Wallsp Publisher There is hnold séying Everybody complains about the wingerpbut nobody we mum Pcoplo certainly have been complain lng about the weather all sprin and with good reason In this part Can ada we have had hardly any spran at all It seems only few weeks ago the grognd was The past two weeks have set new re cords for high temperatureain Canada including the Slmcoe County area Com plaints about the heat have risen to an even higher pitch than the former bloat ing about the cold Winter this year seems tohava extended from last Octo her to May The warm weather should have been welcomed And tor many people lt was welcome Warm weather in summer in this part WAR DAYS 50 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner July 1916 Simcoe Countys 157th Battalion had honor of being first regiment have tean pitch edat Cam Borden July Big crowd at Grand nk stationto see member oi 157th who had been quartered for winter at Barrios new armoury take of for camp Sunday afternoon As the soldier swung along the platform like veterans and filed into 12 coaches with machinelike precision the hearts one iookers were tilled with pride over our countys splendid young volunteers Vicirolaa were presenietd to 157th and 177th Battalions Mrs Edwin Long man who persona collected the 3128 required to purdiase machines and re cords Lt Richard Pao of Barrie who enlisted as private with Sault Ste Marie Regiment received commission Rev Frank Harper appointed chaplain ol 177th Bn Pte Fred Taylor son of liev and Mrs Edgar Taylor twice mentioned in tehea from France Pte William Be reported prisoner in Germany In casualty list this week were names of Sgt Geor Livingstone and Pte John Henry Tom in of GTE car repair department Ailandaie Bldl Town council authorized solid to take action under foreclosure proceedin against munici al mortgage on Cane Gas Engine dc mducer Co property Alli Dick Bidweil got no action on bid to have bathin house built at St Vin cent Perk ghtning shattered cross on St Josephs Convent and did consid erable damage to roof but no injuries ausiaincd to persons in building Sam uel Vosloy publisher of Northern Ad vanee Simcoo Countys oldest news aper died at home on Mary St Mili nry Tea Room was opened in former Lount property on MaKle Avenue in charge of Miss Ardagh in John ston Mrs Cameron and Mrs Devlin All proceeds will go to buy comfort for Simcoo County soldiers John it Boys won junior tennis championship of On Who Complains Of Heat Not Dependent Business mm MM KM Eh iï¬arrin Examittrr Mr My STREETS IAMMED FOR CALGARY PARADE mml paid parade undn mnny Sammy Vinshin Publlihedby Canadian NeWIpnpm Limited 16 Enfluld Stijm Barrlof om DOWN MEMORY LANE HgMtherlon Mnnnzlhz Editpr wanmnn JULY ma an Ill of ganada 15 good for business The last two summers have heen unusually cool and we have not had real good old fashioned summer for six or seven years Warm weather is good tortho soft drink business the Ice cream business the gasollne buslness the mens and ladles wear business the shoe burlness the re sort business These businesses 1nd many others are very Important to the economy at the Lake Slmcoe and Georg iangey regions AL Whifq we are com Ialnlng About the heat let us be than I11 that most of us live within short drive or wnik to the cool waters of the lake or bay Be Lhank ful for those businesses which depend on warm weather that at last they are get Ung their innings after years of cool summers iario Runnerup was Laurence Barwlck also of Banlo who won title last year James Hall firemen on