Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1966, p. 11

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fiTO GOOD HEALTH fly MM AMIFICIJ val Tr hintn mm ha an MI ll 01 mmlh If JLIVy Ilr and Mn Com NI ln lomwly lllh In Yul nvuu flu mum Jun In lht nu lml mu lllminlrnrfl IMdyyluln ww Mr anrl Mn ll 3mm Jnyw Ind Marlon anoMn wm Null or comic cl qw vnul Mr and Mn ll IL Mack Dr Ind Mn lnltllnw ml mlldren Toronln VWINI mm the mun plum Mr and MIL Twin ll melt Wu much mu Mn Ind Mrl Drnnlu and non 11ml luvYr mrnl nw dlyl MU Mr and Mn flmmu Mmmu Mr mt Mn In Mm Nnnlml mm In Maud vllh ha 1mm nnrmll Mr Ind Mn Guam Mdilnntl RNA In lnpobr 11 mm Vyfllvln mull an mm Md Mr Illlv Ivrvy nmr Jun 29 rerI MI flu 1m mm IMUII lmwinl with In HIHI MA MI Mr and Mn Allan Hum hlhnrlnu urnM mo lml Ilnyn mm Mr ml Mu Vury Hunkall NINA MZMW MYNZIl Mrs Donald Nemln And hm 11y of Levuk mm or low tiny wllh rdnllvu ml nltcnd4 Iho In Mn lulu nl HHNM mm Thund willl MIMI or Mu 14m who nhxm odwllh tor bunny Mn Gendd sum and Mn and Player landed Ibo famrlrrmx lec Mondlh mu 1min al 5mm Calm nur Midland The In table wen laden with All kinda loodlu Ice Ind game mu mum WEAVER REUNION ml reunhm June as ll Arm home cl Mr 57 prth Mer the lam 1ly wgo Irfxnqunln 0ri 6m MM me And the wnounmu dimlrt hippy occasion was celebri led June 14 on me lawn ll lha ham Mr and Mn Ray Uslrcr hen Hm san drawn and nieces Mrs Purl Wil son Tornnla honored her on her birthday Jack Usher Hum lllon was maslrr cl ccmnanlu In his remarks he recalled hm Aunl Pearl had always been staunch standby ln lime fun and rlckncur Sh receivnd mmv Kill And thunde 1h dam on zrnciously The wealhzr was paint or he ouldour party Ind many happy memnrlu ol pleasant day MU lonx mmln WI thou who were abla lo lb hen 3mm Shhheld 1M BIRTHDAY PARTY collar Whlch provlde neck Iupport And Ihu relnxu the muscles sllghlly can campenA or the warn and narrowed dlm Yau may find that wear lnz Inch devlcc It nlghl wlll be Iufllclznt Mm mu rumba Nnr It channelWe of II trouble um it tends to be worn when you Ire lying down than whcn you are upright became lhn shm In puillon or the bane of the neck Tho paln mm lo be In your olmuldzr Who really happzn hit lhe sensory poln nerves leadan In your Ihouldcr or being tompreued ln your neck Nolhlnz you do In your shoulder is going lo correct the pain The lrouble ln your neck and that Ll hero tho trulmenz wlll huva lo bel MUST PROTECT NERVE cut on some me am do relief but undamenfllly My has In be lound lo rolect lhoaa nanvex and amal rue tlon of an inch can ha ha dwar enfe pelwgen tumor and en Iuch disc dunner lhll Is an worn thin or out at llllpe or are damaged In toms waythe nerve can be pinched beyecn ghe honcsofllhe spine Dur Dr Molnrr My xvraya ravell degemnfion the cervlcll intevembul Mch why II It um can do my homework during the dw and havu no pain but when go to bed within two or film ham lhq pain In my right shoulder great that have to get up Ind sleep in Iflllnz posl UDnYMn Thus nerves obviously hnva to pass between the rplnul bane nl your neck Normally the dire cartilage between ha bane protect these nerves and prflent prqssqro on them The may report 121 he Ilbry Nerves tn the Ihouldm Ind arm branch out ram the Iplnll cord in the neck fly JOSEPH MOLNER MD In mar mere cases It Shouldér Pains Worst At Nighl SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS STHOUD ELMVALE MONTREAL Vfil lAMIlII Allio NINHII mu mHu up lnr IIIIr yrm inn and mm mm mu 1m Imy nllwr ulrlmn And In mm or mnununm vmummt JIM INNII moan llnnvinl manm lllA Vin In In Ilmvnl Id wmudny Our IC mini