11 min m4 Thu mal Inqng mnmld HJMI IIMn lh lawnNp Fruity Milh 1mm muflon rmkd by mlvvdllrt nlunvhml mum In Err rum tan TM MLmalul Mul 14 hm Ill Mm MM 1111 ll Mil bah Dflmlnlou pmvlndll nmmwnlm The nmuuy pml um ymlml nr MIL dln nnvlnvll ml mu duly will ha in III mum Munkkul Main IN MMIVIII mum Mr pmth A7 mwil mum lmk AM In hVp nuamuunm Iï¬hh vlnnninl may mm mmpgnl COMEON IN THE WATERS FINEII Fan The mnnlnrn Intlulu no mm ml unuwfllw Hm rum In mud AIM Wilma Mm EhvaMIHr 1th um WWI mm mm 1m lultm Ivy and 17le imnlnflhun ll 11wer aim Mrl lv hm mNAthul Im II In youVIA mm le Ivylw In MMk tar In mm lam rl avmln In mauld In Knth NV Hm WNIMMC My mm lmlunn Smith MUMMH Wt John Linn Th nniwaulnn luvnlly lmml IN run Milvlinl II um and Gum Elm For lho xml lnur In yum Mr ml Mn Ika and mm two dwdlm Inn yuhlaul In Wlnnw why Mr Ilmm INMml lwmlw Ilwiwy lvzm nl lb Mmimn NAmrnn Nina mm mull rl wkwm NM Ivy Humid ï¬rmk wnlny limo unmmlm 1va l1 Tnlft Ml Ind mmMum Deputy Rwre Smith 001164 than Humrum al new dam or me comrvmlon am It Utopia Ll expth Mm nut yum Thu Nolnwnmza RItrPark will he xlven In lmpmmi md mlrm as it In Intlrlpnlcd mo be morn lrnfflc Iller lhln dcvtlnpmom mmplcled The wile nonr Sh Jdmn Lu vim aluminum pay anarmlm hum mm Nummn In Nlmhl will Induc llm mvku Nu my mum Nnv HIin Illuk fowl Page mm Edgar and Merv Denney 0hor mph will he made nvaxlahle or my Mhm Immxltd been wen lint June and manager We Allsomv cslimab ed that more than £000 per ona 1m used It Eumlnn Phola in mm Hull nine mum in Ihu murky ma New Pastor Welcomed In dip Hm Brian Wfleo in charge of the pool directs mule First as hotm Mxéhul Mills Pan Terri Woodzer Nancy Amonl mallrrn IuMecl lo Manon It ma wlll bv lha Inclualm nl Cuwflln until an prmrvmon ol flu Inlrmuy in Forum rmlvn ml Om Du lhnlnlon Day ll nmnbm cl null flu Unhu Coma lnr minu mvl bum mm Canal lo ugma lrulnlnl guynu IMluy Wm rim Alxulum and Min Munflmmy nt lomlnl Allvat lmlnuln mm IN Nuhn Vidrm In Mind 1th 00an gr mm ilmirwnm or Iilv mt Nam MIINM VHIII ill Ali INK 04L Imlï¬n W9 Nonrem ddvm mm hm when lane their mob birflh dAy to use New York hidawnyr rlaflllï¬ï¬‚u ï¬lm any 1h trumped department ol len Amber word of among mm mm lolnl to help with ï¬reh ddvlnl Wll be Idler to plan him In abort ï¬shnch pith 215m MK mm of anmlna Hon held In Banin by In My conservatory Music To ronto wen announced lodly The unmea In nmnzed 1n larder of merit lnl lerl Hvlnn Kupnnkl Illl mm not ll INLH Uumr Illa Helm Nuvn kolln on Imlluin mum Mn ll mum hnwlml It hm wul luran lululnl my yillrln Mylo fnld IL TRY EXAMle WANT ADI 3min MM who plln to mom through New York sum flair 331th MW not 6001 on dr any on under lb map Tho Ontario Dewth cl mum remind momma flu In Ontario Hum Is not nud in New York whan drlvu lagnly Hot years dd Oahu hde flue om lowing moo human in Barrie Ind 1300 more In Huhart to be lnnhd nl Ih mllonal bunch nx mltm And will be awed In llumtnu rcculnflm And control by the Mani nl Invadan Govcrnm tho While Paper on madam lnl Infled In the Omvmm Mmdny mm umnglhund Mghg GQvérnSn in mi lldovhlon mufï¬n My mmw Randy Suwlerl Null Han MU TV lld do wrm In mnmmt on Whit Paper mu in him had up mmmfly in Indy