CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Smashed udvuuxemenu Ind nou cm for than mm must ha cemd by mm day practdln publlnmcn wth Exczpuan chmned mle Idvexllsemenll whlcn must hi by 1100 noun precadln dw 21 won nmmm CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGcm mumm Rllu lely mm mm In am Vac word per 1mm nun lar an or wn am Tm consccullve lnsenlom 4c per word per Imeruon tum $180 can xecuuv Inuonns me per mm pu Inszluon will sum 10 Id dlunnfl mum not vlld wnhln men an lsnbjm Io uncelhllnn when sumelm result out1mm Mendn cum Ice Tuesm chnd qu or Run Chuu lull of we cmld hu to In Frldn Chud lcvlnt Ind Mrg 5mm cmld wom had or lhlnl And child um mm on an 5mm but II In nnd um Ind and Ind 11 BLIND 1211 max llamas Inrurmulun reludlnl Idvemnn usinl nllnd Lulu Box Number for nle held madly mum 2mm ncpnzs In Laue nnxu will he hcld only 10 am In In due at pubxluunn oAdvemms Ilsan Box Number wn bo cmrzed sounu srzcuL Nona Camn Emu 8200 mmlmum words be per mu wurfl mm Dlfllzemenu Munu ml nua mum $1 In Memnmm nncu 11 ms Mud In per an Ix Children mum um mm by Cnunlu Cullen Iwly mm hmw mm dly nek the hlnh dun K229 lhh And other mpmhm lnlarmmbn to your child mum nun 22x Imlntr mm Announrlmml um Include um nlml our child day on the ark menu Ind your at bum me mum um um er ll Inrmmnlnn pnmea mum uh mum panama man In my um ur mum Album an nu In num Ex nmmcr mun Nome only 32m Tn plntl noun phcnl 1mm W13 1mm mum InhnSuddenl nu hmm Manmu mm 11 on gum July In Mn 10 ï¬sh Jnhn Juhu rm sun car lmnmi husband mm mum uur mm Innc mm msm um um Jun 5mm nu Junhtd hy mm mm many um lnz an the sucklcy runml name an wonky sum Klan saw dn my mvul on Wednesday July urnan Mln um Lin ma AlInAGuddtnly on Suntll Jul 10 um John Ann mm mm mn n1 rm m1 Aud mv mm hmwomu 1mm um brown at new Jaue um my mum at 1mm In In um 1mm llu Jen nru mum name 1mm rm lunnnl um Tutlb me pm lnlrrmrm uln Cem Mu Xnnhlll mm cmnam mum sum Jul lo mm mm mm Lnnm wmm in rm nmmrr Hum ml hullan Vlllnn nmm mm mm mu ma mun nl Aurmm may Irnnl by mm mx hmlhru mm um lumnrm sup Inna Lruh llnm llurau mm alum an Jim Hum1 llnmr mm mm mm mm In mle nu um my 1m lnrlnnnl mmmx Ctmp mnnnm mum mnmry mar Illuhnml mm Ind Mm llmuhl Mrnm mu nun Am Jul In nu ma Ilmu In my nklr mm mm nwrmnl gum un ul num ul mm ml KI II NIH hallllvru Mun mm mer Id mt nu Mun Mmunn mm mmuum unnhuvh um INNHI Hm mm InnU um um hmhuul lhmunx mmm Itumnn rxprruxlvl mu Inn um lwl nl Un rmnmulmy HlÂ¥ DNA lnly mmwnily rum nlul mum ulmlmll hu JNW man and Mn mum mm mm mum Mr mvl Mu any mum IINIHIZM zrlmulr In HM MYYHHIW Hrv lllll II Wr lmlwl lumh 11w an un hul Mn llllllml lllh Immlh uillnu MMI mHI MI Dnvl Hmlur Mr MIWII Iwrull Mr ulul My WlHr nl llmwr mm Mlnla mu hrr rv nml Mnlwvnluu lr MI Snrku Nu lluw In NH HIHWNIM lllllm ll numlwr hum Mlmiw um In In nllrnrl nml Urv Hm Miwimz Hmim mm by IIum Mimi and alumni In UN In howlnlul Inlk Ilvm Dry uhmdy hmy may TM lilMlthn WANT ADJ CARDS OF THANKS mu mm mm Ivy um ma mum IN llMlllK TELEPHONE 7282414 nu Ml mrnHHrl Heat Got You IN MEMORIAMS MINESING PHONE 73M BIRTHS mum um 1i1x1 DEATHS BARFIE EXMMNER HONDA JULY ll 19 mmmf ImuhIhfl