mum IIm In IN MW up am llavutllnalalfi hp MM In gillh liyufiun Wm Mr mi Mu Jlmu IMuon llnfldly Ac Jun XL mm wan welcomed mm Queensvlllm Cmmnre Bonk lavn4 Cam nod Nnumlrhl mymr MM and Illfllwldt m4 firmd Fallmlnl Hrnln mull Ihc bumilul Aklflnnl llwn lhn luuu mu AIM to ball rhlrl mm All ml Mlm mint Ymrmh unrhu wu mar mJnyHL dMIdM In 11ml um umn llnv mum Sulnnlay of Jun 1w Mr Ilelrn HMIIIImr 06 Ol Ivvmnl Hm Ihlnkl II III Jim II for Mt hmpflnllly Durinx he avenlnl the War lhy Huron Mm Nell Cum hell had the plenum ll mmnb in her mahulnhw Mu Jumlo Campbcll wllh III hon nmy numberhm In the Grnnd 17mm New Mexico Us Mrs Clmpbdl In Grml nun nnullv of Smc ol Nuw Mexi In Onlnrln nnd mum In Mimquemua Inst Oclohun Mn 01m Avery P006 and Dnm on 01 Midllnd brought mel lnl And good wlnhnu Deliciaul mmhmmu of mh Alrnwm rlm Ind lu cmm uvrn urvrd under ronvrnmhlp Torn Prion And mlnl hour lnyry FNTE llTA IN Innis angler OES ht lhdr June mmlnx enurlainnd he fienllermnr Th year was no exccpllan wilh nvcr 50 member and vuilara from Laurel and Frm Chnrptm Toronto Man nen Endlty mum Mid land Phloem Chapter Cook lawn and Bayview Chapter Barrie mum In enjoy lha eve ning wfllilm numu over 80 yam of ASE hum miva mrmher was hamrtd when Ken Malian Ipoko on behnll this chap In lertlefln of lha many render ha ha rendered and the willingness with which he alwny perldrml 1hr many dune or Iho chapter ur parmy skill hu provided many rptclll piece nl lurnuura to benullly the chapter room In rmly Mr Rune woke ho plauura he rectivnd mm in his hands In mike thlnu lnr Mend And make thank lnr the Iullnbly engraved gm ho had ruched and tlmrd wlrh In nwmprhle mu Alouette Sets Records market Mm Susnn Sunhe St Cnlhnrlnel wen guests the home of Mn Wllfmd Jacks And called on ritnda last week HONOR MEMBER less Ive always contended lhlt moderate exposura tn Um sun not harmluL Hnwever l1 your wits gel lull feeling in the head or headache than lock thn made Nole lo Mn Kx Dla beles ls nul calchlnu You cannot possibly get from any nl he lhlngs you mention and usan the clothing person wilh dlnbelu is equally harm Tha uhflaralinn travel not necessarily tension ah somewhnl nervnu about ly Inz or travel mild udatlva or unnquflllzer my be In order Flying In modern presnui lzed camlomble planes Ihnuld not all her blood pressure Ike alxo ha hurt candl Unn It would be wise to gel IdvIca More mak her dado mg the Do or dont travel Would ha temlnn olprepnmllom flyini am he nflsel by rest and lamina flu other end of the ne Do or dont mnbnlhe Will ha nun have an eflect on her blood pressure 0n past rips nunbalhing ha been almnst must At home wa have swim mng pool Ind Juntannin area Dur Dr Mnlnzr Rectnlly my wilel doctor told her that her blood pressure was up preaching the zoo mark Here If my guegllnna Neck traction does much lo relieve the condition and Iiumid be tried heioro surgery is considered Iomellmel la necessary In wear uppmllva callar all Lha Mme or In have nursery tn use to xelher two or mm the nod bonesl 1111a 01 course cuts down the amount move ment puaalbla In the neck but the lualng provldaa penna nent apaca belwun Illa bones in ellmlmla further palnlul prgssqra on ha ngrves THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley In the pruent case we can hamly expect to take more than trio or two nnlnst din mond contract And we morelore hnvo an obllzauon protect North who assume from Mir opening bid Nut we can tontri buin It least three dzlensive iriclu Ours in not really mini mum opening Md sine we un Expect to taka six trick with made trumps but from the standpoint oi delenu