norm ww Germany mul lIrnlFrrmh Ind Wnl Gemw rutamnion any pupal In low Izmu lmllh lull in Ihn alalm ll Frrnch lrmpl In Wu irrmnny lmr Franco 1mm IJm NATO lulrmml rormwul Wul immmy Imllnlllnl In 10 TOMOmAn Fundl luv ml lulr um um have an Inn Iilul MW ll III out nl NA ulula Frann wn upulnl In ulun lhnl Iu Imam Inlul in nnuln Irmkr MO gummml Hw mm Imrmvnl MI lln mm In my ml jump mml lvlmlmz Marv lru llwlr MINI mum fuwu Fm hn hunk ll rim um mIm In hum out r4 10 mm unla ja uldndury momva ludml ml II Irme up us any numvl um Ihplr MHmal lndmm NIH lrrlm mlIl my aim ml Us rm 1m luru In Gummy runrnl now NATO llllu Au Illlkll mm ulna Veterinarian Takes Course 58 Patients Daily Is Hospital Average rlulnlry madluonm be hnu umvlclnl ha rnlmlm mlru MI net in consullnnlu Im ulhe lull lime prmlnrlnl mm in npmun deM In bellch regional lovem menl In advanlm may set it up properly uld Albert DcCunkey lemu Slmcoa Coun iy warden and new ram at Malchedash mm Ha wax ned that haphazard Iranshlrm to regional zovammem couldbe wnm than no chnngq It ï¬t 1110 cuml are elected the annual meeting the Steven son meill Iluplul used4 liun ll wu emlnlned by spokesman Inquidu were made allowing dbqupiops pit pr Dr 50min Harrie cal Mulnnrhn has mumcd mm liveduy meal lnspxflon ulmher mm It Ih Onurio Valuinry Comgo Guelph ALLiSmN iSlafl Wiih intprwamanll continually being made Slavenson Merriam Hun pilai rcnderinz Ionics which has been liven midi comnndation 1m 19w iniskaï¬ya nle mum purl at mm In Fromum DI the VMzdnnry Surcu Brandi Onlmo Dc parlml at Agriculqu and Mn under lhn pmvlncel MM Inwllnn Ad has ta be done so the lull denwcmllc rizhln of ratepayers uni pmkecied he slid sLaUml any change should It least maintain and when slumb en the ldministnllona dired yesponsibfliw the elecer the lormer wuden laid lhis he emphasized my trend lowaxd unher unknllmilon dtould be viewed WM enuflon Whan heal gvvemmem look to the lamr government or man Ilinnncia assistance Ihey are in damer KM away some ol their loo1 uutmamy in lhn aptrallon and pman It hospML He suggested wns known that he admlnlb trnlion be dumlllc pita Auinuy alm on and the dial Msoc Alien auxin mm mm 15m aenuuj who said he ell Ml mdm ol Mllston Ibould lake an Imam Lewis mllhm Inca mer nham LI made up of mum bcrL Simcoe County 0mm up poinrs one contributor to flu hospilal the Womenl Hot gin uy npgolnllm nd he poinled oul municipalities were in need of more revenue home Iheir main source at tax In fact Iprncucnlly all came tom real estate Even wifllï¬u nbsun ual mvamment help which LI DEPEND 0N PROPERTY TAX Troop Negiatom Prepare For Talks While he concedod Isl Inns parLadon bemu mdsland mod nrn equipment made civic adA nulï¬muon larger areas ml Mr MoflonkLy said the ghmgld made In rsensflfle humEsslï¬e we AT ALLISTON Raps quhazardRule For Area TrdnSition In nnsmr tn quesuans the spokesman conï¬rmed an earns interview with Mr bowl cun curnlng he ndminislrallon He paid mcmbcnhip la the Hospital Assodnum was open on dem ocralic bash to persons who qualify and pay the munbershlp cc and line members can volc All the public interest in he hospital encouraged flle lale loblnw cl rotated mm was largely rmpnnsihla Inr nu mnslnlrllnn cl the orlsinal Stevenson Mom orial Nosplul ln memmy of lrl mndmrcnlx The late Fred Morrow was another pioneer cl he hospital gard in his