Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jul 1966, p. 4

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The first summer concert of the Banlo City Concert Band was held this week in the green belt south of Memorial Square It was pleasant way to spend An evening although very low 01 Barfles citizens took tho oppoflurdty to attend the function In its oi distractions such as Whistle lowing freight train hornhonk ing automobiles and brisk breeze or the bay which played havoc with their sheet music the player appeared to thoroughly enjoy themselves Question dozen adults on the rim we can 01 953 get down different answers Many would guess that the answer would be chhnuey sparks or overheated stoves or overloaded electric dmlts These umg ughlg high on the hut there L1 one sin 10 Cause responsible or more thin on of all fires one that kindle an average at more than 600 Hm nwoek zeros Canada smokerl walgsrnm yeif Ve aw am tnéeabfe such b9 gghtningr gr spontangous It is thevhuman element that cause nlmosi all of Canadas 90000 lug tire year Very aw am traceabe such combustion The latest flFum on fire by came are for Ontario one from the vindal mo marshala 1905 report 23387 reported tires 4248 were Because the rising accident loii Canadas auto insurance firms are turno lng down many requests lor insumnco mm iconago drivers and firsttime driver of any age Accident rates and losses Ire so huge in the younger age groups that the com anion cannoi arioni to insure them imosi two million youngsters will pass their 1011 birthday during five years to the end of 1070 11 ready to exercise their Avnrcnt in iionabie right to drive ho wii in sure them against their own inexpen 20 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Juné 27 1046 Wllh only two days Ml llamcn quota 20 000 pounds flown or pooping Eyrv mil war devastated nrcns still far on Chairman Iloy Chrlstlo nnd mm mmeo url ddvo to math objecllvc Mlcipel Chnpcsulk lo LCM pmglum grnllln lnsleon nervlco nnnan Dept 01 Ag cullun lmmlcrrcd lo lllonclon NJ He had been at bpam filnco 1032 ollowlng gmxlunllon lrum OAC Ha onncr Cnnmllnn mnnlmr lwnvywcl hl wrcslllng clmnplnn and am llnrmnn or Toronto Ar onnula Grey Cup chnmplonx Lynn Iosworlh llnnlu Flyan lub lmrlmclor lnnk 125 local lllhln over lawn Sunday In Md lor nwmcorn lllll Slophunnon eluded lmlllonl Llons Club Hunter llussoll lldhunyl hondu Slmmn founly lulrrallnn ol Agrlml lure sumnlln In llanllng Ivy Ethel Cnmlam chonon dlrnclor Eastern ClMlLl llnglnn Amorlmn Fulvmllnn ol Snmpllmlal 7mm Mayor lrlbr Sln clalr loll lor Vnnmuvcr 10 MIN nnnunl rlvlc convenllnn lll War llm llr lloborl Spmll lnnlnllnl lnrko WM and olllcm Km lllnmnlc lulu llnrrlo lnnnlna lellul nlnll nlnml wllh logo Vlckcll and rnlg lnrnnlo In Acnlc And mm day lnnlnlll lnrk rcfldenl llu Slmvnrl vnlomlnml dur Ing lunrh 111 lmgplpo sclmlom llmln Arrnn llm local lnkeshom lnsl nnlnr Onlarln Inmmn Ilaodallon malch 10412 in wrn Suuml uhu lml Dr troll llul Wlnm zrcal gnalln Ilnrry luxnlvy playng llvlomc llunwr by Terry llmh wllh Imy TIlunIlWl llnl ham and pmrv IlNl nave hnrcl Manes 119 rln um vath In llama lenlnr mllball ll Queenl llrk ln The first summer concert of the Banlo 3ity Concert Band was held this week at the green belt south of Memorial lquaro It was pleasant way to spend an evening although very low at Barriea iiizens took the opportunity to attend he function In its distractions such