Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jul 1966, p. 1

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121 CGE Expects EXPGnSion Withih waYearS sunnle CI All lnllmMimI Nlrkrl On qwnlions 1n Ihc Surnmry arm mmo Io 511mqu lndny fldral mike nl Um Wax mina mrmd lhmugh All pmpefllu Al Mud he Inlcmnlimnl Emlwmkm nl Amnim CLO has mnlmdn CANBERRA Reuters Canndlnn Stale Secretary ludy LnMarsh WIN mrivn Sydney ncxt mm as lhe gum he Almmmn Mmmml ndmg Prime Minisler John Melinm Innounmi why 8n will hnvn infomul dismasinm xilh Australian mIantm partiallme on mltuml mallow CHICAGO AW polite Filipino girl first behold the horror eight butchered girl lncnds weanoakrd mans undershirt blund splushcd slowingsiren house lull of fingerprints Coruznn Amuran 23year old exchange student y1ng heavily scdnlcd in hospital bed is he only mm and Ammo the only survivor ol yesterdays mass murch hur rnr in Chicago is led away Nurses Nickel Mines Stop Work mulalqu Mm 11mm um name Iluu dunk LaMarsh To Visit Australia Still At Large 102m YurNu 164 STUDENT NURSE Corawn The Hometown Dally Newspaper For Barrie and District LATE NEWS Il mm mm CHECK BIKES RT QUEENS PARK survivor of lhe earymoming slnuflhlcr eight sudnnl nurses Thursday in lnwnhnme that served as dormitory My Line hoped lo qucsllon her ny The undershm the in er prlnmlhese were Among what MIC considered pltifully cw clues to lhe Identlly he nurses killtr mm he own house nparl man by pnline department or licials She is shielded mm view by coat or security mam 11mm Ir nlhlf fl mmfiamral Illnru Ill mlh Annual ml yumm um mm Hnch mm Eh arm vifixaminpr The mm slain onehy nnhby strangling slabbmg or both One girls windpipc ca rnlid artery and junular vein were cul Tesu 1nd lhe girls were sexualiy molulcd were Incompltlc although one girl was naked and five olhcrl in various stage undress Weve not suhunl mnI hm said police rummundcr Francis Flanagan he never seen an him more horrible Only lhu mrl and lhe killer know he nnswra In those qlm llnns Vh1l In the Intruder look like lnw did he cnlcr have lluw dlrl hr conduct lhe man slnuth ulhmt neigh bors hmrinz even dngln mn Miss Amuran escaped the massacre by mlling under bed she lay hm unmuving lhrnunh he terrnrillcd nlahl The gxrl was 50 hysterical when shn Iroed hum from her bands at am that doctors mm nnl permit delallM po llw imrrvicws reasons Alm brief quas tlnning pcriDd she was re moved to hospital here she as placed under heavy with Ian AP Vircphota Mm mm yumm wk pm In nmlm mm W1 Hm mmmru ll mm lnk ivhy KIM Mlu Amurnn unwran cw yards may hear urcan MTAWA KIN112 novern men Emposed lntreased pen sum paymls or some Cana dian lhursday and immedi ater sinned canceling lumps from opposition MP who said Um program was loo little and too late Health Minister MauEadwn ha had promised the Connmm mum on pensions More the summer mass rose early Thursdays sums to de scribe program which would guarantee minimum mnlhly imam of $105 tothase who nrw qualin or the oid P0 sion of $75 month mluon MP qulddy nolcd Ihnt governman plan does not mean boon to $105 pension or everyone