Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1966, p. 1

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fire Missiles By Accident TORCH CPLA mrlu ol cclmu by the CBC involving lb dispuleriddnn Toronto oper minns as lollamd Inday by an annnunwmcm from Duuxlnu Leilmnzm cxwulivn producer lhc cnnlrovmial Thxs llmlr Ha Suvm Days that ho is buy pendinl the production of Seven OIMWA CPD CBC Prankm Alphonau Mime lssutd Alumn why denying lhnt II Wnikcr has blln appointed to new pmmon as sonior wmpmideM in Toronta Mr Walkrr now is vicepresidcm and amend mnnagu of flu FAgleh nob marks hand at CHC hczwlquamu 1n Ottawa CBCExecutive Hassle Stops ijggen Days DA NANG Hath VM Nam Worn No UnIlcd slam IlrlncNMir misallu wrrn nccideylally find mm Ihc manna hm hm 1m mark US ppokrsman am today Thr llnwk mLmihs mu dctmytd with ncomh Mini launched and dud nu durum MUIItlIEID Svallaml CPI Jnck Niddaul lhu Monte Io dny look an curly load In Um Hm rnund nl tha nhulo mm open all dmrrmlmdnp wnh onumfinmr 70 10de YearNa 56 The Hometown Daily Newspaper For Barrie and District Ouimet Denies Walker Promotion Urge Nicklaus Leads British Open PERSONALITIES IN THE NEWS hmmwndnx Tummy lrm mm mm main pull MI pomM hum luv Um nut m1 fitnrrnl vkkukhnl 01r Irm vlcuurdrlml Funk Fin mmwu IHllnH 11w hwy MUM NmIl llw MW mm In lah mm Irll ll nut My nh Ml 3mm THIS IS CAR IN WHICH HITCHHIKER WAS KILLED THIS MORNING LATE NEWS MIlifl DITA £7513 LSLFLI Nam 1w lo Unlcd dlnlcly ML Leilcrmnn also laid in slalemcnl that he understands the producm three other inblic nflnlm programs are con aldnrmg nimflar adivn litmin He xaid lhn Swen Days ac tion was forced by the mm Policy Apartment Dev elqpment Indrr lfMOl Im dnuha Fall In Guyana nmly MN mum kl MIMI Amen llr Jngan MM that My mmlry In only nominal lwkwrvlwru Ik nu 04 Ml whlk flu and hi mm Mal mm ml flfllhrfll mmmnh rnmnl liM mm In lvmlvu Th1 poll Hrian IM uwhnnnn an guru mhmu Henna IV JMLAN muninl lmmr iamiPExammr repudiation of out position by the CBC management which Tuuday announced five deci sions nflcr directors meeting 0n was an oflcr to Mr hilar mun produce Seven Dayl again next mason Mn Leilcrman said similar action to his mm is being can sidcrtd by the producer nl DowrMnI Quarterly and Colmass Patrick Wnlwn whme movnl host nl Seven Day has been onlch by CBC man uxmwu Lu product Dom mum which hm been run In mnhmdion with lho Seven Dnyl scrim on mm Sunday nighu Ha ha ulsn been Mlmd ha producer Job at Gummy fle parl 1mm his has position CompnsL Sundny mm mm mm rcplaccmem for chan Day produml by Jim Cur ncy one of the producer op mbnfl under Mr kinmm on Seven Days Mr Leicnmn lndimled Ml dmmim lo mun fllminx mp Inn and pmgmm plnnnlnl to Seven Darn was mused ll lam in pnrlva Um nmnod lrllmlcr mud ankfl vkevrtsldtnl nnd mad man Ixtr It Oflnwn kvr English nd wnflu lo becan Irnlur offlchl ln Tornnlnu mlrl be ndvlud mm llamm mnrrnl unper Hm public nflnlm um cannot norm lmrudtnnl 1mm IL WM Mild vlqlnu lhl lenm my mum Illfllllll FHA lnlwlun lnhnvn MInMrr MIMIll Sharp Townln IN right mmme major mil lnm Io ll Dani Ad In the mle r4 Tmnrm am dun lolllnl In my nnI mlml 14m wr unl on luni loan Inlmd nlu BarrlILOnlgrlg CingdlWdgtidy 1qu 666 OTTAWA OP 02st panes chose the shotgun my much May night to pepper Ihe governments prnpoaed Bank Act manges Finanbe Minister sharp who inunduced the rmluuan which 214310565 raising Ihe wencent ceiling on bank loan interest rates and manually eliminating Don the brunt 01 due 11 Opposition Attacks Bank Act Proposals Opposition Leader mdmv baker net 031 ton of the attack Rarely being specific in his cri lklan of the proposals be blasted lhem lnr Mlmvlng recommendaunm of the Porter royal commission banking plan to raise the Interestral ceiling and when he wfll do away with entirely The 11114 Isle saw the