ï¬uvmxnl mum MAM odw Inde In Mn xxll Inward ml 1min yuan nl local lrllmillro Mlmllhl ham Ihlllnn will lldy pmmum hm Ummrl flu mu mm InaHM With tho luMA HIM nro IMWM no would In Fm dclny In ï¬dllmz lhll wrk guml NthNML MAWA QMTrade Mink ter Winter brust nil qua lion Thursday mm Oredmm gill Gregoire lbout alleged palm patronage in the Ip pnlnlmut al cum commis slow The encounter took plan It the Comm lnmco mm hearlnz whm in 196661 mm grammes of the Do mlnlm Bureau swim were being examined The human now Lu cumin out an interim cm Why asked Mr Gregoire de he ddenlad uberal candidah Lu his riding of LaPolnla receive notice from Lhe trade depart ment hat 4M bureau needed 41 he County and the 1wa am making funds avaflnbh or the cleaning up Ind bemxmm on InanlLl Winning this you The mm is p500 and mo Cmmty If 5mm allowuwca are made or 11 6M guy gm mm INNISFIL NOTES 11 got Vql Marimwnu MT mam by the mid hmklng grand mm mm 90 bu qu ï¬lnpielll 3641111 Como $1200 being 0mm ed for mending nlonx road land 1er In of ms he leI Mnldl when properly omen may he mLflrd on prajcm cl apoc uurmm and the balance lbs lunds may be In be advnntnga 1me by me local commlgm IWoIMll PROGRAM Iho pmgrnm ol kandflcaflm dMMI Ink mu mm Im One tavern nmmend Im prnvcmont cou ntywlda and mm UN wdl mail into MIL 11 mm min we mumnm pm lm lwnn In pun My 11m In mm hmmllnl 4hr ml rnlmwl lrrrlhfll ml Winters Sidesteps ilPatronage Question Im No 1M pmxzrnm ham RumMam Hill In pain inx And rnvnlwlnn nll 1m Iwm Muman um um which Innkn Ilnxlxlnly wall hwmu MINI rmncrl um vlmu Ire iinlnrml mnmn dml In Mm Imwuly 11 pan nl hm mum At which awards ln ln mmln 1r wlnnrrl Mln will be Juduï¬l hy Nnrmln Shun Um vavlmd lmv mm mm be mun ml anmmz mm Mnll mums nml their mgmnl lur mundflp wuh Hr tudmr Hump 11m Immmlal nm mlrn 11 Um mu mam In lhn Imva hmJ ml mo Mm mu mum um um um Intrnlhnu rm NI Hu 1mm mmlwvr mam Anvl nun ml Alan Hm mun llllflllll laallnn lhnm IA muman nwh HIM mnrmvlnllrrn nu rhvmlvu nml IM um um Mr vrnpuall In INH NI be hell AM nml IIdnhe Idle new 865 million heavy water pIant mm will be ed on the shores the Strait 04 Cansn near Port Hm Pgavwnl Gav£rmnql Thll 13 mm much Beautification Funds Available 11 ll pllcadm or the job census Malonef Mr Winter uld mm cam misslonen census had been Mod whlln Mitchell Sun wII trad minbler However Lh usual procedlnl tho one mu has bcen clr rid on by all pardu or many yumwas hat many pequ wrote to tho minister omca Wm lisp names 01 Quose who mm be considered or wh mLflonexl posh dkï¬i thng Write In we dokated Liberal candidates And ubern MP telling them WRME 10 CANDIDATES aw Mrorezm way lwr lmflslu mopaycn lo cddmla will be to Attend he opens hit new park START POND Dan nutty mntrador has been digging run ml and went on Ibo 7m Line and getting the mid mine Into the wntm He will con 11mm inn dutch Mo ii am pm bmnnlnx hex week Th1 lell lead back to here lhe pool be part me dcvclapmcnt Dimmd or Ibo park wwwmurym LHu be dud mm Andumool Mmmmmm um um um hm MI be com plated HERBS ELK IDLE nook mm on tho lml mt Vlan wu Warn stock So hr mm WM hm hm bum enrolled mu nlnw ha win Irv pan ml Ind Mp he tmmrrlal Ind kam duddo Ibo but mum to make 0w IN IN In the qllidurt nixl FM