lLanzls Toronto WM re minded Samrday lo July on charge mon Inflowan lire Friday home In hid his time wildrcn were med by nuluhharl Ila pluded not guilty and hail wu It 500 rush or $5000 prop erly km umm mum in YOILK cm mam Organize Ladies Softball Tedms llnivcnity of Mmueal has Men nwmkd 12010 mm by the Ford melnlion to develop lnlurnllimml nun of ulr and me law cammuliva and mu eign lnw dewlole Inn And Illlmic lludiu ASKH DEFINITION MONTREAL CPI Jum Inul mnicm nowlyeleded In=1ch L1 Fulcrulnn In Irunrn hamler du Cnnmll anunll ullwl we 0mm xmrrnmenl Sunday to wine lhe mm mum of Quthcc luy end 11 In Mr lr In mm was elmrd Sunday by rumlmlnn Iho cnnvrnllon 500 mmhrr nrxnniuum mm mm run mum uym In Anderson and Jerome Jvsu two Ohlcagn quincssmcn uid more than $13700 In rlnn and per Ional meet was slain mm their Mel room Saturday hr took twirn In the mo 21 poo FACES AflSON CHARGE WleNNJCP Augusuu Branllard Labor Council Sun day nnnounmd plans lar July demonstration against the use of luluncllotu ln labor dlspulel Fred Jlnnings council pml denl uld molurcadn Will be lollmved by publlc mecllnl REPORT LOSS TORONTO CPI Dopald IVAN DUFF 1M0 wdl known New Inwell gunman and his uncle Gama Dull gene stare mentor hops see their home communin WILL DEMONSTRATE ERANTFORD CF The INNISIIL NOTES WORLD BRIEFS PLEASE NOYEx MATINEES PM DAILY THROUGH SUMMER NOW PLAYING Mman A1 mmmns mu ONIHTIONRD run YOUR COMFORT lhe svhedule which call or 12 game in July and 91 in August mums two game on the same date at amber and the lnwnship The girls hive new unilnrms Ind many or Lhum have had hall team experience my my mm my Irv LONG DISTANCE SWIM What can be termed man thon lem scheduled lo be held at lnnishl Field Day on July 16 and mule Ire nvw belnz taken or lhe mm mm Fox Island In the Park com mencina about pm ls es limnled the wlmmcn will reach the park al npproximnlaly pm Every conlestanl wlll be requln ad to have bl own boat manned with mom observer En trants are requlrcd la be Innll rnsldcnu either regular or summer and not am 15 yuan lie TROPHY FROM COOK Tom Cook lnnisfll veteran cxreeva has dunnch tpr to be awarded the ycungcst swimmer lo cnmolm the dly Innun Ciah win or he win Mr LI mind will 375 wlfll $10 or hlrd Canlnnll should conle Ray Webb nl Tol lendal or dam and la flaw DAY CAMP have the mo the name Krmmd ormcrly ll Ilay Welrbn Sana nmxuuon had been mmln al ulinx Ward Plrk hm thin mmmluee llu yd la hm Auth manon or openlan lb park at conmmfly rent 11 mulnmn hdd med lu mtnlly And may com lo the aidr round Min lo nlxu In Iulhotily to like Mr flu pmpmy PM ml Du rul yrr Mn MI mad lama amm to flu WW Mug land In Iiidd park which wmfld include lMnnwhk luu dnnnlrd luluum uhkh An Mindy In me Th nvw man nutHon mnmum Md undwwuy manly mny Ihu mm In prozrunmlnl Ipmll Ind umu ll lhln puk dimin me madch or man ages of the team are lol laws Alton Beadu Mn Bar bara Roblnson Hunters Park Mrs George Hunwr Lenny Mrs Roly Corner Strand Hap GHY Pnlnswick Mrs Jean Bmicy The Alcona Beach Hunters Puk learn wiLl play an flleir games at lnnlsfrl Park Stroud lcnma home diamond will be Sunnth sdmL him Mck will play game Wunicn whoa and Mroyl home field wifl be Lefroy Park flail1e store whiE dial mm equipmenl provldmg they mmaz they un dnw diy 1mm will aaaln be hold ll Toumdll new It ht gndnlmnmryxg and wlll added at the proposed new Sunnldalo municipal building But both weed that have Lloyd Pridham was din In the interest ralepaym by The recreadoa colmnltlea 1a expeded to have available the auvim of lull lime dlr actor They Will meet with an otflcial ol the provincial mm mm and probably