mm ERRORS up connncnom All pm nmunn omm capled convennncu to mum mm cummoa Devlnmnm mum mm mil mum mu Idvunlumenl lmmedlllely um um Inmuon In order um my man In omhllclu vnned am at ex um um any mum lot Inwinl an unbllullon Tho an rxe Exlmlner mpommu car only on lncnrreclly mm mm on my lflverllument Ind then only mun ulvnrllou Id nu Involves kh ml rm mm mm dn um lessen he Inc at Idvcnlsemcnt not cum for manual by mkunm The num mum1 mmu rim to mum mm or mm 15 OWEN ST 7132379 LOW DOWN PAYMENT New slorey brick home with auached garage bedrooms full piece bath plus piece powder room hauled in lovely lrccd area Down pay mcnl less than $1200 and ma balance on one MIA marigage Call this ofï¬ce now for appainlmrnl la inspect REAL ESTATE Four bedroom home localcd donuwn Living mom large kitchen Could be an income hume Full price $8500 Dmm payment 31500 and lhn balance on one morlgago slorcy mom brick home with garage silumvd claw ln schonls and bus rank on large lot wilh shade trees Realtor Limited MARKET GARDEN in €5an area in Itcd approx imately norms including crnp Brirk house Rndurod or quick sale 519500 mu cm KEITH hmlir alum siding $11000 ilh 000 down mummy BEACH Double 101 pr shared Domh Lined bedroom cnlwnc mch water 57000 2mqu mrnlhi Fxmimrï¬ins mrchlll 1502020 181 Eglinlon Ave East Toronto 12 PROPERTY FOR SALE mun mu nnnmr Jinn Nm MVMV mm anm 1mm mu urn AMHHYXT mum mun Mnum kuulu CARSON Bill Macknchms 7250726 Russell SmithRos 7139996 Al RoseRes 8116 Mum Mmmll lnmmu umuilinmmh flan 1m Munm mum 1mm IL Ihuln MIS Realtor 100 Hayï¬eld SI 72fll07l GARVEY Unhnnl lmw Emory Miller III IN hrl muyllllu lHlnlfl mwm van nmn mm we IHUTO 15 REALTOR npvn hll M10 VuNays Appmlmh Indium Innlul 15 TMJITU mun mumIL 7mm tummya mum YHM MVIIAU mun Aman mu HENRY MICHIE llval lizlalr Aupmlulu Mnngagu CULLILH SR 7151 3371 $1500 DOWN PAYMENT CORBY PHOTO MLS REALTOR lJ COLLIER ST MARSHALL 58 WORSLEY ST MIJi Ilrullnr Inunnnrn 7261881 Mr nkcl ROSE tho MLS manor WIN SI 7n Iml NI 71m Ill2A1 lab IM Hmkrr llmlm rn 1m 91 Dmflup 51 White PEEL ST ElRICK Check Your Attic Storeroom Garage Somebody Will Panyor Your Discérds Call Wan AdVisqr 7282414 MM 725 mm 71H 23 135134 mum mm 111 mu um mum DoWnCheck The Want Ads For COOLqurgains 119 Dunlap St 72mm or 7261413 CABINET SHOP Including equipmnnL shun comprises 1000 square feel ibudronm house kitchen lamin mom living ran with ï¬replace modern home also cultagc on property about 500 square Keel approximately 35 acres oi land on Highway 11 south on city llmils Fruit trees Make reasnnable ollcr Tenn can be Inauged Call Jae muslin 7234349 No ill66 DVELY SlMBANE AVENUE lmmuculalc tbedronm buu galaw rec mom with bar Substantial dnvm payment required lo5e mortgage balance Carries or sax monthly principal interest taxes Call Mrs Brown 7287265 or detail No 2466 er mam rwoislurey brick home with bedrooms Separate dining room fireplace excellent condition Call Joan Lang 7235731 Nu 119 STAFF l2 TO SERVE YOU am in pm lREAL ESTATE as muck Street PHUIO 1115 immons Mortgage Funds Available Free Customer Parkln EXCEHENT INCOME PROPERTY Centrally located Four sell contnined