warning about kaepinu any change in adminisiralian directly mpon xibie to the electors Mr De Conkey said in democratic pm cesa called or consiani aierb nesx to see that rigth wm maintained Mare than lip union is accessw he said as ha returned to Edmund Burkes iamaus quoialinn the 17th century ina Price at liberty is Eiemal Vigilance KEPT RESPONSIBLE saying we shouldnt maintain high educational stan dard but the main mnney should come from olher sources than real came he said palm lna out that under the present setup the municipalitys sham In nearly 11 pmvidcd by pmp efl lax During the Interview Reeve Deconkey guessed his words Remember nay regional KW sun paid by taxpayer the heavy educauonal coals consu med 2n lncreasug bunien real estate Hospiml board members spok Eiï¬ï¬iï¬iflflï¬dm Hausa Io land as hln 1m depended on It Ind It dldl rr mg Mm Jgugfgnnammmoaoullounmmcm AT It IM Umuwarm 131 ALBERT DeCONlflIY on al hr mm Impm an Iglth In an ufln hllkry ll unn CLYDE flnMDUllTfluuu nlun IO 100 AM TOM AND TUTMMY lime IN MONT Some Idea of the considenbla mice rendered by hospi tal dwwn by the lulu monlhb report 11m wen adrnhdm NW Ill dis charge Ind him The dain avfragg paucnqlwnx sq Residmh generally pulsed the Implhl and showed consid erable civic pride In thc bulld int whldl piclumquely low 94 on tauWing ï¬rm in northwest Townlo culled Venn 0mm nam ed In hanor his wilel family Alter Mumlnz lo Mntnhednsh Reeve Deconkey was asked stand or council and is now serving his nu mm his damn new He estimated per cent at me lawnsiflp Iuessmem was or coltagea and mom Asked what he mm Mamas being billed on one cl in neighbor municipllmu to lorm Inger am Reeve Conqu called attention to his earlier words lald Wu in favor ol laxzu mu mem mem which is regional sevenr nungllnisdmhsudu way nut it more indent andrnm amm when It bslmumaï¬ludrhwfllm sull ram naudlclory amalga mallon mi be of band In the people Matchednsh would avnr A0111 fly not In favor my haphanad dame msldmble civic prida In the howiul WM now ha man than no beds And ulmaed mu was htbml In loud adminlaln Hon Hm nelr Riverdlle PM Peoplaflnvpobllcollice In danncslcywho believe In dam ocullc rlm mould dn all they can to protect my sirenzthtn thev dmaucffreedms and ï¬ght whidl were wnn at high cost by put metallqns We luv In careful not Io throw away om right by neglect or lndlllerence should do what we uuw and no nllow at con 01 qver our movernmenu be ï¬ltered may he quid nallvq of hlawhldflh Ram DaCankw went to Toronto II young man and uniï¬ed 1hr antn glrl the arm Evelyn Venn In the city he went Into Iho real estate business Ind had xlaart In may city property In l9 WW eel1m us In rzeinelit WM my Inme lzlal anti ermr handï¬qn Why bi done right and Imp efï¬cient and responsible to ch ejectorI 0E mid to rendzri my madam that hvw emum pod thin ll ME North 1111qu league bean thing are hoped crumm chi start What we Because the cam dldnt win luppon ell of ma here was some objection lo nonloci play ers However In records show ed agrenzth was needed head mud anythlnx dueling mm and enmusl TEE BARBIE EXAMXNER MONDAY JUNE 1m nu on mad and no going to need nu ma help we can get said Hany Mnjwr dlmlor ol the Angus Minor Manon Cann cH In Maren lo recrea llomal program This ultimately expected Include due mu 5mm 01 community can and when Iunda are available