urnn 1an Mm MM Ileml Id nm rm no ma mum low on Barrie Examiner 24 1926 Young Irishman William Skelly mem ber of Ku Klux Klan arrested in Toronto admitted attempt to blow up St Marys Church in Barrie implicating two local men who were taken into custody by Police Chief Alexander Stewart Skelly claimed he was drunk on dandelion wine Klan officials denied any part in bombing which did considerable damage Barrio Examiner won Mason lmphy most enterprising weekly newspaper in Canada it was donated by Ma on of Sudbury Star and this is first year of annual competition Trophy was re ceivod at annual CWNA convention in Quebec City by Editor hiacLaren Slmcoe County Council closed June ses sion in Barrio by reducing tax rate one mill but levy will be slightly higher due to equalized assessment Grant refused or county exhibit at Canadian National Exhibition Barrie Collegiate cadet corps officers pictured on pa one were Sgt Tom Coughlln Sgt llarod Hill Sgt Frank Craig Sgt Leslie Clark Sgt lie Hedger Lt Roy iioughlon Lt Chest er Carson Major Eugene Doyle CO Capt Arthur iox 2H Lt James Rob ortson Sgllaor John Weldon QM Sizt Donald Cameron Sgt William lrib be Town Council adjourned or summer recess alter cleaning up odds and ends of husincu Paving dobentun es sold at 0070 Former Prcobytoriln church building at Leiroy being convert ed into continuation school by contractor ll ll Sheldon Frank Wilcox Benton can al lle hu 407YEARS AGO IN TOWN Over in Europe according to report from tha Statistical Research Department of Dominion Automobile Association theres wide diversity of opinion amongst onlomement authoritim on the Without the broathalizer he said there was no way of proving fully whether the victims accident was or was not related to alcohol However even with breathallzer test how can police oflicer determine whe her manjs drunk or impaired And this is why we must have breath aflzer tests Mr MacDonald stressed The critics complain about intrusion on the rigth of the individual but what about the rights of the innocent The problem we face is to distinguish between the chronic abuser who is menace on the road and the social drink erusuaily responsible mature citizen who cuts off long before he is impaired He told delegatesto safely confer ence that drinking ls not as general Emblem as some people believe We eve tens of thousands of pea le who drive after attending social luncuous but they arent serious danger They are social drinkers who pace themselves But people who say eliminate the liq uor and youve eliminated accidents are wmng declares MacDonald gen eral chairman of Canadian Highway Saf ety Council Iell some eoplé about road accident especially it happens at nightand they make their own diagnosis Drink Walla Publlshar Difficult To Assess Guilt Of The Drinking Drivers 112 mm Iilixantï¬ivr CANADAS DEFENCE CHIEF DOWN MEMORY LANE Publlshqd bycanndlnn Newspaper leltad 16 anfluld Smut Barrie Ontario McPhamm Mnnaglng Editor PKWY JUNE 14 InaMGM the man 5mm remedies or he tommon Oll liquor ls prohnbly the most popular and most pleasant to lake Women who boast that they are the equal of men have prcdous lime to brag about elected president SouthWest Simcoe Conservatives Ontario Motor League advised Toronto motorists to be extreme ly wary of speed while goin through