tabla was cmtmd with an nappmprtale floral arrangement of yellow and gold mum The bride of 50 years ago won 90mm yellaw Sweetheart rain and Mr Reid had yel low baulanntm Mm and mistedjï¬u Man In serving guests Mr Bell spoke at the 50 years spent mother he couples devmjnn In men dunch Ind their example an Edud and honorcd citizen Many cards call and silt um re cuirod by the celebrnnu Mr mid 92 mnlnisced on aId imcs and noted changer Being in the employ of tha old Grand ITrunk Rauway at that Lime 1h couple made their homo nt Crnxgvale Thom Mm Raid Edith hlchw Mound In hm mrenu humans as postmaster The McCaw lamjly managed Bu post ofï¬ce at Crnlgvnle or £5 yofus unul It was mom to Mr and Mm arry Londml and Mr and Mn Neil Jonu guests Mr and 11 John Cmmn Ind Illmdcd he mcmutinl Ionid Slnh Um Cunelcry Mr nnd Mn Jam remainmi at their col uge Miners Palm for holl day STARTS MONDAY RIDAL SHOWER mr and Mn members of the churd served dinner lo the mupla and than lelly they calebmed their galdzn wedding anniversary Guests were the couples daugh ter Marion Mrs Nnrman Mc Caw her husband and lwn sans William and Gordm Niagan Falls Miss Mabel Reid of Bar Irie Rev and Mrs Hall Hams and Mrs William Clem enLv wile of the lale Rev Wu Ham Clements Mn olliclaled the wedding so yum am Mr and Mrs Fm hIcCaw To ronto wgrp unable tn maxi SM and in Nelson When 31 hum comunlly thaw June In mnor mu Hum hms whnso mnnlngo In wolf1ng their 152 mm Innlveesary helm mumlng In their homo jg Niggnra Falls Sunday lamin dinner was cId Itng hameflvghm NUIFAWA5AGA Man mm Baywnod Sdtool 1n Nom wasaza Douglas Vanclsa LI 511m Mth AL Ramsay nup Norm1n Mcsz 31 MRS CAMPBELL ANNIVERSARY An ddu of the Smud Push trim Church Reid And his wile were guns hnnor at the home Mr and Mn Jnlm hwan 51th when NEWS OI STROUD NOTTHWASAGA STUDENT WINS AWARD Ila pouflL Ammo Inlcrukd In this lrip mum Mn 1mm Brady mpufl 11 me new Sm Kun Plslrk nqnunj was lv rn by Mn Brady Mu Gar dnn Rh manlxr of Slroud WJ mmldrnl ol he ncw district Barrio Air uhihlu Ir Andrew Graham lhtd Stuwan and Douglas Reid Gul rner Pratt caretaker keeps this ballach mm In emeUenl candiunn Edgar nxonmson hcld suc omdul Ialo implcmmu Frldny evening Mr and Mrs Thompson have sold their arm to Rm ol Gillord BM Chumhnll Bame ls supplying organist at Slmud Presbyterian Chunh while Al red Club is enjoyflnx Mr Ilncnlal our Stmud lha com munuy will member and two visitors Mm lisu or me Humor were handed trial plnnnod 191 Dy MRS llEflT MULHOLLAND aisth by RAW Mel Gilbert ED Mn Bail gave thoughb provoking addmsx on The F0014 15 Rich Man Familiar hymn wore sung as Miss Mm Sloan played portabie organ Miss Sloans assistance at me scrvim was anally appreciated by the mummy board also that ol Ihn mend homes who each year providc chain generous al Icrimz or the upkeep ol the cormlcry was received The lrustces are Campbell chairman Fraser Sumeriand John Iowan 11me Lucas Gmrxe Incas Sewmi Donnel friend and nelzhboum enjoyed gamm Jane was plawd In the chair honor under decora ted such and Mrs Nelson Wat sonspoke wards of good wish es basket of gills was pre sented to Jane and Miss bin da Wauon Pat and Shaman Vauon asslscnd In opening the many gitu and chic hat ribbons was made of the bow delicious lunch Iollowed WIUI Minibar assisdng the hostess REMBHBRANCE 50mm Lhanldui mmem bum was held June 19 at $1th Um Cementy Innisfll Rev Dell MA was us aisth by Mel Gilbert John David Keny Emmi is 331031 plaqa my 25 About 40 Manda ol caudaly