Anticipates Breaking Even Expect Pension 10 Be Raised For Needy Aged deA or om mesh denLDonIld Gordon bald Die comm trawl oommflm mud emu bmk even on nu 3W names In me early 1970a Mr Gordon said CNR policy the elhnlnaum of me ml passenger dwelt not the ellml nadqn pf ch nil pmng Experiments carried out by the canwa had established then was large mnrkut lot 11139de uansportnflon In Can Taking Mo accmmt compellllve transpiration serv loes the nllway can economl cnlly lulllll ml ln lntuclty Immwflvn ln was cl rd Itlvely heavy demfly of popula llon Ind almllarly Ln thou am when lndlcaLloM 01 ac dvlLv 910 rkct ormm 1am Assam by three Ebernk momma pm it Sn the Commons Monday manned to prolong debate on sound wading ol the Canada Again Plan with Mlnlstcr Nadiaan bglleved ready to nnnomco gov unmwt plans to humus Ihe Imam of needy Mose dorm when the hm gas by 013 gurupygmy hind um yMAuuu the mlnlsur docs mend to make Inch statement during dun debate under Commons mbuhoummï¬ydnmnllorall other MPu have made thelr npgcches nu To Explain RCMP Rights emu Party manhm hava ken Im amt nun ammo than man mn any Ihzy Mm 111 convlnn Mr MncEAchcn um govcrnnmt mould increase the pm $75 Maze pension in tux month WaltLy ll the mlnlskf pm boost the penslvn he can announce my day dunlng the time not aside in the Cmmm or 102ml YnnNo 155 mwmnrzzwwam 527 LATE NEWS Silehce Prevails At Bucharest The Hometown Daily Newspaper For Barrie and District BATTLE CREEK Mldl AWA but US Navy tampon plane mm and out of mnlml dlvcd heady straight into lhe urih Monday killing all Mr mun Aboard The plane mmer vmlon cl tho 106mm Hum um an mum lrnlnmg mm mm de Benndl Field NIL to Maï¬a Fluid 011 41 Mop plannrd in dego mom CPIThe inï¬siahxro wan old Mandny that Alwr ncyflmnl mm mm will be ukzd lo uphln lho rlgml the mm In Maria Dearth bulldmsl Ind mhlmces will 09m warnnu szmm BUCIIMUHT Amrumm oflldnl prru M111 silent May on ma mum of Sorta bloc mmme mcrnnn um nmurcnuy ha been dimrptul by now duh bdmen lhmin and mum US Navy Plane Crashes Tnnmlnl ymlhlul HIM0r of yfulm IJyMMM Mm Mrhdwn Cap nulnn Nm Hum l1 bellman mm mm FIan plan In lnrm me am an pomkm Tua wuhl dmd mu at mwmnn liillmipr on 1M mallet whim MI Mind Mn mm Minn um um likely hpmdmo PERSONALITIES IN THE NEWS ALLAN MnrYAtler um cm of the uni Ste would be am an leek with awal tom or obtain lub swu Igr MW 5952 was nor mllllvnwmv Mr am Add demagd for runway mm wouid come only with eflectlvo dlort and good servige ONE nun 4v mum up and Mini 11 ranks with the MP0 WW mm or has bredan Mange living in 1953 Wu aboug 150000000 Mr Gordon DEFICIT SLASIIED But combination of new rm armature new mimem and lnmvemenu ln schedul Im mi 9mm Mica In wased menus cl 125 pr cent in 1965 over In Mm and rmw was down to $10500 mu by mmmm say Um members Thn governments house leader George Mcllrailh indi cated Monday mm the sawm menl may shelve the usisum plan May and bring in em legislation lhu saver men wnnu passed below the Com 1mm ska ii mm mesa LL BUSINES mm as mains ind15 were resolution precedinl lex isiaunn mm Bank Iici rwnlwbn prcmdinx Lhe gov ernments medical cm legisla ilon recon minding of hill in amend the Income Tax Act and to omit the Nntionai Am Ocnlxe and the assistancg Oppvsukzn Le ads DIzlcn bahr mused the pomnmmt pinyin wmlnl same Mu olnjzazc chxlonm Ha mid pm reports 1nd ctled Mr MncEachen would mmm aimmo fur oidasa pensioners wllh income belww $1360 The Minute would be given only alter mum lest mm wad yugd mlnhml mm mm To min Mm Wnmmm my bf lhm younl