suyner Mu Wlmun Mun chairman of Sim County usessmeqt zom MWME Slat Prob put an bright nr conï¬rmed Elmvala advancement it was ualed here by Councillor Alex Came wellImuwn taxman The villas recemly passed lhl 1000 population mark coomowN sum We an lust awalling approval In the probe mm the mm mm said Reeve Wis Monk mun mung the villain count had Ippmvcd new mutating and curb or highway 89 md chroma this vfllnge Mlnladnx ol the highwu mm Conkstovm to Alllslnn was warmly completed by In De parlmtnt Highways made wandch lmprow men and our council we 11on procetd wiLh lhu work immugh our maln lintl uld me move addlnx quiddyl There have been number 01 business expamium and pros pecl more laid Councillar Currie who pointed out mmvnlI only does lam unmet tourist min but Ilsa mum cm yearround bushes because of IL mm In 1h midst of any Prospects At Elmvale Bright says Councillor Will Improve Main Highway In Cookstown nrquiml 11 man In 1mm ha an um In the murky day of lnduvtry in ulr wayan vim wanled Iuhnpn would lay wa hava two main Mum we haw inniner plum an bolh highwuy on And Illa TL These are known Queen and Klnz Ilmu And they In both lmwmm to our vllIan new cltrklrusurcr bout 1m Man am mu the mu More Munkmnn mks In prime the mic mrk ol Jndx Ednry who ruixnoll II clerk lrmmm fl thn illnzo buslnm Mm He did or our Vilma Ink the m1 wu Illuug The latest new expansion ll pf Imy In mt wmlrl nfltn thdl or wood dmu 7th um mndunny Io slop WIry div flawan Hm hm In IMMHIIHI mun flvnn jml no plum flwn mm In ï¬rm Wm 17 mmdm In mu at our mu 1wa In murder INHK mm mm II Iliumqu Sammy Davis Jr Says Mississippi iConidor Oi Fear er in in hltrflu Tnnnm rm mm Jr mwl ht Maudy um Jim III plan mm In Amwarlnl hm OKrvfl hilt LIOIMNNIQHIU ll ï¬n Imll MI MUVHAINI LMn MUM hnl Iwn lrll In ll HVIflI In SHIN MINI IV In ym 0mm prwpy dimlle ml hnu mm uummumM mm ch 1mm my mum mun Kmh MM WWW lnhl rhmlflwvl mm nvernl lwn in MM Ivll rmla ummy lruloI Ivy nlmvvsl 0H Climbing Costs flalt Gold Mining CALLED ll MHQTAGH DISCUSS NEW ASSESSMENT CHANGES the new Red And Wu whim was apened Wednesday June 15 by Ernie Bmwn About In year ago Jud Whitï¬eld opened his enlarged new modern pharmacy Ind wasnt loo long ago that Fred Grifï¬n waned me new 16A more mime ï¬lm with degaly Reeve Caster mamlre Sun nldale cume and Rave Alex MaAuley Elxrwala as Councillnr Dude mauve oi nearby Grassland and lifelong resident ol Ibis urea had huge new building em ed for his gu lamina people hm have conï¬dence Blmvale and use expansion show it said Cnun cinor Uurria with an emhuslasm which refleded his own conslder ab lath in the village whore new Max Mum heads tho mammal mnciy Engines in 1pm mummy The garagem woke In praise of the excellent coopera lion between Emvala and Flu Towmhlp fluid has made poss iblo Lhe lino Hmvanlos Com mlmily Cenlra widl Irliflcinl rink mulual lira autumn and other Advanlagcg Our Oommun inn paid or loo aald Councillor Ourrle magnum thin some ry anlpl udprlnl on My FarI Hath Aï¬kll millm um 70 cm Hm Mar ML Ill unï¬t Illurtlm In 50le Unlnm Dcvrlnmwnl um um hl Wm mnurvnliun pm ltd ha 1ch lo llw mule LIMIT nrrxmvnhm nnllnnll mnlnlldm on lord marlmnl mm Monday night Ihll tmrrnlrm Man mmnlr 1mm In Ihu Mmrlun lml lemiry Inull In hmll In morllvuwn In urvlnl rmutlmu Am pmhum 11m mlInWlm hid llwm In lmlrnq lur llNimII In lln mwul lwMI llw ml lwhm In Imam 1mm mm lnwlfll In Illnll II luv lama lim urrm who Apa xlI rlmnmlanm ml4m Hallw In mu In WAN IAIHM Mr Her Holly INMN Amhllllm HMO nl Vklmln tnhl allwlni Amman lMlINllhln Iwn Mmluy Hwy hm m1 mmnmny in am ANuUun mumml flflrllxh hunt llw hrwmlm II nmlu nl um mm mm Im pulv lm fl Imlminl IM llflVI um Ilmnllnt ll Inch BUSINESS BRIEFS THY EXAM WWI AM PHONE 7311 uny Imm Imam rum In 1mm CONSERVATION PROIECT AIDS TOTIENHAM an era when many commun ity centres are operated at 105 the ElmvaleHM can