engineer Joe Le Gears locomotive met with serious acci dent while working on gravel trainbe tween Angus and Camp Botdent lle suffered paralysis from neck down after tall from coal tender Mrs John Len nox Painswick received word that her son Harry was missing Fred Mari received letter from LCpl Beecher Con ron who reported that in his platoon only seven originals were left and out of 660 in his battalion only 73 answered roll call following fighting in first eight days of June Ho saw 200 of his fellow killed in explosion of single land mine Other Editors Views muï¬r rnuunomu THERES ALWA OTTAWA REPORT Pensione Cost Pi By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWAWhile price In our soaring the people who eel tho plonh most Are the old ego pensioner rntlrod woman widows and others vim on rind wu STUDENT CONFORMISTS Oshawa Times Beatnik and beards riots and rebel lions have convinced many people that todays college no breedin grounds for dissenters Just the op te says one educator The vast majority of college students are passive conformist and do die says Prof Joseph Katz Stanford University and this is just what the American system higher edunauon is designed to make them llfhen students am asked what they expect to be doing 10 years from now tho professor reports most reply with description of routine life in suburbia It is not that they particularly like the pmspect but they accept it Students says Prof Katz rank highest their own individual careers and iuluro life In volvcment in international national or civic affairs and in helping other people rank astonishingly loyv Tho prevailing student image oi col 1ch is that it provide access to better 30 and hi her Income It is coveted club in whlc one has good time and mate Only minority consider it as In opportunity to pursuo intellectual in tcrcsts Wllson General Mnï¬iger 1M ï¬nd being vlvldly rcflwuxi in 1mm reading MP5 from UM MILrm And than letter are pouring In domandku an Increase In an old age pension lo two per manlh Meal hose Mm write lo say um they cannot make ends meet on the present pension 375 per month ML Myxue Elllson n1 Brnnllord In loner Mm Dldmbnku the ex Mned Lhn when she sturled dmvlng old axe pension seven years 3110 It wu $36 per MW and mmmlmnd ummu mu Illlyuxuwuw lhh by mmuw But nmv linen prevcnt Im dnlm Huh odd $06 and Ibo ï¬nd ma ris lax when nuka own the $75 pension mdnqualc HERE MONEY GOES Shl hm her cwemu rm Moo load moo phono 33 holpllnlimlon $315 hlaml nnd mldem Insurance £115 drum And councllu 5100 polka sump And amllmz eardrum senn hm ween ï¬lm dmmh and char 1112 Thu adds up In ox aclb £75 00 leaving nolhlm with Iï¬dl la buy clothes and mm at lo pay or clnema tidal or lounl Muvlalon ml nr In 1111th mum Ind Iwmdkfld IiMlI mm old we pemloncn are wrlllni Ilmlhr Mun In Mr MP5 and IM MP5 feel an ImpW or Wm Ill But hm II flow doubt mum lnlellmn thme hl bun given to uh proan by um MI an dunnndlnu In bmwdim lmrgagn In hlho the hi the onlum Inn be ownbh no to 11m 65 or over An aluml mum at ulnumz hm mdnr clllxm in need mm to be Lb omnmonl lntnnllnn that 0H Funk Exumlzm Pensioners Feeling Cost Pinch Most AuUmvlm IMINI dun mull PM 0mm Drpuh mml 01m nml lnr pnymml nl mun 1n um llnlly Sumlnyl and Rlnlulnty lnlhlnyn uer Nubia llnn ulu daily Ivy nrr ur wily Imo yearly 5mm mp IM IN Hr mnIL min nun ym mum no yrurx mnlnr Lhmvmll yum Null mlnlrla 0nll lln III ynr mum ym mm nulu flxlllnh IIMIKMI mm pm In mi lnrolln mm ym om lnivrnll An rnnmtn um um ml Mrmmnl M1 Hm Wrfl Irndar Vunmmr rm ha rurIInn 1me Nowrmptr mum Awlullm nn