lanmlllnu hurl IM or tho Flr Emil lllh he Mmhw vim An mm mu mvkrl FM wlll wu wn ynrl ll Knlnl Mllun Hm Ir hmhl Huh14 Townlu and In Fflunl mm Wlnhvnlq hum hm In MOI7m JIMNNE WMIIHNOTON as PLANNING SHAKEUP or BROADCASTIN in Nd meet neck ruin lub services mad for Id come am and ad gem win in BELFAST CF The Queen mi Prim Philip baskcd 1n Lhu aflchon ol Mal Orangunen In day on the final dam c441 myal visit In Nonhem Imam Not even the Queenn limousine showed any scan from Ill ml Brlllsh Incident Monday lam dent the hood the Queens Rollsmyco was beaten out and palnled over alter Iho car had bccn by comm block whilo ma myll couple drvve Lhmxh the oily wowed abwt 11 Ind wu hurch mm ourlh floor 01 building under remnant Prhm Philip xlda avde street of Baum ï¬dmm Irelmd Moment Loyal Irishmen Deplore Incident Han tha black had landed low cot mum back uwld have shattered he curn bmbluop Polka nrmlod younx nun In the bulldlnl lnd hnd lo snuggle him out the back way to proud hlm from W11 mm cl mm Ballast dUzcm No minute emler woman had burial beer bottle at Um cur It burn near the mil caused no damage in womln wu Arrested we WM arré brichW the 3mm an Wu milk umln Mon day night It ceremony on De m1 nlutnry pmdn ground to mark lhq anmvcmrf at tho Hm World War Dnuu In Somme WEIEOMEH WML Sh an cmlnfly erm volcano mm the crowd Thou land wlncd In loud rcmlltlun God Save an Qutcn Hulda the unpmrdonlml mily mutt111mm Alrmiy Men In prolrd Quum mull QUEEN EUZABEH and WW PM Flulo Emelnry July Mm Nlnzlu rm Inl nlghl Iahlwl 1M Umva While IApor on lllmhllnl In lho Hun ol Cmvmom mm Imam llll non mmhlhvm 1M marl Ill Mn4 Milling HINUDYLU ll lb mil mi JUDY IAMAMII Blrrlo Onnrlo Canada Tundny July I966 men leudw and street bat fles mun Belnst Pmmanu Ind Imnan Molina police and flu mullmile mute to um ammwm visit lo day will be guardedby detec uvu an the mm build mlor la passlnl this say cmwd heavy wheat black wal tossed from the fourth 1m 01 buan constmc uou mow Indium lama ï¬xu The Guru hu nsl1ed on the continued use at her plastic lapped lamina the can be men by tha crowd grown her lions Lha way JAKARTA Ws Inl1lr null today muck new bInrw at Pmldcnt Sukarno or mm undlspulcd ruler by strip ping hlm the Ulla ol lile brelldcnt will however mmnln as until gum huzo Saulhml Aslan re public AIM Imposed ban lo dly on mmmunlsm Marth and Leninan Thu decision were nude by the Iwpnn Was the his mt mu myth In Hm Indonesians Cut Sukamos Power mu Sovkvhbulll 1mm mm here About 6000 mm wcra umn Immd Jnkmn pmmlon nxnlmt any um um The man uh h1an to let up medal mnmeo In mlow Sukarnol leaching and damn InkKala hum reHn warkl whllo may lkwllum NMWHII Debm hu momma lhe r4 wlnlmml of Mn liorwrll Andoku thlml In In ml of mmnmlpr fury adlnn rm mm Vim nnl He numb Jim Jun Vldm Allard be nm lid Nun RM 10 II MALGEN ANIWJIMIN mnnmlcrluflu Ii MI Ide tho pmhlcnll LONDON AP American get out Viet Nam was Ibo hmllLn tallying er as chant Ins m1de staggd July pro test dumnstnllam around 1h world 15 state Secretary Dun Rusk was the target mm 5000 Japanese Idllsu as ï¬nd In Japan or an sconch Mm Poflce sï¬ppcd him out bl the Osaka airport by back road dent when 1h 5ng atqu the rndlawr of the Hmusne Pollco reacted Immediately and rested yeah Had the heavy Meet me law eat mm mm 41 mm begmnmmdmdwUSEm may to deliver pmlm pou Ian and French Wm moved In 1nd swept me gr Into IMAmlnm dash punt The CNN 700 lludcd when an American girl Id Ilofl bu Ame Japanese Abuse Dean Rusk In Bnï¬ Viet Nam Demonstrations In umbol or what hamlni In VIN