ll 10KYO AP Quinn on the heel of veiled Ihrent In ln cram aid to Norlh VIM Nun charm today hat the United sum planned to und 2mm mm lnla Lnnl ekln Radio mnflcd be nocunllm with lush ombum lmcdlvo allowan lhe 15 Air uldl an he depot nur Hanol Ind Haiphong last Walncsday Gm nun Que GP Some 5000 workers of Quebec Car ler Mlnlm Co and Inn Ora Co ol Cantu ln lhm lawns an the nodh Ibo ol tho Lawrence Illvcr walked all lhclr M2 loday WNDON CPLPrime Minu tar Wilson laces hammer blow from militant left wing wilh thy mignngion gla Fey cablmgz ml er lying mo against his demnlnaflon to pm tech flu mommy am dcfla ï¬onary price and wage etab3 Declaring an the country will we morn slriku Frank Wm Britains most powerful unlon lender has quit the tedmiogy portiaua lamina to Ms 0rd Job as me Law of he 1109900 rEansbmt ma denenl wmi Unlnn Awning Wilson brcnldnu his word mm in would nut us his power to Ihlp the uniam MIMI BEACH Flt AM June IL Hum Tbnmstm unlun prclldtnl chum odmy um 1aner larva in the US zmrn mm Ind Inca India by Amerlun new medin mm nnlml labor In men ml the 1ch In pnnlwlnr IML upenlng mu Tcnrmtm convention th hmuc of ml Hm Mrlu Izalml mmncnu II min lo wln melmlun lo new ivHm lenn IM mlmayenr my mlu Alva Cum mom nflvm hm In Mr L14 ham Peking Radio Criticizes Americans mid In nu Om The lira special mï¬m Iummer course evn to be held in Barrie was olfldally opmed thiamminz byhhymLï¬omkeandG Key Cabinet Minister Resigns British Post Hoffa Charges Smear Tactics Miners Strike At Sept Illes The Ill MAI MIMI lnnhr 10an YumNo 154 The Hometown Daily Newspaper For Barrie and District LATE NEWS OPEN SUMMER COURSE IN BARBIE DEATH SHIP SENT TO THE BOTTOM He qulddy shuffled poxdoling to win Pasunaaterlknml An thony Wedgwood Benn 41 lo lochnolny minister and de vatad Pafly Hp Edwlrd Shun 53 II PNlmaVlNKU lnla the governments price line Lhe tilyawn 0min main mled Sunday that Wilsons prices policy meaningless and will mcrdy force Ihe govern men Into mom bnme wnh the Wilson malntalned howch In his Idler accepting Cousms rqilgpallon he sgvpxzmgcnt mu be unauflui inamémn an 11103me wage nan an not kept within the bmmds ol pmdmuvlty mm mm hum mk ballumr mm ml mink hy lhq IMHM 8134M hm Jorsemon Trafalgar Imamw 9t 171 m1qu Inio NM NM fund mm than the cmrse ï¬viï¬zeek nurse is bolus held Barrio Distrid Coleman Eh Whlh Mr lam llLl edgtd close In the Nam Vicummm carnal Sunlay navy rum from 701 Hod curler CommII llvn pounded ha Du Son fuel depot 12 mlln anthem cl 1111an or the ma time in SAIGON AWUS ï¬ler Ixmbm muck another blow to day at stramk oil depot mar the port Hakim Ind wrecked Mmlonk mkslla Three Sovlcldcsgncd mlssllu wore mad at the us planes Ono malode dos enough In he our FIoe Thumiamhlds to send vibration um he numb plum but did no Ingram spgkmnup nld nvc mi An Aide to Wilson said Cou sins mum spoakcq had remained in the cabinet only or wermse oi nllnminx to db Wilson ram lepshuon the nnlonu wage dcmauds Whm that and he stepped mu lem hm In ad been under ptMlc uiï¬dsm or ailing to do mum as technology minis to spocd Induurlnl efï¬ciency through men prodxxlve mo of manpower IixiimL Millir mm um bola mndndy ur ml but your black era Wedgwood Donn L1 an lracflve ï¬ddledMaud so daht reflch lsonn desirg pufl use any méyirém El cal midlsn gun mm wm US Bombers Hit Oil Depot Mllmw highly vulll HM Iva mnnllwl ï¬lm In nur Iy up Inn vslufla iHnNI canll um whirl Mayor Cooke centre and Mr Jorgguon rim discs mains My with Angus McKay myme of Barrie public amok 1° raw HERES ONE all IWVNI lflh Wk UflAWA CPDMamet Pal113mm who couid have been itarflngaélcnm summer rem are at Mark today to clean up legislation the gov ernment wank considered be 015 guy hquday Last wee proceedings boggod sown over opposmon de mand for an Increase In 015 old age penlion More approval is given one the priority bub tho Canada Amman Plan The