fumidhed apartments All apartments well rented Double garage large landscaped lot in lovely tmed area New wiring throughout house Mortgage carries for $168 principal interest and taxes Call Mildred Moore or luthar details ONLY $13500 for this lovely new Mcdroom brle home Has at tached garage Living room dining room and kitchen with eating area Close to both public and high schools Call Lou Goedemondt or ï¬arï¬culars CURLY KwoSTEmMAN mr 155 MARGARET MOORE Hum GLORIA KDSSATZ Imam VILMA nlDWELL nbml MILDRED Moon 12M ON THE WATER MINETS POINT VINTERIZED ZBEDROOM COTTAGE $10500 Cosy and mm in winter and dclighliuiiy cool in mm mcr with magniiiccni unomlrucled view acrnss the bay ihis yearround home is in my handy location There is good grocery store ciose by and it is me nearest summer vacaiinn spot outside the city limits Fully equipped with pressure sysiem on arlesinn well Automatic oil healing heavy duly hydro and garage The big living room has ï¬repiam and piciure win dow overlonking lhc water Call us today for full pariicuiars and LlacArthur Rogers mam Foster 7235243 FRANK NELLIS 113mm mu the Five Pmnls 7B BAYFIELD SWEET Charhe Read man Dan Cnmplxsll 437141 Smilh Campbell Ed Gavin 4246601 PHOTO MLS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 31 HIGH STREET 71502 ES 773 BUILDERS WN HOME Hnthanllnu hrrplntu In Imm mnlh living room large kxlthcn bathrooms Only 315900 PETER and INN 710451 KELLOUGH DEWSNAP All rlrrlnr Ilium uiHHE nn NIL rm lerl Immu Haul 3qu hqu Ilmnrv nruvmmu pm nw mmwnur mm H1 IHh EXAMINEII WM M15 ON 731 IIHI THING LIVE IN ummm VIEW mumm ruuTmmml an RAWN ANI CO OWEN ST 732455 MOIlIGMF KIDNEY AVAILNILE lholu M15 enum va Ml Hqu Onlnxlo LMJ MUCH McLF Dun Wnllncn 7131010 nul mm llmku Newlon 7m 9m Nwlnllllnu In Iluvnl Immllu Icwninm mu llnouIIMId Luly Tmprymflfylfll SHELSWELL and WILLSON STARR COUTTS FIVAROLDFORSTER co Cooklawn 41 90 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BRO WlLES LTD CAMPBELL hum undrrzuwml MM Ilwllga ROGERS QONNELL PM MLS Realtors DUNWP STREEI EAST FRANK NELLES mum ml nmluwvQ unmm mu m7 Photo ELLS Realtor EVENINGS CALI EVENINGS CALL mm lcnvcm comm mm mm maus mum roman 11M ELAINE INEON 1mm KLoosanAN Ivy 32M LOU GommloNnl muse PROPERTY FOR SAlLE Frzd Eplm Council Mrs Nurine Razors LM arm 41 rlow la wheel nede Xmmalnw Lmdwcnped muuvpea pennanenl Mum Ind mm oumr mm mmx Tunhm mun am 7mm mm NTI mm umxu Unï¬t inn would mlnu hm Tmnana mm HAVE Cum wlm sumw ul mm wmm unnunl Ill lmu mlmm Mme nu mu rnmm Mu uuunr mn Iner nerd Mm wmnn 1m kimle Miller Mn Hl IMMEDIATE Isl and 2nd Morn NO nm Wunlm 1w nhupls lulrull HI In mm or mr pm my nlmv Imv numlhly pay mrMI up mm Fur My nuvllcuur mulr mu nulu um 94 1mm Mm Imunum rum nurl MMva mwnu II an my mu mm mm In 4x rum mvmw in mm lmrm Iv mu lmnpovl lvv mm mum Wm oarHold an Immm In In my ram Dont mm In lmnslcr mr INSUIIMV my papa NW am In 1mm rim Hum In lvII MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS UN Km um nmun mu cummu rnurmhys PROPERTY WANTED WANT MUIIIGMHC luI lrrnmllnl luw Ill nth IInwmnn 7264M Doug Campbell 437qu Bud Walson 7180915 EllAV NSONS HJ Dunlap 7754 him And Tnnl