NI impllm GRADE v1 FRENCH HORN Hanan Beverley GRADE VI OBOE Honor Stern Delaney GRADE OEOE Punk Anna Rumay GRADE VI SAXOPHONE PI la men More Music Exam Results Are Announced Naval Cadets In Txaining It Banh mom 8000 visitors or about 000 patties sought nation mMcu cm the holiday wnkmd and Elam 10 mm unnamed ofl dunguy Monday ud mansex ol tho amnion came Mllmhzd between 10000 and 00000 pu Aed Battle over the weaken Ho uld many American mm book Idvanlalo of gh July We pegu Onhrhucaflml an nmbmmwpped Munday or Alabmaflon III Barrio een GRADE IV FLUTE Pa Nancy Mex0 GRADE V111 FRENGI HORN flu Honor Larry Totirist Centre 13 Busy Spot Cable TV Will Be Controlled Govt White Paper Indicates Must 39 Over 18 To Drive In ME GRADE VI FLUTE Honor Bonnie Boyd Ply ï¬rrénce Marlin GRADE hounorm Honor Camerine flihnlkin PM My qunn mnavx rum Pu Stlnlcy hbraudt amp TUIM Pm Cook cmaw mama Pm mm Ruherford cgmgz wruunmm furE moSmoNz PHONE IlMIO xx anunl 1611 Moxnw kmmmfly antcnm mum mum rocolvlnl unit which melvo lennll and dLsmbula lhem In mnbcrl lo win or cabin flw anhr commlun on hmmlcmlnx mind 1M all lhm WM mm lys onu In oanon 1n Cumin norm nl mun erlnl lnlo flu mark of mm alovlllon lkml Thu school this wk Announc ed elm leader in Kennml pro Icluncy In classes cl no line our mdes curipd hy Iydmxs flu or mauon ol nolmrb an ade qunln degree Canadian can in of mymnla llcentel and quelllnns multipllrownel ship mmrnl Grade nine Auden Ann lum uy Ichreved the but Handing among student from grads nlne to 12 IA Central OuIIchnlo lhls year with 711 Average Judy McKenny earned 1m best grade 11 marks with 91 erage while Larry Wlem WM TEE BARIll EXAMINER TUESDAY JULY 1900 Carolyn Armsth DWM to on hot rolling pn flu mum mundl behind the IGA flora at Suwd in night Top Students At Central CH1 Follu IIn Dipl orr PMCTISES FOR STROUD CONTEST Simeon Homing Cenm um ml by WI IIle MINIMI Illu Im II llmru low Ill Dunlap 13 7mm HIV Probloml with Your Houran of Your Prmnl Hurlna AM EMERGENCY NUMBERS WHY mun 1mm HUI 1mm Mlchul Fishtr IM ll Larry Wm 11C Pal Fer guson on HD Doug llflpkinl Mnryannc Hummu flll HF Jullbo Irlleuier M7 HG Andrew Wilson 7194 David Younl 005 Ralph PM 690 Ill Eu1d Spay 796 IIM Nam thlon 748 1M Nubia KM M7 John Amullh cm Gru ham up Sundrl sum HE Hill lllwkhnrm Shirky Hominy 11 NM Davin 714 ml 1mm Ell mm 73 UK In llnhlnmll all Ill Judy MuKenmy 0L1 I71 Ann Ramsay VM 9F nurture law 31 96 louLsa Brawn 787 Kathy Dir ll 3K Pent Siplll NJ 91 Pull Wilson 800 BM Tom Gmne DI 9N Brent GIHupe 27 HP Davld Ialxhlon 776 BS Phlllip Laun dry 73 91 pub many ioA My mum on um neckeu 911 100 may Noll 77 lg Mllll Knccshnw M3 mu demuw 106 Ilnlr Mcflznney 91 mil nun New 730 MR Ernb Slurer 10M Linda Lucy 77 10er Jim Chnpmlm 76 10 Girl Finkhrlner 371 ION Sandr Schneldor 101 CM Curler BLR the up nude 11 Mudan with Best trade 10 marks were turned by Barry wilknan whose avenue wu Madam In gemrll proï¬ciency In 111 thus were Kllhe lun Lam 911 Michael Lad occr 32 BC Mann Carmin 9D Marilyn Pmley Ipr Min Armslmnx is mem ber the Sumsd tum selec ted In campus In the Inter nullmul rolling pln lhmwlu comm later this momh ®®®®®®E milmdmngflwbushessdqy hmbWunmmmm Sgt