T0 GOOD HEALTH Hy JOSEPH MOLNEE MD Dnr Dr Molnar Please xlva me some reliable than on pro sedan mm mm In Manor learned very mn alter mlvln la Amech that one harm be careful ln eallni pork here More tha Second World War and Nam MW too people in some European countrle en cm raw rmlnd pork am dunner lrom udl parnslle myself do mt care or raw mm but would lllm tobuuroolwnewayw kWh Ummnu We ya know how mm am American kink there with like the good nld USA sud we Frggdluwonder why mm mu um anyone would add amusing PM wine and Gen dc mulls thinksMull you mm in Russian prm that they Invenwd everything and no even the RUBIN body not can hm out but the 011nm think We all like to believe mat wa swam an um The ad is that tho Unlkd Emu has more riddnosls than many European And sum other countries One tingle and very good reason that European cumin quit low your ego pald morn Aumum to nwnpln out lrldflnull mm the did my wore nidad by an odd mu twin mm an almost lnvs smnil organism Ilny warm The warm in dormant form is awailuwod by penon or ani mal Ihen it hatches produce new gamuqu tiny worms Mm work Mr way the body and ï¬nally after mudx inflation become an mud or nest dwwn in muscle ï¬hm They may termin moo inglurnimiimebulilau meat in Which they hm ncsicd L1 ultimately men again the mom in Ibo digesdve tract and renew the whoia wees In mum Ind Wm load is dearer than here People eat wikuwedmmnm immense amount and um dined at the table but not eaten Some cl it pork not fully cocked contains surviving trlduime irldunmia or In inns Some of our aibaga is led to hDEl ho Ed the dis ease Mimic his op the cnsc awn worms and can Cook PorkWell To Avoid Parasite lMIIV Grifï¬n Shot im World ll Ccnuut Hf Inuul unm Hmuu Show uhmumm IChlnnn mm rum 1m llAlvln um Shir ELIE1 Comm MIXI In lmmr mum Hhmlly my 51011 In mum toNtwl Ivliru Iwmfur Mod 7M 1hour L741 Nun bMomlnl Nun mum mum lrm INm llmml my II All um um Tum Imlul um bumHun AHInlnl in Lu rlmlm wun Imm new 00 km lNIIG Iu Mmoll Im Lucy Himm zBUFFALO LEAN ium mum rum lVM llnn 11m mu mm Ix In 1va llVumw lewlny 3mm mn Wynmu m1 mm WHth 111 mdm rm ll4hml tam AH Mum TELEVISION PROGRAMS mum TUESDAY JULY MORNING AND AlIEIINOON um MrCu Ianh Dsummot In suman In nmd ern fig we mm aIlnmhl nu 13 31 Tm Nnhol nd In Luv Mun an Iloulhl Mummy Jo IJmm llu nrmnm m1 Loo my Kfln nm IAhulldlbn rm or NW lJmpnmr 5mm lwly um Ill 311 mm 44an Nm 54m Ward Tm tl uhr noun Hmhum rumI 10mm Wm rm MONDAY JULY EVENWG TUEMYM Jum mmmu erunu rlmnlh Illo wm hum Hobo Humn mu nhmuy comma1 xnum vuey my Hummu ura 1m mm pn Lucy In 114mm am nth tru cm hml rnwnma FAM Wlllllnu lnmw or flu wm Hndy mum Maw ICaunlu Mum mu 11HAMLTDN nmu lNm INmumu In Liam or omvh tnu mammler 1mm Ml my nu lulunl mum Jun In mum Luva Inn uy Mumv IN Cu nInnm Mum WIIInI lammu an llnnl lh IV lin Vlmh yum Im mm IIMem Mm nnun Lmuau um um mm myn rumI Anlw million on to anyone vim can the meat at um hexmum um pork in thoroughly cooked MUST COOK MEAT Cooking untfl be men my datum the damn But pork coan the orzanlsm p10 who eat the men can get the dbew and ll leftover scraps are ted to plan at oLher mm the whole process pull Gown chickens horses do not an men and dont pass the paras on Informed estimates are HIM lmnlstozoperoentofltmc icuu mcmmm this Mass It om time or anmher nomdlme no magnum and WM hallmumhmnghmmi Iv am no symptom an reena nlud sun can be scrim About 10 or mom years an we had new helvy Imam Europeans um to safe park ale smoked not cooked nua aze may so sick lo avald danger you must know it cxlm We have Mum nos here We have to be wary ol pork we cook thor wghly we will be safe we wash our hand cardqu after c1an up raw pork we will be nle But we dont admit that the danger here well ham this mum An this lroubinj Ana when WWW Dear Dr when it pm sible for semlnal fluid In be released involuntarily before dim has taken place Note In 51 Kmophobin normal car urge empty xpaccs lhfl reverse of dams gvfluja or car being In can ADJOURN CASE TORONN CW1e use ol John West lunarold stu dent suspended by the Cober uhnnl board or eating hls lunch ll hams was ndhurncd Thnuday lo My 25 at Osgoode Ha The boyl lather George We is wean court urder dlrcctlnx the school board lo lift th suspemlon ilIUFlALO FTORONTO WW arly most nulriflmu 11w wum Iml nnu llTnckdowu iRum at Van 4xnwonu luhllu 6An ummm llerv Cnlfll 1030 yummy Peopll In Conflict 1M0 1100 DNuu quum on 11muu now nNm Wumu mm lechmk