Fund or VALUATMM You Non Money IT rmmvlhllll fllhl Ill ulnlnl mu II will rnmnl Ill Hum Imlvynnmnl IAnv wuvlhlhlll lln or Ihonf mm Murlunno Minding Slmlwan 30an HI IIUNIJH IT Mummy Unlqu Inllllli Illul Aunrulhn BUSINESS OIIOR UNITIES MORTGAGES INSURANCE 72mm or 1mm MOVING Phane 7285563 Hm 7mm 7289191 7289765 713445112 7164M cm Hula 7251900 Ripleys Turn Your Spare Time lnin Cash Earn big money collecting pro iils from lucrallve cod and bew craze dispensers minimum 31 ller weekly No selling All locations upplicd moo mini mum invcslment financing available for right individual $500 deposit Write stating back ground in Box Barrie Examin clmnnm vendm Mlchlnel men In nod 1002mm wm n11 napmy or mm Aprply Ln Mr my Telllm John SL Bu STOP WASTINEVIIME RENTALS Fawn nouns bsd mu 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lvlrlmenl In Mum IIlun Ind um um lulullh 1m mumI7 humM Imam mum Iflllmnu nmm nun mm mm mm lmm mm uu rumINA III uullv 000 mu mm lull AINHI Mlyv Tflï¬w HUM lulnll lo um mm In my nun ml unm rs ramq Mun 121 mu RAVT ILAY mm Ilan IMI mum nnnll Tm Mm mmm qu m7 rmlrhy 51 uul 15mm Iml ulmlm Thu mom ImHm mu lMVMM nanm mm MumI lm dn mm mm ml mm mm mm Annm in My In mm Mum man mum my rum um Mu ruh mum 14m yum Mm yiam Iui WAS so manna of ms MRK mar SIIE sun our III ms mm Mil6 m5 WIRE 20 me or IIEZ REIGN REAL ESTATE For Want Ad Service Dial Housés RENT HOUSES WANTED TO RENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BACHELOR APARTMENT 7282414 BELIEVE IT OR NOT LARGE ROOM unmnmed nanuncut newly deamud um hydro mm Included Abs mnnmedmonu bed mtln com um when nraplnce enull 1mm RENTALS APARTMENTS T0 RENT rURNmIBD no mulncd upm men on bedroom IMM loom kitchen ma mm mlmnu wllk my dwnlwn Televmm oN BEDROOM Aplmenl in 11 plex Quun And 5L Vincent 51 ml wsmnl mum uove Ind nrmemor rumlied ved puk lql rn gm culln pm mom nwnoml up 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muss RENTALS TPARIMENTS T0 RENT UNFURNHIIED mm nunmunt on round float sell Conlllnzd hmed lplect Mmmum emu louunn an Colllu Sltrcl lhl nnw Fur mum Mrflwlln ullphonc 7mm FURNISHED am bedroom upm mam ml cantInna mun hr uuon Amnbl Mw Tclmmm mam or Imhzr mmmmwu mm mnme um my Hy ap um mm mm an em on bu mu um mmm new puking mmuu Elmira Houukeeplnx mum in ml2nkll wxhn7 ï¬g pu am mmo grooms 10321111 cqqxlorlahle harm nu 0mm mam Puk mu Awl 21 Dunlop 5L Wen um pm rwo noon or ml or am mm wllh bond my Wand Alhsulxt swim mu Talo pm mam FURNISHED um housekl Lug moms bed Illllnl mom Ind wh enue In Wm ml Manet glrklnl Avnlahla mmcdluzly lllphwnt mm mu pm FURNISHED Room In mm Cznln jawbone mm mnher Innmmmn noon AND noun requlnd Im flnllc vmrklnl Ill mall any week Telephnm Tnmnw Domlnlon Bunk new noon AND noun mm ephone 1137131 In um Nor uniloll SUMMER RESORTS 112171100 lurnkmd mu lbaul minute huch no Dlr week 71mm nr 71mm Mummm gomgu me Thunder thfluch pm in Mk Dumamld SITEmg ï¬iscount Friccs On FORCED AIR OIL FIRED FURNACES l2900 BTU $3001 mman mmlshed can or nit nova Ind nmunwr eluded suqu on bunlllully need lat les run mmum wllk lo the wnlu Law dawn lags Telephant 728077 In ARTICLES FOR SALE Limitéd supplynt