other day someone asked mu queshon Why are lhera so many Gospels Jasua artist ll lhay all mean we same m7 Hm quatlon whldu muzzle omen wundef sham and In anzwerlng um mxestion had to explain lo ï¬le perm Who asked the median that ammugh the Gospels seem an say the thing they do no ram dimam lulu5t and Moron mm For ample Matthewmw Jesus Ohrii as the descendant 01 Abraham he one who would bring lq Illï¬lmenl WEEKLY SERMOII When Jaslah kflled his son deehaz takes the throne 111m mmlhs luler he de posed by 1M Egypuan Phar aoh who make ernklm km of Judah Masha dies ham by God and Matthew dot cribed Jcslu em lflng ship thinking ol Him Is King ol ma Jews Mark on he othu hard dcsgribgd Jesis the mighty marker Hm urvan who came not to ba mlanlnmd mm but 10 trinket And Mark placed panhle rmphasl upon 1M cmclflxlon Jesus giving our am last nnedird his Gnspd doa cribg 11m aveng unw buka wn odor and doctor he exmcssod pwnl lnlcrest in all those things which concern doclnn Thus as you read his 521 you nollce the nuwlim that lspaldm the healing Jesus to IL His The Fall of Jerusalem Wlflnl IIIIH llllur 71in ll Vlnunl II Gm ImAundny MIMI HIM II II DIVIM WMIMp ll mm The MIMIII Hm nm ll TIM lUIHERAN CHURCH or THE GOOD SHEPHERD Rldlnl ETcpress Many Views In Our Lords Gospels 300 Im 930 un 10 30 IN Assumption Church BELL EWART H0 MNI II Jaliyh Mnlllulll HIan 7150 ST JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH Dlreclory 726BWI lnnlsfll Blldlln Lina SUNDAY MASSES 1an Month 00 AM Summer Maul 30 910 1030 Mn llmflh TRAVJl tnmsmn senmu 50mm FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 11th ll Wurllry Rev Mrdon Illtr lulor NAZARENE MHWIILI II AND CHURCH pm THE FRUSMHIM numrmï¬ 0F MULLM will Ilu Ind lnhr Alirr wlll much on RELIEVE 150 um lllhlo Ilul Frlrntfly lhurrh WIUI flu Wlnn OF THE birth In the Lamdy lineage which is traced urnough Mary all the way back to Lhe ï¬rst may Ma in Egyptian captivity humus 3614 For eleven years Jehdakiml loyalty va cmqte berween Em and r04 crested as mil in llis human lLy and he sought la xplaln hmv these two divergent pat tern were united in the mam Christ Jesus John was the philosopher um one who saw Jesus as the ln carnatlnn of the Word win linkad in closely and unalur ahly with God John palnud word pictures ol the mlnlery Jcsln raking lbs events 01 our lords life and portmylnz hem ln messlon through Ike Rage ml book John is In one who dimer Ibo wank Ind witnu the Holy Splril Whom Jesus pramisod would come al her Him Each mesa men looked at Jesus ln distindlvely differ as way yet endr of Ian was entirely mrroct We do not need slap WWI hose mm at the living Christ has appeared in mnny arms and many ways to many men In MENhe great lover god in Pruer Asslsl as Won WW poverty and to doubting mmnas as the hope elemnl bdld To many me WW diflcrenl wan He vokes Nebuchadnezzar Into mm mm 1015 um 30 mm Sunday pm Wudnuduy 730 Our MthIr PavaIull Help Nnvm FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 73041 mm 600 pm Chfllllll Mum nndln lulu KM Roman Catholic lenln Ind Sunday School 159 Colllor SI EVENING DEVOTIONS ï¬UNIMY MORNING ET MARY CHURCH SUNDAY MASSES 93 AWLCASTER ST ll DIIIII flu ILA LIL nnlnul nullw DIIIAN rlnerd In Nnmn BURTON AVE ML JUNK 00 pm lnflIIrUMI Ika fln lmnvlh llmm ILL MIND IN YOU hmvrll It luv Ilnld Rn amlm II mm All Ilrnm THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA ILLusmmpvsuNDAY scnooruï¬son 31 mad Buesclier VISITORS AND NEWCOMIRS