Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jul 1966, p. 12

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IOWMANVILLU 0n Turlnr mud lry lumvu mum 10w uulh yum um MIva Mlhm Ill an and Inlmr unlnm IHI In mknl In real Hm an vlnkrl Hun Hm unl llfnt UhlIIlln FMIIMI Un Ion quvlny Inom 1th run1m 0m 1th antI fll Fll Nirlh 1le Hurling lwr mm mm um ho nltnl mm mm nr1nliallnm ufll rnnllmu nn how lhry MI he vvlvulrl Mr Duluw lrluml In my uhmhn NH Fl MmuINIVI yr Hm urfimu nun Um In Khy lrIlml Hw Irv 1rnwmlvn1n MINA Ip mu muma mm nf hut wk In nHuw nrml In My mm will mums wnvlnrvuw Inuit 11w humm rw whirl Md win II huwhplwim fur mnnulmmri HHk TM cm 021 7mm nl Ilnluly With an Irmptch whan brlshh nmchlnrry mnmrlmur will bum wires Mmo HIM nxn um mmulalnlu um In bnr will mrlw lhn MELT ml lnqmml lnmnw Many lorran nrrenml mrnua wlll load in rmlly 1c llrmml Ihnnllml N11 mm lrmlmla wru Ml flu dmmm lnwlvmu Qudm lunxnlxvmmn nml muulnyrcn UN laurrnrr Senuny Mn Scnay uh me larmtr Mam m1 much of he ndnnl cub lnmlval In lrnnucflons of hi the bu honm4 In on Urs my Jlm Traynor who lnmu mo um nl Trcgnrvn Salk 15 mile min Ilrgmn MM the nlo wlll nnm Ln lmremml lulomIblla nnd mmhlnrry pro ducuzm In lZulrm Canada but uvml Your arm has to come first You Jun cant Inbor than days so you hnva to Mo equipment lo Ink or name the load Whatever money you you havo to Drink of most at uolnx mnigm lnlo machin ory thml nny ovcr maybe you am thinking about buying Ierullm or gnlllnx benamunl lly gram Grain armor Eldon Seney operales manor farm limos Alngldwndod Buckle All 35 miles wulhwvsl of Cnl XIII prwoscs lo purchase new eqqumcr mm windlall posed 1mm 1n cash al ready commiy For some wul mean new car and perhaps something fur the house But few expected luxyrles Maul Ptalrle xraln laxmen believe they will realize lllfle Immediate benefit mm the $800000000 sale wheat by Canada to Mash Well be on the Wu and um mid one gloomy rcsl den of wulhom Albcru ll when prices go up It wont be by much and the rallwnymcn darker and machlncry boy will Kinds up wllh the money The In hmyear con tract or 330000000 bushels when and flour was anan Jun 20 The larzmt grain transaction In hklory It in mum Iluulan purcth lrom Canada to $00000000 Ilnca 19m Mofzilnrmcm said Quail pry Protest Again NEWS BOUNDUP Dr Eric Wflllams prlma minister of Trinldad and To baxo recelm warm gm inz from Canadian counter pm Later Pearson as he THE CANADIAN PMS mmevnm mu Wheat Farmers Feel Sale Benefits Few PEARSON WELCOMES WEST INDIAN 1m xmlunon on nonvlolcnce ml the nonVlolcm Ind 11 de Invika and no mn lmlldnry lllmwrd that now In lhe resolullan the civil right organization plcdmi Ild Ind wmort or per mm who Mule mm In 1119 armed lama because of the war also pledged mnblldl an educaunnnl program nlmrd descrlhlng be Immorflfly of flu war to dullago youllu In Nggvn ghtglm unrmlh 110er would Bo lha IHe misam were set me 5120 hourly inmase over their haxi wnxa of 95 Lincoln Lynch Associate nu llml dimlor alto