ll Herman at this juncture recalled lvys 1922 team for which he had the honor of pitching as he put iL ctuaiiy he hurled that standout Ivy team to the rural senior championship beating out ThornhuryCiarks iburg Combines in the finals We were very lucky jbecause they had leithanded pitcher named Hector Goldsmith who was es zeqdan amateur IS have ever seen 53 lb enthusiasm Id have to say that Goldsmith was even better than Phil Marchildon of Penetanglflshene although he never got changeto pr It in pro like the Bab did LL Vim havé seen piichand would give Goldsmflh the edge Anyway we were lucky to beat him that year ANOTHER BASE BALL championship could do much for Ivy in the Opinion of baseball enthusiasts lika Herman Jennett who incidentally was 62 on May 27 There is nothing like nwlnnlng sport club toboost com munity spirit suggested the ace of Ivy teams in the roaring 20 We have long baseball tra diLion behind us so championship would be paruEnlarly vclqiniel The distant hitting of players llke Tommy Am old at second Allan Ellis at short and George Ellis wnx SllElVELL behind the plate has been an important actor 1n Ivys good showing to data Since the ball club represents one of the smallest com munllies in the league lvy tans feel parllmlar pride in the teams record and its success in competing against clubs from larger cenlm Gary Maws pitching and consistency at the plate has been noteworthy while the outfieldlng and hit ï¬ng Gary Harri alsp wayrgnts spgdnlmgntion The Ivy team Ls schedulmi to entertain the near by Thornton squad also strung outllt from small community on Thursday July As this looms as standout attraction lltis stirring more than usual excitement BESIDBS ITS South Simcoe League why do they still call it South Simcae when the entries now include the old Nonh Simcoe teamsn Ivy has contending entry In the county juvenile base ball league which also Includes good teams from Bee lon Stroud and Tottenham all of which no showing much enthusiasm With Ivy now well up in the first division as the home stretch of the schedule is nearing Shewellbe eves there is good justification for his conï¬dence aseball fans amund Ivy and there are more per pitg Item than tnmpst plac share Shewells Oedl Spam And Will Shewell are coaches of the Ivy juveniles for which pinbsizcd Don Mcllaster has been dolng most of the pitchlng Jim Carruthm has seen some mound service and Ilsa plays lim base Malcolm Corky Wilson goes to first when Jlm takes the mound McDowell Finds Winning Touch other key members the fast Infield are Lim ence Speers at second Don lllarlln at short and lnrry Smith at lhlnl Ouifielrlers Include Murray Coch rane Bob min llnh Davis and Corky Wilson when hes not playing first Davin Arnold random of nroa L1 president Ma county juvenile circuit ch Is glvlng young pln chance to develop or future lntermcdlalu nn nnlor teams NOT ALL OlllllllllZlLi ms llkoly In ngrcc wllh lvyn llcrmnn Jenncll when ha sayu the Imelnll flaynl lorlay mm llum In the old rounly haschnl days lbs 20s and 30 ByBlLLCURRAN VEIERAN PIICHING ACE of Ivy Maple Leafs Vilf Shewell is conï¬dent thb team will make the South mcoe League playoffs unless the breaks of fonune against thg club completely soï¬ltIhpaw pitjCIheFfor vy teams him self The boys deserve lot of credit and if they canconï¬nue their Jumvement we might even win another championship think the fielding in map her now than mod to be Mld the vntornn our anng he was basin hln nplnlnn on what baseball he has seen at Ivy 15 this Includm most lhr Smxlh Slmcno Imnuun lmmn lhn mlnnldcm are arming more lllos nnd Iho lnlloklm are generally lmllrr lhcm were