fix the mount an timing to credit conditions and WIdI an mrage mark yldd on mm mm govemmmz bonds langt Ina pnnl lha min lslcr id thc 1le mad ugh IMn Dhlenbakor dmv alumina he read from news paper ropqu of mam Liberal mu nmu resoluunn would WW 1y mind GENEVA MW UN Stu taryfienml Than warned today azalnsl urthcr escala tion at ma war it VIM NgryL mm mu he mggle Intensifies ha mum dmeriomlm ex tqu elemuus will untrue nnd will evenlunlly domlnnln he silunllm thu peaceful Io Mum win he further delayed and will become even more du ficull than ll In lodgy he Md yum Ihnnl uld them have been no mm nnw dcvdwmmu ukon to 1nd to post mun Ila reiterated MI convide that peace negatinllmll um niblo mdy lho bombing th vm Nnm II halted lha mill lnry npcrallrm Miami mu mu LB Expresses War Confidence Thant Warns OI Escalation 75m WNW an mun Iinunm to me no him um um JOHNSON CITY TIL human declar an Ibo hummus ham Hwy cnnnnl win mllflnxv Mary VM Nun hM wind mum lam mu wt on tho my to Iolvkll flu Vlflnnmmo pm 10m Jdmum plamml ml nl VIM Nun ml1rer nl Mu unch hum near hm midi mmmMnl mlch 3mm Ilolml lhNmnarl llnvlnl Amlmmkw Avrmll llml man an num mllilnry ml diplmmlh uMnm om nixfll lmnm vIll mm 1m pmmrul rmmnl An nvlimhuc vim In dur IM mu mnhmm mum on Ihu lvml lawn hi HUNG KONG Ultnlnll lrqwnumn no Mn mark by hintU mumme In Kwnnnl uzmn hnnkllnl leh VIN Nam In In lnlu ullun II Anvlknm ll liml Hl Nrw NM um my busy Chinese Prepaxing For War Activity um um mum um um ukl mum In man purl nun pmhhned punM lrl lhn Nnflh VMM mm mum um um lhn he rlnlfly filhvlnl Iran nw KM mm In dulled sum Inlvm mm caucus disagreement over the human mares removal He painted picture Mr Sharp and Walter Gordon larmer nancc minlslcr heading uppos Kn actions within the cam Unity at price in appar ently the objcouv 1h amendment mat have been de nidcd on great deal of soothing xynp had been Hr plied Unhappy with certain nl Mr marps fillies Davin mum PCM0011 said was un mual or mian In skirt cumin around paint Cofin Camcmn ND Nar naimo Cowidlan The lmda his partys financial Hie saw the proposed mend WAWA CPlHixhlifiiu Finance Minister Sharpa stale mcnl in the Common mm night Bank M1 amndments Sxxwrunt mum on micr esl ralu bank mm In be raised now and rumvcd when credil confitlom become easier wan um disclosed when bill huh to ba nqulnd la dir tlm hum mmn cmltd Ram IIINI lawman thrbillon of agreemcnu among bank on Imam me on both loans nnd dcpMilx with mcmm conlinuing lo mania government 110an Detailed Plans Revealed Later Tu curb lnlulocklnl bull di reclonlu dlreclu mm bulk to bl pmhlhlttd lrom bl In dindnv nl lthll NM more than onomlh ol diredom of my single Cnnr dun cnrpomilon lo bu Illvwcd ln nl director on my on bank Allor lntnul mun lllled nn amen anrblnk ml lnm or Inn tom ILAMYHH Mlllnwl mom rmvmmmninl gum nomad cm lbLI Inndlncknl lenlrnl Mrknn Milan ll midnight Tm thy 117 In ml you of ndlhh er1an mm Wm FormerJ lha llnlhh palad Mnlu ynxnluml ll Incan lmlmmtknl nl lr1laln In 1904 ml lmlw dlxclllly lxcmw rnmlvllc 11an ll Tanmm walllu Drl IlMllnu llnmla lhn mm lryl Hut urnthL alwnlnl lot mm ml calm ln IO mm lry ml WAmM Mrlcm Ml lo nwlml lhn rm ICIHMWIM and In Allan Inclule In MI Awln Imth ll mom Fflfil HUM NI Malawi Gains Independence rm Mm llum rm wimp ln rIuHnl wlltlul lkulnflm mm IMINI mark Mun munan IIW wblw Mildly bunn ll mm Tlxwlay 11 wmomummih mm try lwmw nlnnnlly mum 0min In quulry IMI Iml WMHWM althde IHII no Inlyinl NIHh nunmm lhrir in lely II mnlnlml nu PM 1ml mmwnllh 5m Mll ulna in math 71mde IN MI lnwt my An mm Mn In Ivm lm mmlh pmvkln luv In Inlnri Ir llnplqwrrm In hy mum In min1n arm tm mmmml mum no Ihm 70m mm mm TM Queen up lfwr wlil mm dance of file seven veik But when the sevenlh veil was removed no naked In telligence was apparent It was sheer nonsense and poppycodk or