ouuintd malmlvna on mnvlolenco and Mack power It pm tun lcstnclc after an adlmgmmcm rim 121 hell am Jun 13 asking for pay increases and Iddillonal fringe benefit in contract In replace one which 9x131er irLMay Arthur Blanchard union bush Ms ugenl said two year linemen had been signed Ho sald dctnlls he Sculcmnn will bu released lnlcr this weak BALTLIORE lAPlThe Con ms 01 Ruin Equality puwi resoluuana Monday night con dnmnlng ho war In VM Nam and tho US military drnll be oro ndjwmin nnuanal con vmllon Parliament fit Glance 1hr lmlwm mtmunl VIP llalu lnr lilt Ircmhl Irrh mm mum Nu MMa Anllmm Han munum Ilmlrr mm hm mm ymly mm ppm any plan mm the Fin Inl In lmufln tIrl up Ilfllhvnl yum nwziru In ludin vath pvnhulhl Ihe Inhale and Innmlw 1m mlmu mm Ir Imm Mmdrr mm In mi II teren Inlemallannl Union CLO xelurnod to work at about 100 construction tiles in the Niagara Penbusuln endlng lhrccwcek mikc Idlinllon Hill IV In fivwrrnorl lull mlmrily ll wn llctncm and will uwnnvp rmmnnml 1m mzu mm mm In Inhln no Mil IN my llm nml lrvr mm Mqu mmry In 141 munn pm rnvmuz Hulkllvr Hrlwral ltnnrll Inle In Hw Illlvm mmm In Allulylnu Wm ulrmlifiM llll Ilnnkl luau llw 15 Inmml mm Mlnhler Mull lnMrrl an ruhmil nnlu Illh lluknlla rdnlvlxh In rrlallnnl lnr U1 Hill lhm Ilmr 1M1 SI CATIIMHNES GP About 200 member of he Fmfllymlluon 1qu Plus drcnallwnnl 1m wllh Imenml nulhvrlly Wnl pnr mm 1n elfMun Immi mp ulxlle pmwr ly TIIII CANADIAN MINDAL lily IIM steps mm plane at Ottawa Uplands Airport Dr William is visiting Ottawa for Lha Car ibbeanCanada cnnlerenm He was one of neural prime mlan met yesterdny on Condemn War Walkou Ends 13 MW Wk CANADIAN PIIIZM AWN uux OFFICE OPENS AT Ispflh SHOW SIARIS AT DU THE MOST MODERN DRIVEIN NORTH OF TORONTO Canndlnn duringmch In nu rer mm wlll In malnly IH mm at Imrvmvlnz Mnmlc Em um Iyllrm mlnz lvravy walrr fur mnlrmlrvr ml Ml urnl urnuhun or Incl Um purt SHHNTY BflY Exnmam ho ms of elm rlrity mm this plant Khul ulcd lo bLKIn mucrming In 1W ndlmxu powcr can be produced mm lnrxa nuclear nation In Soulhcm Ontario at com com puullvo wiu pom mm coul bumlnl minim cl Iimllnr IIID the report nyn II my heavy wnlrrmmlrr nlnl mudan now Mr bclnx 1n Itnllui In CMLKLI In dlrtd mm poullnn with mlfirm anm Shrink mlu at um um dr Im um bclxu uml In ludl may In 15mm AM mum bfnflwnlnlmhmn illy OTTAWA CW Canadas nuclmr prouram has madxcd IL mum objccllvo In develop In economic nuclear wwcr far lellllhs with dcvrlopmcnl bl lhc Iickcrml nuclear nullon near Toronlo the Atomic Emmy of lamb sald Monday In nnguql upon The nuflwrlly proposcd last spring la boost II lull by 10 per mm but Industrial and arm groups pmth slmngly at public hearings WAWA CPD The Cuna dinn and American agenda op cmlng the St Lawrence Saa way disagree on proposal lncmse slipping 0115 Trans port Mlnlsur Piskcrsgill told the Commons Monday He said the recall Cn nadlnn humanly vnll not be made publlc pending possibla further ncgollnflons mm the United sum govunmc The had been sub