Iullm luu my AWN numu muluunm 17 Canadian Im In urlmIvNy vnllllrl In Um In Inwuhuullm HI um dlqvalrlm In III Enwr Imlitwl la nr hp AIIMWNI Im nr HIMu Antl nhn Um IIKIl up rululldwl Ihnrin THERES ALWAYS SOMETHING TO SPOIL THINGS II till lllll Addllonll money In em 530 per month or oven mm In cm need should be distributed IEM the Candi Aulmnu To rain the old peulan to $100 per month naw 01 um LWMM dLizem oozed 69 and over wwld add over 350000 000 your to our in bill to pay that 3100 penllon In he 6AM aged 65 60 Wild Add mint $63000000 The bill lnr ml would be $5171 year to ovary Camdlan under I13 as or 870668 mm In the war Ign Ctnadhn funny money could bu railed ember by Lmeulnz the present oh age lean11y mm and corporation and sales lnxu In 175 per cent Unix present ï¬gure or by rating om personal lncnma mu mum per com thdr paint Euro Mn Margaret hideout narlhmentary mercury In Health Mlnmer Minn Muc Hndwn so wisely mld In Pur Hnmcnl rocenlly comment must weigh rloflllm be lwctnflwm soluzengodand he mm alhcr cums Al the maulnlion Parliamnnl has not hum debate on tho mum national Mormon In Mtnd our pomldans um hllIo handout hero dunnnd mm mm there Jolt lnvunmenl gumunload loan ubmlm But mm hear upon public dimmlon ol Iha relnliva mmu mantran momma NEED unpAm 91mmva om ndmï¬lmllui Then In 7W 20min yur hm will In llm ulod mm millm MUM hm Mun 17 haw ulIllmo MM QUEENS PARK nl Mme mm Um ublnol ol ynulh Aunt camullnn auï¬hurmu an cnmpany Inw whlrh um lug yr wxuuln Mllllnl In ummvuuw In Mnmmu on tho hikdnn Iv ml Ilxllanjfltflhvrl Thu him Mn mm lwn wHI In mmlod with mn mlllm mm In In ll mum nr my mm In manlva wont MH Inni nl lhIlr lml liken mm Umr 1M1 II wlnl In lulu In mom vmnllalinn ml vfllml cl vbrnnn mu he pal mm flu mm ule nmv ll 11m uunlw ml nu MM mudd mvl In UNA 11w thtlIM mhnmkin mmhm Tim In mm ler mlwllm um unmul DlNllrm will In MM lanl um ymr nul hm Mm hm nMrr Irvlknlinm ImpNH ll Aervily In Uw MW rl lhlrl mum rflirrrlhfl Nu Inwuvnwnl HM In My lnr WV WI All hat lldvl momma dwuH cam Ilm The long Mule on the old tmlon hidl hu norgnuy my mum 04mm ram ngulel Jun Kn II our flllln WWWNW 11 mm mlnllmllm mm mm in In Ibo flmllnl ball Work In Summer Occupies MPPs nu wt volahwm Wu ciaxu Health Minlsler Allm Mac Eadlen hu in mind an we qunle measure to asslxl nendy older tilluns who will never beneï¬t mm the Candi Pub sion Plan But this MID repm mm transient prnblem younger people tollmvlng be hlnd Inan wlll recelvu the Can ndn Penslon Plan whim is geared to ï¬t on Lap the 575 old ago paulonl But to rub um pension lo $100 nuw would be nn irrchrsihlc slop and would mpme wry hmvy ci lrn tax burden in perpetuin upon all Ganndlm laxpaym pmcn and future ll be hnped that Mr MMEuchen will nvold m1 parllmlarbllnlmrxl bundcr dcsplxa me Oppoafllon Walli had he rmnsibmw itm and allowing belong lo we nhmn The lard my Ihephud III nut nut Pulml ml 11m mponslblmy wing or landing belong to ma they NEW YORK MW Mayor Jnhn mm at New Ymk Ci lullflllmz 196 931mm rumba namtd vflim nu any lo polka review board MW look over 1m mouL der every member the 1mm me In flu Unlud Sum 1110 mnirovorml new board will an l9 nogounl over mm or him mm rmrlw llm mm mm In hall Ln ho wmmwn II vrry midi um of knowing It 114 nllw Dun Ibo mm mm be ml Il Mlnmnyuenml dhlnl mngnnn My Ml ll Arm llnn Arthur Willlnll Mn wuhm mm Hut mu lwm Ind him In rl ml Mm all mwfly IMF in Myva lrnllly AM he ulurmy 5mm Iva lmlmdul lmm manuny ml nlhr lrul dlkm la mrwly lllllhlnn mm lha HIM Ilm Mr WMIIII llu Im unmlnz lu ha 0M mwm lhal mm II Innn rrnl until puma luIHy unl