Mod Bank after he has congrat ulated on winning rm $60 award for group wmï¬lion HMTUIKH AT I1 IM TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 77111111 Llama Grmdul resulmu hm Mo him now helmet and In on rrlrcnwnl nu Ix Tmnorary in mid Want this wulhwcslun Now 11me WA arenl 50 sure Some will live you even mow lhak Mr Enslmun win he the Im at the nu sullen hm the Alarm sounds or the next 11 lire Mr Emlmnn mer In hL1 lrro dflcll Mirna the all day um 07 yean Icrvkc and tponsn mp than 10000 hr st STEPHEN NJ cm Earle Eastman 71 say hel golnx Io enjoy turning ovur In hm Ind going back 312011 hen the aim bdl rings on flxgucold euflymornlpgsf 11 mman the com lmmily goes to tha amin of mex Blndn Funeral scfviu was In St Jamu UnHed Chunk May wiLh burlnl in adhmmg tumoury The UCW urvud lunch Hde and number from hm wen Oriuia Saturday night allend wall known TV group of en Lerlnlnm Don Muscr and Ms SYMPATIW and milky Toronto who am being Mansioned to Montreal the weekend wim their aunt Mn HdLn Mum Big Buy Poiql mflhea far the day brwxh cakes and bread to be judged Others who braugnt baking to be Mixed were Mrs Gumbel Mn Watson Mm Boyd MM Spring Mrs nix syrum gm In Pike PJLO Mn Bert Mulholland was dmirman the program CW1 had pre pared he mmlo Hlml vi lvn the people mush but was unable mm This wm read by Mrs Brady 112 speaker Mn anioa was nluo duced by Mm Md Mulbdland Mn Wamiua has been judge aka many yeals She dammlratd manner of judging food wilh samles bl rolls lea blscui jams and sewing and knittmz padie mi lunch com Tums In Helmet After 47 Years wen diseased and plum made for sum Also to enter float or flu ï¬eld day at Innis fll July 16 6m schools of six team or fewer in Simcoe County Con tnst was decided on papers writ ya on Simeon Comuy and Bab rie history Dullmm WWWIll IIVllllfl M0 folMT WEN13M WINS1100M LAST TIMES TODAYI DOUBLE FEATURE WEEKEND AT DUNKIRK PLUS THE RETURN OF MR M010 hfq llJIflllII lllfl I04 HIM ï¬lflfl mm III wullwulll mu autumnmum uuunmuu Mrs mum 8mm Ulurddll nnd Mrand Mrs Allin Todd mih MrL Eva Reid zucsll with Mr ml Mn Earl GIL morn Wm Mr and Mn Harold all Fennclll Mr Ind Mr ohm Culhorl and hmfly Ilnxflord wilh Mr And Mn Slmurl normally Mn Mr And Mrs MacDonnId 500W Htmcnl ML Made Donnelly Toronto with Mn And Mn Kelly Wm Mm Mac Domlablo ml 9mm In Mr Ind Mu Gpantfcr NeMDn nob mman mm and im mumuu mm Mn Mal vyn Noble Mr Ind Mu Ar Mr and Mn End Frid Ind Slwhanie Coohflllr and Mn and MIL hm McNml and chil drm SI Calhanm spent wcoknnd with MI And Mn Grose By MM MAURICE REID The two Anniveaary services IN United Gum June 12 were Well mended The from he chumh was ï¬lled with baskets of flowers mm In memory Mrs um Kenny Army choir nlh guest xolvm Wills Won Karrie pm wdcd the music in lhe manning with large junior dzoir mm Slmud anhe evmxnl No hr wiring sermons were given by the speaker Rev Garden Winch But Ell Padru to flu Pubs The mlnisur Kw Joan Humlea Assisted at both tendon ml day an ML kwind Mm award Name In wee Anniversary visilm with ml VaniVUanld nde were Mr Ind Mrs Andie Bathgale visited her son and daughlminlaw Rudnla or mph day last Vack Mr and Mrs An Hmon Is lingwn were gust of Mr and Mrs Jule Policy Smday Mr and Mrs Allen 33mm Kevin and Kim Mldhurst were visitors at Mr and Mrs Sworn at the 011an India are $0an with Bradlord In stitute bu Tommm we WI the new city lull In MRS BUWDW Mr and Mn mm Mrs Tom Graham Mr Ind Mrs Tom Email and Mr and Mrs Art FM and Mr and Mrs Emle Cook mum vm led