no sm no rm sum ll cun Mnmlnl Ilr llmum um um Your lll tm DMD 341 wm humnun mm lAnnlhnr anM In mm 07 Toll mm mm lNon Ivmhmd hum IIflvaulm IVnu linul My 17 mm Jm nm mm 41 leI Mr ilniuvmy umrHI Mm lunellfl LPIHIM Inuhl ILMn Imxo Numul Mu mun um mu mum on Nun humv mum 1m 4th It anh my Ir IMw Mum IN 014 IMI van xmu 41on mum DO Finn Contractour Ipadu played by Tu laden prlvllega ac corded lo klbluen Ind Irate pmnen Iflh to point out after play complated haw de clare Mild have played Ind made the hand ha ha Mt flu lshed Mahdi vquomu v9 09 OK Mi 15 Mum In fact have It on flood lulhority hit thh rim to erm cizo decluerl lay and can It lentlan 10 III nademncy liter ail 51 card an seen was one of Ike plcdges meted rom King John at Runnymede when he ï¬nally agreed tn sign the Magna Chad in 1115 Wheuxer ï¬lls Ll lma bf not do not know but the he prac IDNDUN CPLManuel San any 28yearold Spaniard mm an elegant nulhorllallve and rapierHka splay Friday mud won the coveted Wlmblednn lawn tennis we smma beat Dennis M1540 ol lhe Unllad sum 119 in one lha most thrilling Wimbledon mm line the See and World War Doubwummy mblm Contrutfnur Ilaflu Noam 10 No lime 1954 when the Czechbarn 1mm Droan br um um an EWflf° the tide has the contra court crowd roared loudly To the cheers 15000 the chmml and rclaxedqutmu but the milk Santana Claims Top Tennis Title in Spain least one 1le paper Mndrldl El Alcaur stopped the presses to change tha Iron page and proclaim Sm una he Kip Vimbl and Mn Th Spanish xovemmen no awarded hlm ma Golden Mndul of Sporting Merit Ill hwnar usu Illy nservod or malldor and wear pluym Today Bull Jean Kim ol the US meets eriu Duenn Brlmlan In um ï¬nal at th womena ganja DAILY CROSSWOBDV 100 cert1n Mn 11 Job or jéweler 1ungulmed MAYO at port 15 Humor 16 Night THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley ACROSS LDme 51mm men Short 11 Annumu mmun launpler l9 Exclummt 2° Chill None 04 21 Mnldm MTV xmup ZS Exhlbluofll 4wa mm mm 27 mm Cover 19 Con 30 PplmUnx Mitch nunu 35 CommII Mooma In 384 ï¬lm myporflnx llmbor 59 IMAM lump 4017 415mm ï¬rm mt Jr Ind omvrl CONTRACT BRIDGE ï¬nd queexi of BACKRM FOLKS LELCDWA By JAY BECKER chlld 11 Edlbll room at ha 15 Pill 13321117 mlmwll Ehdlllm Adorned with Inland Illrds Bonk flux Qulck Elms Humor Hllm Obnuxlom Ian doubledurum parl ner Ind Instructing him In In points at the name null 09 on no owe would dm tinny Allofvdchludamwt hand when kum butcher chm and lnstmdor In Ill damaged to mm hlcu MMqu mu This Mildly doublednm my problem whlnh mun ml the render lnvltednay urg edlo examine Ill 1w lands and take full advnuns of min the opponents curb Ben do me Wm To let right In the men 01 lhe nutter ell you have to do to make the conflict win the hem leed with the Me helm tutu lo amp the kin the It Thb exlnordnnry plly whereby you voluntarily lnmm lho numher losers Wm our to Iva pennlu the hand to bl mule you cannot make tbs con tncl miles you ylay the AK head myho by trch You then draw three mm or hum cnsh thamlnor suit aces and play heart West has to win the trick Ind havhz only hearts lefl leads two more mundx ol hemInitial you let him win dimming lwu dia monds lrom rim and two clubs from your own hand Thnn clnlmrihc balance since two diamonds can be tuned bldmmy and two club In your ï¬nd blzdan ï¬nalshe won ln 193m ma and last to Margaret Srnllh of Australia last ycnr it will be Ellllo Jeans secondher prevloul llnal brought defeat also at the hands ot Margaret Smlth three years ago 1966 Wimbledon alsn has been memorable or bclnz the ï¬rst In 11 yam without in Aus tullan 1n cllher the men or wmens limb The list AusshTIha menl single was szn Davidson Mullen by Santana the semi Hnn But watching gulnly mm the sideline since the quaflervunm hll bean the turnan ï¬gure Roy Emerson ohnmpiun or he two procodinz um who hurt hLI shoulder and lost his quar terlull maul I9Dnydsan The mens doubln flnnl arm the gm have llnlshcd lodny will be an IIIAustralian allnlr be tween Ken Fltldwr and John Newcombe and Owen Davidson and mu Bowxey CIVIC 01th Minus hi hem proclin Clvlc llolidly MW 10 ourWAY mummmbhw 2111 Illh rlver 22 law In Implc 7nan 2va ï¬lm ll celvtr 25 Coxméb 21 oh groper VA 1mm Flmnlll Qulker 351ly lions IT Conlncua 58 MT book Ahhr ARV no om wu MNNKL MLL no nova Mvrmvmg ur mm mu mu Kmural worn 4nurwni Awofl NEVER mul out REMEMHER WMENX NAVENT wow AN ournr LIKE msl mwa up VI my rm Mam Mount ï¬r mom JULYl