as vhistle lowing freight train hornhonk ng automobiles and brisk breeze of Lhe hay which played havoc with their sheet music the players appeared to thoroughly enjoy themselves mwxmmmuwmmo Many House Fires Caused However or true appreciation at our city band it is obvious that they re fluiro bendsheii with pro acoustics ghting and storage facili es Such project would be natural for one ed the many service clubs oi the city or centennial year and What better location for such shell than our new Centennial Park on the waterfront The setting would be ideal and it could be built at very reasonable cost with the help of volunteer labor which would he certainly available im the members the band mam By Smokers Carelessness nu um yam mm thence 0m Reeve George McKay la considered lead in candidate or the 1961 war denshlpr Reeve MecKay him sell hasnt said anything am flooding again In triangle cake bur mm it he decides to my 111cm on also quite low others with comirlcrable county experience OTHER ASPXRANIS lnnislil Reeve Joseph Coda rane who is now eervim his seventh year county coun clllor also is moot those with strong claim or new for the countys hman elected ol ice since he was elected last December for two years and his them was nineen an the site ill the midi Wileelitwwldbentoeio have Reeve Iodzrene Win the waxdcnshlpdwlnz the plowing maid year Among other with consider mlmm um amIAIIHM Who Will Insure Youth Eh Midi iEémmittti DOWN MEMORY LANE unknown cause smoking was onsibie for 6822 electricity 2975 ghtnlng 1706 matches 825 Three out of our firm in the muntry are residential and aside mm making and electricity household iiances misempioyed in cooking and he us are main some 01 house fires In the marshaia 1005 list all stoves and furn aces are named as causing 551 flru coal and wood stoves and furnaces 273 elec tric stoves and furnace 257 natural gas stoves and furnaces 132 Insurance wmpanlos need boiler facil ities for reviewing lnsuranco lurndowns and spreading tho hlgher risk through out tho business They need now prem lum mic or each ago gmp under 25 to charge tho accidentprone iho pm sent lm asso on tho insurance iron makoo plain that tho standards for issuing licences and polidng drivers will have to bo raised That permit in to drive with uenso oi responsibility not licenco to kill Every householder should seriously dl est age on the causes should of own family and household In terms of what mlght be called fer Mancy and should lan to llvo wl hln the law of probablll cs lento and against the folly of lhoso they meet on the mad 9ulh jmcoo lemma Iqukslmyn beal Joo 1mm mm or Bank of Nova ScoUn transform to ydncy Bret on Island Andrew Carson nrksldo Drive onu of Dardd loading CUZOM rc 901m ldlqtlolng gnpom xthd1y Cllumhlrllflln lorrch pltEhln die be gwucgjlyq Cause and Jqpk dq Ontario lmvinclnl Police will lake over munlclpnl dulch July with Sgt II lcol ln char new llnrrlo dclnchmcnl Albert clccy Inlloldcr or Allandnle Aym rccclvcd neriou Injuries in ball game Van lllddcll unbcnlon lml lor ownrd by Hon Earl Rowe Ml for Dullcflnslmmo has been onlcml ln worldImam 5000 llmnlylclnnlnn Stake for nlamlanllimls ni Goshcn NY In August and will bu driven by Mr Rowe ln Klngn lllrilnlny llmwrn Hal mm min omcm wore nwnnlnl OIlF Colonnl Garry Mo LLinl Wll llam Cooper MAAI Refer Jolmon llnwanl anhlall Appolnlm Superintend onl Simcoa Cnunly hlldrrnn Aid 50 duly closing