Mendy with Mrs 1d Cook and Mrs Robexv Guy Mr and Mrs Harold Jone visited their daughter and sour illmg Imam law day Jae molt Mn MEWS Nth gm Sum Tomorrow SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS HOLLOWS LEFROY MUM uox omc OPENS Qvm pm snow 5mm AT Ammr nmmummm DUSK MOST MODERN DRIVEIN NORTH OF TORONTO LAST TIMES TODAY SHANTY BAY 222 mg mg Abrams m1 rlnnd mng mum Cube mm Mr Mu Harvey 51mp Ion mam Sunday in Gull with Mr Mplnobcrl Waylng lay Ml Wédniuday onanWE Mr Mn Wllmcr Pnlmer entwined Amber lrlcndl Sunday In honor mrlr Krnnd my Mk Gm Palmer cl mm Van 1mm Wnllwdnle uhn will be mar rled in Womenr By MM WICP Thm Baran cl MSIMDWH lpenl Ian week with par ents Mr and MIL Bar no Mn James Tamil Tmnlo visited with ride In own FrL day and uka the Woman Mmlon Sflurdntu Bond Head Water Park lbs 51hr day and the hymembranoe ser vloe Sunday nilmoon Smh bins Cunuery Approximately 20 children ol the MW and Wm Ind Iheir hadnt Mu Pal nck and Mrl IL Pucock Mn ed or hike Ind Wiener mast their famlllu Mr and Mrs Hallnï¬ght and Um chu dren Mr and Mix George Drain and two daughtcn ol Turv mm and Mr and Mrs John Wilda ud three children of Mum also 52m Juhn ol Tormlo and and wife and two son at Barrie Mm Albert Ridmrdson Toronto mada sbgn visu Recon event which were Il tended by some Thomhon resi dents the flat My 11 Wald OongngEgentsï¬jar mm at ty 11M Gum Strnqbcmy Emmi Wednesday June 29 Those Who completed their college year mustme were Misc Glam Jenna London Mm Frances Ann Maw and Gary Mqumuufph Mi Ann Aimmu has mum ed homo all being patient in Stevenson Memorial Hnspiul for aw days and Dalian flaming was nbl Io come home mar being in Mail Vitamin Howls Earthy Barlow Orono visited sister Inna last mumday anti Ffidasv ramDaytime Jamiwms were their lb and www th When the mlBum Budm Mens Cammlma held their Imus ladies night June at Gemn1 United Chumh Baum Mr and Mn Seam Han mended was pleuum to hear Mow Miss Nan Mc Cracken and weaker Dough Gander both at Toronto 0vlr 300 Attended This you or the ï¬rst time flmmlon swhnndng dame am having man or Hawaiian and swim as well as junlon We 10 by bu to 1mm Romy Pool Far unha panic ulus muted Mm Km sum CARROll BAKER munth M33669 The Iclmy United Ohmd1 Reward Ire callth usad Mullure ell or their annual Dggaï¬mga wfll ap wafer in AMsLon hoamyka will soon be bnme that Jack Scarborough and Mr and Mn Luaahle Jack ind human mare with Mr and Mrs Maurice Reid mm Mr and Mn Wfltred swwan warn Mr um Mrs Harry Stewart Barrie and Mr and Mrl Ed gar lhonmun sum llllhwly II Gulhlll nelmu Illnle and Orllfla low urnn bluu 391 STARTS SUNDAY Susyflmul has been TOTTENHAM JOSUIlElEVINI THORNTON By MRS HOLT The biggest bash in the history show business bHdii Mn nay mnvencr nl Unborical Research Ind Cur rent Events ianducod no Glnnncn Simeon Gounly cun lot uho make on hislury ol the county trades ul Ih Indians In 1725 he Womenl Insxllulu uudiod the need or muswm Inlormnhn on Hm arms uU be unable by hale fall or lweukmdr luxury boob abundance school cmdrrn to visit the mm in down mm 7000 Do 30m hum wan urvcd Jun meetlm ol Csnlre Flo W1 was huh the home ol Mn Ray Usher with 17 mn bur and two Hsilnu prcsmL Mm Ewan Ihuï¬aw oHiclIl delegate fur the Cemannhl projuct and Immune mm hm an Mn Harry Dawson Mn Gmmllo Donn and MM Ken Guthrie bake Ialowm be held July help mace WL centennial out Mr Wade Vlflkl Wade Mrs Ritchie and Mrs Terry wan Saturday gum of Mrs slwlcnburg and Mn Oldï¬dd ol Mealord CENTRE FLOS WJ Sorry to