the new county dlmlor on the evenan of July Slmud lha bylaw establlshlng he lnnlsï¬l RM allon Committee ha already been approved ELIMINATIONS Brick Ind rolling pin hmen to make up the Immationnl Tennu were chosen at the 211m nation contests held at S¢roud Samday evmlng mey nuw have just twa week In polish up their Iedmique belore they chlllenge the other Shanda the world by lhelr record at In nhlil Park on July I5 In one IM menu at he township ï¬eld by 1112i namu have been sent lo the Wemallonal committee And me hope at Canada In their hands PARKS FILLEi Innist Park had to use rant in mm In It Inller wk by pm Thunduy and mum wnnlinx to camp ovcrnlxht had lo ind Iecomrmdwnn 11 mm or other Ioclllons The holiday nukend med lovmshlp mu as odmi moss lhe lagyshlp lnnislil Park well all the mad ends and places where people could gather along lhe shore wen ï¬lled our the week end On Domlnlon Day we look lull llme holiday Except for aw lclephone calls we dld not leave the shade ol the big wil lon under whim cool breeze wu pusan and the lag of Can ad waned The waters of the buy were very rdreshlng Mn Polnt park was ï¬lled and Alme mm are no laclllllcs for me Mlle the crowd were there rum dawn Lil Afler dark denying Hon unll hhe re vhod municipal inlncm ple ture Ll better known following me loss of Onkvlow Beach are to Wuaxa Coolest Place In Town Tables Located On Arena Floor Commencing This Thurs July 800 PM BLIGHTY BINGO 16 Ragvllr Gum Spmld tho Wullh JACKPOT Gon EICII Nigh BARRIE ARENA Every Thursday Night Play SPONSORED BY Tho Bunlo Minor Hockey Huaciullon If they no no to bulld N11 la the lozlcal pllce Elmo Is now he Ingest commun fly in due lwnsldp Iald Ivan Dull local gargantuan when Isked hls oplnlun on New Low ell bld 7316 NEW LOWELL ISlamWhllo businessmen hm believe that Now Lowell would bejhe loglcul lucnllon of surveyshuwel flood dell ol local suppan or lhe mud taken by Reeve Loyd Prldhnm lhatSunnldnle Townshlp should delay acllnn on its proposed new munlclpal building unlll more learned about the tax Illuntlou BOND HEAD Stem One thing Ihi country needs par ticularly with in unlemdal year coming up more bands It Wu suggested here by David Sutherland muted Brndford bandmnslcr THE BARRE EXAMINER MDNDAYJULY 1m Recalling It one lime nearly every wnunuldty had its own nuisz band and sometimes two or three others Mr Sumat land said he would like to revival in inmost Whats parade or celebration without hands he asktd polnlcdly Canada will be having many celebrations next year and the need or morgbagg leadcr who is now as said he won like to cidzens hand organiwd at mum again well upthgr glam Inmu Knights and David Hmwn who have done great deal of preliminary mrk ap prnnthcd council recently Ind plied about mm1 LushLance This mud bean considmd at and trumpd and it WI sallslacilnn In at other enjoy mg music loo said Mr Sulh erland ow feeling much helm af ter trying wian Mr Suth erlmd he liked he hot wealher He took advlnlage ha warm sunshlne Io go walk Ina on Hand Head mock Late rpecinl mmmiuee here is con aldering pwposa tom JWenilo band lnr Collingwood through public mac1mm ol instruwun Ccmldcrnble lnlcros nlrendy bun shown and it wm point ed out such band would pm vlde source ol rmlacemcnm or number Lha Collingwood Clvic Band older member mirc and Enjoy Collingwood Considering Juvenile Band New Municipal Building Interests New Lowell Retired Bradford Bandmaster Urges More Community Bands Hawaver ifrtbufl Added um COLLINGWOOD sum 30qu mayan 319 clarin DISTRICT NEWS ADMISSION 50c CARDS $I00 CARDS 50¢ he fell Reeve Pndham wax IC Hng In an hes