rxerdsrs of Own dun lmllu tannin In Barrio maln ionkrnwa Cody cllnr Unvcrilly lnmialn VKI army 01 mum mrqlpltnl pervqu wag hehlfm lnnnrr Iv and mo luchrr who Inn Hm In Vnrlll Warm ltuv Hth 0m Huhlbourn nrmrrrndor 51 Thom ChUrrh Shnuly My mum uldrcsn New mm lymbols unuxual pm Inclmllng um All alum llowmor lulzh may ho ho Inc al mm pmpla who p91 Alllwlm many heUeva hair munlal mm nlher low him On Reeve George MCKIY 15 considered lead In candidate lot the 1961 war denshlp Reeve MacKay him Idl hasnt saJd anything about filming awn In Meade uke but mm he decides to my 111m also quite law other with oomidcrable county experience YIHEE ASPXRANIS Innlslll Rem Joseph Cod rane who is now sendm hll uvenLh year as county coun dflor also In amen thou win 93 site It the mafiuh Wileelitwwldbonbew have Ema Coder wln the wudenflxlpdwlnz planing mud yam Among own with Mulder nbla mlemo who mdoubtd 13 will begomiwpd yank cm cl Ndlnwaaaga Beeva Mel 1n McKum WM Reeve Gordon Wmm of mote Reeve Prank Min of Wm neuvo Tam lawn lllla 1nd Home Mex MCAulcy While Move DAV disclaim Any mIblLIm or the wudem INN he has Mend ho ed ho mad he 31m momma some time rider to malnLuIn amuy rad on TIIMVILTl WM ywrl old wuld go northlo Whlle hono or to Yellowanaand wllhln yum would make llnmchlly Independ the Important Common com mlllu on northern Illalu and muonal mm limit to lha mflddle hl parliamentary olv flu And mud hi mm wlm tnlhmlnlm he expounded on ma flawan Mum and guide owarxunlllu north an Amom the piano mum al Esau Gelmo Davin Ibo mven 11w yum no tn lhh eni umn mmrlul new consid ered Advice Go North mm mm Mm MI 017 hm been aimed Iry the equally enlhlul nu mlnblcr nl nnrlhern Il llln VIMnuverl Im Lnlnx mloul minded conurvulvr OTTAWA REPORT 11mm drum 0hr Emu Exnumm By PATRICK NICHOLSON Aulhutlml mm rInu mnlL IM Olfln Drpnyl mem 0mm null or paymrnl palm ln cum Dally Huntan ml Mummy llo lrlnn rtNM fillmlpUnn mu daily by unler 15c mkly nun ymly Slnllo enr Inc null an own yum Onlano no yur mMnr unwell ll yrnr mu mulda 0mm lln ll ypnr NIIMI ln mung mulm umlnm mm yMr HM ml min mm Mr mum on mummy Mrmlwr nl Hm Canadian llnlly New mwr luhllah Allmln Im live nu mnrm Im AM Amlll HIM ol Imlhllnn AVQ Tonmln Mn Alh ml Munlluh Hm Ml Imvlr mun mt The Cmmllm Im II urlullvrly rnllllnl In UM nu fur rrpuhllrnUm nl new dlupnlmn In lhl Wu mm In or wlnlu lrm or ml nlm Du 1an whllflwl lhMn Go North Young Man Is The Advice Of MP in warden In In aller lonz mva with ma mun dating back to 152 He was the In dqfly new the mm 156 PIONEER FAMILY The prawn Mes lumen George Davis wm deded la Essa wand In 1018 and am Ihm year as cmmor as deputy leave and on nova hls dlofls wen mom ed In election as wudm In 19743 Thu pnescnl rqwe thrd human 19 atm winnlng the December 1955 clown MR Ive war couricillm he was denied to deputy reavo when he rammed or our baa Dommber Mr Davk Wu defied Have or year term and first dx months head of rho Eb 0mm haw been most active IE loadmfip ha been ancndod by his callaqm and Omaha an wuZl flanking man not Mn Io wild exggzgrulhn axkcd Mr Badnnal Fun Wmuml MI ammo Wm 20 3m 01d Emmo and willwut my lab plum you mm to mm and Wm mm do thorn oppErlunllles Imllmmm All you mod to anew WUO tlon ml Mmhmim WOULDNT PROSPECT mehi you need grub nllh and some knuwlmlxo ol geology to help you find mlnanl wenlm mid not 50 mining ur ggamxcnl ynm Na would mu up In Inmo bmlnul or mva Imlmlry Cmumrm mun Ind lurd wort