mmcd In im Thursday and he rammed the two agencies had been unnbln Io agree on joint rummndnuons but nnl Mam It mocludes the natural constitutional and mnlicnable right of selfdc lam munmmmwuw arrlva by Mr Pearson Canadian Forces aiminn stands guard as the we pre miers meet at the one he unhindng ramp 01 Win photo Nuclear Growth Seaway Hassle Ixhuy Al nullulu NOW SHOWING WEN In the mman by Mm Jcbb Mu Hm Johnson and Mn Mm 111 Irmanu mm Wm nllemld by the bridal Mlmhnk Mu Cnh uddtn ML Walk MIM lnllrn ML Immkle IL leon and Min Lynn Nixon Guest were mm Ivy Mn ll Coon Mn IL WdtIL Slevmon and Mn Owens Mlsl lkll mm July Mk la munan June mlmllmcmu Mumr nl lha Mm luv MIM Mm Walla mm of 5mm kmmnml filh sum In endure in mm Wu Um minim many Thou MlmUnl mm mm wrrc In mum ml mm ml RIIOWI TflDUSSEAU TEA Mu Wllmot micr cnlur lalntd June 15 at lrwmnu on In honor htr lnughur Within July brideMm The en Inhle was Iflrarllve wllh plnk taper and flower ccnm And was MM over by Mn Jewel mi Mrs Gm McMuIIIn ln um Auntmoon and Ohm when Davie delivered his larewell sermon terminating on year as min ister this charge 0n the mvlmu Wednwday wanna Rev and Mn Davies and am ily wore lendered firewall by the congregation in the Smday deol room 61 church in warm ol am party Program was named ler vhlch premdon puma was made to Mr Ind Mrs Davin and necklaoes to 11er three daughters along with an nddreal expressing the Hunks and flood wishes the congregation Slide were shown by ML ANN9 Brand West qullmbury school area 0n the Holy Land Mr and Mrs Davies and family Mr Monday llo their new change in Palm am Min yn an num inimininz in Royal Victoria iiospiini Harrie in spending aw wackl vacation at the home oi hcr ialher Phillip iickilnn Rev and Mrs Mum and laley from Kusyih moved Into the United march manse Tuesday Mr Mflroy will he the olflflaflng pasta or the Cook town or ton and HoIly charge Mrs Jlm Curry and mu Nell Mt by plane Jun 21 or Be fast Ireland where they will spend the next six weeks with Mrs Currya parents Mr and Mrs Sauucrs Mrs Dalton Cobaum mum is spending few day In lawn visiting friends and relative and L1 staying at the homo My daughlcplv1rs Beaten Mr and rs Br an June and Iamily Midland visited on Jun 26 ho home 01 the ormcro brothchnJaw and xlslcr Mr an Mrs nflcy Mu Fildry was hostess to mcmbcll of St Jnhnn WA and pmklcn Mrs William ley led the dcvollons Mrs How nrd mm chaplcr mm the nudy book Woman lo Wa mnn There will be bake ale In July Rumba enjoyed dellclous ilrawlmry la and Ilfllfl HM Film Arthur Bryan Grimsby Dr and Mrs Carr Ann dale NS and Elsie Sub nlllfo ol Tomato were Sullnday guest at Mr and Mrs Bert Mmood and aflcndnd the Ar gon rgmlqn In St Vincent MINISTER LEAVES Omnmmlon Sunday was obser ved Jum 28 iln jig United Mrs Rodgers were Mu Charles Stoncn Mrs McCulcheon and Mr and Mrs Murray Don nIdson all Oranggvulc Mr and Art Hansen were In Gravcnhurst June 25 and attended the 25th wedding mnlvmary farmers brother and mgrmm Mr and Mrs Charles