Barrie and radio station CK attacked local police President Albert Bryson ot Board of Trade is taicing up subject Major Whitby Quartermaster Simcoe Foresters was resented with 20 year service medal by eneral Bell DOC at regimental dance held at Dardanella Wasaga Beach Editorial suggested minister should shorten sermons during rummer months Barrie baseball team took lead in North Simeoe League beat ing Midland +0 on Merediths fine itch lng plus batting led by Dr llolly er Archie Burton and Charlie Lynch with line shortstop Play by Jack Marks man Igor of Capita Theatre John Saso and Sons announced opening or new restaurant Sugar Bowl Ice Cream Par lour Annual lawn bowling tourney of Barrie elub won by rink skipped by llunter Kennedy with Lou Vair George Hubbard and It hrrner lilr Kennedy had sailsiaction of winning cu donated by him two years ago tho Ceilington llotel Challenge Trophy At what point does driver cease to be in complete control of his vehicle The DAA Report showed just how dii ï¬cult ii is to set uniform yardstick in assessing the guilt of drinking drivers Alcohol is going to be consumed by mot orists whether we like it or not to equil ably dispense justice to the infraciors some iooiprool test should be develop ed and uniform standard set which could be used by ail countries affected As shown above driver is still legally sober in one country while with half the alcohol ingesiion he is not safe to drive in another In No vth allytough on cl bowbenders driver who 15 rated im paired over bottles of beer Inside him gets 30 days In jail and 1year licence suspension And if the Norwegian refus es to submit to police blood test he los eslxis llcgnce for 2yars Paragraphically Speaking In Austria driver may have the equi valent of bottles of beer and still legal ly drive In Belgium its 5bottles Den mark bottles Finland bottles lea land bottles Norway bottles Switzerland bottles Sweden bottles Vgstgermanyns homes Just howriï¬ivny bottles beer driver may consume beiora he becomes lmpahu after breathallzer tests is shown Lewickl director the associat lon has releast the results of check recantly made on limits in several Euro pegn equnlries hér point at which driving motorist becom os Waited by who Wllaon General Managur mm lwï¬umnf u1ml wruvammr 1nmmI KI an 11mm nth lhll capl n1 Mrltlr Um Ilianl HM luv Ninï¬nnl The 000 Inlnhshlnll Mdmn 1n dl idm 11mm wally Mm Maum L1 ml comlrv anHwenNï¬h lha on Silk Iann lln WILIHM ll 11 ï¬rm Ihll 01 um Pran pmvinci lam rwwm yum mush Unused In Mn Iha muntry IN MI hem lrllifylul lxy Gm Hombh Mule Ihr lwlh ll lnhnHlol hy COMPARE CANADA not hm lend to be Vlnnmnnd whm mm Ind physical charucum tin baokm hi Germanic uri uln Jolloudy trenxuru Pth dmlud and Mum ml the Frend the WIHOM Iiï¬nrvirywnarn 717 derlvud mm lwwnh ward manlnz lamina arming this my So hm mm my way my ï¬sh ldcnulnng mm In amid ule hm Franch mellan Belglan Ind uh toyed pollle dlrccflom dawmd upon me wu he unwitting victim me pagagg bgglu buiuzualujn 1011 would en the Mule 01 his worldnmws main square GandNue the amkem and loxillmale my glmis qaplul mwl Itch nah Ind Irlmlher mlln rcbuflcd me In lacilo Frmdm 01hr Barth Emmi MM 82 0mm was mmared or his an brush on gammyma gm Wearing his Sundayvbcu mil and puma smile ha was pmmenadmg his We and three