we are well below par The bat way showing tint the openinz bid was based primarily on oilen sive vsiuu ts by bidding two 55qu nro certame entlded to think that two diamonds can be db tealed but even so It wmuld be Tong lo pan The ad 15 lhat No rpadea There Is quibe dillerence between his hand 111d not worth much on de leme Ind Ihe preceding hand which had IllAround values and mild be expected 29 take out or live Hake delemively DAILY CROSSWOHD two or three trick detect he Kx trump IN upedally valuable In canluncuon with our perfectly nonml openan bld Even out kink pennlly not out of the amnion since the East hand mm be worthlasa each of thc allowing four hands 15AQ754 HA7 DKS CQM 23Kle HJM 03105 SAN HAKJS OK MKth HKQfi IN CKQ Past Than is no good ren wn to ovenIda partner busi ng doubla and we should pass in the exyechflolluldquflcflng popularmodorn dimo puck wmouva You In South nellher Aldo ynlnerable he bidding ha Irucla 111911th 29 Alllr 511an ndduh brown color 82 Anna or Mm SLEXIII In Alldl Preludc llk Mme 451mm 191w power 50 Ghoulkl Bl PAYI wmuun 51mm or 211ndennili WRIGLEVS SPEARMINT Iolru 15 Shoal 10 Ouidol mu 11 New mun mr 5mm 210mm South Wu North Eu Dhla Pun pllnu 12 Hlnieri 13 Tupmry ll Plncn lot You an mm to Inioy In um mnwnnnl mm rm cl Wuqyl smmm mm oYIlanm unwound Imlylnml Vitreerdhmonds Here we 11 Duéré Waimd muk flintwild ypg M4 now with Acnoss amm gulp Now the only way to buyA DOWN CONTRACT BRIDGE 16Vuu 19 Calde 20UxMlm 21 fuel 22 Freguenuy 23 Suriom wnmor Lier ymneun Outlook Collection or uymi Vhlm Flrmnm of mm Fllnola Pauuslvl FernII Mm Menu ay JAY BECKER CHI 30 Complies 31 Canal 38 Ofltnlll num 39 APPOonn Gum In my Charter 16 An thra pm 21 min 25 MI 30 Gum weight 33 Pm er aliende party or Mr and Mn Victor mm In Gumm Hall June 29 Mr and Mn Ros were presented wdlh beautiful chair Mr Hm diam and Mn Ross meg Mr Ros has retired from trucking and George Tran hu taken over ha business mu Ind By MRS CRAWFORD Cunmluhllans are mended to Mr and Mn Nomun Leigh on the radon ol fllelr 2w wggding alygwergary Mr nnd Mm Douglas Waugh ery Anne and Douglas Bo an wen xeveral dly with Mrs Waughs bmlhehlnrhw And ulster Mr md Mrs Alex RETmEMENT PARTY Furthermore mm In chInce or mm North has two tau and um distinct possibil Ily cannot be Ignored It rhould be runambered that pIrlnerI double suggestion no commnnd Four xpldn Hem Ilsa ynu can expect to but two dll monds but anln thin arise the Ubllzauon In override parl ner because the unusual na fillfll at our handhFurlprw ca purpose we v0 us wme that our made can be made with 100 honors Ind that hm dlnnmdl cannot be beak 11th oflsel 1M1 North hu nu Hen am we have such powerful three suited hand and wa can now tell him about it by making cuebld In dlnmonda picture bid Ihould Ids miner are11y In finding ha but am or slim contract The guarantee void in dln mond and good hand um la Likely In produce more palm on amuse ulnn delem lull unnMM mlrln VAST Ill EXAMINER ACTION WANT Mil ll ORO STATION FAST CASH Yullrilil AIIWII 43 Requ 47 lel 43 1pr Aulm Illk 465 oz 0353 45 12 an Gru11 21 sAIrFre FI band Forance Jmy gealea inside mac its hold mow Sn viz =5 72 Inogmn 0mn 40 nnZvK u4 ADOxiégzo 00V VAWNIDAquu JILleL mil nMES IUT mm MRV ll IN DI WDRLD on DWI WU THINK MANS EXerl HAS ANV IIGNIS MISS JONES DAM EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY ll mmmm MN ALIC VD WI MAI If nrrL tuna 40 41ng 35 252 Emnu £53 26 2233 m5 m5 293 mm mm mm on now you mws THE MORE mLK THE man THE FEELINO IM WOMAN 263 12x in kSDnn DJ in 1mmrzo TS Eéoxz

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