We run considenblo a9 datum in grants but we have hwwewmouflwnmd and ulna mm Inith money mama said MI Major who considered ml wu only right warm nra Wu IHHDIIIIM In ance was lrnnslerred to RCA Borden rmn Grostvandn Finn our years ago took up residents In Anal and ha luck at menuonat activities and fncifltle In the mm was brought to my attention he laid explalnlng um can ed him to try in mtmuhta In teres In creating ll¢h a6 uvltles in mi cummnlly SOME GOOD RESULTS 11mg havu bun same load results and mud mom could be ableved WM full coopera tion was stressed For ex ample in 1964 the ï¬rst Angus hardbafl team In many year was mined and Mr Major was coach Due Borden and 13X de pot halped to pmvide players whlch mad up compemlve team In thn South Stmcoe ham AngusRecreational Group Is Looking For Big Things Sluflnl Auan Anni Winner AN EVENT FASCINATINE MASTERFUL SIIillnF LASTTIIMES TONIGHT MASOUERADE AND THE RARE BREED DISTRICT NEWS LEE MARVIN Whats your stand on accumulating money TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ONLY lnluyhmnlulzmlrImlnyxomleIuIlplyolupiul Canal mlhlml ulna Im nlhomnldlnl Innmm mum Miguugui Mulu immlvnd Illinl Inlu IN plml Inlmlewn 1h lnmlmnl lulldu an In mmhmd In onvlnlrnl mum Iluk to Mn monik uuufly um you pnlod lphplryn thl Mulunl 2de Pm m2 Anlw lot mm who WM Iv muted llmmlally Itu Ihe Inmlmml Uuildev My luan Invnlmnl mnldul though Mum Uh mm Imuume lngnflmgv It dou the Company Inn Alwm Imn innumrd whh hrlplnl pcoplt Io utumuhlr money Mr nuggmt 0X lrll bad lolMlnmlmM fluvldu WIIIII In II In mt Inlmgmyv All lmwflh youd took Iocln my mum Invulmnl mi mow Hymn Suth ML munri rm all Im mum Hum mam Ind In ASIANLEYKRAMER PRODUCIION COLUMBIA PICTURE We may day camp hava been cranked In coopemtlon with ma Slmcoa Ownty Recrea llonal Commm mi gallon LI naw being taken to organize AWmeu nid 111 hnpee amused or new mmmunny ecnrte Ire good but the moflminuy Mk has to be emuand ï¬rst Volunteer ere being muth by the executive who may be contacted at their home here Mr Guards who heed of the organisation In ï¬tteng 2de It the Man Mr Mainl gave all Io men Ilka Ken Buuu Willy Outlvle Dnanv Holland and other lo tbelr considerable Hm which led lo the ormann the national mud vhld 13 now weu organized under lbs leader sup cl Gnome GumIL other working wm Mr Gucrzls bo sldu than Already named ln clude Phll Pllon Gndldd Mc Gym IndWlltur Payne Razislrauon of children mm to 14111le In plnylnl has hall and sonth aurlcd during In weokend and MW con Nnulng men an 130 lm hr in nude ur bum huma ment on CM Hoflday weekend arm win communigy pic 11 L1 an mblUmu under Iaklng or newly organlud council and we are loin need help and llnamlnL Ism tance 531d Mr Major who pointed out um cmll en deavaring la work In the lnler grammedean distrch um Iald Mr Malor IL In to Anna dutrlcmax dent la MR behl club We have mlxw In or flu luturelgnd we can euphgljfllpK Repmsunmivn Ron Chanllor 223 Wolllnglon St PM 7287500 EBENEZER demonstra tion mlnd making planned by Ebenezer Wmns Institute at the next relular meeUnl on Thursday June 16 Mrs Law Mneo Parker Ls the hosts and Mm nme Forget the mind lure mvener In charge Now snowmu SHANTY BAY 222 WILL MAKE REPORT JAERATI Mn Jamel Board will assent reparrs on he dlmlot Annual mod Junnu OreithmnWoInenl In SWIM on Tuesday June 14 Mm Res Cmmbcll lhe hm