wwld only guarantee Ihat no pcn sioner would have live on less than $105 monlh This is Just man lei under different name lald The Examiner TODAY Bunlo Onhrlo Claude Frlduy 15 1966 JERUSALEM nzulen United Nauon omclnls aid to day lhe nilunuon appcnu ulm on lha Syrinn IsrucH harder when explosions and an air bal lle lack place in the last two days xpakcsmun mid Iha UN Ixuce supervlsinn urganiullan has to fur received no cnm plninls mm ellhcr Ildo op Thundnyl nir hullle Inna mid Ils plnnc raidcd Syrlan cnuiuming plunu in lnllallon or Syrianhum mid nu Isrncli lenilory he prcvlbus day MOSCOW ICI lrlmc Mln Mu GAMM ml India ho fmal mm Mk th PN mhv Mud Kanch I2 54 VIII lnhm may mum leiuh lltml HM Iluuunn ha lumnl dwm vm Nam pm Wu mumml In mnh IN thrh dim In Kuqirnn hurlurl call In mm rmv null 11 on Indochina In luk WWI gum In In whhru nmwhy Irvin MVM liWfih My Al KrNMln Al MIMI KM hanl mm Knruin mum nu mum anfli mmm In WIVM lhlkt lndeul ha lil m1 at Unlml Elnlm vmblhn ml JINMI lly ml w1Ir plank In wry mummy wilh Iml Nam th VM Hum IlYIJl me Célm Befiurns To Israeli Borders mamnl mu mul my my Iwwh mm FinI $30 Boost In Pension Is On Limited Scale Kalb Minimum1 plan Indicate Gandhi Proposals Fail mmch Mllnvllll mde 11 TV Littlan Thutrol WomenId VulhrrH Ann Llndlrl7 my Non1 Ulllllkdll ll CnmluI MilliH RACIAL RIT ING STRIKES CHICAGO Pl llymrd PCSimme East noling Mr MacEnchen ask bill embodying flue pul sion changes would be brmh In when he Camnon resumes ll sitting in Delober allu re cess 3ch lb changes should be lustiluled immedialely Me asde Whether the increased pawnuts would be made relro active but sol no mm mm the minlsler Mean test and need test were Ihe words used by apposian Ml in attacking Ih program Mr MacEachen denled than was any such con dillnn Slqu Knowles NDPWimL peg Nnrlh Centre and it would take away the dignity of Can adas pcnsionem Efic Winkler PC Grey Bruce said we program would be Inlally inadequate He tried to lnlmduce motion for an emergency debate on pen sions but was ruled out of order by Speaker Ludcn Lsmwreux WANTS CHANGES NOW Haficvu Ihe expressilm be Ing used in Melmum circle ln describe whal will dLler mlne lhal cupplemc al pay ment jnconlel corfin duumn 4564mm pug Snulh Comm and 0th mm would be my SAIGON lMlUS kl Ilcw record 114 mission Mains Norm Vic Nam mummy Camnumst MiG clashed wllh 15w Amoricln nldm nor US Mr Fora and navy Jeu also dodgcd surfaceMir mu mu Ind rmwd Mn nu rruJar bridge on me railroad line cman Illnnl with him In lwa tncounhrl mm Mar Hannl us Mr Fmr EMAn Ihot dmm lvm lnle Inoch MIG 11 Th kill wm nnnounud mm hour of the action bu mo navy din Cloud today lhnl thee Fl Cru Imlm were nuadm by lwn MN 17 26 rm multh Hmnl ONO KONG rule Nnrlh Vln Nnm my dun down lhrca UnHNI Slam plnnrn uhlrh nth Ilnnol and It nub urhn It noon today llnnnl rndln ulrl nu punt Mn rnvluml Post Record Bomb Missions In lw mil whkfi IM ndM Kmzlm In lullun mbfr nm an MM lrxy PM Inflinl Nmfll VH Nun am that Invnlwl mm IVIIM lulu ll VM Nam Imp In lbs rtmlormru lam 111m In no 5me tmlru 1w munu ulnl Kmyzln mm mm rIMr urn hm rally In vlmuulnnl