the minister to talk about increasing camell lion among banks by freeing the loan inlerefl ceiling Every one new banks were mono pdy mm mules Arthur Gauthier Mfisle noberval wanted the present sixw cm lean at ceiling maintained pm sably allowing an administrative charge on small loans In my mm he Aid wasmpossibg avcm nu mu my la xixpercent loan gt present ccpllnl dcpmm rum Ihe unh llt 10 be nllowul be hunk direclvr Mm July 1m banlu lo be prohibin from holding mm than 10 pcr cent of voting stock at my Canadian carporaflwn ln dudlnl nearbanh Mr Shlrp la cl ltdull provinclll cmlerenca on em Inmrr cred Iflfl emuan In lmlflullom HporuJ l0 TV JuliusII ultral WommIl WulherJ an max Ar 3er Ann humpJ CM Nell1 Cluxllkd ll Dnie Imulu mm nl 0r lin Wm fllvkul loll INIth lIIlIIIAlr HflVUNIl lhq mm The Examiner ii TODAY TEACHERS RETURN TO SCHOOL An unidentified hitchhicker was killed instantly this morning when the car in which he was riding struck southbound freight train at alevel crossing on High no on m5 Auuw Stuart Stringer giret 5L Angus driver of the can in safischmry oondifionin Rayaj Victofia Hospgal wnh hegd murl mulhple thses wyfilé was heade owar struck the CPR freight train at the Essa Stafion cross James Dmilmfl an eye wil tried In pull the car over to the ncss said the train was Lravc+ left Mulder ha mad In In ling at appmxdumtely mike wan to avoid hitting the min 3333 had mm 313mm HAGGERED Mn Demitmfl whose home 53 ud sailmluiabmnmledfmm 6° dnvugetouiduwcarvflo mfl mm 9mm In mum lhe nflddlo vi the highwéy was cutting weak in his garden When the ishnp occurred HEARD WHISTLE saw the min md heard Illa whistle and then noticed Lha earhgading 0391 gar Favellqtz 390m 50 mu hour when bnakcs mars applied 1le 150 led hm the crow The brake med to worldng all right became flu car was only travelling ll abut 1015 miles per hour Mm ll smashed lnln about the middle dilho angina on the passenger The way saw tho driver didnt have rum mum tn Mop Mr Bouiller said tho dxlvm wNDON AmPrime Min of Wilson lodny but back Hun group ln his own Lnbm mrly who had demanded THI nin break may from support Unllni Sula policy In Vic ovrruhnlminz suppnn were mushcdbyavomdzulolfinl clnscddoor marlin Labor member of lho Home or Com mons Vilwn nmmrcnb spoku Mm in INLan the EM against me mum One mcc mid Mm Mr Mli pdme mlnlllfrl 1111mm lmmrmly Imprmiva ln pm in Ihn nvtrnmonln cm or Wilson Crushes Rebel Opponents Young Angus Driver Survives Collision At Essa Station The Kebab ho hm claimed mm 4th mm luv Gum than ul leh C144 mm Hamil Imlmrm Mulhn Wonuy Mm Mum alemmury Adm Indy NoI MoroThan 10c CQPY 18 Papa doudy and Wm Thmdewlmw en this gummy ring triedlnmflllhewovertouu leftimldernllhamadlnln wan to avoid hitting the min DRIVER HAGGERED as saw the me out ran over and law In drivagetouidlhncah He started In stage in Um nflddlo of he hlghway Hg was hem his oyu motorist headed Inward Barri then came Bhll an pxdted up the driva took hlm to hospital um that fan to me houu lo can the police uni then re turned to Lho coming ho wail bnl yoar ago Mr Danika wimesxod an Accident lhl sama level gossinfl Ln hng car mashed mm on Us waming rim and mud flu rails The vehicle in NW nodd mt wu dunolflud Zombie Donald Wins Ba flo dctachmonl Omarn Prov lncial Police investigated confirming errl poliw in Viol Nam Wm WM mdy to so be low the Ham nl Commanl Inter lo defend policy mu hu ano cm under mum criflcum mmlho Commutim Dutuu Tmlm charm hlm with waver lnn by baddnx on from nmrt of IJw American raid on North Viunnmcu luol hunt on an mllxldru llnnol nnd Hul puma VOW OllnéflTIDN HIrlILr mld my would vdo nmm Wllsnnl palm cvm llmllod mm for tho U5 ll ll pm mélési umnm SEEV PAGE THREE lmm 0mm ml at hr Amy Wm lllwml Du ems in Am my Nu IE imlhi Mal

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