Hansen Mr and Mn Lyons Mark dnle were Sunday guests ol Mr Mn Hilary Ilikty Mr and Mr Don Cave wen ed heir home at he Neviln reunion June 25 with large number In allnndnncc WA MEET MissWancea Kindle has IC ppud poaldon nursing mum in the South Muskoka Memorial Homlml or the yams megnmths and IIle it AcmruQCAmwn Mann mi llllll SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS NEWS or COOKSTOWN Miss MeMAslER DRIVEIN THEATRE lrnusmu lnu was held at the home of him Harold Drury June is in honor nl her dlulh icr Ella hriduixl oi June 75 About 00 turns attended and mining the mus wens Mn Howell Pnriridze and hirl Dart Junker Barrie Mn NeMon ncsxc nl Guthrie and Mrs Ainsley Phillipa oi Sen bright Mrs Gama Illlddu SI Catharina and Mn Vera ncy mid Lo Angela Calllam In nllcndml he wcddln ol lhrlr nlcce Ella Dmry and Jack Dme June 15 Crown um and the soul of lhelr Mr and Mrs Gordon Duns mora returned home last week alter hreuwcek molar mp la the west coast They visited relatives at Victoria nc and enjoyed day at Ban ILW vmung Mr and Mrs Dalton Dummore at Yellow Gnu Sask Crnwn Ill Womenr Institute spunsnrlng strawberry Tru the home of Mn Nor man Tuck July to pm TROUSSEAU TEA cl honor Mu Jack 0mm ml Mls Barbara also Mn elves Ind Dabble Mr and MN Wilfred Oldes Winnipeg spent few day win the owners brother Harvey Oadel here Mr and Mm mm Buffalo are spendlng the at 1er Imps here Mlsa Fem Oadeu it holida lnx with her at Moon Factory Island Mr and Mrs Iflrsdnfleld and chlldren cl Newcasua spent 01 weekepgl will fire Janeyyar Gany WWW Hnmflwn spent tow any with hlx grand parent Mr and Mrs Handy MLu Kay Shannan St Mldxael Ham Toronla spent me weekend with her par ents hen Mn Wallwln Barrie was dlnner guest Mr and Mn Handy Monday Moro leavinz or visit wllh her awn and family In Vancouver Mr and Mrs Gerald Kenny attended the weddlng ol lhelr sun Willan and Ms Margaret Gllmour Rag daughter of Rev Canon Gllmaur And Mrs Gllmour of Hamilton It SL Thuma Anglican Church llam llton Frldry June some guests mm Crown lllll were Mr and lllrnr Wayne lllckllng Mr and Mrs James Kenny Tam Kenny Mrs Vlola Acanlty and Cnlhy Banks and Miss Kathleen Kenny lleg Toranlo Mr and Mrs Gerald Kenny were hast tn family gather lng thelr homa Salurday eve nlng June 15 Those nllendlnz were Mr and Mrn Enrl Kenny and Mr and Mrs Robert Steed el at Rochester NY Mr And Mrs Cnrl Mlchael Mr and Mrs Illx Roblnson and Mr and MIL any Spallur of Detroit Mr and Mrn Louls Cnldwell Mr and Mn Grnnl Rehlnson Mr and Mrs Rupert and Mr and Mrsr Fred anldie Barrie Miss Jcssle lloblmon Toronlxvnnd Mr and Mn Don Rulilnson rmly ol lvy Mr andWMrl Max GradIll kndd the funeral of Robert Wilson at 0er mg In Hummnf Smmrarlsten 30d Fa in with knousand GEMS 111 Mm DUNSMORE CROWN HILL as fiarbéii wardsHarris CRAIGHUBST By MM HANDY 645 and 900 WILDLV SWIG YIJU fllflUlD CIMAIILV llllll IvIn 1mm M1 Mr and Mn Gordon Dunn mm Ind Hugh Mr and Mrs Bud Dmmoro Mr and Mn Mound Dnnxmm Ind Mrs Cecil DEW visited M1 and Mn