ulh Mn and ml 0w MVM Uninu muhl nM nzl mm rmku Int pun lam mu HM 50 Ar lhl Nollh illlnflwn NnIluw MM Hwy no mwl annllnm Mum lulu mum by In Ivnuml llnlr uvmmm rmlillom Mn uqu Donn Ill Mme Mumn All lmr one in In 01 MIN Imum Wilun lira IM lmillr NM pnu pm um mzmm Jurnru uh Ib HIum Ulqvvml In NH ngwm mm IlmuIb film in ma lull Hmth imam or re Its clear ram thedetails he has given In that um is just the means test under another llama sources before pensioners are elixibVe for Increased paymgan Details ol the method Inbe used will be disclosed in the leg Islalhm Mr MacEachcn re plied FIGURES TOLD TALE Mr Knowles said Mr Mac Eadnen ch the eai out of lhe bag when he said the pmgram would cast an estimated $715 000000 at the start mat miountui to less than $15 month palm as law or every person now draw in the old age pension lhis made it obvious leas on completely different basis than the $75 pension now paid to everyone at age 69 no matter what Iheir financial position Policemen Shot vIn Philadelphia other policemen mnvergtd on he ma and throw up drag or hue mzn mn fleeing on Iool leasl one man was ar rcslcd when he climbed to real Ind hm jumped and of liggrs capghl him PHILADELPHIA AWOne policeman was killed and 311 01th refluxst wounded when they flopped nn nulu during roullne palrol In sum Philadel phia today Llnm Jame Agnew uld Ihe shoalmg occurmi when patrol mm Michlel flobinsnn and Grant Jacobs flawed nn auln alum or unflic vinlnum or nurse Hwy were mpiciwa Robinson was shol in ht ride Jacob was shot in In Mil And lulled Mid Axum MrUm llnlwl Inn On dwmy hid of gimp on nl CanJIM Farr llwl umulrrn uhl In an Intmkw mly mm mm In ulllrvl MIIV III wmhl HM Inmmlrfl lullhrr lb lunmI In In mum IIIAI lnur vmrlulmmh hm mmmnl Hwy hm mm In mlml mly mMLnu unlth In warm at Iipull lvrluun lho Ivllhrll Ian lrfmu Mlnll Irr Hrllyrr our Intrlulhm nl lhvI Innnl hum Hrmvll Tlmmlly nlnhl mI Iha nur umwhnlull are ulgrflnl ur Muml In Ind luv nun lillrmuu wllh lh mln mrr II My Mum llun mmuu HHIEH rmm Cunldlnn Pom llrnrMmirnll up re pmlrd mlgnrd llrul will IIWUIQ Ilh Do lrnu Mlnmrr lmll rll rr mrr lnlnzmllnn qurL vfrll In rIRMl lluuhrll Two Admirals Reveal Retirement Request 01TMVA néuMrhxul erhelL CHICAGO MINTh Illinois national sum was called out today three nights or disor ders on Chimgol west Ilde welled into lullscale rlofln with sniping looting and ex change of 5min begwcen po lio axyd iglpqul In the lhlld nlght n1 rioting twn Negroes were ahal Ind killed slx policemen lncludlnx mplaln wereighnt And more hum persons were arrested Numerous clvillana also were wounded Gavernor Ollo ur dcred 3000 zunrhmen lramls Chicago mm of I11 llflnais unnal guard to he scene the request Mayor Richard Dairy ol ghllcagm Tfiey wull back up some policemen who havaJmn lggcg tn the pun Policemen eun carrying machineguns Iholguni rifle and tear KI Thursday night in nddiflnn to pistols and him slick to combat roving hands oIMvIandglgploolers find an MOMREAL CplThe now The sum hmspitals represent prolessiona sun of uvtn about 500 beds Mn Heal hospital went on 1W hospitals in sherbmoko strike ll