children past he mded Iide walk cam on the BaumNI Adolpl LI In that genial NH BRUSSELS BelgiumPaul Hezvws mindiqucr commull 311 GrandPlau 561 vmu mam laid in my pecacble Freud accent lo the Bmxellois Miler Du lnnmllun Im In urluslrrly rnlfllfli 1m nu hr Imihlirnllm nwl INlpnlrhN II mm rmlilnl In It 0r Mwlntnl llpu ur Mum um Ilm Du Mal mu thhrI INIva Dilly flunrlnyl Ind Slnlnlnry Mlvlnyn uvau ï¬ummpunn ulu daily by rnrrlrr Mily ta yravly Nlnllr rup ln 10 nun 1mm Muly 0mm llfl nr mnlnr lhmw all Ilh mt Mull mlwln Unlu lln III yur lllllltll India Mllnu mum mm mr ml mm who you mum 11 Unlnully M9 Tnlmln M0 nlh rul Mvnlvu no lrmllr Anmnrr II MImlwv r4 1hr nnmllan Inin Nanmp mum in AIIKIIHNI Van nvllnn Tim and Awm fluva Urnllnlrnm gm Malawiammmmw Amhorlml uwml IMI mull Iml mm Drpavl mm mum am or Mymml polllo 1n mh OTTAWA REPORT Hy PATRICK NlCnDLYON Bilingual Problem Facing Belgium THE BLIND MEN AND THE ELEPHANT we mm mu riylmnnm am ImHtlay In alumarm Iun Ihy WMI umInd hulllay 9mm Jun 1h umnwu vvwll II 110 pm In an Mm NHIVIMIII Vinanrinl IN Alllmla nvelmm HMHL mm Inn wan lmhlnl In Mualn Im wrlmn 91m rml lam mumul mm mwrr our mum TM MINI rnl Annnw new no ï¬nnnl dmy mnmuinn pixm Hm nnvunul nim lunh mlwmn lnvml mam swim wth In IN up UM Han Inxrl Nan uni mm anvva wimï¬vln ml m1 rmqu r4 muly 1h nun nu lnul 1mm lo WI Imwnï¬nl Iha lurlm lnln man In RAM Dm rar mm Werm UIXEEMORE ISIAH with lhn cnnlmcl nwlrdrd In Kenrdy Brother Barrio tamtrutllun Ilulth Mmlmr Mnrrm nlvl hmde In mu rmmr 11mg dnlnwl Ivy Juan dnctnu Im not mum Her anlvn Iml Iwln Md hulnn mm II IAIer Governor nnrml Mlvr presmlnl Mule pennant lo ha MI Cmndlnn Hum lawn lnmu IN lqlnml ID most vivid mpmsian one gains in IN picmmquc and historyrm lillle mum its booming prosperity Thu farm Ira lush and wcllkcgt mm Id rcslnuranu nre cmwded and pricu he not barnlm by Ounwa sund aniL 0m xcuxion the many Iiille mnurauu neslinl mm Ivy m1 in the slum nrmmd lhe Gmndllnre more $1 buy main duh oi varmy Parliament At Glance IInn Inna INCH hank nnlo or III 1M1 rrnlrn ninl mr wcra nnnmlncn by tho tank Cnnruln WAY Jam II PEQSPEMTY EVIDENT Construction Will Start Soon On New School At Creemore hirthJato extant Lha Walhouns by no so an lorging ahead in the haule ol the male Jgaï¬wo noes b91111 Hamish Inlulnr Femmy Iml MIMI MAIN hrM um um nnllwi pamu Alon Inn Nu mun rim mun In turn Hum III lilo Iilhnll lb smm raxvlain Nu murm Inu lwin 311mm Midmu ml Mun AM Illlh unlI hm Why ludul lltlla lulIM 7m ht nrm In Mini lh Illfll Ind lha Ind lhm rut Imf Mfllhrw llv mm Imwmwl In lhu Mm Funnhlnll Am ml lutle an NW1 Law Mu lnwph hume mur um In mama mmlm lmmmrnu Ilnnlwmyl Mhml uhhh MI hmory tlnlinl Ier In um wlll huh mmiml Julv Iwn duuu In lnl 1w rhml rlmnl lulllul ml In UK Vmhl mm unlvm III In mm Mmlnl 4mnnmlylnll rennin lnrmrr Itwllnl lnll lrnrhm nl mhmun Irhnnl In plnnrml or July Inn Hrnlc wlll ha hrlrl lnvlhl ll um IMHO Iv lrnmlmnl in Yunnan whrn nrw IN Immpmnl Annual picnic Ami Ipnrll uv MIA Nounwmn public Irhnoh wlll him an Junn 11 Thu pmsz lntlwlu Infl bull lmlrnnmrnl Tho uhool Mn bulll Ammmdnln Iludonln nav ll Mrninu Glrn llumn CMann And MIMI MhMIL Thur Mil clam when lhl new Ichool la ready Located on Ioulhwul Coun mil Ind Cdllnanod Bum Maremu Um Ichmrl L1 MerM to bl com leM by Drutuber Ix dun to mm man on new ourmum public