wnuhl bu ho by my me mu Well In Us rapilnl would lmlp In luring mm mick1 Inn AM be mid 1k llllllll Iliumr un Not any is he rlmlnmn nl um key colllmll but ho nu luvrllel ulm Ilwly 1mm ll Iho mm unlit And lhln ym leI in lulu MI of mu nnrunm nllnlu rummJHM on lamlllarlxnllnn Inur nl flu Arvllv nu mum Iullmenl AdJuurM or In mmth uy In mldduly Thus they will be IOMI In lnr thrmeva tho nwnmnnlllu ml IIIn he pmhlmn In mu run rlrh undevelqu mum an AMI why lair lhwlhl lnr nlmrnlf nllrlrr IN Hill Hold hair lhoy MI nlllh 4n my um AM ya ny Inln 1m um lMUmM In nll MI um vu Ml 0mm url of MD Mlllhvw lllfilmlfl IIIGF munml liwl rpm IMulnl um um ln lm nuIIl aimrd hum an lm dufinw Alvin llunillnnl vIlnn Nam Hr Inn 1an BIBLE THOUGHT GEORGE DAVIS am flad to mm on the council both munsz and coun lY Ind approving tho many Wumuu it gives to meet god friends I314 gave Davlz met 01 IVY Maxie Loaf ball tom and mm uamsot lho ma no and his wife Ruth are active curlan the mu Qulinz Chm Silnim Hike dim FLEET RUNNER In runner he wa good fly hawk with Ivy hasdball win ners in Earl Rowe My in Bob 17 currently play hockey with the Ivy team ln the South Slmcoo Juvenile Loa guul Imm son Game live Man and Larry 13 alwnds Ivy Public Svhool Olden daughter Nancy 18 at mi llurle CumAl Collegian and Lynn 13 ls lludenl Ivy whooL new nah Lain imufiinéiw in his youth Reeve Dam was sturdy checker In hockey and flayed Ivya me South Hmnumaklng Club Nancy has prwlndnl honors urtmcan Lynn ano very interwa ln 4H club mrk 11w two younch children 14ny and 1mm slnl in ma 01H Chum choir Numb mm mm he pm dict ma melrommnn cmn pIex with up In 10000000 ln hnbltanu dcvtlnplnx along the Im numb mtlmm mm Dd mnntnn up through the Penn Myer counlry km out arm nbaul marriage unlll ho had Air shed MumII Thm he wwld Ind wllo and hl wile And children wuld Hra In Ml norm cm home Mde um fladnnal anuln about his prospeclo 11 he were In mymrold nmtng Into um rlth Ireuuro home mum wl would Incl name erL our lilo 1n qulhcrn Cnnnda nuru are no nlzhl clubs thanyet Hut would njwy lhu rm Memlll nnrmrrn lolk who Im nrmo 0n rmm Mulch we In lbs mum Imu even In our new mmmn We my rm ham pnrlln In nlrhl rluN IN wouldhavo Jul Au muchfun lr Mud mm the climmd Nun WauMnl Hm lrluxlm yun NM 11 II rnld In In wlnler Ind Hm winlrr Inna NM 11 II rnld In In wlnler Ind Hm winlrr Inna nut Ilunt my lVllllh Inn lrnln um today nnd II my hnaluuy Aml ulun Ix Admml mnlnlc IanM ma In Em mu hnHvlnyL perhan 0M Ilnwlu mum In 11mm or 11mm In ulmvl llut llmlllnnln en thum 0r ho promu In luvnhlnml unlxumlrd And In Ilm lncluu nu In mnmlumlfrl Ill llrlkhmll human MaYlmuhlln ml 11 hullhy huma 11m why up $0 Nrnth mm mm INK HIGH OTTAWA 11 Inlrml Hula Ileleanl Inmlw will xiv muI Irkhl Inlmt lha mhmlml KM ll wine 17104 nwu when In and lumul Mun 10 mu IM ll yum he MrrfiFlfln 1M mm Trulv Mlnlulr Wlnlm luwllotl Um Wmumlnn an ml In mum 141 In can qun lv MM Falkmnu lNhl Vulrflnn snumr In ImpHymn Mlle1 IMI um mum ml 115 medium muHaL and our irlmh with Lbs LII And they My 11 loo bad Mr Wlmexmym wu rim all along He deserved befltr The We would have bellmsd liove he wés nmwmd resum Miefiefi um crime and Lu rgml fin public to be Although number of important event hava lakan place In Canada on July mm In yam aha Whilst ahm baa la be Simon mun mp dawn the river in BrimColumn that bean at am It wu one the moat ammo 1mm mm undertaken by man Fraser was accompanied by John Stuart Jule