report the dam ol Cllrence Turner Friday Jun Id Indw mud few dam wflh their sanrlnvlaw and daugh MI and Mrs Little be Mn David Martin And Mn Preston Daan have loll for the wcslem provinces here they ï¬sh relatives Mrs Violet Cmmplon Strdlhs Full and hot daughter Mn McCunndJ or Kmgslnn spent Inst week with Mr Ind Mrs IL Archer Sinclulr and Muse NEW and Patsy Campbell mm with N5 5Wfl ML and Mrs Walter Draper Ind Miss Dorothy Draper hav rammed after visELinx ML and Mrs my Bnrry Rama lbronlo with his parean Mr and Mrs Md Rowan Mn Mex Men 115 lawcfl with Mr and Mn Albert White Mr and Mn Bankiry Barrie at Mrs 1w Mr Mas vacatim em provinm and Brleh Columbia use Gwen Abernathy Ind Lyde Kant were hostme for bridal MW In Ihe United 11mm Sunday School Room in bomr of Mn Jacqueline han caslu June hfldmbe Wioe amended the randon ol Simoe Scum Dislrlcz Wm 1964 the home ol Mu Nunan ch Mn Ruse meain Simone Am prisidml 1064 was also mu en By MRS TERRY Mm Dawson Adam lefl Sunday or holiday in Victor iaflliCt nnqgther poinu Mr and Mrs an Wk Smithwlfle and lbs farmers mother Mrs Wice of Touch ham called on rind alBly View Beam Len17y and Stand Mr and Mn Wananud lea May two mgnth Mlsx Jan Dtmsun Downs vlaw spent last week with her gramme Mu Irene Gal ENNI Mrs Suwlce visited part lastweek wilh her brother Inlaw Ind sister Mr and Mn Frank Cwohman Bar na and 0th Hands Mr and Mn Anderson attended the wedding ct the farmers néeceY ML Brown in Toronto Saturday week trip to Wclurla Vancou ver Island way are mldng le trip by bu and wlll return by lulu Mr and Mrs vgsligra have been Illa Elli flfï¬ï¬s ELMVALE business v£¥itxx+Â¥ gAhéki MmlnoInmm v0 wagIv mmmmm MuukmnmmmimwwMl nunIIununuununnou guluummucmwwiuul 71 iby Mn Dawmn Mrs Allan illitdiio and the hostess ATTEND SERVICE Sunday morning St Andrawa Presbyterian was ï¬lled with wotshims Rev Dr Perri and scssinn ol the church wel oomed nfï¬ceu andmembers oi Simone ley Mutual Aid ï¬re Fithtcr Association Dr Paulas Mic was What is Real Religion The Juninr choir led the music Coilingwmd Cai iezim hand headed ihe parndev mm Illa ï¬re hull In the church Ind many alloyed Um xevorui number they played WILLIAM SWAN death of William Resin lid Swan occurred in New muket Hosvllai Sunday Jim 12 them of on madam Herman Anglican undamenh 1892 William Swan and Mary Ann Swan Simone County He resided at Niel lw or many years and was former resident of Craighuru Ha wu an Anglican and mum Left to mourn are Ms sisler Mm Viola Cromon Smith Fall Ind several IIIam Ind nephews He was predeceasbd by two brothers and slx sisters Funeul service was hem June ll Um damn Lynn humeral Home condumnl by Rev Adams Pallbemra wexe How Ird Damn Delbert John and THE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE 10M DISTRICT NEWS Mmlndérflmthlfbmhhibï¬ouocdmpmdflml Wuhanl IIIIINIIH munII FEATHRMIG Md MW may DIIIEIS WASAGA SPEEDWAY thes Leap Roll Skldl TONIGHT SUNDAY AND MONDAY The Wilden Show on Whoels SplnoTingling Automotive Am WEDNESDAY JUNE 29 PM Stock 1966 Valianu Simm In IMPERIAL HELI DRIVERS living The Famlly To See 1119 me WASAGA SPEEDWAY Get In On The Thrills lhe Gram Swan and Jon Maker all nephews mermult v1 ll St Jahns Chum Cemetery Curls hunt mum and dc came rmm Ball 1mm 0111 Ha Barrie Amen Mills Peder law Judsonn Point Ind Can mlon TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE WM SPECIALS JACKPOT $28000 Abon NuSmln Clunon Eyury Momhy II SHARE THE WEALTH Admiulun 50 HIGH ST RCAF Assoc WING BINGO 800 pm