shmwd prom In its opermnnl in flu last innnclll statement Countmm Cunla had seen But regardless he felt this ï¬n thing or mutation In the com rmmily Ind aidiicl they talked aver Immune ohm have More eds good progress has beén made in changeover to new system thingth he felt worliw of mumJ The new TorontoDaminlon bank branch Ind Wale mun icipal hall also wera mentiongd by Councmm mm as other ex anlplcild prongsiiva nil um Depuiy Chielnol the Elmvaie vqunleer in brigade Council ior 0min the in agreement wxlh good gully xenu Ilol mi he Rh that aww llllfluvu township whicï¬ work out to mutual advantage bow com rrqxpilles Now serving his ma year mcmber the Elmvnle noun cll CouMnllnr 0min did not till am hi Inlenliqns for next Do alum mm year term up Linc ma rmnlhs away lowed on year before Hut bunny piduruquo Tourn hnm Pnan hu been iodrd or gum Hymn Ind mmmr lmwmAMHHWNN rm sméfï¬o NUN 5mm THURSDAY llHDRNlW sum Whlla Thorntm la lust pollen vlllngo on ï¬le border Essarlmwnslflp It much busier place than mm ï¬rst Ipplll ll wu lug lasted by Fred Lloyd local an openlm Ind num business man commied wllh thls vl mun wwmw We are the centre ad agrlcultunl INI and many farm pgopll nwtorlsta Ind paw adieu com hero or mm of Mr Mlng said Mr Lloyd who came to this mummy nhogl yegr my kom Uln mm Temnkfly have nund mm mm busy place and flglnun pin to 1m he omen mm can Thcrnton jMetchQnts Say Business Brisk Wm William Ham who operate general Item hm laid he found it mm chane from Toronw ho Ilsa liked flu plan Ha bu been In mines hem or ll yam nice deadly pm Ind 11h ll nki Mr Hagan whun med what mm of Rxomlou lmdry who mum mm 19 ulï¬ Mm lulu mu We mgmï¬u mm with mum in halviar mug trafï¬c but PLUS In report an investigation nl mom complaint lell camp invading MW latest pro petty and dimming ï¬mcrack em maxilla Keim Lanmrd Wed Gwillmbmy said the De pamnent band Ind Forests advised am they dismurags sudl campinz but do nm dis muo day use or mention purposes sudl hunting fishlni Ind hiking Nu lhe waperlle Ira patrolled periodically to Ihnt any per son the In coan hem ulvu ln mponsbla mmnerl Pmldinz no damn ll dons or drlsturbm created In depart mam ofï¬cer do not lnlulm Ofï¬cers Check Forestry Areas wflh them In regId he the mplllu mm the Ora properw It was said the ï¬recradma wcu dlsv dimled on bare ground Ind the urge pracflxe shall were ï¬red in MI an WSW Sinus ma mum gm have bun pm up on lha property the argue Mnlyra me And pud WW Your mniuu satisï¬ed Um flu county form are be mummy proledzd Own dllov hwmdl report conclwt TODAY WEDNESDAY rmrunr AT mo MI mum am man nlmmhu alum phnnod Ma Ihw View from uy Md mu In Toumham its locallon in Rood Igflwllur I1 dlstrict gave the commnlty madvy yquimd trade BLACKSMIHI EQUIPMENT Jim Rainy of Raine5 weld lni Ind blmdcsmilh Ihop mIdI slmllIr report Mr Rainay due mostly welding Ind machlna work now but has anvil and BAan EXAMINER TUESDAY JUNE IS 1m BRADFORD sum While relular mi bnuh out are the me hnlnwt or men marlin men In qxdlu low younger men who like short be do cuts was mauled by 10 cal human We havent been asked to do any full beans ans the lung haired style said Jnhn Bachel or proprietor mun street shop here But we do the xhort ones with bangs was the fore head They are populn wkh some allow light my 1mg styles saldnm 1m long added Mr Badxelor pre dlctlng they would soon so the way ducktailbooflle ninth Preier Short Beatle Cuts In Bradiord Barbers Say OTTAWA UP Few an nouncemenu can be expound mm tho CBC board meeting which got under way Monday and is to continue until Wed nuday or Thursday corporation spokesman Mk brief resume of matter dim gmd by m5 dkfflon CEO official mlxh decide lo mm ha pres either the ï¬le paper an brondcuuu or the report nl the Common com mlflze on Ihc Sewn Days pro ram comes out helm the di mlm Ienvo mum Expeél No Word From CBC Meeting