lei FUSS AND WORRY WARMINSTER his is hallsister to wrry the mat to chosen for discussion tor the mum at Warmlnster Wm mens Insulate on Wadnesday June 15 ML Mary Robbins the 1mm and repmt will be given on the district annual meeflng THE MOST MODERN DRIVEIN NORTH OF TORONTO DISTRICT BRIEFS Reno Anthony Hook ol Wav saga Bach ha annwunced ha will and or rulectlon at Ipechl decllan June 15 Nom lnltlon day is June 11 and meeting will be held at saga Bach Commmlly all Gene Lanaon ha been men doned likely opponent BOX OFFICE OPENS AJUB Evmu SHOW STARTS AT llilhny 11 Gulhrle Between Emla and 0m SALAD DEMONSTRATION WILL STAND MD WA loo outlawnull II In The Mutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY 01 CANADA lglrgkwoy In uplnywyorm me Ihe montylabuyl new home to lvml In Me adunlue oi bullnm nr ponunJIyoryouunlnw Iheï¬mdla km on vowing ll Inleml Ml mgng Sound good nlynlcmu II In why nol Hymn numl Muuul Uh nl MAUI npmcnllllw Ho Im IM ompklc dclallu Duund than whit Bgnbvgte ï¬nial yflt Tattenham WON sum Forma flnn 01 recrewpn commlllee in mm wm be dbcmed at meeting lo be held All WnCormnmiLy Centre this mm In An outline the nocwnry abysm 39 Ilollowedpylgrwjn Elal regulatlom to qualify vlor magi lel be given and there WW sum Bnck In he open bar days what was 1mm me my nlne lles this MswrlcSaulh Sim one vllms had three holds Todaylt has one Just renow ted wflh one the lines ï¬lm In rooms in maparrot the 1an aï¬dlqlpg room progressive rmrt opernlor from Chapleau Richard Dick Ryan now operates the hotel lo ualed on Mam Queen Street near the centre ol the lne It is populnr meeting and dining place or friend and ï¬shers Records Shaw that In 1390 To lenhnm had three hotels planing mill grist mill and um nery Melt the swept the vi lale in 1395 and deshnyed wiring many places were licensed Meir it Kim MM at Dawn about seven miles away ind mékta lmmue Fine wellu bevmga yearns The vole or dining mom Mcmce md oocldail ban car ried in voting last December by nearly so per cent Apnxt mm the one cursed We best °°$ AlliSionI Studies Recreation Plan wIll be ume alleled for open d1 raglan interest has bean shwn by represanullvu of duck and ï¬eld sports square dancing minor ball and hockey Thu Al llskon legion and community CenLre Board have shown pur llcular Interest slnru it was lull this commfllee could he bl boost In local Iporl It was poinled out that the chlel need now sulficIen general enthusiasm set tho plan started Grants are available award recreational director and cab um equipment costs providing commllteo set by council awarding to regulations The Camnnmlw Prngrm Brandl of the Dtparlmenlol Educatinn providing nflhu lnlormallm There wlde range of pos siblliuu it was emphaslzedr Once standout lacrosse town with dramlonshlp team Allls ton has no lacrosse Laday Stlcka and other equipment are avall able or revival mlnor la cross If proper sponsoring manltatlon l5 interested 0n tarlo Athletic Commlssloncr Mervyn McKenzle who was once lacrosse star wlth llnm iltvn and other teams is al ways glad to mvldo details Mn McKenzie with the De partmbnl of Labor DECORATION SERVICE CREEMORE Annual doc nrnuon service will be held at Crcemare Union Cemetery on Sunday June 19 with he Cree more Rimmch Associnuon in lWï¬ï¬‚MMfl guudfluglshnulli 163198 asguud as guud Hum should Iastesasfluudï¬ guudflumshnuld