Namor the mmcans Io gel wk Edith polka 51W an AL Influx lo burn the Amcrlcan Um U5 Embmy In Lon don when US Nnbnssudar Dnvld Em was holding ccrpuon marking us WW um Day No mvponm ol the 1mm pacing mum ol 100 crashed the party bu wtre mud am when am of than proposal law the dud lndï¬yina in anal Ind Huh haul Ind the Amnrkan Mun draw ram VIM Nun DEBATE SCHEDULE nrmm Prllm Mlnbur Wlhon yieldul lo dumndi mm mm bcm of his Labor party Ind pduviukd ddnte In ht Hme Common Thursday on the txtunded hummus Nwrlh VM Nym nu In Phllndflphia crndk ol Amcrknn lmlmmlcnre about 400 damasktan m1de with health pmlmunl Um Vlot unwanAr Um 13 man dmrduy at him om MIAMI Flu MNwK flrNX lrvlsflrr wu flatly dulan my In Ynmnun mmm Mmm he um Up an ml lho Yunlnn lndmuln Mulm ll 11in Mnum um twirl uh ll Ufl but Guard MM in Paris about un mu TN mm man uan um mm mm ram 1m unl In Um um In to MIA Hue Mle mu my ll Md mu llu mun veml in Human laid flmlm lhl 7A 1m lldpnl Nun vu Inhml lll Illl mm In sluqu my mu mnl IA tn Mum mm ml um Wm llu 1qu mm Dank Rescue Crew Greek Ship my na Mlml Donn Ml IM Mm out at Wlllrlnflnn Del um and um mun an Om An on pm In Du Ml Ink We Mal lo re row llv rm The 111 lnn fllu mm II data 041an TIL Jung duUnlllm 11 ml unha back it com have penetrated the hibhie up and Lhe myal ample could have been Nani AP Whe photo vln cable Bail Md mm 012000 mand lng outside Independence mu um ha Unlled States was ï¬ght 1m hat South Vldnnmese 800 hailmzblo IM We ubedyindthe pursuit cl happlnm munPrime Mink Pear non told the House at Gammon It was Impossiqu lo be opu mtvlic about the convenlng pom contcruwe on vm Nam Canndlan policy continued In be that the ï¬xst ammo step or pmce ceaseï¬re pm luda to madman negoflauunl WINNIPEG CWA tmve hlcla millslon Involvan hall on truck mm BrilLsh Columbia Ind car mm Ontario look live near hue Monday nlght The mLahap the name llon lllghwny 50 and the Pul meltf Highway lowlnu arm the mum cud Winnipeg also um zlzl And young man to homilnl Iulftflnl cull lrnclum and mod Five Perish In Manitoba Crash SI V1151 polka ah the On tarIa car was travellan wcxt on um Pcrlmder nn nlmnntlm mute Manx lha wanna Highway or driven wlxmnx la bypass cmlrnl VlnnlpoKMwn unlck Um lruck which born umpcrlmllrr 11m ruck mu lrnvrlllnu 1001 mm In Unlud Slam an lllzhvuy as It yendwd the In mwdlnn which II mvrmul by flop IJï¬M or norflmoulh lul llc but no ruffle llghla milth mmm tho Inxlr lWIUnl the tub he he Ind lll mnpmlmllm ml IonJul anzlm 1mm lrmnnllnla ma me in but lo mul an In ï¬lm don1 my ll lum It am In In rmm mm mum JnMn AmJmn In mm down my DI Md um Unllnl blnlm why lum am to anm uflflnllhlm Blind um mm In Mp Mm mm nut ulllmvol Mum wmrmwmn vlqw an In and munNM In Hm mu no In Kglln WM U3 ï¬7hrhnAm1 In mum luv um mm mm mn Myriam MI flIIMIO ll m1 Th rum MImm FAjmmlllm llnl mme In mm mm Rnlnfwvdnry Dunfluxk amid ll mm mull mount lerarm ml Immkn air 1m Humlay xde nun cu Nunl mm HIM dummlern mumps MIMIPl TV IMHIF lhflnï¬ll HmIII mum1 HERES ONE GoVemment Would Confer Wider Powers On The EEG UITAWA CWA makeup of Canadian broaduï¬lnx that will conic wider powm on am Bond Broadcast Governm and revamp Ihe CBC Memdw is bdng pmposed by in federal government us whim paper on bmdcnst lng tabled Xn the Commom Monday will be debated by he Coxmom bmdcustlng commit tce his all balm legishuan ls dulled flm policy paper kmnedlnldy raised mnesï¬ons about lure twa mains nl lbs husk negBEG Chairman Dr Ar drew 5mm and CBC ml dcflt Mphogse Quimct Their appoimmcnia and ihoee oi oiher senior