Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1966, p. 9

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T0 GOOD HEALTH Dear Dr Malnzr II than web thng as silent hear mack What are the lymp am and Is Iha treatment the um In pther hem mach There can be heart attack wlth no symptom or which Illa yltlent aware In actual pm tlce when such heart attack la dlscovcrod later usually by mean of an electrocardlomm clrdul questionan hy thu doc tor can often cllclt history at some type of dlscamlort wouldnt lay that lrcnlment wnuld be the same as in olher heart attacks They simply arent discoverzd he sum time and hat make 01 dillerence lVmum hm tIuv Grima an Wnrld In conqu ml mm but may have hem pnmd of by the pullout lndlxullon or munla strain nr any varier of other explanallom Th dhcamlort may indeed have been In mud that lha llenl dinexuded it or actually forgot about II Thu these are nut really sl ient heart attack but hava fien mhtlken or someming When hen attack In Ievere though to be Instantly recug nlzed tha Immcdlalo and leal measure is bad ml to relleve the damaged heart strain un begin In ecovcr ll dxscovcry gal heart attack the patient IL ready hu paused that age Doubt he would have been better of he had rested but he didnt and he survlved any way Thu treatment for Ellen heart attack would mespond to that which might be luluble lnger on qr recognizedflnllaclg ll would depend on dence change or damage in the heart muscle evaluation Inch reserve strength as the heart my hnve retained nr re ulnetL and other Acton ln Ihort no treatment may he re quiredor the realdual dam age is considerable and the hurt her llltla reserve canrld erable treatment may be re Wired um mm il it Next is lubjecizd to more sirenunux work than he can mimic ra qnire chnnw in his work or ilving habit to reduce main 0r finally might tonsisi chlnfly oi periodic exuminailnn anl Kant Ted In IUalun tfllwl lion llN lTadfl Flu ND llGmd Mornlnl By JOSEPH MOLNER MD 5MP IChlnnul mun rm sun Not gm nun IJG III mu IUnhlnlly MIA Ir Mlvllln KIMIIM 17 Im 04 lm um Lrlnnmn Mu Um flflnlllvv 12mm mu cu Your rm anymnm Alphml Ilm 04 lm anlm mm mm lumhy mu wry Hll IMIIV uvwllnn MN 7mm Luannrunway Ii rum mm nown Ah mun vunu nini mv IMII mm mm Wm I1m MM In 5an anl Duxlt 5mm ZBUFFALO IHARRI lBUFFALD iTORDNTO HnAMILTDN Heaxt Attacks Can Be Silent TELEVISION PROGRAMS 1174mm Luanda Ilm nlnl FRIDAY JULY ll MOYlNlNfl AND AFTERNOON 10le Hnnunuullnn 4qu Null SNM Nun Ilunrhum yd Mornlnl Gunny 11 might THURSDAY JULY EVENING lnvolve madm lIDAV JULY ll IVE lLlndl lll Yul Mm tMy num Irm klll Your Man Fax3 Ann Hal mun DTmuidu Mum Im Warn BM nnmm mum iéuu Hind lIll OHofl In 00 mwAInn um HMIXC Dnilll um um 11va MI ll mm luy xnnla umm 40 Ivyn IAmuahu ml Hmm mm Tad1 llmn IANM Nm lNnnnm ml LI In nmnr mh hm Inu nun1m Ilwllmi WM no yup junqu AirMm llvumm mm mm mu LIIn mm mm mu nun hm anmm um HM IN Rx tm Mumm HClndld Elm Humhm cm Dunn or all it inlay Anm nnu my rm 4Jnu thInl um Mml uw wm 7mm mum Man rm AMI mm min PdfilnnI Hhmtll Dunn i144 rm um lum Funlmull Wm AlvMhul llmum Not Vnecessarlli by any means Although many people have Ihia troublenonly small Wigs mure SKEW Den Dr Mnlnu Am boy 11 and About feet Inches ull Both my parenLl are short hm hard about dxug tn halp dwarf grow Could nu lltlto galn hqighl This II up At 11 you um hava tlme to do some more growing doubt very mudl that Ira ln any unso dwarfIts Just lhlt your heredlly decree that you arent mount to he tall Growth hormono ls lVlllBhlo only ln llmltcd quantltles and ln any avmt It could he usod only on tha advica of an andocrlnolagist doubt lo can like ynuu that it would warrant the cost Dont forget that name of tho most brllllant men ln histury havent been very tall me the snrlnusnnss varies Im menser lrnm case to case So also doe the method surgery If tha approach through the chest wall one rib may be re moved the approach is through lha upper abdomen then the rib an no Involved MONTREAL CWA threat ened mike byvzzs Quebecair employee was avnrlcd early today hen he airline Ind 15 MW union the Internafional Machinists Association CDC to how the ham helluv 113 and urther dullculty do 012 to dated It at once in In verflnihurl Deu Dr Molnar II truc that one is operalcd on for hiatal hernia Ihe surgeon has lo region par of the 5771 Detail of the Eonlract wem not disclosed umponch were making war pad with ninwerccnt Increase of wage the first year and 10 peg Lyn lher ncxl Quobecnirflk 1h only carrier with regular service belwm 55m Port Gwen vuxe Schcucmne and mm gorcily Ill in nanhcastcm an uma aim Quebec