Ichnnl hm Th conlrul Involved 11154115 with Another 31575 Allowrd or driveway pvlnx BIBLE THOUGHT Va behind his prnsnenty and pmpus one nib slwayn Lhe hklernm of the bilingual prohlun urninl nclzhho Mains nufllhor Imd yloodying the head of dcmnmtruon 0m tan but hope lhnl Canada wnl Itnrr mm Ind Hold hil mulan GrandPlIce wwh helr alaba rate carved and gilded Ilene facades In juxtaposillnn mm on see knpmuive and imag inative mogem palaces NCI as the Eanquehmbm colon naded Ind moumad on bulk bearings and In Handy equipped congress Illca or Inlcrnaliqnll mMmm For Brussels the capital of he Iupra nalional unzer now zriwn In up mm many or Eu mpea new argmimuan mm Is the Common Market Enra om and the 001 and Sue Commuqlly and excellence unmaldhad by Ottawas ucrlcs at the mna price whie wim an mindant and joyous at call prim An other very amrem exceptm the gniiy Mam silk dresses whim women can buy mhmafldgnief prices Brussetha always been famed or its magniï¬cent an cient buildings such he astmyahlglwbe de la Onmbrf and the build $1521 In in rxwï¬nlly in II unluum IM Minn and VHAmln mlvlh NH dulrmtnl mum llrlly In NrWurih NV nthr MI min flvnMM mm mm mm rnmu mu Flnrxmn In natural lnrm mm Al rnlrmm flunrhlr but bl mrllml Inimillrlnfl ll In mm want uuly Sn ml mn muddy whlrh L1 lillrd mu and llmu nmu lnlh hm Alfimll llumidn ll anan wllh lxuly hemldry 71 CANADAS STORY TM hm nmrr munhm nun ll mnlriu ll lhn lnlrr rulinan Comm nl Cnmr In Ilmna In 1017 IN flvxfldu II mntnlnnlnz rnmnl lnclur ll unrrr Why did Huy dmldu Iniml Ml methnd mmwh my man sellmedication Rm uuu no map cl xlrnlhu hwdicnl or denul man will murmth Muralnun mm lhay beam llhrm IIlMl IMll pm rind of IndxulrL NM by lhl Food And Dru Mminlxtrnunn milonmu dnu And you no munchHM udnl and nipplan qmn 11 mm On hunde cilia nu lair trial or uryinx length 11 Hm Ind dlmntlnuod IL Damnan Normandy rume Italy Switzerland Rudy Gw mny Ind Ncw 7Inlnnd Mum lo IIUW fluoridltlon 1000 Mhor carrmunium lode ed flunridallon pmuc mun $1ny million pawl voted an II In USA fFirst5Airmail Trip Slower Than Train In 1955 15000 MD he Av minder ol Ameï¬cnn mi km and Surxm Inc unlnl momly condeman fluoddaflon Elxhlcen other modems of ul cnlLsu dodarl dmusu tic cl lunatic Ind Eurwo condemn ed It well Vunmuvar Ed monton Calgary Now YflK Sn Furl1m suburbs 14 An 511 mi my m1 an authorin In bul you can take lhe resulu nl other cilia who have fluorida led the waler and the ï¬nding madical denul Ind Adam authorities then draw mu conclunlnnx CONDEMNED FLUORIDATION So you llunk you would 11k Io fluorldata mmul puhllc water supply Do Iha people sunwing lhll reullu all the facts You mly be voting or It if ll camel to he polls ln nar rle no dont you Illink you lhlnk you should vote lnlellixenh No one expect q1lobe dian bebapUzed In Canada at Pun MI Nov Semis lawrim mass In Canada celebrmd by Remllet mam 75an Scam Immature voted nairm Joinm USA bemoan WasSpanish captain Martinez uiud our British ships at NooUu llmï¬ain agreed in pay repamiom or the above inddcrl IBMDavid Maw Arrived at tho upper Indus cl the Column Elm lamMusic Canada lint played at Quebec wavenuon inviud Ill Frmdwpealdng Canadian to unite but wu rr Seded by Acadiuu lamGold dboavered near Stewart BC lsloGovenmentook emergency meamru to shawlhen in Canadian dollar The second