CORDIALLY INVITED has revaaled Himsell Is hauler leacher master Send and sayiwr dluurom war 714w audden death end Ml rem 11 King 14 awnideo an Jéwladfln continues in war with BalMon Jerusalem alls and many Hebrews wm lmagé 41 Jesus do you 5091 What doe his Son 01 God who died on the Cross Cal vary mean to you And may The gum mm will be me Rev Dr WMaw Principal of ï¬nmanuel college Ward of mm He will mm the 1200 Am and the 730 pm urvicel 11v allwa for the morning aervioe la The Subbth Day Holy and flu Wilma Hebe and hike 41621 membjoafcruwevenhgmlcck Bing when We llavant how no Be and HI 1mm Roman 52339 and John 213518 YOU ARE INVITED lo and your children lutwun ibo Inn of Ind 12 to Oh Huwkeslone United Church ANNIVERSARY SERVICE VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL of tho Flrn Chrluhn Relormod Church St VlnconlPnnmng SI Dill July July 15 MonfiayFrldly from 900 nmH30 mm For dIMHI phona 7186035 1000 In Mmlll Film AM Holy HIpUIm GRACE UNITED BIECML BINGING 1111 CHOIR AT mm SERVICE MIL ARNOLD lfllflll 00 AUNIDR CHURCH SERVICE rook llm Rev llama mo mm Holy mnmuulol Nah Nu lummrr Iloun 00 FKHIILY WORSHIP TRINITY Ill ST GILES CHURCH lamNIX SCHOOL ALL AGES 12M hmEVENING SERVICE Flmwnll Sorvko Como Turyl Go Mu hon II noi Mlnlllm 01mm Annr Mull THE ANGlICAN CHURCH OF CANADA WE WELCOME YOU 51 VINCENT EL BARR PASTORS FAREWELL SERVICES what mm invariant Mm llhemu of HM Slvlour an aunt as your um The Blblc Nmnds us any manly um one you wan anan but now you um um Mn lhen dllldren the 11211 The only ward about Jean Girls that norm Ma will celvo in mi week lo come in mm word Mid you wfll give lhem by your lotions hy yaur mam mid lead on actions and by your spuken comments Hve each day of his coming wek In in presema Jesus mlard and lake Him hdludinz 50qu can TM Into unuvhy LamJo him in mu and Mn some miman King 610 25mm Pinned mm the throw by Ndmladnmnr with mmrem you gn TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHUNE 72844 EMMANUEL ram Cum ml rum Mlnllllr RIV DAVID rnmmm UM YINLAY Ml 1M IndI wnmum ll AM llï¬l nm THE WHOLE Whilth IN AND ruflnnm Acmmmodllwn mm mm NHMMAJT IUNDAY un 09 lvï¬wnhl um mm um mu In Im lull run luï¬qlml town ml lullHm nu BAPTIST CHURCH ll ll4MMI1II rum rlurl Inml COLLIER ST My Hun hi man Llan TIIM MMNDALI mu An On llnd luv Dch Irurh Ill4M7 MIIlla AlumIo Mlnlmr ST GEORGES DUNN AP Modemhm Simmater of the oruh Wat Garmln Air Force placed in In NAN mung sldl mama defame ministry woknsmm said mm am at the Noflh Auntie heaw Orzmuu flm Involving an lmnginm drop of nuclear beam was man by 176 Mr Form mm the swim snld Canadian were third met the Edith Zadekllh marl Jagmag dzwoyed the P6091 xlled and the Southern Kingdom endsII Kings M21125m Chrmicles 361111 GOLD EN TEXT Lam 531 32 945 In Mlnlonlry Palln 5th They Mn Vbu Wlll Go Alliance Church mm coax smears Minn Ru Ella MISSIONARY SUNDAY II by olflrlnflnl Inn munmm nu um Mpdlllllan Vrnn llnMnInI lh ImIa llxoo mm Mnfllnlkm KEEPING llfl ArlnlenNm tumn Homth Unlm nonlm um hum United Ulllrrh IIII mm mm mm Anna 11 IM II Ile Inllul th non AM Tannin Mmll Mlnlnlvr ll lmuld II ILL ILD omnm Mll Jlnl Mllnhuhll Im mu YIIHNIIH CHRIST FOR THE WORLD CKBB 830 um EACH SUNDAY IMJMMENT of TI unurn NUIIER Colllor It Nul Im mm Illellnl CanIlla nu Ilmmn Imm II Ilnnlu rum lnlnnn lulu in run MI Mlmllllly uml HOW DOES IT COMPARE WITH NEW TESTAMENT TONGUE SIFAKINM TRINITY CHURCH CENTRAL All Welcome CHANNEL 1210 NOON CKBB 830 Innay Momlnl