mon to Rum and Mrs Cochran and to Deputy reeve and Mrs Sawyzr who were celebratingwcddinz anni versnrles on June and res peclively Mrs George Burton returned to her home on Sunday after nursery In Barrie huspilal Acémam Wednesday afternoon July the noise crash revealed that surveyor working on Yonge Street had been nln over by tractor driven by George Mnlm llth line Michael Feen ey who was looking through his translt was thrown to the ground receiving deep bruise on his lelt arm and chest and the trader wheel passed over his upper legs Fortunately no bones were broken Alter being taken to Barrie harpilll by am bulance he was later released to convllesce in his home in Thamestord Slroud LOL were prmnt It Shelbume Saturday to Join hun drgds other Orlange 11911555 For he convenience lhe visilinz public boxed Med chicken accompanying first and second courses and bcvelnge will be available at the Park July 15 from council and committee memberl rem noon on VlSlTons On July at Hall Board meeting Mrs Edgar Thompsnn was appainlcd secrelary ln ml the vacancy left by the dumb Lennox Black was decided mm flan In annshlp Field Day panda Mr and Mrs IGNcali not Ruth Small and family Fredericton NB wilh Mm Small ML and Mn James Leonard wllh Ihe formerl bro lhor Albcn Kapuskasinx Mr and MrL Cecil Clarke Midland wilh Mr and Mn lmman Ilull Mr and Mrs Thoma Faxan and mu Dalton Elm mle will ML and Mn Herb Illnck Mr and Mr Vcs Wench Ernie Mr and Mn Norman Third and Inmin with relatives hue Mrs Arum Sutherland Linden with her sislclf Mrs and Mrs Allnn Todd mu surprir ed to havc her maltma nnclr Alvin Pculxrcw WesLmlnsur ILCv me In call She had not Ivcn Mm or 40 yenn lle wan nccompnnizd by Mr and Mrs Ilowanl 1an Toronto the Inl lrr beinl his dnuuhter 11W EXAMIme MNT ADS IHUNH 7M1 Parliament At Glance NDI mnnlml arm the WM hul dnw Inlld Iupporl rum Ihr nnsrnmlvel II My mmll Mll Ilnml Ind he mmlrd nltmst mrr It 1M mm mm unrlly lwn Mela nller the govern mrnl mun mnvlnl or lUlll Hm hnlltlly uhIrh fight 1ij allrg nlxhl Till fink July l1L nrhumn rum1M at Iummrr unlil Oct Ilm nuan mo Ins hillconrern the Quclm dmk Ilrlko nllrr ll ram TM mnnlhly unemplnymml purl Ihmml lhera wrrn 2mm nmuxlnn wlthnul jnlm nl mlvlJunw drnp mm 1000 In Mum Tho Bmlo Examiner only 45 weekly MM TIIE KIWI MLT IN lIIK EXAM Allnnl aim out resulted when Ihe men to they were being treated unfairly by management He urged the men to my on lhe job but said we arcfiware of the cause um In making our man dissatisfl Thu unlnn has churns aznlnsllle company pending They lnvulva alleged vlolalion of mu Hours Work ahd Va ullon with Pay Act They will be heard in Sudbury July 27 Lhmi year contract he lwccn Inca and the uniun ex pired Sunday The limits have been negotiating or several weeks iffyouve been waiting to buy Car 1963 FAIRLANE 6481 Radio new wHitcwaLl lira Like char mdan monutic will uhnawall lira I964 FORD 723m custom door mi standard transmission FRENCH MOTORShave the deal youve been waiting for 1963 RAMBLER ACT NOW 1964 DODGE 440 6452 door harllllvp radm amommlr pour Ilmmx mmnu Um and uhul com 1mm seals power Mminn nahs window radio pour antenna uhncwnn Lina door mlan nulnmauc ltmxmmmn HP zine wuh rmlm $995 00 I965 CHRYSLER SARATOGA 70744E Mb lrlmhlml In lulu uh MI Iqu Mull mluw mlunmlr puvwr uwnnn mm I96 DODGE PIONEER 1961 FORD GALAXIE WM CHEVROLET Bradford 1mm mum 0th FRENCH M0 TDRS TRADERS PLAN FOR EVERY SALE Sincere sympathy extended to the relatives of Mrs Glendon nlng who was buried In Craig hurst Cemetery last week Miss Joyce Fox vlsiting Mrs Sinlon Mr and MN Snider calev braked their 33rd wcdding anni versnry July In Mr and Mrs Abram of Mlncsing accom pnmed them in dinner at the Continental inn Barrie Lime Beth Snider cnlcrtalncd 15 Honda liar bmhday party July Mter swimming at the pnol at RIchmeadnwx hey en oycd plcnlc supper on the lawn at hnr hnme The Hodgson family held reunion for 40 rclaflvex at Ihe farm homestead last week $149500 $139500 $149500 $379500 $189500 $ll9500 $159500 CRAIGHURST By MR5 runny BEBE 60550E 72849E HIE 69H rm mum unmask ramm JULY 1565 1961 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN 20153 door push Mm autumch slant six rmwr $109500 01m door cyl undue standard mans l9 FORD 1963 PLYMOUTH door hnnllnp automalir with push buum radio power uunmL $1 49 500 rlmr whn mlmnnuc rrlinlshod ln make hnwm MW ml mum 962 CHRYSLER I962 DODGE DART 19M VALIANT mm mm mnwnr mlh mun filmIn nul WM ml $149500 WM CHEVROLET I966 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 MIA law human 1mqu Mm ml uhul vlml door sum six angina fled car huh uInlewnll hm IIMI Mr and Mrs Madison spent the weekend In Tornnto ivuniamnlaig Toréhio spending afew days at Max CralgL Mr and Mrs Baldwin Tar nnlo are holidaying with Mr and Mn Baldwin Mrs Cowani has had her house covered with new siding had it painted and erected new cncci Mr and Mn Handy and grynddlflQre Nell and A1 £51m Handy attended the nth of July ceicbmnon at Shel hume Salurdny MAJORITY AIIE YOUNG Pcople under 20 make up neaer 60 per cent the popu lalion of the worlds underde chaped counlrics $149500 $119500 $149500 $199500 728597 $99500 6871M 71385 713785 55795E 6868IE 065E

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