nolnhlo exctpllons mum You also have In mmldrr lhoy have 1mm 10m lmlny lhnn duran Um ZOL Rut Um Kama Inn hotlor In me Ono thing though dont think ha pitching ls good Thry nnl rolling he Mdkcouln lkn Hwy mm In romrmbn nno lme fannlng 27 men in 11 lnnlngn You usually had to not lot of mikconln In wm Sam Mrlmfll WM lhe lin leh Hm lnr lb llru Ikm 1n hm mnnms Inn luv ml vimnu Ill Mn In low DIIIy HIM llul but lnlho than dr ch lor 1M rut Hm In CM You have to have fair shire of breaks to be uccessful in any sport and good layer often can nake his own said the erienmd 4yeamld right Iander who has pitched th different Toronto teams aefore going to Ivy two years ago But If the break go against yau It can be toug ï¬rm We have as mnmu nme IrmM mmhpu an rihhul ho mm m1 ï¬nd m1 mm mm Amlm rm swu milr THE MERE EXAMINER WAY JULY mu DISTRICT SPORTS Breaks Mean Much Claims Ivy Pitcher my nllhl hln mu rnrmlnlq mm vlrlnry um my In Imlrm Mmhtl Tuhmnh An so Mm wlm hadnl Inn mm in mnjnu um MIL ham mumI hI mum In lulurmo nnlu Illh dxhl lo vkwy nvrr mumnu Mm complvt lnl demrnltr mu lot Iho Amuknn lupin lutlru MN IN Main mm mlnm IM not In mnklnl Ma llrll mainluau mur nnu In our yum Ila had nn lwnvl In IBM ll It unuM wlm Human all mm mm with You Ymkm in IN TI WW5 HM Ir Whfle flu entry Us lot the June sman tournament dwindled to eight Leanu he cw fans In allmdanca Barri nlr grounds winleased some flnilMillcd action From the our outings in the elimhwuon round two dramatic finishes and nearperlect game were record In collecting in atrikemm over seven innings Pen brawl duouxh 18 consewllva auu He was just three mm away from perfect gums when ieaddl batter John Hangman draw walk for Ia01L the remaining six pulnuu only one escaped theJnlield fly ball by Ron Schuck The mamm ect allot Wm minded out by three inlicld pomp and two upgnd outs lug ace Dale Peas was In top arm he pitched the Banll Senior League club to 40 con quest of Barrie Coloppan InA mediate loop squad While his earnme won Ihe game early with our ï¬rst rams scores Pegs proceeded to burn the C009 ballets even mush er mm most the way It er shaky start loser Ted ston worked well He held Due Nawmarkel clul scorelexs and scattered live hits over the runnlnjng six Irnmas Plaza The bagged all their mm in the Borden Hycrl unveiled new pitcher Thursday nighh at Queenr Park and mp wimin three poima ol the league lead new antry lrlmmrd Imper Ileastman lhe current pace sellers 54 In deckivn mun nrr New 5131mm PM Filsingu checked Imperial Eastman on just two Inï¬eld nlnglu The as ers only run cum in the third through the aid of twn mm Filsinger nllnwcd just six men In math has Ind set down the alde in order three 11mm In flue nixhlcap Buni CoOp APOIHHX brand new unflmrm dumped Ins pinch West Bend 72 Ind advanced Into win pos smian Ihird place In six club circuit Imperial Easman bunkan ball mu Laurie Wheeler had an on night as he was touched or eight MLI over the seven mm mule Borden won ha game In ha Ihlrd session when they comblnul our mmculiva or our lalllcs They dust1 out the scoring with an3 run the sewnth RIG FLUIUW wm one out in Iha nnrdtn lhud Jahn Rumble draw hm on bulk Lnrry Marker lollowtd with In Inï¬eld mm In Ilan lh outbum mll Hnywnrd flux led Mer flumhlo wilh the lead ally and Huck Talbot plncm perml lulcide squeezo hunt down the fin bm line Th1 mum Inrkrr um um plnle th me winning Ally Man 0m you mm mddrd he land with nxn Mnulr Mler lmanEulmun exec um double plny In the nevrnlh wnllu lo Talbot and Onycfl 0an by Cnny now rhun ninxlr mand lho mm nordcn lnlly Thrill FiniShes In Tourney Play Flyers Advance Closer To Lead Nawmuikej 111m Tiralpllch mum