In lAINl qulln Mmlmhn wmr we Will dmhl lhu nu pymlm MM hall hum Innn IIzrly Mud II mcinq Hw Nvlulmo In mum mm than the rum 11 mwmmny BIBLE THOUGHT NEW 11ml an mum Mural In Hm rmImnHy II or mum ha mum my lnlrmndlvn hall HHIIM nrn mlrlml Amlnwm nM inulm may ml apply In mum ii In wry va Ihnl In ll NAMES CWTLMNS QMADATSJSIQRY mm my nummum ugunv 1h ennui WMJLIMTN ugd Northern urndrum am $200M Mllnl an oi ix in mm Human mlnu allqu an good in Int mwlu Gmo Banne mmgdlad nknod maym ymjghrwhun bad tom flu mwmuumunq 7909910 Sandy Mdmyrwmldn beldlflflflll Mar ï¬ndlm flu plaqmwfltyu cold NI dull am you lnuloonl whlla Wmim hi IMMva mod produced dd worth m0 mlqu mmn EVENT 0NJUIAIXM KmCAun my ngeLPr vlormod may be non My mo wu hwkydny for Mm Goddu and Gm 5mm of Mn Ontario Munon huudn they wk RHINO time no object to and at uni that 00 mile from New Buy 1m may willed to Pumpan Ind wro Sikmï¬aï¬ Wu on In on hlmmdmamlyunnhedlflflnuunldumï¬u mx dflwlm mu mgm 1mm mmmnlm cl an an Porgyan the devolou ledl VINh 1mm III 1739va Noladfll flame PrlneeuRayll lelud by Mind InaCum ml USA coiilmncc on brohlhlflnl Immean on mam Laku INKCumin Ippmved Antleéwiot may Gumuw had attadml Rum on Jan 11 Main its 121mm Nawlmmdland provioeo can THE LIGHT TOUCH By my mom NEW YORK AHm you lotslug ahead In 1110 race armywmtmew mum um halhlkn Why Warmly mic dont know or uu lhInk In climb wassi and ward when ac It Isnt My clay to ML I110 cl your 0M PM mum But lot cl exuwuvuwuhluga links mrelylpuflm They Vweflould bun mlu an at later wfll hempad all you If iMmW Ln Adder cmvaoml Ik rm Hen an low um Your wlloEiul by It mu 31 1h mom in daily dolu yo You can lord to adv nmll cu bouuu your neigh bon us well mm you an Mord lo lllfll one 0m the arjhru tel bank where you keep your amount mom you when you ruler ll you mount union11y overdtnn my fonl make ledml can of quitting llmg you dont have In mm Mdmo lulled wlpl Wu jun THEY DLVJKEYOU Instead n1 Mm About ol floo prchlum tha hon like to that wlm you all learn TM lenlot via madden hm your gun and rennin yml conniving you yml cor uh Unolben ymxr no Ln on INT61 dJahka You loo IIIW lhry uuo by ugly pugw mun am no one do in tho nrxnnlnHMI any Jan an Aw your Sdeu wll an 19m xlvinl yw and at Its Not Easy To Tell If You AtéOn Skids 511 the omch at IO hon wllo mum lo EXAMINER WHATEVER IT IS GET FAST RESULTS WI CLASSIFIED PSSST what do you have to sell PHONE 7282414 humtux Alk For An AdNIsov COMMONS BRIEFS HAS TARGET DATE OTTAWA ml6mm plans rmnvem Pullnm In early 5991mm hIVI hm Ibmdoned Ind un him dill no on manlmenl Hm Leader Hemuh luld 1h Common Monday 1h ovum mun uth MP1 to nun lhelr Iummrr bollde at tho end nl Juno when In Saw dale or mopenlnl With no agreement fondled yet on tho the new he lvvtmmcnt naw wu MEMO Ant OcL MADE ND DECISION WAWA mam hu mad no docMon In an poal lion it hi on the umnl Red ï¬lm when 01 Unlléd Nuimu mom unln Prlml Minute lnum said No In wu mlyln Wnlllu Ned Oflardl dud mumman jvlouiloelA Io hm thine Thu has alwnyl lung man 39 mgr You You an huhPei or Swath and the nu LI mirdnl 11366 wikmt Ir hug Mam ol mlngl Illewmd to H1 your 1110 trund you make dual bdler Ian flu old friends you now so leu dun but every omeln while you WPfldu HIM mlLV like them weu or um hem Yéi cl pald once monih instead once week Ilka maymu peopl andlylu glllgo nuihyogr 8mm directlyrié mm cm nwgmlg try to may to you WK 01 mztvybody In 171 behind your buck iwr output Pllnllnx mu on In per ant In Imund 11nd In lAlln Amorlu and Mrltn could produce ll llmu Eumpnl lum vour Iu An old mum mind mm 1h nuzu munr armya