men in bum or ganizaiivm iapso when ihe ro vised Broadcasting lid is pro claimed pmbabiy in this year State Socraiary Judy IA Mnrdna pin are ndtievzd The papers proposais would 6ive the EEG ï¬rmly to license stations instead merely making rocvmmenda flan in iha cabinet as at present There mid be pro vision er iormni appeals in ha cabinu against board deA cisimu Incrense to in iron lhm the bands parrnnmnt mm hershlp with lhe iive re quimd only to consult an partWm menbersrdp which cwid In composed Is many sevener NORTH VANmUVER 130 The rnpldly expandlnl Cnnndinn Com Guard Mondly lnxmnhcd one ship took mml pmmslon ol lumber and an nuumd um In men blz one In on lho my Mn IL Nldwlwn We he cdcrnl labor mlnkler broke bolus ul champagne on Ibo most modern wcamer Ind occunngraph mm ll cm monk hm Mundny nlm cw mlnum turner Gur don Stud unlmm dqmly mm minister In diam ul lha murlno urvkvl brunch lepran Um mm guard look lanm mum at Iha deu IMH Ihhm hn Vnn an IE purltime member at pmen SPLfl WORK LOAD splil the present Mon ol we CBC pmldent with the president mmlnhai re sponslfle or DWIB11 pulley bumd chairman and nmv positional chm exam 1qu ofï¬cer mated to handle dagtoday operations Unlike ha senior ï¬aweddmt posltlon that could dbnwaar Aha Nd ofï¬cer would be nsmnsibh to but not ber the board Put CBC ï¬nancing on iongervlcrm basin with ï¬ve year parllnmemary grant In Coast Guard Has New Ship Iapan Retains Peking Contact Mum IM flunk Ind low Mhrr Ill uhlrwl Mdm nl lmllnq Hm noted mm llul an mu mnflm mm pvmnnuc In mm mm In mul Jam Ami mm nt lnh In melmwnl uh um Ilfl Ml IMM mm In NM mm mm or mlduulvlilll No Moro Than We liar Copy 12 Plan Vamth clwdgneu gnawed gestured We am Lov tonight 55 hlgh Wednesday 78 denfl no page seven grams system Lm CBC commercial ad vertlslng ucllvltles lo Iheir present mun pollcy the wemmem am Is important bull or lhe corporalan Ind private bmldcastm Dr Stewurt Iald In In Mer View Mnnday he see naming in ma page that would prevent my ï¬ayiu on Ila ukl he wllllmz Io runaln chalmau but multlhl ll up to tho lovzrn men In mm months than have been mix that Dr Stewart um pzmidun of the Unvcr slly Alberta wishes La Mum lo undomic work but agreed an unu1 government reor znplznflon mum press cardercncu alter lanng the paper Miss La Marsh nld she did not kmw whether Mn Oulmct would want In cunt1m or whether the gov ernment would reappoint ern she nld he hid slum ma don of mm during me put mks and months prcwmlbly ovu lhl controversy about he program Hour In Swen stead of he present Annual bays mu It hu lust comma mallML Stand laid In In Inm vicw the Mml lovcrnment mam lo build 000000 Mm manna mum vwell lo Elva he can guard ocean xalna tapamlmu Quadrl and Vmwouver each 5100 lmu dlwimnt nra Llw Liam mm in the com guard 1m non Ian and pnworod by 1500 homwwer flonmludrlnv also tic endm or lap words of 10 hwll nmm prlmnrlly dulxrml for ulmï¬lflc nml wralvr MnUon dutch hoUI wqu will be lhmu la mm mm MINI mum Emh my will ban am mrnl of 100 men man thorn Mlmvnlnubu mnno minn nnrl ulhm cnqnanl In mgrjm grsrnnh nu The mm In min ho lomvr Rvynl Canavllnn Navy In slowdown and Cuharinn 4qu 1m been hmlLnl xlullu an advr nu lhm IMA In I0 Nunh IMllhï¬ nlru Hun end bl mu 6mm Wm WM DR ANDREW STEWART Job In JeepMy mlanl nun Nu ml plylni Cnnmllnn mm mm ll 0ch IM In An Urdu and all lhl ml ml Int rm 1M lwv El la IDNDON 11m my mmwullh rth mininlm 11 MI ML Alï¬ fauulal Arnold Min mmwnhh 5mm men Amourrm IlilOomnrmu 1th wllï¬nnuld In Ilalvmnt IM um r1 mum Commonwealth PM To Moo