nuisance plan is de med mrdinfla and ex tend exisflng federalprovhrdal wdlara pmgrarm The Mealold moderate Ide lst who quit oopresident the junta and mned lam dale to run lot presidmt pum bcd pmle Knvcrnmcn which would Md more or de alme at Baum um lvr polfllcal ends Mn the cam paign he had Illa blcsdnp ol the Junta which Look war In No vember ml Mm lhmwlng out was quldcnl Vldor Pu Ea lemon WA men than two In om om ht combined omvlllon Return today mm the national electoral court gave Bardenlu 51000 voles to woo or momma LA PAZ APJBollflms have swept urnm anned force chlcf Rene Burdenlon in as ymldcnt placing the military junta vhidi his mid tho cumin Im 19 months Raglan ml piling up WW luridpanda Canaan Monday July I9 Warm 11H Imk In win vl Imluynl may hrlre iwlinu In hallwmr Hm ml rlnmlnl lh Im 31 mm AX Wurvhotnl Federal MP5 Delay Vacation Bolivians End Military Junta DblrkH EleIIAH spama TV Lilianll nunJ WMH muma Ann Lindenl Ci NunL Cllullkdlo The Examiner BRICK TOSSED AI QUEEN ELIZABETH TODAY BUOIIARIHT Nomad mumA Iovmwlm 1mm Elm Humm Irw lnry Ind GmmmM pm Ian mm In ruby wilh WMV boll nnlnr ï¬rth mm rrlu WIIHI In my mm 1qu my mm lmlxl llmlwv ml Xnmlnr Mud Mum In will Mr annlflvlfll In lla manln Ivlml FM mmn1 Mummy Marla ml miw Alnvnlln Ha nld lbs wman who had hm liking munclne um um eanma bar MM prisoner la Mun In mmflm And durum mount drucl 11w when mnrenfly mm hr maid Wain ha 1erer dmgl lrom her swimm 11 Minn MmIHy pleMl minimum rumi gw qmg 5pm Imluu lul AlHuIIflI uflnh win leuly to dM mnnly wllh Hum mmht Imlty and FM WN hum Hm an rmlivmu III llllu 11w Ilymr til Wnnav IIfl III inmmln ImHu Inmr In NM ninm Warmv FM nu mll Mu In II 1mm tllfvl flymlAWMvm Mm NEON GP Three women were tnkm mum Saturday night um vace broke up r101 01mm mandnt kidan primer at the Menu IWnanary or Warm donan mm Mm Mld lho pm mm marred because In owr runner had hm him to In mlda WM or um ml any new Innmsm um um in final nmnt and b0 mod MI lufomanu also say the gov unmenl plan to lollww rec ommendauon at SenateCom mom conunflbee that slxxï¬cd the Canada Pension Plan that some oomlderatinn be given these who now are loo old ever to benefit from 1th plan More than amour ought their way mum at banï¬ends brokcn lurnlmm to my third flwr Protalln chapel when In yran MM and mm on floor mored with water and blood one near rald un rloihlna mm Wu mm on And olhcrl wtro armed with ital 91w 1th had taken run vflndwl Several held brokm umlun they named at voila nm null Ilmvlhlun mén lfvmdny nle up MM 11 government said there would be no pension increase granted before the summer re mass but lnfvnmnu sald IIaaWI Minister MacEachen Ls lady to announce government plans for an Increase tar lhh MIL Tho pension plan mum cry and would pay noan lo pemu Who have nevu con Minted The zavcmncnl ls nlsa mid to be studying the lel report mm the Senate which mum mended guaranteed annual in come for pcqu over 65 and legislation manly mm in Britain along ihe same 1155 The controversial while paper on broadcasting was lo be tabled In tho Cummom LhI anemoon by State Soctclnry Judy mum lnrormanll my he white pa per Proposed main shnkcup the CBC embalflcd Admin ktrallom CBC President Warsaw Pact Opens Meeting POlice Break Up Riot At Mercer phome oulmet the Myenmld electrical engineer who joined me men oorporaflnn when it was organized In 1906 pected to have his powm re duml The whim paper also ex pected to propose new method ï¬nancing ms 730 under whkh the corporation would get ï¬xed amounu ram Pullman every ï¬ve year Instead of every year as at men so It will have more men and flexiblflly in pbnning its Mam than 300 panes than were broken and lumlturo wnl rcduccd lo dtaril Office gulp men Wm dmmgcd IM In hm worn ripped lrvm wall pogo Iald chapel cwld be heard more than 100 way who mmimm prumcrs Ylltd mwmgcmcnt lrom lockcd mrrldm to ma Mlcr