mun lnflpldpr llm mm mm ï¬nk dumu ynlmlnyp Im muvunl nmrr ll ml rImounih lec uldm IA TOURNKY IS ACTIONFILLED ï¬rst Inning from chm lulu walk and In error Glen Main prize who wax the mast con sum or lhe mm with three singles led an the game with Angle Ha ml second and advanced fluid when Hrs tanker Terry Hoduon droP ped the ball on Bill Collie Krmmder Ken CormH dmw walk unload the bases and Main Friu scored um winner tom pun Magnml fly bill Into lhflfl Id lield Collier scored the wood Nu on Pams oul out and Norm Roberta uni an mm acres with his double The inn tally was 1mm our by Larry Dunlopl single Dun lap also 1nd dodfle mm eighthi9 ooflecï¬nh lirlng Dykstra wnlked Pela Bertram with Lho ham waded Nouawa Redmen dumped Im png Eastman and Stay The tournament anclizcies lo day wilh mm mm It flu In olbet action darken Ho tel pulled big upset in de feating BanIa P112 14 scoreless duel between lolly Dan Madden and Don Dyk stra was broken in me home ha 91g 121 ast onto Manhunt No emu conmuted by pitcher HAIp Kemp allawed Aha deciding scam Merchants were Jun While Wheeler pldmd up elm alrikeauu lus control was no as sharp and he also Luucd eight walks Rumble collected twa flnglu to complete the Fly er Illack Dave McCImn gained an In field single lalead OK the Im perialEastman third Throwing mm In shortstop Talbot and ï¬rst Hacker Reg Campbell per milled the hosts lone rum 0er ImperialEastman ï¬nal was posted by Brian McCann ND SWEAT In HI ucond game laOp struck elrly in win wllh use They allied twice In um um Irarna and struck lgain or our in he mend Mm the dam age was done of liner Gary Dixon who was replaced by Paul Corner in ht neand alter giving up in of me Ian lo0p mu and six of the seven runs The big blows or the wlnnerl were tworun ham by Con rad Maloncy and flour Laceyl twomn double ball in the ond inninx artacune of he cuipat In the 15 inping 913 New Tor The only run all Coer was produced in the lamb when catdur Al Harm misszd third mike on Malaney wild pilch and Iinglo by Dav Mills brought an menu noun ncmu Trd leson mulbd lo Co Op wnquest ptrmilllnl hm twa hill double by Hill Bertram and Ill lnlicld xingla by Dnvl Boyd 11w West Bend rum in tho third Ind lourlh bolh wm helped by man When um ed ll strikeoull Ind dimmed the Aid In under Urru llmu No game are slated or hr marmw nlzhl Borden Hyefl hall nnrnu IoOp at pm Con wmm enllldo wilh CIxhon ll Qumnl Park Sunday lurllng Ill QM un hlnlngrr m1 flumlï¬wimvel or 1nd McCann Weit nend xix ioé 05 den Ind Smith Dixon 001 Mr Ind Harm Kamihwk nl Nov Tomlo Mu rhlnla MMMN IM hull TM in lmumn mmm Mmlunu vflh In In dutth plu HMO110 Falrgrmmds In semiLn p111 Nwmnrkst laces Olarkson Ho In at pm Nounwn then lan fles with Stewartl at pm Game 1mm the grand limo Lu7 pm with $300 ledl Savings Bond prize II flake mmday Burden an mn mesdaycmn Imp Easunm 700 Slawvs Nowmaxim Elmvaln map3am Borden Barrie coop Consumen Slathon West Bend Barrie Dpllmlsl All Merchanls 13min spam Whilst Club Future Gama Jub 5Wud Thm at War Nn Shear 700 Julvl Ward No It Ward One Mac Morrison 7200 Bhutan DMIlon Bum Welding ALL Unnberack Clvlun nub NJ Optimist mm Filing Game SundayMp ll Borden Wool Consumm Olarkwn mm Four Mac Monmg 100 July Ward N6 at Ward One Shear 700 Toronto Maple Leah swept Dominion Day doublehendzr tom Toledo Mud ms 54 and ln Inlernntlona Lengue AC Uon Friay night re Hnla Bison de flated Columbus Jch 10 before having the mend game Syracuse Chm edged nich mmd Braves In 10 lnninzx and Jacksonville Suns dulmcd nochuler Red Winn WMPM Flmvale flmkwEkrmle It Plua also Thursday Toronto shaded Co lumbul Tolldo delcnled Elchmond and gnma be tween Synmn and