William Martinn and lum flyln Pderborough JIme Congratulations to Susan Dm ry MarginL Dmnt Ema Baum Tom Pasey And PIA ch lonz an passing their Gradn All expect to attend Narih Callgglye fall Coligrainlaum and hes wish es lo we newlywed cmlples Mr 59d Mn Ytuum My and Mn Elwood Jennelt and Mn Harry Smth mended lhemusic melt in Thornton United Church May evenlng Hea ths and Myrnn took pa Mn Em Hiram and Mr and Mn Jack Him and fnmfly mended In Ellis Picnic at Springwnter Park Midth Sunday Mon Mr and Mrs Ver non Wieland and lmfly An zug 1er9 quhnd surprise birthday party was held for ML Donna Walton at the home at ML Nancy Davis Wgngsfikl evgn wristhmmh 3K enioyed picnic It Innlafil Park Wednns day June 22 Mr and MM John 11m Tar onlo who have retumcd from Germany spent Nesday with Mtg Bav Jennfit Vlsltm with Eanllnx and Mr Ind Mrs Cleve Patton on the weekend of June were Mr and Mn Art Coulson and Inmlly Banla Mr and Mrs Jack Sealer and lnmlly Geurgc lown Mr and Mm Mervyn Mc Cormuck and Mn Nellle Mc Cormnck Toronto Mr and Mrs Art Hayward and famlly Clark xon Mrs Art McQuny and Mn Pclu Sllngcr Thomlon Rev anariflra Hewtnn spent June 11 at Oak Rldgu Allend lng clqumenlcoyrerence Darierm and Diane Bella Simud with Mr and Mrs Ciii 0rd Davis Mr and Mn Fred Green Ind Mnrion Tali with Mr and Mrs Bari McLean Mrs Arthur Coxworlh Barrie Mrs Msrxnrzi Phair and Bob spuriing Port Credit with Mr and Mrs ii Jenneii Frank iiiii Toronto wiih Mr and Mrs iicv Jenncli Mr And Mrs Bruce Loqu and Hobart and Mr and Mrs mu Parr Bramp ton with Mr and Mrs Robert Nnmahflmmmon StraUard spent law day visiting his brother here Mn Vlllflshewell and Mn John lllmhall lelled blend in Richmond Hlll recently VISITORS Mr Vanna Mn lack Coolest Place In Town Tables Located 0n Arena Floor Commencing This Thurs July 800 PM JACKPOT $33000 lEGION HALL COLLIER ST WEDNESDAY JULY STARTING AT Mn Door Wu run BLIGHTY BINGO 16 Regular Gama Spilld Iha Wolllll BARRIE ARENA lEGlON BINGO Every Thursday Night Goon Each Nlnhl Play and Enjoy SPONSORED BY Tho Barrio Minor Hockey Association JACKPOT wnsoN Farr Mr and Mn Hownrd Majorand Mr and Mrs Bert Edward with Mrs M310 and Mr and Mn Jamalwean on Mr and Mn Alan lllll Odma with Mr and Mrs Lorna Carrulhern Mr and Mn Gur net Campbell wilh Mn Emu McVanel Mr And Mn Jack mm and lamfly Swimoust Tm BARE EXAMINER WAY JULY 156 STARTS TOMORROW PARADISE HAWAIIAN STLYEf ADULT ymmunmlmf mullHulkth MumGaldwyri ipmfixli Jacqui Bar Ploducllcn Ilmlnz NlNN NflflN NNN MNNNRET NAN NEHIN INBN PNlNNNE 0mm 1Ml mm TONIGHT SOPHIA LOREN JUDITH SECRET AGENT FIREBALL am alhief WWW mam hrmmmrmunmnx mm hr IM Iml TUESDAY TO FRIDAY CARDS $100 ADMISSION 50c CARDS 50c with lira Earl mxpns Mlss Jean McVanel with Mr npd Mrs John Hammond Mia Jeanne McKie Vlllowdaie will Mr and Mrs Richard Price TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mun LAST TIMES TODAY MATINEE PM EVENINGS AI 715 Min AIR CONDITIONED row your commu

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