rfldml mm mmm will no dun lnh bdvnmgo am pm fllm ml enmll Mr Md JACKIE Elm Ex Colmclllw nah laddn um law rmme mm the Cm man Commlum In In mov Into Om Township INNIST Ell DAY um lm Llwuhl may on quomlM my ruhlrnl 1qu will lw WM at lw lug day lm yur uhl wm gm people ham In mjuy Mr put Iilldl LIl Inn nu ma hr lha Incl 1w hln Mn ï¬lm low dd In In vknh You are In In India Hm 111011 ml alum ml vim puwml lo mm the My ml uwnlnx lln tlnyl warm mm ml the Mmlnl mm lllnlurnl will ml mm many nun luvukuumvaMme Illa 11w ownm plvuuln will min Imly unln Irwhnl llul HWIH Min Ahml fuhlmg dmlr MW Ir yml than WAH NMIJV can 1mm 14 In hu nw hem enlarged the mlrmh mmnndnl bury Non Seoul Fade Mlnu Minister Jeanine Pepin unarmed the mlect Thur day In flu Home of Commu He stated that Genual Electric um Ilu kulmr an rï¬iL Ilml mil NW nu dwid mmh va will In mm In tho walrr Muy III In lullle 11 mir MA on holiday ml uwkrwl army on dmhl In mwln tn mmlnl nlmrml ml ulhru um My hunklilo 11 IN Crvug Why on NI in lAiy ml In me Mm lh mmrh In mm nulrm ll IMVYVIMUM lnnwn HIM 11 mm la olwly Ilin NOVA SCOIIA LANDS BIG PLANT mm uuum uvuuxuuu Mlkflcian said names vnitted by the ministerl ollio we not neceplzd wiflmt vestinllon that 5359 appUcallom wen Mr winters rqzliedhsmlflru mimosa wrote to the 210 vgg knew Ln the consum are trying establish mt mm is political patronage Ln process any don Mr Winlms said he discussed the prouem ol remflum wm mlsionan will human ditch and they said mm no oiher east doing Hullqu method Ind hm children hilly acquainted with water New or both lunwach and 9mm Not long ago child hjalnod in this Mantlde midm 595cm MEETING Foilmvinz the Cenitnnlai Cam mitiu ï¬nding Ihe when of Council held 51min meeting Ind dimmed nutter on which ammiuce mumlm wmlal lur ther innmuons Reeve Coch nmc who had 1m rclmml lmm the Mum and New Com vomion WA on In the mat inn mguiar meeting Own ii ndmiuitd Mnminy July commencing Al 1030 mm has concluded to apply 5000 tom of liquid to Momlc may of Canadn but with delivery to start In mm The Announce men In big boos for Cape thirénflrnikle and um In 114 Ml mmnkl la him mad who mll th Maul Imlmul and nu ma hid mwnntly Imam Inst mly umll mwly nl lid lull Wu RM Iumu flmhn lha unnlpenmnrvi pnm 1m mu man ï¬linu noka IA IN In nMUWl Ill the lakrhwl KINGHKN llll IMnnlnn In MIMIHIIHM huu um hldllisflinl Ivy dnltrfllï¬n mum at 51 mm mum hwlmllm mm In Kinnnm In m1 ml sz hm In Nnrnl mulwlrlnlim Illk un rily ernmlnl mm Plane Missing With Lady Pilot Iu Ihn ILM hrnuuun vnllml pm my uviulnl um uuimt lmr on Ilw un lino umm piHmu nwwuu Ibo phllmm Iml IVI dum Inla mrnnlmni or My Nn rm in tnIrwl nnl hp Hum IVYHHHVWI uhn flidll WIN In UV 5105 pm mlmmv wu 11mm In my Iry Caanun larillc ï¬lmy Dedicate Engine To Sir John IS wine Dixie dvminlon YllAWA AP MP with their heads on Woman summer rem had In selfln Thursday or threadsy hali day weekend cm the minister would nun malkally in accordance with Conmum rules elm um 19 bale lmmwm 5mm In month old age punsIan to $100 ngaln blodmd pagan of the Caludn Assistance Plan 1he lung recess L1 still pocled Lo mm um the next week but the gunmen plan 51111 at me secondreldhlg stage comes up in am Mundw ND Leader Datum and other umber