The spnkcsman nld manlxe men luggeslions on proposal Io appolnz vicepresidenk in chum of new and public no air could come befor the board Appointment Inch vica prcslden wan tecom nunde by Slum Kcm putr WW cl Ibo memr am In upon he pramed on th Sevan Days dLapule at tho quut of tho governmenh Algoma University Appoints Principal SAULT STE MARIE 0M CPI11w Krug vice princlpal and renlflnr at Hunt ingdan College at Llurenllnn Unlvordly sxdbun his been Ippolnkd lint vrlnclml ol A1 unrmn Uanme Cullen hen Wu nnnmncndnonflaÂ¥ Mr mi mnier also was dualnnln ol Um Mophy dmutment ll Hun nzdon Ho hl hckl plu haul charm in Huron Coumy Toronla and Hamilton DISTRICT Nzws HARM1V6 366 mm mileI Drivers WASAGA SPEEDWAY thu 10an Rolll In IMPERIAL HELL DRWERS Slack I966 Vallnnh Slmcu WEDNESDAY JUNE 29 PM Bring 1h anlly To Soc Splanlngllng Aulomollvo Am mhu lflpl Rolll Skldl Tho Wlldoll Show on Wholh WASAGA SPEEDWAY Go In On 1h Thrill blacksmith equipMn which 11 um an oeculml All agreed wflh Mr Hwydl comment that It wu nuprlllnz um number at 11mm motorist who flop lhornlvn th éomaniLy hag IL on ï¬re brigade good In put and what ucmuon mum er hhlmu mm mi of 9h mm In nu barber bmlneu 1n Brid lord nearly Hva years Mr Bach elor cam here from Toronto Ho formerly lived the nearby marifland Another Holland Ilml barber Jan Sumo conï¬rmed then wn practically no demlnd or lull 3cm beatle out In Bradfont havent been uked to out any he said mm most of hll um omeu muted win an Mr Bauulor laid the wu couple of longhalred young men seen on Bradlard mm but he didnt know whather they won visitors Not loo many you men wmld no for Ma like You would nuvu wth vymmz man iha other clip would mg It you he ialci Told Totem ban club manager who Mined In coach am until bum out warn removed Mr Bachelor smiled Ind suggested lanzAhair wasnt suitable or hau playing or sports It not any the luv lelo type goes In or those un mal halt alyles he ramarkefl but mu isnt the Iflml deï¬ne ol lncreu ad Acreage pllnlad hm ll Around Allislon Ind muln oth er minus 91 5091 Simm HMVKESIONE 5110 Pn Lflorcrm are miqg 11m planned My man lhnn in year MM ham Rm ol mansions mu lcadinl 0m palate power min hav planlzd few more except lhll it was too cold In ha am And we Illa amt Potato Crop Well Advanced In 0m Area Annthcr puma firmer Howard Home laid he plunked luwer pomnu lhh yur And Clinlun Fagn Modem hrmer who live ll Coulson mlda nimllar part me cold uprinx Nd dellyed phnflnl III ho rtnlnn Mr Horn Inld the buy no In his are wan cominl Alan and crop Nabm mu harvmted on Ora mu Norm hm cl Hu lmka uu repelled urnhenlu were pmiculnrly load on NI arm TALKS DEADLOCKED KINGSTON Cone allnn talk bzlween Canndlan Industrlu Ltd and local 9670 the 011 awnlcal and Atomic Work Unlgn CLO ruched unlemau About 750 men Dhmlen tn Ilflka In weeks time to wln onvyear comm granting wage lni um 01 55 mm an hour Ml cummny payment ol hospital humInca Md unlon shop In campany In offered ll mm In hnnr NOW SHOWING SHHNTY BAY am ADuir ENTERTAINMENT DUSK THE MOST MODERN DRIVEIN NORTH OF TORONTO WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF mlhny ll Guthrin mm male and omn Ilnw mo mun him win um story hand an in hllmnnu hutmm GARROHBAKER Illle firmlintMINImmanuel rlltmm mummy ThoBEComodyol NInotoonSoxiySml mu mm Siam mummy minimumumwmm anagram mgï¬aamw WWW mm mm mM 23 DOUGLASBEKEEE mm SWIM TUESDAY T0 FRIDAY mfllmw flm Mm mm 5mm tunWHIM macmama rmnummmmx mum mnmmwmmmr mm mm ENEDLMENT DOUBLES OIIAWA CF Unlvmlty enrolmem In the undemle ya just ended was more dun don ble the number albums my dents In Canndlun mumsum 51x years ago the Dominion Em roan satisï¬es reported Mom day The report basbd on full Aime universitygrade enrolment hast Dec said am were BM Lludenla Ill Increase 15 per cent mm the precedlnl year 5W BOX OFFICE OPENS AT pm SHOW STARTS AT DUSK NOW PLAYING tiéSiCKs