Airline Strike Averted IINU zlr Mm nu limo IMO llJo xnmm new IMwl mmhm tsvnru mrmlma 1szny Ylnnl lTelficopc Han am on Muun Mm tRown Mmll nMerv Gflltln 11 04 our MI no Ilmu Oovh In Comm ll1mnn Ilud Im ml Ilunl IIY mm mm 01 Mn um lnhuu llmlmu Tlllmll lumlINI ION Mn rum mm nu will 1000 qumn by 0mm Im Wunm am In on mm nm nlm 11mm WMM In ul tTn 1le ho hum Ir nmd nun my llAflvlnlun Thmn llmrhlun nm ouut Tm mum 111mm um um hmr nu Marl mm Kn KNIVIU hmnm mm Mumv on mmm wma Tum hm wuwwn Janam mm mm Lhu wm healer farmSouth vulnerlmle Two MG 155 he first of the type huill by the MVM Uninn were sigth near Hanoi but did run engage the us raiders MG 15 slow by present stnndards made their normal dduut in the early 1930 during lhe Korean War The provlws anunisl Jela encounlercd in lhis war have been MIG 17 or the newer model MG 21 Two army lwlkoplm were shot dawn in South Vie Nnm Tuesday bringing the hunter lost to enemy ground fire in the War 181 Opening iendclght of dia monds it not always easy to as nen the blame when tide tail to gel the most out of partic ular hand Sometimes 1h result can be attributed in bad bidding or bad play sometimes had luck and sdmclimcs In execp lionni skill by he adversaries For example take this hand from the mulch between France and the United States In 1956 When the Americans held the NorthSouth cards thcy got lo our huaru on lhe bidding shown Thé nnlmmp bid hy West Unls playing with Trezel was equivalent to takeout double SAIGON AWCarrlubnsed Us Navy bombers kl an depot nothwcst of Hnlpfwng in smoke and flames Tommy and or Lhe first time in Ihc VIM Nam war encountered old model MG 15 me 115 command aiso an nouncui that Amnrlun air force pLmcs eluded surlach uni missile over North Vic Nam today hdicapwr hm do not Include lhosn dcsuoyui rm lhe ground in Viol Cong marks on Alrlicld or those downtd by mmharuca Allure Four Amer THE OLD HOME TOWN DAILY CBOSSWOBD Navy Bombers Hit Oil Depot wasr um 35 gm IS Decay Himalayan gout mumps Mlltorlunm 12 Sp quibbln 121w mu Po mm 151mm MrIa Thu bidding Wat North Eu Pm Pun Pu 1m 21 llerruo 1354 r3 klnrl 23 Blackmail 2L AHIILA Minna mum of 21L Vulry Lnnd yumum 31 Canlnrt Ion 3L Onnvtm mum 31 IMmhuuMl J1JIMML law 3mman 401mm rm ACROSS Hollywood ménnn Iuhmmmo 41 Annmoon Ircvrllonl Lcmul at Vul Grnnnny DOWN Cam CONTRACT BRIDGE um um +0109 noun noon gluon INNS Noam ocmn Ziruun Yuml phenummm Iftdfllh as EKJnd rock nmm bunder nVKlndohmg wlnd emu 1mm Klllzd 21sz 39 raglan auntn mm playm alum 17 Mm mm 20 5mm mountain mmng mm 8An An 201nfl 01 304mm 0Hlmllm walruhaurg SUJnrt In fiMcmberlrnI mchn lNlck 2L Fool Chnrlcs Ilka wflo put Exclama 22 Clblnn Ennnkuy in of mch haklry tlvo 10 an cl 0cm whenummon Kind rock nagmuy EAST hm fourth Illflu By JAY BECKER BMIIh lines he had pmed nrlglnally and could not possibly hlvallm hlghcardvalncs or natural overall Agnevgnlgump However the lnlcrlerence bid dld nut nap South rum bidding our hemu which was an excel inn contract practically certain of success Declarer obsessed with the tear that West mixht hnve led the dam uf dllmondl from doubtzlon To rotect against this passibtltty an he now played the chk cl mm mm dummy and East lotlawed law he dtd not make tha ukty play at following low because he was afraid lhat West would win tho luck with an honor and then at Hmong n1 WW3 nem 8An Al nomm commn SLIKenL new mvrm Bu South wound up zolng down one whlch ls unprinan result ll you look at all our handsl ll does seem um South uhauld have lost ugly yplfio here weryextenuatlnu circum stances which rightly or not 115 him an West led the eight din monda and declarer pla ed lhe jack rum dummy 0n jack Eait played the nine and It was this play of ma nine that re lulled in Soulhl dawnlull play rune diamond and lhe duck at the Jack of hearts but whether South should havn bccn smart enough to over came clever ddenu open Ome Igain an on omi nalod the wan US and South Vietnamese mlliury spokesmen mpnrlcd no malar mum mutant with pgmmmm troops But Soulh Vietnamese mfanlrymen claimed killing Vin Com in three dashes 30 miles lmfll he could any oi Qui Nhon masday Laru lo undo way lhrir wodny medinx was nm to autumn to do up pack age deal on whinnding arm mhlexm so that the common nzrinuiluml policy dx run he tvmplelcd to queslion lulu were inlurcd and both helium wcre dcsggoycq ircizeichntrlbutcd Ighslanflal Ilncr nhhr By Stanley llf NE on may Vssflv usiwmfl WM THE mums EXAMINER WAY JULY so yum mlr WW nouur In urn um flM 6115 MW NJ or mwnum xumvm usen 10s mm nun GRANDMA mmuv nanmnme won NR nuan

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