am today as what wen repoer bring plcketod uLcd at Me nmnfint of mike Fullhcr nexoumion warn null hospital um chbclc rescheduled to walk filordy LaJL dlmh flmod ll Avcnmz lh4 vm out awaran lly lailcd Mediationbdwun lho Quebec Ilosplln Associa llon and the National Padan lion ServiceLACNTU um umu on throughwt the mm In downtown hold Thu Chlugn Trans Authority shut down vbu Ind elmled train service In lhq area 11ml lice blockcdjlf moat mughfarex In an man to halt the lwlinx and gunfire Pkkcit sel Vupmlinrm Mly Alga he Alnko dgadllne Illul rnnirmul Hmu tlnv uithl In Iliad In hlu Mt Hrnmnl nmml DHAIL lml luu INIth nu drxldml hum hll lulumm mlllzns Mlimmmzn hu 0th Itlmhnlu HMIM lo Iho uy ml lur Admiral WIl um lynwlymnu llalllu III hi MMMVIII lnln mind And Ih Mllnflr Ylul HFIFAIHIIIII 1L Hlvl lnl mulmnll Im ulnpuly Inmmmln of he Mulllm lenmml ml mm mnmln lmllw HM In Inwltm Ilrlhrr IAirl hr mrlml In mun flu mm Ilnuulnn th nHIrlul ll nnarIIn Imtu hudquutm hm Inu Hospital Staffs Start Strike lln depuly rhltl uhnlcll mvim loghllu nl Cun Iullnn lnrtm limlqumm sum mutmnn MT drpuly mmmnmlrr nl Mnlllhne ommnnd Ilul mn mlmlcr ul lmflc Flm Two Negroes Are Killed Six Policemen Wounded Mgii Than 10 For Copy 13qu Sunny with lempcralures In the 70 ladny andSaturdaY law tonight 59 High Saturdfiy 73 For can my to hazaqu In one the most vialch ln cidean Thursday nighl morn film 100 policemen exchanged xhol In an hourlung encounter with mlpers in two highr15 apartment buildings Police 13311 moved 1n and cleared out WI buildings iPnllcn today filed charges at conspiracy lo cgrnmit lrcuon against of personsm ruled in lhe basamenlnl on building raked by rnca rioting An officer dedincd 19 dani mem on the aclipn except In say the charges were beingjiled IS Ivmull or confluence of police officials the city aunt ney and ACT civil right The man shot short time 1am wns Mcnlilied as Rhy mnnd willlnms 22 cl Robinson ville Min Ha aim was dad on uniyaL The Negroes slain fire yoga girl and aman may bullet and killed she stood on Iron purch during wave of trouble in the am which ls about four miles from he westernredga ol dovmlnwp Chicago can my much lhlj lime hr said flownver oday would be very good dw at mminlinns Fullhcr nexoumion warn rescheduled to begin shortly after am Reached ll his ho cl amn by lclmhane Paul Em Olivier leader IM hospital nswciallms negotlnl inz mmmiflce would mah Iillle cummtnl nun urvlaln prermrl um ullllnl III ll mun vrmnn Allunlurl nm lmnhwl rm IIIII hr mlmiinn In wnulnnl Ihnuhl Inynnn Iw km or Ilml rally lnlmlnlnh HM Nu mimile rluhnl with Mr llrllgrr nhnut hll lrrllmzl Ilul Mlilru wilh my llnuhll IMUMVH nlml lnlrzlnllrm IhnnM hnlrl rnm mural MM Ibo lm MI In In my mmmlnd mu mm wnmllnn In er mlmlrnl mm rommulm Nulph Mummy whlrh III Annnunrrl lul lull flnrAvllnivnl lhmler nah Iv My lumull In mun nl hummm Nul kn nlv In NH dilluml Hutu hm Il Ihr In lmplflmrflfll Rab Wcllnml of 0H drpuly tth nprrnllonn CIIIIQ Willlnm Mudymm nl Ilihu mm Mnrllinm nmmnnvl ml unmnnnrirr nl hr Nlnnllc TL lCl WM phmm sEE PAGE THREE

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