Maurite ea nel 17 canounen and two imiaa guides He had Dome ileiv ram iniarmallon conpiied by Meander Madxenzia who was Ihl int man to area the contin by land in ma Madam gave up any idea of running the river arm law day experience on ll lie walked mm the Fraser to Bella Oooiai Simon Fraser kept diary in which he made Ioma disparaginl remarks about Mao kenlie ailhough Mackenxia war unior and of the North WestCompany The Mary of ma lrlp dam Iha rlver is well worth leading It was hauls nxllm wlld uplm Ind whirlponb When lhqv Black Canyon one of the Indian climbed to flu lummk of 11 preclpkrn aim the river and puflcd up ha other when nl the parties mpg hung nulonl pole Ians Day Company wanted to extend lu tradml area Ia lhc helm mm Simon Fraser was Asked In find mm mm the Poles River to the ocean Ha mad hi my Lhmzh the Min mm he he had nth the hhmbll NV Ind begin his Eton Adventure an Balm 11m lhuy made their pumamy East llelln Gate by hanging rope lastean lo ma They practically mwlcd on their hmda mines WWW em On July My reached lha Indian Villa Musqueam only cw mile mm New Westxnlnsler Frmr mu Ibo moun mm of Vnmnrer Inland Ind Moum Baker ln whll tale of Wuhlnawn HI took mam or laulude Ind ltarned um It was dogma Wu only um Frucr reulud that ha was no on 1h 001mb film mm 1L1 rudiru would hire been dare It will gm dllammlnunem Inn risking Mr live The lndi at Musqucam were hostile and they could go no Iurthcr Sa Fnuer did no actually reach the Pacific although he was that close Io IL Arm near mutiny no hln men back to For George mm whqrolhcyhad sung on August CAN ADAS STORY Fraur mmod ha Mnson film on lbe Wayfiaw Ind momma lnlcr named the Fmer nlvar OTHER EVENTS 0N JULY 1m 1679 ml M61 IBM um Martin Irahlshvr mscwmd Hudsonl Slralu llmplnin nan rnpld Above Montreal now known Du Hun hfler whom Duluth canedl chimed IM mm am or France Imperial Am Pnrllnmen rezulmd lur lude dvll and cumin jurisdicfian ol wtslern Cumin hard Elam lnld tomcrllanu of 0mm Normal School Grand Trunk llnllwny completed lmm Quebec to mm in Lough Norlhwul rcbclllon mam wllh capture or B1 Bear Amnich umd Candin acboaner Anna mm In Bum Rightl About Crime LETTERHEADS OINVOICES ENVELOPES OPRIZE LISTS OBILLHEADS lb DAYFIELD 51 PROGRAMS POSTERS TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS WEDDING STAIIONERY 3112 martin Examium COMMERCIAL PRINTING Perilous Trip Made By Frazer Eu BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR By BOB BOWMAN OGUMMED LABELS OFFICE STATIONERY Able tor M11 Wlnlermeycrfl dowmhlL MI Wm Poor political prunes Ind public relation llld Allure zmp KM durum ol flu pull were the things lhl really Lhrcw the Liberal lander lu that election There never was much quegq don that in ma right about crime My Independent oh mvcr could be qulla mu he was right dldnt mLin that While mlly has very um comm about crime MK poan In your bedroom crime mmm But you dam react get excited abom Iyndlcam moving In LI too In re moved mm yML And he didnt realm that man you talk lbw crime Um gm winnnwnyavfltp unbo in mm Mr Wlnurmw manned ulna II every tpeech And the pr mlkyvgry wfiBbanvail it did vzrlle Ho wu talldng about mariq 0M lhhlgs He was outlining pmty pmwn him had mu worklwrldla poinll discussing crime here might have been quite diluent Ng suit But he didnt This wu th Mg mistake BUSINESS CARDS DRAW TICKETS OBROCHURES 7266537

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