Mixn Llnxmuh 17 102 Squadron Burris Air Cadeu bu left or Cuudlln Forces mu Holden on xixweek senior lender course In will mined in IlLllm cl cadet ullel Banlo who was pufltd unconscious tram Kem penlell Buy Monday Vilma Identity Ls sllll uzhnwn on mum law Mloalld In dllllculty of Lhc lhom neu Memorlll Squats Ind anm out to law mum Hawever unabll to pull the 216 wind mgn lo Ilwrg wirmw oi an mm helped the that menu pull Mlcallel mm thl wmr 1M1 hid bum the com will hue by bu My 17 or two wedu un mer camp It hmlon They wfll Ia will blslcpral Qannqi Prnmp Admin at Hui1e Mice onlch and three 00m mcueu has been credllml with living the 1110 Al E13 M1 Noth Simeoe 4H clubs will meet lnBndro early tomorrow to board buses or lhelr Annual our the Universlly Guelph wu Innoumed by Alan Scott modal Izrluxltural rep menhflvc for the am Four buses will be luvinz It 140 mm and member will spend most 01 dly tomin the gamma Guglph AIKW Wllh ha tremendous chnnxe inlng on he univenlly Ind the incremd capacity or en rolment on um campus we trust um um yura lour may prove real lnlemt Mr Scott Norman McKay RR llnwkulone hu bun ultcled Non Sumac delenta to he provinclnl HI kadcrship can ltrenu Guelph July lo 21 ll plknnnd ll flu Internallgm Alrwrl Toranln on ï¬n way back The nzricullural represenlalive also announced nm the Annual Junlvr armen ï¬eld day wlll be held In Guelph on Salunhy July and some ol ma Nonh Slmcoe wlnnm al field day at Vasey Park recently will be going 11m wlll me at the Barrie Falr Grounds 130 am or the our At Summer Camps Save BarrieMan From DIOWning Cadéts To Train North Simcoe 4H Club Members To Visit Guelph University Nhiotun otherr menberl al EXAMINER EXAMINE CLASSIFIED what do you have to sell WHATEVER IT IS GET FAST RESULTS WITH SSST PHONE 7282414 Auk For An AdVisor Oï¬cemai hruflclnl mpinflon when Gout George Melgnd at flu Burl poll demï¬gpvn Irring 1h mnslnblc named M15511 lla breathan with nwuthwh mtmlh Radiation Ho wu taken to RaynVicitfla Hospthl and lranspamd later tn the urlo Hospllal It Pending Kempenfelt Bay Extremely Good For Swimming in mm Counw Health Un as ms maven um 21 saxmilei 3km In hum Manson Beach 90 Min lotla Point showed no aim of ul on bay was pronmmced uh or swimming 135nm but Mr Doubt said In men alenu lb summer Ha Mummhumgd eon ditlons over Una has men years lo the mlamd mags lreatmuut plant Ind momma ï¬ll pmkouuflw land nu ha said cover residual malerlll um whan washed to Me cm mum on wnuunn In an that an whllo may nlluvlnl 1h huhduct hrinkm toafc pllu Mon lmporunt Illmum Innmthnmglhlhlnhlflmm mun wu mumma mm parlod almnymonlhx Amy Kuwait Ely L9 hi swelyflxood condlhon for Ruben Doubt senior inspector whwuxwwwww ning North Sxmcoe xvestoci Judging team It Raynl Al rlcullum Winter Fah last you rhnlda pdnleuly Itnlllml Ind Hmonmlon In mixqu 1n upech up hellinc of lhl Injund lnfllmld than new hauntblunt Elm whlnh ulc ly him had all Idmullw growth nu mm an liloDyna oamd In olnb men Ind xu ponilory 10m edlod Pnpumlonl Aklorllllllldm Itemmow blek numb He WI7llMlnbef pm win mmmuummpmum mm whip renowned mulch mum In cum unkfo huliq lubhnl mph nk Announce New Henljng Sulnzlancec Shrinks Piles