md 1mm from older mama poman out ha dilflwlty of living on 75 monthly pensions Mr Dougiu Qflldbc under The Comm Improved willi ou dcbaia resolution propos lnx ambitwa cl edcml nguacy to rezulala the Hveswck lord Industry in Eastern Canada Ind BrlUsh Coklmhil was give in readmg stood Health MJnIMEr Mac Eachm wished to prom some additional mam tn help Ihe ngerly wqu he wlml zo The anIstcr never did get to rpm and there were still NDP members indicating dasire speak when the Camxmnl ma Ibom pm BLIND RIVER Onl CF Flu flnxndny nght caused an umth £100000 damage hen an marlm bulkflnl am my Ito and alx Hids were doslmycd on the main llrect ol his lawn mflu WM Sud or construction and lb oom pleled plan wil have arwnd no employees Wirephoto stem providing lnrga mount employment Mora gm mmag will bu fequind MPs Persistence Shortens Holiday 7rawn oflklll uId Lame unhk Ide at early own Aur veyl we lost In the blaze WNWk cm malof Juhum nl IM cncn unbab Hod admlnllumm la pedal ha Innmnrrd Monday In so mrmMM whlu pm on lnnndcmlnk 405mm will manta nw palm Ind pnwm many lnanHVl ahnnxnl It ml lam1y Inllnl by Prim MlnLv luunn ml drwn willy In mm man Will that MkItal Um lyrAu 1mm lulmnnnu My mvmmrm plan In ImMun Ibo Kmr Almdun III In CIKII mull nvw hoadquar lm hm 1le HM an Knuulln Ivy pnmam pmple Ilfllu mt un IKI will ha mainland um um um Mun nfltrl Large Blaze In Blind River impu ml Illmlly um um mrml imam Wm my 19 mm Ahlwnw omnw uqurnld Inlvlrnl vnimm My Johml Ibo 1va mnwmhm HI lnrrwnn In m1 lqmllmfly um hm paw lulmwl In Ilmn nl ppmhurl or may rrplw N1 lllngalhrr IIM It mm Anvmimnll In 1M Blund rulh an Hde In lml um Mimt mm llr mum NM Invl lh IN mld vl Almluu 11 payer In HIM In nu cmï¬mm muy ink hr Ilkut 013nm rlmhlnau II Mull mum Hovnnml um lnlmrr Ilnlvemly Album vmitbm In around In mum In mmhn umwlm in mm MK Izyrw Expect Shakeup In CBC Ranks demgnds 10 SATURDAY JULY THE BARBIE EXMIINER MONTREAL CPM aver use one Rusflabmmd Mn day endh carrying an IVHIKC p900 tans ï¬vfhe Iqar In thépun Montreal almiy eating mo ha grain surplus Mnedï¬wï¬ the lens shorgpmna ner Ken 17 Capt PAtherton marine mum at Mm 3w pins want or Russian rain ships up 70 per cent the ship carrying the train are Russian and um rest are under chum to that coun try mu at 14 ships carrying 170000 Lon have left 0r Rus slan porn since ï¬le strike ended June 10 Mon than were Idle tn ch15 port for 1h 39 day flu wk 1aed been winced Ihere is no overloath the elevator and railway mum but said nearmam ensmd during the last dlyl Lbs Mk6 FiveMsgiandqm now Age Grain Carriers Head For USSR port either loading or wall lnz be loaded NW shlpl In five Quebec pom or loadhm vainMontreal Soul TrailRiviera Quebec City and Ernie Corneau The grain mm to Rus ala us under prevlma ame mm with Canada John Living swaa the Canadian Wheat Board here xald men has been no Mammalian ye on details tar shippan new order at 335000 000 bushd over may TORONK OP Demands wen made In the legiflaturu milway or an inqulry leged dimhxlnwon because coior by the Ontario Collqa Physldam and Surgeons Jame menck tNDPmv mm aid the We had de gamma 1n he rqppnsibfllqu lg qn HIM racial discrimination based on colon partlmhrly toward Dr Krishna Baldrwa naflva