Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1966, p. 3

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In lhls age elecunnlm may at us lend lo lake or grnMcd things mat nm 00 many year no would haw been confined miraculous sald Col II Elm mm command just befon placing the first lnnx distance call over he new Inlemlcd switchboard nl Base Borden headquanm yosurday The call was to Cammnndm Semmem at hendqunrlcn Ottawa Words worn cxchnnxcd about Um nusplclnus occasion algnflylng lhu omdnl openlng the new Kymm innoz ma 1a Madquar In brlrl speech lho open Ina ceremony Col Elllot mn Illy ncccpud lho swllchbonrd lhe lnl lo be nmnlgumnlui or an Inlnxmud hnsc mm Murby cl Toronto dmrid nc taunts manager the Hall Trlmhnno Company Cnnndnr by 11M win alumina or hlm lo renmcnl lho Hell Company at thl Im porlnnl occnslnn Nth maxlud lho complcllnn lcnglhy nnd lnvolmi prnJccl Ho lhnnlml Mle Pauline nllker command Hm Borden Slu nnl Squmlmn nml alhm rum Um base In their comm mm CALL over the new 11ng switdmaard sys wm at 11154 Dorm was made av Integrated Switchboard Es Opened At Base Borden PLEASURE IJMM 11 16 um wlIl be uhrm and II II flunk mum Tmllul Colloglnlr In the all 91 wow lhn mm mr wmllnt nl Marx STUDENT AT WORK tlon In helping to set up the Iylem us ring In ha era at our dlgil dlullng or all oi Canadian Forces 11m Borden Col El llo remarked When yw re member that alum day 0113 of Mennu have hnd to dial as many 11 dlziu tn talk to somn my stair members ynu will um that his ISM cam eme OPPORTUle Rumnrklng 6n ha 1m mm ano Borden was resound wllh unlguc yppquuxg ly to leml ha Ronm slndlng Enid an Ruhr Pauline Mur by non Memo way In he devdnpmonl In tegrated ham Col Elliot poin lcd oul mm orlxlnnlly lhu hm hm lwo Icpnrnln cnullu Tho rroxms made In weldan hm nln onu cflucllvu lrnlnlnx Inbllshmcnt anld lhu bnso com mnndcr was proof um mop ernllon nnd goodwill chm ac service could smooth the land In lull lnlegrnllan Tho npcnlng or lhll nmnlunmnlcd clrphuno cxchnngu nnolhcr and mast Immnnnl mm on be my era at mm my spoke Major lnullnc ntd the mummy hrlcfly we cnmlnl Ihe vlnllarl nml lnlrodudnfl Col Ellil ILCnl Styles CHCS mmlwlltr nkvlllc Cap lnln Coulll mumHm llllmmy Hunky Hml lvr mmpkllnl hlm Ivl Elnlnu plum In InnIn mm Raul Mm Mam Emnlmr IMtn command Bun Burden signal anndmn Li Ensby 00 Base Borden Ilgnnl troop and Lt Tomllnnon Icthnlcnl mnlmennnte olflccr CFCS con trol group Oakvflla 5150 look pm along wlIh F0 Russell Glbbuns new bus lnlormnuon officer nnd Ewbnnk of tho hnMCnnndu Telephone Sytlem Olmwn Kennel Windrcm central nl to woman lnr um Brll Tele phono Company Danie and anluald Sklnncr Conlrnl 0L Hm mnn PBX lusth In lhe equimeM room COLONELS REMARKS In Him nu lo thI ago electronlu when In many lhln In taken or Krflnlld lhnl wou have been conlldmd mlrnw loul law yum nzo Col El sped mumfiécm mm minim1M ns op erawra so into action Hal absentd We hava Imam used to lpnnnlnu Um canIInflll with the twin IWmo dial that we often large that lhcn lyp lam du not Jun hnpptn They Ira planned mglneurul nnd Ibovl lmlnlltd by hard working lechnldm Than men who noun mark far out of 111le Ira rarcly thouth of up on amnion Ilka today wnuld Ilka lo extend an bchnfl of flu muonntl nl lhll Dmmmluhllm Itdlhnnh lo the men who dld the mun lmlnlllllon Thulr lnlk wnl mldc wen man llmcull by In Ind lhnl 1th mm ullndlnl In llllUnl lylltm Thu sullend aw lnluruonnl 01 vlu In compliment la Ihelr Icrnlllrmmhlp klll Ind exper HIC In mchnlm blond mm mm Mr Muriyy runway lo Hm notlulu nl lho llrll Trio MI plwm Compnny Cnnndn MI mtkudc lor lhdr mllxflm l9 Ouwflan rm nu Dor dm Flylm OMcrr lluudl Nb lm xlnu 14 hn now In lpmullm filter Ciner 115 1y huxfinwi 12 me nymim 1va Ilmly lm Olllllvmi ILC Name Inlonnation Ollicor Bordon MUSIC MHON GUITAR LEMON mum Myle lhmulm nn ll ANADMN MMWM OF MUN mm TEE DAME EXAMJNDI FRIDAY JULY 1m llnere In meat need or mmdpalpafldnsm Barrie mrdlng Brown prop mummmmsm IiiM Gm Bardthan flmllwumnouwr mmldpal toios Mr Bmwn said We mvaummanmmm Hmkmm mmumm mmremdxutfimemd Mmmmhprw Dan the MM reasons or commit new in my area or municipality has been woven to be the at traffic con tmL be It Manet 0r