the riot our women Wm Inken Dull hm mmva to hamflnl had duv gushes ln lhnir wrlsu ram mzklnz windwu wflh Mr The mm wnmcn moved by polka mum in In from 19 In 30 The olhm was Minna my gomutorlc Allu bdrm budznls 0mm cmCam had $300000000 delldl in bal qncp ofï¬ngrmqu Myng aurmgan um thné mains of law the Domlnlon Bureau nl Slgglsllcs My 000000 deï¬cit in the um three months of 1965 but not 13 gm 011110000 deï¬cit in Jan uary Fcbmaryxund Mud Ian your Fur the whole of Inst year the Mid was $1136000000 mqud Jr by My nmnn MAmnm um um mm mm Mm Norman mud nay DBS Announces Big Trade Deficit Police snld mum from the BELFAST NorthCm Ireland APJA brkk and MBA were mm at the royal car In sep Ante Incident today Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip drove Lhmugh Mm The bottle incident happened as the Queen was having dry hall alter cMc luncheon and reception bear boule smashed Knco the roadway al most undcr lhe wheels or her mamncoloml bubblewp lim nmlne Tb car did not slop but continued in 310w mom The warden spoka la the ma Ihorlly nflnr mldnlxhl and Iguln tth mornlnl but mid lhem was no lndIcaUm may wcm ready lo mum No violcnco has WM No allemnl hu been mad la me ha primer bad to lhelr can Mr Smllh MM the mm were ram 11 mm ol the pcnilcnll cry and nppmod Io have damn laden Maybo the Walther nomath he do wllh It ho aid lcmpcruum ll Kin llnn Sunday mu nbom lairhalmd woman In her 50a tam nut of tho Imam uonal Hotel earring what up pemd to be bade wrapped 1n paper ha royal car was passm sha thml it and It Inndod beside one the wheels The Duke Edmburï¬l Law the preman Um dcmomlrm U011 The men are ana lo 11 out complain emu at any Mme but had Iubmillcd no oomlalnu lately In Great Victoria amt lhrvwn brIck hit fender of the car It seemed to unnu mm building site where number of mmwmonsoalfoldhg Po lice sailed man Ind led him ww KINGSION CHAbbi 250 of the 950 primer Klnrswn Penllznllnry rammed outside their cell this mominl Mu lnI lo Mum alter rccrenllvn period Sunday nlxhl The prisoners said they proldlng pay Much range 15 to 55 cents day and Wardcn Smith prison yum hnd had nu Mmessouhelnddenl nem lhgclty ha ma Inm Nu malnv vln Ivypvlyv afï¬rm Ber 851 am bidu uniL Mass Protest Kingston Pen game ofï¬blocks on Separate Incidents Mar Queens Visit To Itelgnd Nol Mum Thln 10 For Copy 12 Paw Clearing and molar Ihh alter mon Ind WM Low lwnlgfl so mm mm 75 or uu incident and append to look Itmtled Appamnlly not many persons saw the bottle thrvwn and no attempt was made In maxim with the woman Detectives mm lle her back into tho MeL CONTINUED JOURNEY 111 Queen and Philip cumin fled their dflva thmugh Sandy mm ha predonflnanUyPmtea taut area of the city when they received welmme the cflyl 1mm and Roman Catholics appeand to have reached mm or the limo beluz PAPEHIE Tahiti AmNob mai acuvfly has resumed the French atomic mum ground an Mumma mil where nudur device was exphled Saturday Paciï¬c headqumm Papmm Announced that urn inz musnn ouhlpl to avald he am had been cancellzd but um similar caution Io plane was beinz kcvt In iorca This was inlemnted in mean um radioactive illioui had ale dWWiIIK into um but that the radiondiw cioud dill had no dispersed xwumn an lawh 52 head cow minor or heuamtmn 5qu The sun bimd down the Un lon Jack waved and massed thwsamk dueled the Quem dmva thrwgh lha packed ally mm Around her were he lightest security precautions ever taken for British mm V151 Pm the home territory Armcd polka were spiced every few yard aim the myul route Armand cars were held on the city mum ready to mavent malnuthintolhvu ï¬rst engagementmm open lnx ol the new 00300 Quun Elizabeth nrldn across the Rim Lam dench th ï¬eld lam watched lhq tde Ngfawnmllyrorl Mm mm 1h top of nealhy lilo mm mam MI Spec Newsman Jack Lewis Dies Quiet Returns To Test Centre Why the Queenï¬nllfled he miflaï¬bagl two lol