airmail light In Canada Iqok place on Juiy 1913 whgn famous American Airwoman Katherine S1inmn new mail 1mm Calmy to Flimonion alter giving flying display in Caisari oum Enni On Jun 10 IMJohn Cabot ghied coast North Ameiica mix havl been Newinuxldla Labrador at Cape Brawn JAMJacques Cartier discoveredPrinc¢ Edward Hand and Ian mu amed Saint John ï¬lm New Bmmwitk lflloHmry Membe iiqnac chlell wu gratuity flu ï¬rs hf Then he New an In Toronto where he landed at 455 pm and the mail wan received by postmaster Wr Lenoir If it had guru by Irein It would have arrived day earlier Thiny years later cancelled envelopes from the mm were worth $200 at $25 Lhny bor Pecks signature The envekrpcs are daled June 11 and no June 21 when Ibo flight actually tnok place became he High on gum war cancelled afterlho letters had arrived the nir ï¬el nynouowum Cauldal lint nirmallfllght took place on June $911 MC wu hlphszmi Illnlr Cuplaln Brian Peck was leAip Folca omen It tralnlng base nut Toronto TlIeRoyal Canadinm Air PM did n01 exist in Mwsednys Peck mum to spend wanna ln MmtrenL Ind not pennlulnn In Hy Ihere on the demlnding an be mid do mm stunt flying to attract recmitu am nuuuM Peck got Io Montrenl Inler but was not able to do any flying became lt ralned all weekend However the Morp lreal brand plthe Aerial lAnzue of the British Empire permmfl ed pontll authorities to sanction delivery oi mall to Toronto by alr Inok ol lettera was loaded on board Pecka JNA Gurus Ilrcrnlt on Mondaylne mun the flight was delayed because ol heavy rnin ll ï¬nally left Bola Franc Palu Ground at 1050 on lhe marnin of June It In those days Montreal was we mm more lh the weather and Toronto was dry There was going in be weddinx It the air base in Toronlu so in addition lo Lhe mailY Peek was carrylnl came of liquor He also had passengew Corporll Mntbera who eat on the cases in keep flmn mfg alriftlnl The plane was so heavily laden that it barely managed in taka on Peck had to fly lt under telephone and electric wire and then dodge bridge belore he began to gain altitude Ho landed It Kingston lor fuel whim was ordinary nmomobile gasoline ll nu run in mind by nu pl THEN IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVK VALLEY TAX DIIVlYOUISILP cm AND mucky rm mu mum1 um LETTERS TO EDITOR CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 Flumde lablm Ira Ivmlnhlb mind but yau aka Ihcm volunlllrily Donl lllaw hlu compulsory mnsrmnllcndon Hr hawcn Iflhmfl muldcrlnu all lhu um Think mm arms nbmfl ll diï¬cuu but dont ho lmhflï¬nnl Aboul IL In Eranilard Ontariu the iuhu he with Sonices autism thawed in 196 hni here was risk of mould mill and d1 limramml Why be human guinea Why waste thousand of rio an on fluorides nnd equip man or which you Will pay lhmugh am and waier hill whcn Kong nutrition brmhlnu leelh regularly And mung out mouth Illa monk will mints lmlh decay Mlccllvcly flwridu Ht lo the children who would gain help lmm it lhal mm 5909 dmm the dmin or mcry 31000 spent on water fluorhw umL maged Ind mummy citL zen of Barrio would suffer ths hazards of lhi dangerous drur or lilelime Only one per ten he wa cr would be used for drinhng and only mum mi qu per ccnl woulduhe any henna mama where their wat WWW an himk mm MP Il In 09M ML lulu Human lnmll lbwIII Irwimmlulhuni jhnnl