elfstreet pm Aid Garner sud RENEWAL am sure am this urgent need or munMpaJI parking will be Maw WW we renewal study of Banin and that Barrie in cooperation with the mu will take every action to alleviate the shortage Ali Gamer shamed Mr Brvwn mated that today rqqre People drivenby More Parking Lots Needed In Barrie Retailers State bushes wa byit are actunfly catering to Ihe cus umm mm to shop by car we dont pmvide can walent parking or them they More Khan 93 lander mm Simcoe County last week al landed sixday playgrmmddny camp leadcu mxsg condudzd by lhe simcoe County Conunun lly IchfigQan Service group were ludm boll employtd and vnlunmrs with the county day camp program level From th Midland Mens Club seven from SLnyner recreation com mince from Orlllla Recre raflo Alrorn Bar r10 YMYWCA II from Burris Recreation Commlltco and nlne from Christian lennd Recru UDn kllaminae Thermurse was held at Spran wnler pvanclal park Ind 316 Pglnswkig day mpg 11w Inmucllon and chum wm glven in am and cmfla nature mm nnd camp malls qulu games singing max and camp songsnalva gammas The National Emvlaymtnl Scrvlca Barrlu L1 lmklm or application or lobacco work NES Manager II Law rmm Inld loduy 95 Playground Leaders Take Special Simcoe County Course Thom who 1mm lo wnrk in lha lobacm Held lulu um Inmmcr nhould man now Vila 0M tmploymml mvlce ha Imellvv nnd prolmlonnl Ind lcmle mununh nlesmun ml mule ulumm hlin mm mmmmnl ILLL man IKH variety Iloru mull pm ducuon planner Mlu manager Indmlllll malnm mumm muunnt limo mm mm unchanka winter mm urioul howllnh In an dtnlmmn mrrhnnltnl drn man inxiurnl Mo lrwurnm nahm md 1mm minin proanm prvvldod wllh Gone HI WWII mnkx udlo ml TV napalm plume Immka mm rluk Inlumcn mm cuuzr lmcl am cook urgent nudulnlu mm In me Mr yum IlgnmrM mm Ilequlml lmmcdlnldy In the dhlrkl are phlllml lull qmllllnd flock dork mllnimmcc mdunlc Mo mvdunlc Home urunt Ann Mada room In bowl pt uuml ckri bunklm 1r Won gmmsrm OWNSHIP Field Day SATURDAY JULY 16 Tobacco Workers Now In Demand Mn Mm lnm lho Isln4 ll walk IIII Ill Iflflmn It mu Almmnm nmmnm mm any II he pmlnlmrd IIhllo llblldly by mm than Thu Flvlnl 00 man nmmnm II me II udlu put tfib==w 6=o==¢i INTERNATIONAL ROLLING PIN BRICK THROWING CONTEST mommy wmmwdowmtm PROSPERITY Mr BMW Indicated prosper fl the main street is In the mm of all ma More parking mid be good for 1h tourist Indus am giva an Mpg ptggmsgive TIine langéthe city wilt the me 3mm Wu he noted Parking won make In Investment at thn city Ald Garner Mk1 Barrie five years may mm parking oqmplqes Mr BM msz separ ate parldng lots or mlamcs Irish and cmtomen Lenders nlsn melved lnslnlc Ian on the philosophy of day camp program planning and or ganizallon rainy day programs and speclal cvenla mnoeing In ddan stories costumes legend and themes Archery ovnrnlghl slapouts parcnls nights star gaging snlcly anrl snpervlslon nld volleyball softball physlml fitness testing and understand Ing nrld walking with Vchildren On July wel session we held the Llom Pool or swimming um and thy camp mlcflrnnt dirednn 1115231 members were pro vldod with lace mush in and nnotkds cumin deep water scant and rescue longer Indmare inlenslve mum is planned ncxl yuan Than will be seven other course or day canp play mund mum and swim Than wi course or ground ming mu 11 mln crcdit checker nlcc ulclan ulLv licensed conA Itrudlon eloclxlclnn mainten ance urmL Yd Game mqfim wag General Ml owoflunltlu It mule hairdresser cook book mplng madflna upmlor or der clerk 17m hm tkunlnl Indie ull Ind pm ume urxant damcsllu live In also day workers WOW MP The Mm Union hundred No 121 on HA mum mm 00cm MIN hotlny It um umde menu InaHM II Ihm In the dvl Palm HI Mm umwlwl Mn not up kmll ho Random him mt An mnuwlnnwrmdmn Mu I91 Marni Loom Lh nut walk In 1pm Mural ll USSR Launches 123rd Sputnik Sudbury 1888 July The day Big Jim Wendell slew thick vlrgln pine in less than half mlnutewithonly one hand on the axe Afterwards everyone repaired myths old White House for plpts of smooth clear Brading Ale In those days Brading gave man full ale flavour without oVerlillidgjlt still does today

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