SPEAKING MODERN TONGUE TORONTO OmGraze Con uher so one Canadas but zlfl alhlmes did cancer hers week am At her own reqmsl no publicity was given the Mall until alla the was bufled Tuesday She wu cousin Indwy mm Churn mi the lalé laonal Ounndaer and younger 5115 11 Hm Ian Conmher another top CANBERRA Reuters The Australian Nation Universt will hivesflam the cum me naljms dedlmng menu Michlg slumped to 195 phausand population mm 224 tn who Athlete MONCION NB OmJ 11mm pmldcnt ol the Cana flan Guzenship Council said My Ruin In neither mm Cumin not In English Cand1 Mr arson who was wfln at dlhauhlp meet lnl here said mere is only one Canadian nation and ana cana diln citizenship CRmCIZE LEADERS TORONTO CHTho pres dcnl of In Unlon of the AmerL can Hebmw Congregation said Friday night Jewish lander are nok taking Lhelr places in the WORLD BRIEFS Rev VII Dyk BA BI 18 Codrinxlnn 718601 mm mm Engllsh Senlcn Senmnx OUT 0F EOE nus pnasélir wow no Dulch Senlce Sermon D00 In VERHOND 930 AM DIVINE WORSHIP CHURCH SCHOOL NURSERY FIRST CHRISTIAN woman CHURCH WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN I70 Sleel Rev Summon 1mm lb WP temls AND QGUgIGU ll hmmd on the veg flnl poln m1 one know It would Thu Imp Ill mun chnllunnrl batIMmL Chump Ilkc dull mm from the um pmhu lnr norm II uu upmlnfl pm An Ihm my And It look mull Llh II jun wroblnz Ami nlmllm Qultkly It unmvm our wuan uun uuulu them ulln And Inln NEITHER EXISTS mini Iialéh HIM SHH 611MleWvéb+w+WvWcW$W9m+ï¬wW 1M Vincent Plum lil rmnmx DIL WHYNUH Roll In hula Inmlun nmn Aunnlnnmulu nmu nl Honk Ind Illlllul Afllvlll STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME THIS FEATURE I5 CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CNURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENT ï¬ANDEIlSON MONUMENT CO Tuwdav Roman WlleaAAwmhmh ATIIND TNI CHURCH YOUR CHOICE laxdram of nodal pmiest mave menm Rabbl Maurice Eigend ralh at New Ymk told 500 dele gates to Iha central comma American Rabbis While mmoo our colleagues have THE BARN EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE 1m nuflm WarIcy BL nzv Wrs am MA minim Mr me chmhm Car Burton Am AlmaII Banh Nursery Ind Klndernm Junior Church CIIURCH SCHOOL mm to Yonnl Peoplel Vhflon Ind New Kendall Welcome 11 mm Under yeln HIWA CHURCH PENTECOSTALANNEgZMHwy 950 MILSUNDAY SCHOOL BIBLE CLASS 00 ImFAMLY WORSHIP SERVICE REV TUNKS PASTOR Presbyterian Church ESSA koAu IST ANDREWS WOOD SPECIALTY SHOP AM WORLDLY CARES Pm wmcu WAY our Iclurlu mm mm with hr In In our un mm mum my mm alnz mmllhlnf Ibolll our prom Almam an hum Ila nbum um 1h Gumh munl for Ilnnlrl nlhu lhln ulnu Hut mund Chrhum llvlng mum ham only our Ihaflmminp Iml mnlunlly uh Ilium lo ck lo11111132 In nvtmmln Rum 11401 my why mm to church It on or IM GREAT EVENING RALLY SPIRIT FILLED smome HAPPY FRIENDLY FELLOWSHIP TIMELY PLAIN PREACHING NIHTNAM HOS LTD BUILDING IIMEIIIAI3 newieaw mum she mer patriotic llmum my io wsifln congregam and have jolned In peace manifesto and marches they are but the levied of wr numbm REV ADME Coma And Bring Thu Funlly To Church HOWEY mmnnc Howey Privy HAWK SCHOOL yun Ind our 250 Mn Up In ulna um 1100 ll WHATS IN NAME Director at Palm Mn Bdrm omlilm Vunhemm Dun lllll Woniuy 8L SUNDAY WORSHIP ii nxcxnx In rr in 990 areasraéllr Ilsfirélzs Eim=5 ilxiaiaigsnav as 95 335 again33 EKEIEEEJQ was IE it HINDI mhflllr IhNhul mummyh um maltyalum hr mun1mm mmmmmhdn mmmuphmmm huummnunm Vlnmu 3L PHONE mm