Interest rate Men by waiflng or while so people will knew where the mun Icteayw= Ibwfllvv Wleh Oukvlew Bench Inst by annexation to Wang Belch Sunnldnle has had revenues re duced materlafly Mler ratepay erl let their new tax bill and hm chnnce to consider the llnanclnl picture they le be Kn better position pass fudg ment on aw bulging llelnwhlle ma Sunnldala coun cil meeting at Bethel Sdmnl on the 7th 1an and tho munch pa ml curving on civic du lie there It was mnvtd to the Ly he has been walking lo flu post ice at Doelua More or elswhue in downtown Bond qud ngmy waxy UnJor rullnx the Ontario Municina Emmi ha new cann dl Mid ofï¬ce until Ihe Md ol So long an dent overdo it make me eel better to zeghe gm he r3mmrkcd lowlnR Administration 01 he oalh ofï¬ce me recenuy elected Wasaga Boadh council will hold Its ï¬rst Insular mming on lea day July It wa revealml by Willlam Fullerton clerk Langevin will be pre siding as the new rceve Lb enlnrflcd munlcipallly whlch now Includes the armor Oakvlew Mada Area annexed lmm Sun nldnle lo ship Ffld Male former mem ber at me Sunnidnle COMIC ml be iuim as deuply new and Russel Fugue Ted Garden and Sid Marlin as the new team cilia Dxcmbcr ML The ncxl idml eIccUon will be in August 1W7 ior the 106 and chun cnl lincc lmyoar terms were approved Mr Smhclilmd raid be en Joyed eleviskm and radio music but didnt think this should re place local band 111 chance mat they some day might be proï¬cient emumr to play In television or radio Indium should be an Incentive In young peep in learn Music he rul mm West Gwllllnbury Mr Sutherland was one11m teacher and he has lived in this are practically all his We TRY EXAMINFH WANT ADS PHONE 7mm Wasaga Beach New Council Meets July WASAGA BEACH SlaFol Anothu polnt made was nut my money spent on raw In the old school could be to better use tn the new bufldtng Ram Prldtmm polnud out that muntclpal com were up and the charmed Sunnidalc 1n nnctal vosltton would be care fully cnmldercd He urged that the Bethet Schnol building be jar ghepmen Inquiries at New Lowell ro venled than was veal deal of Interest in he proWï¬ this commmuy dlnnazely bung chosen as the 10mm or me new building since it Ln it wguld be boost Ion hm Ines Ind preslixe Abandnncd school 1mm Oakaew Bqnclg dnflpg LheAlprlIIAK council meeting here wu controversy over uman mun lclpal bulldlnx llld some crlll chm of he delly In action to let construction hurled The argument In lavor massed could qualify ox1 canlennlll wont dong now lhuvahad oodmmy rale plyer tell me did the rlm Will xald Reeve Pddhun when Mien yogecenpyx Jam 32pm Wards £21m goomwlatem younran inLWewith bï¬ousagd clglvnS In WILD LENS IJ 64 Dunlop SO Own 5L Emla Dunlo anll Mm Bum 261 hadron 30 Sum Alhndnlu Bunth 645 and 900 Tho Bank whororporopléiimï¬o tho BiffBancé up 0m GoAHoad people bank on Tola Service at TORONTODOMINION mm WMIGI Wu WWI CERTAIN SEE IV Ilnu GoAhead people want good service or their money So when they save 0r spend money or need to borrow some when they travel when they buy stocks and bonds tor need safe ploca to keep them they go ahead and enioy Total Service at TorontoDominion WW1 SHHNT BAY BOX OFFICE OPENS Aggsï¬inï¬ SHOW STARTS AT THE MOST MODERNVDRIVEIN NORTH OF TORONTO lwmmx Immunvame mm mum ANN MARSRH PAWLCE lmmalhief ulnar Int0r uthlr all nunml Anuu ENT mzhny 11 II Gulhrla IlllElH HIM HIXIII unmumwmm mnmuflvmllml mm ban annual TONIGHT SOPHIA LOREN JUDTH SECRET AGENT FIREBALL Mm ms an Producth lunlnz mm my STARTING TOMORRGW EDMUNDS Mungov DENNISON Manta CLARK Mimi ncnmcomn NAVI Ion Belween mm and Drill AWHMMMIAWW DRIVEIN THEATRE