this price BA OIL FINANCING Nothing down10 years to Pay SHE NORM NIFTOW BRISTOW PLUMBING AND HEATING Dunlgp mew nnoADioOM Romnnnll nu nlzu nnd prlcu Colllrr SI Ihona mun C0 OF MINE The home mo Ivmndloom DO AM IMPORTED mou harn nu pnr 11 11M Tum ml wml or nail nulh now mun Mmhly Tunhm Luau cool II Imunlh lhlmlIM 1M mu llllllllhlll um vahmu mm wwum IMNnNn AN hymn MINI rm IullnulI mumMa mum mmL commas io RENT COTTAGES FOR SALE um 11 vnlllnr Hunk1inth rm mm nuvn slum rum NEVADDEN FURNITURE APPLIANCE713 ma ROOM AND 30mm WANTED ROOM AND BOARD COLONIAL TABLES END COFFEE OCTAGONAL ROOMS TO LET Arborlle ï¬nishms ear UNIVERSAL RUG Ir Iniunm law 1131 Month hummu mmv Iumiévny 21 mei PLUMuINCT AND HEATING PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING RUG CLEANERS Evmings 7mm nn AA lflllnn nvml Imlll PAVING rivcnvun NONE us mum lym In luv or my lav mun or win Imm khpham Iml Im In ARTICLES FOR SALE ALCONA Sucondhmdstm lIndy Hudwm PI We an buy or um Cum 1r m1 hmwx MIAMIL 0pm unlu vm Wudmdu Em Phon mum uncp mmxg swv wlgn Curulna 5w Inches wide In load mndMlun Tulephonn 1256965 In Bymm st Lowest pxlcu In Win Mina nuner Lumber 1mm IYIIWRIIIHS mum mm mm an 11nd swam mu uh mm our nun than Buy rm sm Ivymm co nunmn su wm was unudcouuuon Hem ufeï¬ï¬orn 1263257 um sum binned rt um mu mm 69¢ Spfln ma £129 Drum 0m Connul cm nm man Ilre my mum imilomiiloé Inlubln or harm or man Tel fplwm mam avenlnu wk mm med homboudx DNA Ind ohm drawers Telephunu Illnd MHI chlh Dnubh WM mnmel nblo xmndxy tuba Teleyhonl am VACUUM CLEANER slum Gul den Glide Mu nu Iluchmenu ma mum calm and Ampnnu In good nndfllnn Mephom 4240775 51 Comm orcan Cum Dalian ImANn NEW column vcuum Clungn than 1a man Iho nuny mod used vacuum LIInu mm v95 up Telephone mam n1 ltr Quun 511 I7 MIDXe Ave muy cmmum or ule Ln um um mu dnwen human lyrinl and mules minded ln ma common human mini Wummuousn Mumm with 1mm mmpmmunu noun In exmllgnl mndllon Wm an Iombly men tar mmmer com mum mu mm TENT Wlnlld reuomblt pnce Appraumuly Tclephone 1mm sum mosz mud to buy nun Telephone mom Sale prices on all models Alsa agent or wooden boats aulbmrd mums baa railm sloragu service ROLLAND BOATS LTD GRILLIA MKEFRONTVSZSSHI Slim nmlz xmLchr non mnonny mu convertible luv me am mm 15 Mason mm mm mm txrlllfhl madman Ruevnr 1th mad Ttlrpnum mule or 7115211 numnoul 10 fool to lec me um molar Lone su nu mun amnem llmlly nr mm ban col Cum Arne DEAD FNCK lllxhut prim paid or dead or crippltd cattle and harm Small nnlmnll mumed lrtc For ml mle PHONE MRRIE 77117751 Called or Mk lat TRY XAMINEII WANT ZENITH 91150 NO CHARGE ham In IdmI 1m luxmcnd Onlnrlo Home No 1911014 FARMERS MARKET mmr mm Mm In il HVIHH WUIIUVV Ill HIM IVlvll Ill VIHIW mun mm In urn mull hcquus Drmv llukcls Ullmrhcnds linvnlnpcs llushmss card lerum slum Wudlllnn Hal uncry llllall mllMAIES ON ALL PRINTING NE FLORA SOD CO NICKS DEADSTOCK ARTICLES WANTED llIIFlHGHIATIHN FITHVHJ lnppulrvn mm mm mm CRESTLINER BOAT EXAMINER Commercial PrInllng sixumiulï¬ns 119 Highway Allislon Telephone 4357471 BOATS MOTORS GARDEN suEPLlfs LAWN EQUIPMENT JACOBSEN Sales and Service nurmcanxiibn STANV uiwst PRINTING