ol lndiL Dr Baldrwal last year In refused licence pracun medicine in Ontario but ho rea son has not been made Mlle It was because at his color my Lho NDP lhere should be mm In quity 1n the province Ontario as mum Um marge are makng Uer 19 chne ay Rnbaru annauncnd in the lezhlmuro um Lhrcumn mnmltm has been appolnlod by the pmvlnco lo review reason why ha ml loge hnl rclused to licence Aslan dodara gwppg My lha collegel Judah the demon ol Mu docum The govermnmt commit was easubllshod to Inquire ml the healing nu In mum and wi hate he power to college ha mid Ibo um dun to Home Mlmltruned doctors 11 at Mr qualiï¬cation do not meet Canndinn mama BUIINFD CAM DOWN AP David OMrlcn l5 conï¬ded burn Ina hla drall curd In Itfl Mum Friday lo cdcnl youlh cnrmllonnl cmlre or In Sndd Inito lerm Mondays diUn aptm hy Sammy Judy mum lb porlmlly wnll worm MW my lml lp llnancl Cl flmrguqny IMHJIMM would be and Imamn Inl mum at llvnvytar lnhrvlll mm CDC mou lwilwmkrm Ind mom HuthIly lo plnn It In nunl lunar THE CANADIAN PRES lllllanMnnLl llmm mm orlanll 71 lnmwr dlmtnr um Inknl Mk mumh lmnl Ask Study Of Discrimination lmtlph ELJnlm llxlnr 1110M mhnl Mini ml Minimum ll Um mnl n1 lllnllmhlrru 1le Hullan NM lnmlrr Mian II mwlmn IAh IlNllefl 0M mu Ari1410 Innrwr lmlllulll Tmmm and lhfl lnunmto lndllug Funntll Mum nnl Sudunhk um nmrlr ll Il Ilv llrgimrnlv lyMultlnnFn Fmemlan YIIM mum rn Mn Vlorvnl Kvakkuklm mqu Ulhuanln Ha mg the my bus 0m MM Mm Triumph Inumll Klnnlnn JimIr Mu ml MrKumk Hunk calml villi mum lho Illvi en Mr rum fund In Use 590 orvl le Wnr almnlrr IM Mum Allnxham ll boa Inm or he mum rmle DEATHS FlaMick Wm rmnquwlml Mm 14mm l1 Ir rnnvnamlw Ilmuu IIIIIHI AURORA Ont CmToronto Argonauts hive In their ond op Canadian draft choice In two days their lrnlnlng EPa Randy Paner 13 Cilme linebacker 1mm University oi Tommie Blues itit camp Thurs day aiier deciding he caulan pin praimionni loolbnil and Randy Parker Departs Argos POWER ath MAIgain CREAMERY KRAFT MIRFIELE 015516ng New EXAMINER HOME OF THE WEEK POWER RDIIH POWER pursue umr nrchluct at tho um um Parker Lhe Blues mes vuln able plnycr last year was me Arzaa third dun choke The Argon were told Wzdnex day that Run Nicholmn line man rom Univmily cl Wen ern Onlndo Mustang and he lenm No draft chuIce quit becauso be dld not think comd make moccasin weer in praiessiamllootï¬lll And My Shipp blunt man on the Anna at pounds wu nowhere ln sight Friday in APPLE scomm Gold For family who need our bedroom fth design om um mimmn living space or mlnlmmn floor Erma len ture of all We splitlevel de signn Uumla with an mu washroom are heated behind the doubh was and mum len kitchen and rear enny There is lull basement under the Kitchen lelngjrca There in also ample room here or recreation room plus furnace and or he dollymlrsdl man full sized workshop Standard Blueprint or This Design Nu post $2000 qr the ï¬rst set and $500 at ad dldounl sen Blueprints comply with the Nadonal Building Code Canada and are obtained by return mas Ontario resident 1mm remit per cent Sam Tu Argo and mu flm lull Iqud wnrkoul mm Crldm Club Friday to malntain their unbeaten sunk on their Cannflm our am win and twn drawn wmnmnu muw 7107110931wa Bermudl