Jackson villa wngr postpongd Tony Hortons home run In In rd gum xnve Tornnm IL victory while the all ploded or 11 Ml In the acumd me not Guldon led lhe an onto Muck wllh ham Ind Marlon hit two doubles Lou Klimchockn dim run homer in the uvnnlh Inning powered Ito Sun In lhlil vic Infy ter loi Mom in ma oponrr Ind nnm Del Canton MIch 11 hill or Column in In Acc Tom Mllchkk Mtn double mm the winnan mn or Syru wxo 1n the 10m lnnlnl um An 1mg hid Ilnflod And oh Leais Leap To First Division Ihll mmm II pm unlntl Nlfllawl Mmn In IMH flnnl IM uh Im lmnn Immt Hull mmuo II All LInWL mummy Ilwlob Thnfldlyl scare siewutl Nmnarkot Future Glam 3mg umTEasmmiu soap Westjknd bém my mama mm mnMEDIAm SOFTBALL INTERWARD Peeves Dlvhhn ï¬xture Ganm SENIOR Ill Ill 30 imperialm man amen Inerzmdiala Lea sue leaders will face team mm Ihc diszafl side The most will be provided by group mug ladies from Bullan New York known Franks Kicks lake the place he California 0min uno had to canoe out In the last minulc Franks Kick we un usual sunbul out In many ways Aside ram woven talent on lhe diamond they are on lmainm comedy routine supporled by musical and dance routine Their playing mch very hmmslve They are anlly Now York Slnla arlics 5211 champimu and are ranlwd lhlrd Ln Iha United sum in scent years they tum dnna mil in world mmu They haw placid most the but American meng tram And have managed mgular collec on 01 Vktonos lair warning Sollball an ram me Bani Ire an in tor real treat to night at 1h Em Rand Fair xmunds park Followinx the hp game cl Ihe Jayme Cen lennial bumdwm Twrnnmenl which is mud or pm start calodm exhibition Kama will aka place um ImperinLEmman In In or mum time Anal inwmï¬nx lad lboul these aimdc and musial luv Ifwy mm may Axilxrilaï¬m me DEIDRE cow the North American An mm mm Tanzan ian 5m playm made Mr ï¬rst Canadian appeamlwe re cently In mum Al Banlo Fairgmmda ax deadlock msde from the embluon ouï¬nz with Barrio OM onn ol we top teams ï¬n the New nurkcl and Distrch League ï¬rst division Hue Tanzanian captain Ram Bunk green Barrie supper Tim Hugh Franks Kicks Here Tonight JULY14 JULY 20 HARPER IN JULY 21 JULY 27 STAGE COACH NOTE TO BARRIERESIDEN152CUPG SAVE JULY JULY 13 SOCCER TEIIM VISITS BARBIE SUMMER MOVIES YOU WILL ENJOY STARRING PAUL NEWMAN AND LAUREN BACAU IN COLOR STARRING ANN MARGRET RED BUTTONS BING CROSBY mi iameJ run down Ind Woody Fryman Llole his thundtr Koulax Aimed for victory Na 15 and the halfway point potenlinl lovictory season went down In um defeat he Dodger bowad to Jackson Ind the SC nub Cardinal 10 FH Iy night walinenl Loading than on It Held WI be Tarn OBrien who Myemymnx It was had night tar Sandy Kmxlax at La Angela Dodge Jackson grabbed My ol lizht Claude Raymond my gd This colorful flww provides lining climax In the MEGA weekend show at Ibo Barri Falrymmis and mm Mend representing Burk Orly Coun cil Prlor in the contest the African visitor were present ed wth Barrie souvenir kit by their basil Thu soccer team is made cl person nel from he Tmunlnn Pup les Belem Force Air Wing who am ourrenfly undemainz mm Inkling In almllt maimennnce at Canadian Force Bash Borden The Koufax Beaten For Third Time mile nu 11mm on llwinch mm 0pm Wuk mm own In Mn Inihyl Wnlul NIIXI um cam 44 SIMCOE SIDE Golf Club gum waa related by Orb floral lunar whn 15th the Alrlcln student in the basic technical Lrnflnlnx phase The tram managed by W02 Shanks and 001de jointly hy Sat 0mm Ind 111 ImllillllollhnOFB Borden air om lmtrucflonll Ila Borden new Blah LWURR squ For lrltndly compu unf urvlco and quil lty brand mm prod um all In new Barium 10 OFF ON CASH AND CARRY IN COLOR wumu 7290154